Alphabetical List of Keywords
- >rest rotation
- 3-pasture
- 15n
- 15n partitioning
- abandoned pasture
- abandonment
- abies balsamea
- abies grandis
- abiotic controls
- abiotic factors
- abiotic versus biotic controls
- aboriginal overkill
- above-ground biomass
- above-ground herbivory
- above-ground net primary production
- above-ground net primary production (anpp)
- above-ground standing crop
- aboveground and belowground biomass
- aboveground biomass
- aboveground herbivory
- aboveground net primary production
- aboveground primary production
- aboveground vegetation
- abrasion
- abundance
- acari
- acaridae
- acer saccharinum
- acer saccharum
- acetylene-reduction
- acid detergent fiber
- acidification
- acorn
- acrididae
- active restoration
- activity
- activity budgets
- additive effects
- adenostoma fasciculatum
- adhesive fruits
- aegilops cylindrica host
- aeration
- aeration of soil
- aerial photos
- aerial seeding
- aerial surveys
- age-specific effects of herbivory
- age class
- age class distribution
- agelaius phoeniceus
- age structure
- aggregate size distribution
- aggregate stability
- agistment
- agricultural fields
- agricultural hydrology
- agricultural pond
- agricultural water quality
- agricultural watershed
- agriculture
- agriculture
- agro-forestry
- agroforestry
- agronomic performance
- agropyron
- agropyron cristatum
- agropyron dasystachyum
- agropyron desertorum
- agropyron elongatum
- agropyron smithii
- agropyron spicatum
- agrostis stolonifera
- ah (=a1) horizon
- aimophila cassinnii
- alaska
- alaskan snowshoe hares
- alberta
- alces alces
- alces alces andersoni
- alces alces shirasi
- alder
- alfalfa
- alfalfa-wheatgrass grassland
- alfalfa cultivars
- algae
- algal biomass
- alien-invasive species
- alien livestock
- alien plants
- alien plant species
- alkaloids
- alleghany hardwood forests
- allelopathy
- alligator juniper
- allocation
- allocation patterns
- allometric relationships
- allowable use standards
- alluvial arid-land rivers
- alnus crispa
- alnus incana
- alnus rhombifolia
- alnus tenuifolia
- alopecurus pratensis
- alpha diversity
- alpine climate
- altai wildrye
- altai wild ryegrass
- alteration of ecosystem structure
- alternate stable state
- alternate stable states
- alternate water source
- alternative forage species
- alternative grazing strategies
- alternative stable states
- alternative steady states
- alternative vegetation states
- alternative water source
- amaranthus retroflexus
- ambrosia artemisiifolia
- ambrosia psilostachya
- amenity owners
- american bulrush
- american elm
- american robins
- ammania coccinea
- ammodramus bairdil
- ammodramus caudacutus
- ammodramus savannarum
- ammonia
- ammonia volatilization
- ammophila arenaria
- amorpha canescens
- amphibian
- analysis of covariance
- anas discors
- anas platyrhynchos
- anas strepera
- anatomical differences
- and cattle
- andropogon geradii
- andropogon gerardii
- andropogon gerardii var. gerardii
- andropogon hallii
- andropogon scoparius
- angora goats
- animal behavior
- animal behavior
- animal burrows
- animal diet preferences
- animal gains
- animal impact
- animal performance
- animal performance
- animal population cycles
- animal production
- animal weight
- annual aboveground net primary production
- annual forages
- annual grasses
- annual grassland
- annual grassland community
- annual invasive grasses
- annual monitoring indicators
- annual precipitation
- annual production
- annual range
- annual rangelands
- annuals
- annual tiller replacement
- anser caerulescens caerulescens
- ant
- ant community
- antelope bitterbrush
- antiherbivore defense
- antilocapra americana
- ant mounds
- ants
- apex removal
- apical dominance
- appalachian mountains
- apparent competition
- apparent conductivity
- application of research
- application timing
- aquatic biota
- aquatic ecosystems
- aquatic food webs
- aquatic habitat
- aquatic insects
- aquatic macroinvertebrates
- aralia nudicaulis
- arapaho national wildlife refuge
- arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
- architecture
- arctic
- arctic-alpine vegetation
- arctic coastal graminoids
- arctic ecosystems
- arctic ground squirrel
- arctic legume
- arctic salt-marshes
- arctic salt marsh
- arctic vegetation
- arid
- arid/semi-arid rangeland
- arid and semiarid regions
- arid ecosystems
- arid grassland
- aridity gradients
- arid lands
- arid rangelands
- arid southwest
- arid west
- aristida
- aristida adscensionis
- aristida longiseta
- aristida purpurea
- aristida stricta
- aristolochia reticulata
- arizona
- arizona grassland
- arrowleaf balsamroot
- arrowleaf balsamroot
- artemisia filifolia
- artemisia frigida
- artemisia frigida willd.
- artemisia spinescens
- artemisia tridentata
- artemisia tridentata nutt.
- artemisia tridentata spp. tridentata
- artemisia tridentata spp. wyomingensis
- artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
- artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
- artemisia tripartita
- arthropod
- artificial nest
- artificial nests
- artiplex canescens
- ascidae
- ash
- asio flammeus
- aspen
- aspen-spruce communities
- aspen boreal habitats
- aspen ecology
- aspen forest
- aspen parkland
- aspen understory
- assateague island
- assisted succession
- associational resistance
- aster ericoides
- aster lanceolatus
- astragalus miser
- astrocaryum mexicanum
- atriplex canescens
- atriplex confertifolia
- australia
- autumn visual obstruction
- available forage
- avena fatua
- average daily gain
- average daily gain
- average daily gains
- avian
- avian abundance and richness
- avian conservation
- avian guilds
- avian predation
- avian productivity
- avoidance
- axillary buds
- aythya americana
- baccharis pteronioides
- bacteria
- bacterial contamination
- bacterial pollution
- bacterial water contamination
- bahiagrass
- baiomys taylori
- baird's sparrow
- baldcypress
- balsam fir
- balsamorhiza sagittata
- bandelier national monument (band)
- bank soil loss
- bank stability
- banner-tailed kangaroo rat
- bareground
- bare ground
- bare patches
- bare soil
- bare soil openings
- bark stripping
- barley yellow dwarf virus
- barren lands
- bartramia longicauda
- basal area
- basal cover
- basal coverage
- base-flow rise rate
- baseline data
- baseline trend
- basin big sagebrush
- bathurst inlet
- battus philenor
- bayesian model
- bdellidae
- beaked hazel
- beaked sedge
- beaver
- beaver impoundments
- beaver ponds
- beaver reintroduction
- beavers
- bebb willow
- bedrock
- beef cattle
- beef production
- behavior
- below-ground biomass
- below-ground herbivory
- below-ground primary production
- below-ground reserve
- below ground biomass
- belowground biomass
- belowground herbivory
- beneficial management practices (bmps)
- benthic invertebrate community
- benthos
- bermudagrass
- best management practice
- best management practice (bmp)
- best management practices
- best management practices (bmp)
- best management practices (bmps)
- beta diversity
- betula
- betula papyrifera
- betula spp.
- bifurcation
- big-game animals
- big bluestem
- big game
- big game nutrition
- bighorn sheep
- big sacaton
- big sagebrush
- big sagebrush
- big sagebrush browsing
- biochemical variability
- biocontrol
- biodiversity
- biodiversity
- bioeconomic model
- bioeconomic models
- biogeochemical cycles
- biogeochemical cycling
- biogeochemistry
- biogeomorphology
- bioherbicide
- bioindicator
- biological conditions
- biological control
- biological crusts
- biological diversity
- biological integrity
- biological invasions
- biomass
- biomass
- biomass allocation
- biomass production
- biomass removal
- biomass yield
- biome
- biomonitoring
- biota
- biotic condition indices
- birch
- bird
- bird-banding
- bird density
- birds
- birdsfoot trefoil
- bison
- bison
- bison-grazed
- bison bison
- bison grazing
- bison movements
- bite rate
- bitterbrush
- black-fingers-of-death pathogen
- black-tailed deer
- black-tailed jackrabbit
- black-tailed prairie dog
- black-tailed prairie dog
- black-tailed prairie dogs
- black brant geese
- blackbrush
- black cottonwood
- black grama
- black speargrass
- blepharida rhois
- blowouts
- blue-winged teal
- bluebead lily
- bluebunch wheatgrass
- bluebunch wheatgrass
- blue grama
- bluegrass
- blue oak
- blue oak
- blue panic
- bobolink
- body size
- booths willow
- boot stage
- boreal
- boreal ecosystem
- boreal forest
- boreal forest
- boreal forests
- boreal grasslands
- boreal regions
- bos bison
- bos spp.
- bos taurus
- bos taurus
- botanical composition
- bothriochloa caucasica
- bothriochloa ischaemum
- boundaries
- boundary locations
- bouteloua
- bouteloua curtipendula
- bouteloua curtipendula var. caespitosa
- bouteloua eriopoda
- bouteloua gracilis
- bouteloua rigidiseta
- bowen ratio
- brachylagus idahoensis
- brackish marsh
- branch architecture
- branta bernicla nigricans
- branta canadensis
- brant geese
- breeding bird survey (bbs)
- breeding range
- breeding season
- brewer's sparrow
- british columbia
- briza subaristata
- broad spatial scales
- bromegrass
- bromus inermis
- bromus japonicus
- bromus riparius
- bromus spp.
- bromus tectorum
- bromus willdenowii
- brood parasitism
- brook trout
- broom snakeweed
- brote
- brown-headed cowbird
- brown trout
- brown trout
- browse
- browse chemistry
- browse height
- browse regrowth
- browsing
- browsing
- browsing effects
- browsing history
- browsing levels
- browsing of willows
- browsing release
- browsing response
- browsing tolerance
- brush invasion
- brushland management
- brush management
- brush piles
- buchloe dactyloides
- buckbrush
- bud development
- bud fates
- budsage
- bud viability
- buffalo wallows
- buffer strips
- buffer width
- bulk density
- bunch grass
- bunchgrass
- bunchgrasses
- burning
- burrograss
- burroweed
- burrow patterns
- burrs
- butterfly populations
- c/n ratio
- c3 species
- c3-c4 production dynamics
- c4 perennial grasses
- c4 species
- c:n ratio
- cakile edentula
- cakile maritima
- calamagrostis canadensis
- calamagrostis rubescens
- calamovilfa longifolia
- calcarius ornatus
- calcium
- california
- california annual grassland
- california bighorn sheep
- california golden trout
- california grasslands
- california vole
- callipepla squamata
- canada
- canada geese
- canada goose
- canada yew
- canadian bluejoint
- c and n balance
- canis latrans
- canis lupus
- canonical correspondence analysis
- canonical correspondence analysis (cca)
- canopy cover
- canopy density
- canopy layers
- canopy openings
- canopy removal
- capra hircus
- capsella bursa-pastoris
- capture rates
- capture success
- caracara cheriway
- carbofuran
- carbohydrate content
- carbohydrate reserves
- carbohydrate reserves
- carbohydrate storage
- carbon
- carbon/nutrient balance
- carbon allocation
- carbon budget
- carbon cycle
- carbon cycling
- carbon isotopes
- carbon sequestration
- carex
- carex aquatilis
- carex filifolia
- carex heliophila
- carex membranacea
- carex nebrascensis
- carex nebraskensis
- carex ramenskii
- carex rostrata
- carex spp.
- carex stricta
- carex subspathacea
- carex x flavicans
- carex x flavicans
- caribou
- caribou range ecology
- carrying capacity
- carya spp.
- cash-flow requirements
- cassin's sparrow
- castor canadensis
- catchment
- catena
- catostomus plebius
- cattle
- cattle
- cattle-elk competition
- cattle-grazed
- cattle behavior
- cattle browsing
- cattle diets
- cattle digestion
- cattle distribution
- cattle exclosures
- cattle exclusion
- cattle excrement
- cattle gains
- cattle grazing
- cattle grazing impacts
- cattle grazing patterns
- cattle habitats
- cattle herbivory
- cattle home ranges
- cattle production
- cattle ranches
- cattle removal
- cattle requirements
- cattle systems
- cattle traffic
- cattle trampling
- cattle use
- caucasian bluestem
- ceanothus fendleri
- ceanothus integerrimus
- cell fate
- cell grazing
- cellular automata
- celtis occidentalis
- cenchrus incertus
- cendi
- cenma
- censo
- centaurea diffusa
- centaurea maculosa
- centaurea nigra
- centaurea solstitialis
- centaurea virgata ssp.
- central-place foraging
- central dieback of tussock
- central great plains
- central place foraging theory
- centrocercus urophasianus
- century
- ceratoides lanata
- cercidium microphyllum
- cercocarpus montanus
- cereal grain
- cervids
- cervus canadensis
- cervus elaphus
- cervus elaphus canadensis
- cervus elaphus nannodes
- cervus elaphus nelsoni
- cervus elaphus roosevelti
- cervus elphus
- cessation
- chaining
- chamise
- channel adjustment
- channel changes
- channelization
- channel morphology
- channel processes
- channel profile
- channel structure
- chaparral herbs
- cheatgrass
- cheatgrass
- cheatgrass brome
- cheatgrass control
- cheatgrass invasion
- chemical
- chemical composition
- chemical defense
- chemistry
- chen caerulescens
- chen caerulescens atlantica
- chen caerulescens caerulescens
- chen caerulescens caerulescens
- chen rossii
- chernozemic
- chernozemic soils
- cherrybark oak
- chestnut-collared longspurs
- chicory
- chihuahuan desert
- chihuahuan desert
- chihuahuan desert grasslands
- chinook salmon
- chironomid biomass
- chironomids
- chondestes grammacus
- chrysomela confluens
- chrysomelid beetle
- chrysothamnus greenii
- chrysothamnus nauseosus albicaulis
- chrysothamnus viscidiflorus
- cichorium intybus
- circus cyaneus
- cirsium arvense
- cladina
- classification
- clay
- clearcutting
- clementsian model
- climactic conditions
- climactic variation
- climate
- climate change
- climate effects
- climatic perturbations
- climax
- climax communities
- climax community
- clintonia borealis
- clipping
- clipping date
- clipping frequency
- clipping height
- clipping intensity
- clipping interval
- clipping treatments
- clonal growth
- clonal reproduction
- closed system
- clubmoss
- cnemidophorus hyperythrus
- co-grazing
- co2 enrichment
- coal mine reclamation
- coastal bend of texas
- coastal dunes
- coastal ecosystem
- coastal grassland
- coastal grasslands
- coastal louisiana
- coastal marsh
- coastal marshes
- coastal prairie
- coastal sage scrub
- coastal wetlands
- cochise lovegrass
- cold stress
- coleogyne ramosissima
- coliform bacteria
- colinus virginianus
- collaborative management
- collared pikas
- colonization
- colorado
- colorado desert
- colorado front range mountains
- colorado plateau
- columbia basin
- columbia milkvetch
- columbian black-tailed deer
- common cattail
- common lambsquarters
- common pool resources
- common property
- common use grazing
- common yellowthroat
- communal lands
- communities
- community
- community-level effects
- community colonization
- community composition
- community distribution
- community dynamics
- community organization
- community response
- community structure
- community succession
- community type
- compaction
- comparison standards
- compensation
- compensatory gain
- compensatory growth
- compensatory photosynthesis
- compensatory response
- competing vegetation
- competition
- competitive ability
- competitive effects
- competitive exclusion
- competitive perennial grasses
- competitive suppression
- complex ecosystem dynamics
- components of yield
- composition
- condition
- conductance
- confine
- confined feeding
- conifer
- conifer regeneration
- conifers
- conifer seedling growth
- connectivity
- conservation
- conservation
- conservation biology
- conservation buffer
- consistency
- consumption
- continuos grazing
- continuous
- continuous grazing
- continuous grazing
- continuous grazing systems
- controlled burn
- controlled environment
- cool-season grasses
- cool desert
- cooling effect
- core habitat
- corispermum hyssopifolium
- corn lilies
- corn lily
- cornus sericea
- corridors
- corylus cornuta
- costs
- cotton
- cotton rat
- cottonwood
- cottonwood
- cottonwood leaves
- cottonwoods
- cover
- coverage
- cover class
- cover reduction
- cow-calf herds
- cows
- creek
- creeping bluestem
- creosotebush
- crested wheatgrass
- crested wheatgrass (agropyron cristatum)
- cropping systems
- crop yield
- cross-section
- crossidius pulchellus
- croton pottsii
- crown temperatures
- crude protein
- crude protein yield
- crustaceans
- crust biomass
- crust cover
- cryptogamic crust
- cryptograms
- cryptosporidium parvum
- culm elongation
- cultivar
- cultivars
- cultivation
- cultural
- cumulative impacts
- cumulative watershed effects
- current annual growth
- cushion plants
- cusp catastrophe
- cutblocks
- cutthroat trout
- cutting
- cutting height
- cyanobacteria
- cynodon dactylon
- cynodon spp.
- cynoglossum officinale
- cynomys ludovicianus
- cynomys ludovicianus
- cyperus difformis
- cyrtonyx montezumae
- dabbling ducks
- dactylis glomerata
- dactyls glomerata
- dairy
- dairy cows
- dairy farms
- dalmatian toadflax
- dam
- damage
- damage costs
- damage to agriculture
- dandelion
- danthonia parryi
- debarking
- deciduous forest
- decline
- decomposition
- decomposition rate
- decomposition rates
- decreaser
- deer
- deer-cattle relationships
- deer browsing
- deerbrush
- deer densities
- deer hunting benefits
- deer management
- deer mice
- deer mouse
- deer populations
- defense
- defensive chemicals
- deferment
- deferred-rotation grazing
- deferred grazing
- deferred rotational grazing
- deferred rotational grazing
- deferred rotation grazing
- defoliation
- defoliation frequency
- defoliation intensity
- defoliation management
- defoliation resistance
- defoliation responses
- defoliation stage
- defoliation tolerance
- degradation
- degraded
- degraded sandy grassland
- degraded streambanks
- degree-days
- degree days
- dehesa
- delayed grazing
- delphinium barbeyi
- delphinium glaucescens
- delphinium spp
- demographic
- denali national park
- denitrification
- dense grasses
- density
- deposition
- deschampsia caespitosa
- deschampsia cespitosa
- desert
- desert-grassland transition
- desert foothills
- desert grassland
- desert grasslands
- desertification
- desert plant communities
- desert rangeland
- deserts
- desert shrub lands
- desert streams
- desirable species
- detrended correspondence analysis
- detritus accumulation
- developmental instability
- developmental morphology
- developmental plasticity
- developmental rate
- diaminopimelic acid
- diatom stratigraphy
- dickcissel
- dicotyledon
- diet
- dietary overlap
- dietary preference
- dietary quality
- diet composition
- diet digestibility
- diet diversity
- diet overlap
- diet overlaps
- diet quality
- diet selection
- diet selectivity
- diet training
- differential games
- diffuse competition
- diffusion models
- digestibility
- digestible dry matter yield
- digestion
- digitaria decumbens
- dinosaur national monument
- dipodomys
- dipodomys merriami
- dipodomys ordii
- dipodomys spectabilis
- dipodomys spectibilis
- dipodomys spp.
- disappearance
- discriminate analysis
- discrimination function
- dispersal
- dissemination
- distance gradients
- distance sampling
- distichlis spicata
- distinguishability
- distribution
- distribution patterns
- disturbance
- disturbance area
- disturbance dynamics
- disturbance effects
- disturbance frequency
- disturbance intensity
- disturbance regime
- disturbance severity
- disturbance size
- disturbed land
- diversity
- dnc
- dolichonyx oryzivorus
- domestic herbivores
- domestic livestock
- domestic livestock grazing
- domestic sheep
- dominance
- dominant species and growth forms
- donal integration
- douglas-fir
- douglas fir
- doves
- downy brome
- downy brome
- drainage density
- drainages
- driftless area ecoregion
- drought
- drought survival
- dry matter yield
- dry washes
- ducks
- dummy nest
- dung
- dupontia fisheri
- dwarf fireweed
- dyers woad
- dynamic models
- early-season grazing
- earthworms
- eastern meadowlark
- eastern north america
- eastern united states
- eat-out
- ecological conditions
- ecological factors
- ecological genetics
- ecological hierarchies
- ecological hierarchy
- ecological impacts
- ecological integrity
- ecological interactions
- ecological principles
- ecological resilience
- ecological resistance
- ecological restoration
- ecological sustainability
- ecological synthesis
- economic analysis
- economic benefits and linear programming
- economic cost
- economic loss
- economics
- economics research
- economic tradeoffs
- economic viability
- ecosystem
- ecosystem-herbivore interactions
- ecosystem development
- ecosystem function
- ecosystem functioning
- ecosystem levels
- ecosystem management
- ecosystem model
- ecosystem models
- ecosystem primary production
- ecosystem processes
- ecosystem regulator
- ecosystem structure
- ecosystem structure and function
- ecotone
- ecotype
- ecotypic differentiation
- ecotypic variation
- edaphic processes
- edge effects
- edge habitat
- edwards plateau
- edwards plateau
- effects of grazing
- efficiency
- egg masses
- electrical conductivity
- eleocharis spp.
- elephantgrass
- elephant grass
- elevation
- elk
- elk
- elk browsing
- elk density
- elk herbivory
- elk island national park
- elk management plan
- elk populations
- elk utilization
- ellesmere island
- elymus elymoides
- elymus junceus
- elymus lanceolatus
- elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus
- elymus lanceolatus ssp. wawawaiensis
- elytrigia spp.
- empirical approaches
- enclosures
- endangered species
- endangered species act
- endangered status
- endemic fishes
- endophytes
- energy
- energy reserves
- enhancement
- ensemble analysis
- enterococci
- environment
- environmental assessment
- environmental conditions
- environmental cost
- environmental degradation
- environmental factors
- environmental gradient
- environmental impact
- environmental impacts
- environmental monitoring
- environmental stress
- environmental stressors
- environmental variables
- ephes
- epilobium
- epilobium latifolium
- equilibrium
- equity
- equivalent soil mass
- equus caballus
- eragrostis curvula
- eragrostis lehmanniana
- eragrostis spp.
- eremophila alpestris
- eriochloa sericea
- eriophorum angustifolium
- eriophorum scheuchzeri
- eroding bank length
- erodium cicutarium
- erosion
- erosion
- erosion control
- erosion control
- erosion prediction models
- erosion rates
- escape terrain
- establishment
- estuary
- etiolated growth
- euphorbia esula
- european settlement
- eutrophication
- evan's blue
- evapotranspiration
- evasion rate
- evenness
- evolution
- evolutionary history
- evolutionary history of grazing
- exchangeable k
- exchangeable nitrogen
- exclosure
- exclosures
- exclusionary fencing
- exotic herbaceous species
- exotic plants
- exotic species
- exotic species richness
- experiment
- experimental economics
- exposure indicators
- extinction dynamics
- extinction rates of plant species
- extractable p
- extra radical hyphae
- fabric mats
- facilitation
- facilitative effects
- falco mexicanus
- fall cattle grazing
- fallow pasture
- fall range
- farm pond
- farm scale
- fecal analysis
- fecal coliform
- fecal contamination
- fecal density
- fecal deposition
- fecal nitrogen
- fecal samples
- fecal seeding
- fecal shedding
- fecal streptococcus
- feces
- feedback
- feeding
- feeding area
- feeding damage
- feeding habitat
- feeding sites
- feeding time
- feedlots
- felix rufus
- feltleaf willow
- fen
- fencing
- feral-horse grazing
- feral horses
- feral pigs
- fertile islands
- fertilization
- fertilized pastures
- fertilizer
- fertilizer
- fertilizer application rates
- fertilizers
- fertilizer type
- fescue
- fescue grasslands
- fescue prairie
- fescue prairie
- festuca arundinacea
- festuca arundinacea x lolium perenne
- festuca idahoensis
- festuca scabrella
- festuca spp.
- festuca viridula
- fiber
- field capacity
- filter strip
- filtration
- financial return
- fine roots
- fire
- fire behavior
- fire effects
- fire management
- fire regimes
- fire scars
- fire season
- fire simulation model
- fire suppression
- fish
- fish-grazing management
- fisheries
- fisheries resource
- fish habitat
- fish populations
- fitness
- fitness overcompensation
- flash grazing
- fleece
- flexible stems
- flint hills
- flood
- flooded prairies
- flooding
- floodplain
- floodplain succession
- floods
- florakirk bermudagrass
- floral history
- florida flatwoods range
- florida range
- florida wetlands
- floristic composition
- flower production
- fluctuating resource hypothesis
- fluid entrainment
- fluvial
- fluvial geomorphology
- foliar cover
- food
- food-plant selection
- food class
- food habits
- food selection
- food webs
- foothill/oak woodland
- foothills fescue
- forage
- forage-base change
- forage-livestock systems
- forage abundance
- forage availability
- forage biomass
- forage composition
- forage conditioning
- forage consumption
- forage density
- forage disappearance
- forage evaluation
- forage growth
- forage intake
- forage interactions
- forage maturity
- forage models
- forage preference
- forage preferences
- forage production
- forage productivity
- forage quality
- forage quality/production
- forage quality and availability
- forage removal
- forages
- forage selection
- forage selectivity
- forage species
- forage utilization
- forage value
- forage yield
- foraging
- foraging
- foraging behavior
- foraging efficiency
- foraging intensity
- foraging preferences
- foraging strategies
- foraging strategy
- foraging theory
- foraging time
- forbs
- forest-meadow boundary
- forest buffer
- forest community succession
- forest development
- forest distribution change
- forest ecosystems
- forest edge
- forest fuels
- forest grazing
- forest herbs
- forest management
- forest regeneration
- forests
- forest succession
- forest type
- fort pierre national grassland
- fossil pollen
- fossil records
- fourwing saltbush
- foxtail barley
- fragmentation
- fraxinus pennsylvanica
- free-range grazing
- free-ranging cattle
- free-roaming ungulates
- freeze/thaw
- freezing tolerance
- fremont cottonwood growth
- frequency
- frequency-dependence
- fresh marsh
- freshwater marsh
- fresh water marsh
- fringed sagebrush
- fringed sagewort
- fruit production
- fuelbreaks
- fuel characteristics
- fuel load reduction
- functional feeding groups
- functional group
- functional groupings
- functional groups
- functional response
- functional response group
- fungal seed pathogen
- fungicide
- gadwall
- gain per hectare
- galleta
- game management
- gap dynamics
- gap dynamics model
- gap turnover
- garlic weed
- gas exchange
- geese
- geitonogamy
- general grazing model
- generalist forager
- generalist herbivores
- genetic differentiation
- genetic differentiation of populations
- genetic markers
- genetics
- genetic selection
- genetic variation
- genotype
- genotypes
- geographic information system
- geomys attwateri
- geomys bursarius
- george river caribou herd
- geostatistical analysis
- geostatistics
- geothlypis trichas
- germination
- geyer willow
- geyer willow
- gila national forest
- gila pandora
- gis
- gleams
- global carbon cycle
- global change
- glomus constrictum
- glomus mosseae
- goats
- goats
- goose grazing
- gopher mounds
- gophers
- gopherus berlandieri
- gradients
- grama
- graminoid nutritional quality
- graminoids
- granivores
- granivorous small mammals
- granivory
- grass
- grass-grazer coevolution
- grass-grazer interactions
- grass-grazer relationship
- grass buffers
- grass bug
- grass defoliation
- grass density
- grasses
- grass height
- grasshopper assemblages
- grasshopper herbivory
- grasshopper management
- grasshoppers
- grasshopper sparrow
- grassland
- grassland
- grassland birds
- grassland community structure
- grassland function
- grassland management
- grassland passerine
- grassland restoration
- grasslands
- grassland songbirds
- grasslands puna chicory
- grasslands puna chicory
- grassy buffer strips
- grazed ecosystems
- grazed pastures
- grazers
- grazing
- grazing
- grazing abandonment
- grazing allotments
- grazing avoidance vs. tolerance
- grazing behavior
- grazing compensation
- grazing date
- grazing distribution
- grazing duration
- grazing ecology
- grazing effects
- grazing efficiency
- grazing equilibrium
- grazing exclosure
- grazing exclosures
- grazing exclusion
- grazing fee
- grazing fees
- grazing frequency
- grazing gradient
- grazing history
- grazing impact
- grazing impacts
- grazing indicators
- grazing intensities
- grazing intensity
- grazing intensity and duration
- grazing lands
- grazing lawns
- grazing management
- grazing management
- grazing management strategies
- grazing management strategy
- grazing management systems
- grazing methods
- grazing model
- grazing optimization
- grazing optimization
- grazing optimization theory
- grazing pathway
- grazing patterns
- grazing potential index (gpi)
- grazing practices
- grazing preference
- grazing pressure
- grazing pressure index
- grazing process
- grazing recovery
- grazing regime
- grazing regimes
- grazing release
- grazing removal
- grazing resistance
- grazing response
- grazing season
- grazing strategies
- grazing system
- grazing systems
- grazing systems
- grazing timing
- grazing tolerance
- grazing treatments
- grazing uniformity
- grazing weeds
- great basin
- great basin
- great basin-sagebrush steppe
- great basin desert
- great basin desert microhabitat
- great basin national park
- great basin pocket mice
- greater sage-grouse
- greater sage grouse
- greater snow geese
- greater snow goose
- great plains
- great plains
- green fescue
- green foxtail
- greenhouse study
- greenline
- green needlegrass
- greenness index
- green panic grass
- green river
- gros ventre river valley
- ground-nesting birds
- ground cover
- ground liter
- groundwater
- group size
- grouse
- growing degree-days
- growing season rainfall
- growth
- growth analysis
- growth chamber
- growth cycle
- growth dynamics
- growth environment
- growth form
- growth of forage species
- growth rate
- growth rates
- growth responses
- grubbing
- guidelines
- gutierrezia microcephala
- gutierrezia sarothrae
- habitat
- habitat alteration
- habitat association
- habitat characteristics
- habitat degradation
- habitat destruction
- habitat fragmentation
- habitat gradients
- habitat heterogeneity
- habitat improvement
- habitat management
- habitat overlap
- habitat preference
- habitat preferences
- habitat quality
- habitat requirements
- habitat retrogression
- habitat scales
- habitat selection
- habitat shift
- habitat structure
- habitat suitability
- habitat use
- habitat use patterns
- hackberry
- halodule wrightii
- halophytes
- hand-cultivation
- haplopappus tenuisectus
- hardwood-conifer shift
- hardwood rangeland
- hardwood regeneration
- hare browsing
- harvest
- harvest regimes
- hay
- hay fields
- haying
- hay transfer
- heading date
- heavily grazed
- heavy grazing
- hedonic model
- heifer average daily gain
- heifer performance
- height density
- height growth
- helianthus petiolaris
- hemarthria altissima
- hemlock
- herbaceous cover
- herbaceous species
- herbaceous vegetation
- herbage accumulation
- herbage allowance
- herbage disappearance
- herbage dry matter
- herbage dynamics
- herbage loss
- herbage production
- herbage quality
- herbage removal
- herbage use
- herbage utilization
- herbage yield
- herbage yields
- herb biomass
- herbicide
- herbicide and intensive grazing
- herbicide control
- herbicides
- herbicide selectivity
- herbicide treatment
- herbivore
- herbivore-ecosystem interactions
- herbivore-optimization model
- herbivore-pollinator interaction
- herbivore-resistant
- herbivore density
- herbivore effects
- herbivore optimization
- herbivore optimization curve
- herbivore optimization theory
- herbivore pathway
- herbivore population dynamics
- herbivores
- herbivore selectivity
- herbivory
- herbivory-sensitivity
- herbivory and plant species richness
- herbivory effects
- herbivory resistance
- herbivory tolerance
- herding
- herpetofauna
- hesperotettix viridis
- heterogeneity
- heteromydae
- heteropogon contortus
- hickory
- hiding cover
- hierarchical approach
- hierarchical ecological levels
- hierarchical linear models
- hierarchical models
- hierarchy
- high-elevation grasslands
- high-intensity grazing
- high-intensity low-frequency grazing
- high arctic vegetation
- high density short duration (hdsd) grazing system
- high water flows
- hilaria belangeri
- hilaria jamesii
- hilaria mutica
- historical grazing
- historical perspective
- historical use
- historic grazing
- history
- holbrookia
- holcus lanatus
- holistic resource management
- hollow crown
- holocene vegetation history
- home range
- home range position
- homoptera
- honey mesquite
- hoof action
- hoof imitator
- hordeum jubatum
- horizontal cover
- horned lark
- horned larks
- horning
- horse
- horses
- hudson bay
- hudson bay lowlands
- human-bison ecological relationship
- human activity
- human alteration
- human disturbance
- human impacts
- hunting
- huston hypothesis
- hybrid genotypes
- hybridization
- hydrogeomorphic
- hydrograph
- hydrograph separation
- hydrologic change
- hydrologic characteristics
- hydrologic variables
- hydrology
- hydrolyzable nitrogen
- hypersalinity
- hyperspectral
- ice drift
- iceland
- icteria virens
- idaho fescue
- idaho fescue
- idaho rangelands
- illinois
- imaging spectroscopy
- imazapic
- immigration rates of plant species
- immunofluorescent microscopy
- impacts
- impaired stream
- improved pasture
- in-stream watering
- in-vitro dry-matter digestibility
- increaser
- index of biotic integrity
- indiangrass
- indian ricegrass
- indicator
- indicator bacteria
- indicators
- indicator species
- indirect competition
- indirect effects
- individual grass growth
- induced resistance
- infiltration
- infiltration capacity
- infiltration rate
- infiltration rates
- infiltrometer
- information needs of natural resources managers
- information theoretic analysis
- inland ironweed
- in sacco digestion
- insecta
- insect damage
- insect herbivory
- insects
- institutions
- insular populations
- intake
- integrated brush management
- integrated controls
- integrated pest management
- integrated physiological unit
- integrated weed control
- integrated weed management
- intensity
- intensive grazing
- intensive rotational grazing
- intensive rotation grazing
- intensive stocking
- inter-simple sequence repeat markers
- interaction
- interactive effects
- intercalary meristem activity
- interception
- intercompetition
- interior western united states
- intermediate-disturbance hypothesis
- intermediate disturbance
- intermediate disturbance hypothesis
- intermediate growth
- intermediate wheatgrass
- intermountain west
- interpopulation variation
- interrill erosion
- interspecific competition
- interspecific interactions
- interstitial forb
- intracompetition
- introduced species
- invasibility
- invasion
- invasive alien plants
- invasive grasses
- invasive species
- invasive species
- invasive weeds
- inventory
- invertebrate biomass
- invertebrates
- invertebrate utilization
- in vitro digestible organic matter
- in vitro digestion
- in vitro dry matter digestibility
- inyo national forest
- ipm
- ipomopsis aggregata
- ipomopsis arizonica
- irreversible vegetation change
- isatis tinctoria
- isle royale
- isle royale national park
- isle royal national park
- isotopic composition
- ivdom
- jackrabbits
- japanese brome
- jasper national park
- jojoba
- jornada experimental range
- junco
- junco hyemalis
- juncus gerardi
- june beetle larvae
- june grass
- juniperus deppeana
- juniperus pinchotii
- justicia lanceolata
- juvenile-form plants
- kaiparowits basin
- kangaroo grass
- kangaroo rat
- kangaroo rats
- kansas
- kappa statistics
- kentucky bluegrass
- kentucky bluegrass
- kernel regression
- key forage species
- key species
- keystone guild
- keystone species
- kleingrass
- knapweed
- kochia
- kochia prostrata
- kochia scoparia
- konza prairie
- konza prairie
- konza prairie research national area
- konza prairie research natural area
- kriging
- kudzu
- laguna madre
- lake champlain
- lance-leafed water willow
- land-management practices
- land-use
- land degradation
- land imprinting
- land management
- landscape
- landscape composition
- landscape dynamics
- landscape ecology
- landscape fragmentation
- landscape metrics
- landscape pattern dynamics
- landscapes
- landscape scale
- landscape topography
- landslides
- land stability
- land use
- land use/land cover change
- land value
- la perouse bay
- large animals
- large herbivores
- large mammals
- lark sparrows
- larkspur
- larrea tridentata
- late-autumn grazing
- late-seral
- lawns
- leaching
- lead-210 dating
- leader growth
- leaf/stem ratio
- leaf area index
- leaf beetles
- leaf damage
- leaf demography
- leaf elongation
- leaf extension rate
- leaf length
- leaf production
- leaf water potentials
- leafy spruge
- leafy spurge
- leatherleaf croton
- legumes
- lehmann lovegrass
- lepidium densiflorum
- lepidium latifolium
- lepus americanus
- lepus californicus
- lesser snow geese
- lesser snow geese
- lesser snow goose
- level of organization
- leymus angustus
- lichen
- lichens
- lichen succession
- life history
- life history strategies
- light intensity
- light interception
- lightly grazed
- lignin
- limiting biomass
- limiting nutrient
- limpograss
- lincoln's sparrow
- line-transect sampling
- linear mixed effects model
- linear model
- linear regressions
- link length
- linotetranidae
- literature review
- litter
- litter and root decomposition
- litter decomposition
- litter depth
- litterfall
- litter removal
- little bluestem
- little bluestem
- littler mass
- live herbage accumulation rate
- livestock
- livestock-wildlife relationships
- livestock behavior
- livestock behavioral mechanisms
- livestock defecation
- livestock distribution
- livestock effects
- livestock enclosure
- livestock exclosures
- livestock gain
- livestock grazing
- livestock grazing
- livestock grazing impact
- livestock impacts
- livestock management
- livestock nutrition
- livestock production
- livestock removal
- livestock stream access
- livestock watering site
- livestock weight gain
- liveweight gain
- loafing
- local extinction
- local extirpation
- local plant colonization
- lodgepole pine
- log-linear models
- lolium multiflorum
- lolium perenne
- lolium perrene
- long-tailed vole
- long-term dynamics
- long-term monitoring
- long-term response
- long-term stream flow trends
- long-term temperature change
- long-term vegetation change
- longevity
- longleaf pine
- long run expected net unit cost (lrenc)
- long term effects
- long term study
- louisiana
- lovegrass
- lower slope
- low input sustainable agriculture
- low nutritive quality
- lupinus chamissonis
- lysimeter
- lythrum salicaria l.
- macro-environment
- macroinvertebrate
- macroinvertebrates
- macroinvertebrate tolerance
- macrophytes
- macroporosity
- madrean evergreen woodland
- magnesium
- maianthemum canadense
- maidencane
- mallard
- mammalian grazer
- mammalian herbivores
- mammalian herbivory
- mammals
- man-made dams
- management
- management-intensive grazing
- management goals
- management intensities
- management intensive grazing
- management intensive grazing (mig)
- management intensive rotational grazing (mirg)
- management of natural areas
- management of public land
- management practices
- management regimes
- management strategies
- manipulation
- manure
- marginal rates of substitution
- markov model
- marsh
- marshes
- marsh loss
- marsh management
- mass movement
- mastication
- maternal effects
- mathematical model
- mathematical models
- matrix forb
- maximization of production
- maximum likelihood analysis
- mcpherson county
- meadow bromegrass
- meadow foxtail
- meadow invasion
- meadow production
- meadow productivity
- mechanical control
- mechanical herbivory simulations
- mechanical impacts
- mechanical site disturbance
- medicago lupulina
- medicago sativa
- medicago spp.
- melanoplus aridus
- melanoplus sanguinipes
- meleagris gallopavo intermedia
- melospiza lincolnii
- melospiza melodia
- mendocino county
- mesa dropseed
- mesh cages
- mesofauna
- mesohaline marsh
- mesoscale climate modelling
- mesquite
- mesquite-grass savanna
- meta-analysis
- metamer
- metamorphosed frogs
- methane
- methods
- mexico
- mice
- microbe
- microbial biomass
- microbial biomass carbon
- microbial interaction
- microbial respiration
- microbivores
- microchannels
- microclimate
- microdepressions
- microhabitat
- microhistological analysis
- micromounds
- microorganisms
- microrelief
- microsite
- microsites
- microtopography
- microtopography index
- microtus
- microtus californicus
- microtus longicaudus
- microtus montanus
- microtus richardsoni
- mid-seral
- midgrass
- midgrass interspace
- midwest
- midwestern streams
- migration
- migratory birds
- migratory range
- military training
- mineralizable nitrogen
- mineralization
- mineralization potential
- mineral nutrient addition
- mine spoils
- minimal structure
- minirhizotron
- minirhyzotron
- miserotoxin
- misinterpreting research results
- mixed-conifer forests
- mixed-grass prairie
- mixed cattle and elk grazing
- mixed grass prairie
- mixed grazing
- mixed pastures
- mixed prairie
- mixed prairie
- mixed prairie soils
- mob grazing
- model
- model calibration
- model evaluation
- modeling
- model performance
- models
- moderate grazing
- modern wildlife management
- modular growth
- moisture
- moisture budget
- moisture content
- moisture stress
- mojave desert
- mojave desert
- molothrus ater
- mompha
- mompha albapalpella
- monitoring
- monitoring methodology
- monitoring weed populations
- monocotyledon
- monoculture
- monoculture
- monosaccharides
- montana
- montane meadow
- montane riparian areas
- montane vole
- monte carlo
- monte carlo procedure
- montezuma quail
- moose
- moran's i
- morphological constraints
- mortality
- moss
- moss carpets
- mound building
- mound geography
- mountain
- mountain big sagebrush
- mountain brush
- mountain brush zone
- mountain grasslands
- mountain meadow
- mountain meadows
- mourning dove
- movement
- movement indices
- mowing
- mulch
- mulch removal
- mule deer
- mules
- multi-scale
- multi-species grazing
- multiflora rose bush
- multimetric indices
- multiple-state communities
- multiple-use management
- multiple equilibria
- multiple regression analysis
- multiple stable state
- multiscale vegetation sampling
- multispecies grazing
- multispectral scanner (mss)
- multivariate analysis
- muridae
- muskox
- muskox habitat
- muskrat
- musk thistle
- mutational loading
- mutualism
- mycorrhizal fungi
- mycorrhizal infection
- myocastor coypus
- narrowleaf cottonwood
- nassella pulchra
- nassella viridula
- natality
- national park
- national park management
- national park service
- national park service policy
- native americans
- native bunchgrasses
- native grass
- native grasses
- native perennial grasses
- native perennial grassland
- native plant diversity
- native plant restoration
- native plants
- native prairie
- native range
- native rangelands
- native species
- native ungulates
- native wildflowers
- natural areas
- natural communities
- natural ecosystems
- natural exclosure
- natural plant community
- natural process management
- natural regulation
- natural resource management
- natural seedfall
- natural selection
- n concentration
- n cycling
- ndvi
- near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy
- nebraska sandhills
- nebraska sedge
- needleandthread
- neighbor effects
- neighborhood
- neighbor removal
- nematodes
- neotropical migrant songbird
- nest
- nest-site selection
- nest cover
- nest density
- nest desertion
- nest disturbance
- nesting
- nesting cover
- nesting habitat
- nesting success
- nest location
- nest sites
- nest success
- nest survival
- nest trampling
- net-above ground primary production (napp)
- net above-ground primary production
- net above-ground primary production (napp)
- net annual primary production
- net economic benefits
- net n mineralization
- net photosynthesis
- net primary production
- net primary productivity
- net soil n mineralization
- neural model
- neutral detergent fiber
- nevada
- new jersey
- new mexico
- n fertilization
- nh03
- niche
- niche partitioning
- niche relationships
- nicotiana sylvestris
- nigeria
- nitrate
- nitrate and sulfate
- nitrate leaching
- nitrates
- nitrification
- nitrogen
- nitrogen-fixing plants
- nitrogen accumulation
- nitrogen addition
- nitrogen allocation
- nitrogenase activity
- nitrogen availability
- nitrogen budget
- nitrogen budgets
- nitrogen concentration
- nitrogen conservation reserve program
- nitrogen cycle
- nitrogen cycling
- nitrogen deposition
- nitrogen dynamics
- nitrogen fertilization
- nitrogen fixation
- nitrogen immobilization
- nitrogen intake
- nitrogen limitation
- nitrogen loss
- nitrogen mineralization
- nitrogen mineralization rates
- nitrogen uptake
- nitrous oxide emissions
- no3-n leaching
- non-chemical weed control
- non-market valuation
- non-native
- non-native plants
- non-native plant species
- non-point source pollution
- nonflowering
- nonpoint source pollution
- nonpoint source pollution
- normal distribution
- normalized difference vegetation index
- normalized difference vegetation index (ndvi)
- north american elk
- north american native grasses
- north american pika (ochotona princeps)
- north american prairie
- north american rangelands
- north dakota
- northeastern oregon
- northeast oregon
- northeast united states
- northern bobwhite
- northern great plains
- northern mixed grass prairie
- northern mixed prairie
- northern plant communities
- northern red oak
- northern utah
- northern wheatgrass
- northern yellowstone elk
- noxious rangelands weeds
- noxious range weed
- noxious weed
- noxious weed
- noxious weeds
- noxious weed spread
- n pools
- nps pollution
- nutria
- nutrient-cycling simulation model
- nutrient accumulation
- nutrient addition
- nutrient allocation
- nutrient balance
- nutrient concentrations
- nutrient content
- nutrient cycles
- nutrient cycling
- nutrient enrichment
- nutrient flow
- nutrient growth limitations
- nutrient levels
- nutrient loading
- nutrient losses
- nutrient reserves
- nutrient return
- nutrients
- nutrient supply
- nutrient transport
- nutrient uptake
- nutrient yield
- nutrition
- nutritional condition
- nutritional plane
- nutritional quality
- nutritional value of inflorescences
- nutritive quality
- nutritive value
- oak
- oak-hickory forest
- oaks
- oak savanna
- oberea ocellata
- observer variability
- ochotona collaris
- ochotona princeps
- october grazing
- odocoileus hemionus
- odocoileus hemionus columbianus
- odocoileus hemionus crooki
- odocoileus hemionus hemionus
- odocoileus spp.
- odocoileus virginianus
- odocoileus virginianus
- odocoileus virginianus couesi
- odocoileus virginianus ochrourus
- off-site effects
- off-stream water
- off-stream water source
- offsite watering
- offstream water
- oklahoma
- old-growth forests
- old field
- old fields
- oligohaline marsh
- olympic national park
- oncorhynchus clarki seleniris
- oncorhynchus mykiss
- oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita
- oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri
- oncorhynchus tshawytscha
- ondatra zibethicus
- ontario
- onychomys
- oocysts
- open habitat
- opportunistic foraging
- optimal control
- optimal foraging
- optimal growth
- optimal investment
- optimal stocking level
- optimal stocking rates
- optimization model
- optimum stocking
- opuntia polyacantha
- orchardgrass
- orchidaceae
- ord's kangaroo rats
- ordination
- oregon
- oregon meadow communities
- organic c
- organic carbon
- organic enrichment
- organic matter
- organic matter digestibility
- organic nitrogen
- organic p
- organism scales
- oribatida
- orthoptera
- oryzopsis hymenoides
- over-browsing
- overabundance
- overbrowsing
- overcompensation
- overgrazing
- overland flow
- overpopulation
- overstocking
- ovibos moschatus
- ovis aries
- ovis aries
- ovis canadensis
- ovis canadensis californiana
- oxalis acetosella
- oxeye daisly
- oxytropis viscida
- pacific northwest
- packrat middens
- paddock
- paired-plots
- paiute cutthroat trout
- palatability
- paleoecology
- paleolimnology
- paleontological studies
- panicles
- panicum
- panicum antidotale
- panicum coloratum
- panicum hemitomon
- panicum maximum
- panicum virgatum
- paper birch
- parasites
- par extinction rate
- parkland fescue
- park management
- parkway crested wheatgrass
- parry oat grass
- particle size distribution
- pascopyrum
- pascopyrum smithii
- paspalum notatum
- paspalum plicatulum
- paspalum urvillei
- passage
- passage rate
- passerculus sandwichensis
- passerine birds
- passive restoration
- pasture
- pasture age
- pasture fertility
- pasture growth rates
- pasture improvement
- pasture management
- pasture production
- pasture productivity
- pasture reclamation
- pasture renovation
- pastures
- patagonia
- patch-grazed
- patch-selective grazing
- patch bodies
- patch dynamics
- patches
- patchiness
- patch overgrazing
- patch selection
- pathogen
- pathogen loading
- pathogens
- pattern
- pattern analysis
- peachleaf willow
- peak flow
- peak standing crop
- pearl millet
- peat
- pellets
- penetration resistance
- penetrometer
- penetrometer penetrability
- pennisetum glaucum
- pennisetum hybrids
- pennisetum purpureum
- pennsylvania
- pensacola bahiagrass
- pepperweed
- percent cover
- percent utilization
- perceptions
- perennial bunchgrass
- perennial c4 grasses
- perennial forage
- perennial grass
- perennial grass cover
- perennial grasses
- perennial grass reseeding
- perennial ground cover
- perennial ryegrass
- perennials
- periclinal chimeras
- periploca ceanothiella
- perognathus longimembris
- perognathus parvus
- peromyscus maniculatus
- persistence
- perturbation experiment
- pest control
- pest management
- ph
- phalaris arundinacea l.
- phasmida
- phenol
- phenolic glycosides
- phenolic levels
- phenological stage
- phenology
- phenotypic plasticity
- phleum pratense
- phleum pratense l.
- phosphorous
- phosphorus
- phosphorus
- phosphorus nutrition
- photographic vegetation measurement
- photosynthate allocat
- photosynthesis
- photosynthesis:transpiration ratio
- photosynthetically active radiation
- photosynthetic area
- photosynthetic pathways
- phrynosoma cornutum
- phrynosoma douglassi
- physical habitat
- phytochemistry
- phytomass
- picea glauca
- picloram
- pikas
- pine-wiregrass vegetation
- pinegrass
- pinus contorta
- pinus elliottii
- pinus ponderosa
- pinyon-juniper
- piosphere
- pipevine swallowtail butterfly
- plains cottonwood
- plains old world bluestem
- plains pricklypear
- planeleaf willow
- plant-animal interaction
- plant-animal interactions
- plant-herbivore-hydroperiod i
- plant-herbivore interaction
- plant-herbivore interactions
- plant-herbivore mutualism
- plant-herbivore relations
- plant-herbivore relationships
- plant age
- plantago lanceolata
- plantago maritima
- plantain
- plant antiherbivore strategies
- plant biomass
- plant canopy
- plant carbon allocation
- plant chemistry
- plant communities
- plant community
- plant community comparison
- plant community composition
- plant community dynamics
- plant community structure
- plant community succession
- plant compensation
- plant competition
- plant composition
- plant cover
- plant defense
- plant defenses
- plant demography
- plant density
- plant distribution
- plant diversity
- plant dynamics
- plant ecology
- plant ecophysiology
- plant establishment
- plant evolution
- plant fitness
- plant frequency
- plant growth
- plant growth form
- plant growth stage
- plant habitats
- plant height
- plant interference
- plant invasion
- plant inventory
- plant litter
- plant moisture
- plant morphology
- plant mortality
- plant nitrogen
- plant offenses
- plant pathway
- plant performance
- plant phenols
- plant physiological status
- plant population change
- plant populations
- plant primary chemistry
- plant production
- plant productivity
- plant recovery
- plant regrowth
- plant remains
- plant reproduction
- plant reserves
- plant response
- plant responses
- plant responses to herbivory
- plants
- plant size
- plant species biodiversity
- plant species composition
- plant stand structure
- plant stress
- plant succession
- plant tolerance
- plant traits
- plant vigor
- plant volume
- plant water
- plant yield
- plateau
- playa wetlands
- pleistocene megafauna
- plumbeous vireo
- poa
- poa compressa
- poa palustris
- poa pratensis
- poa pratensis l.
- poa secunda
- poa spp.
- pocket gopher
- pocket gopher (geomys attwateri)
- pocket gophers
- pocket mouse
- pogonomyrmex
- pogonomyrmex occidentalis
- poisonous plant
- poisonous plants
- polar oases
- policy
- political ecology
- pollen analysis
- pollination
- pollination biology
- pollutant loads
- pollution
- pollution control
- pollution source identification
- polygon fens
- ponderosa pine
- ponderosa pine-bunchgrass
- ponderosa pine forest
- pontchartrain
- pool/riffle ratio
- poplar
- population changes
- population counts
- population decline
- population declines
- population density
- population dynamics
- population fluctuations
- population levels
- population regulation
- population selection
- population sink
- population size
- population structure
- population turnover
- populus
- populus angustifolia
- populus augustifolia
- populus balsamifera
- populus deltoides
- populus deltoides marsh. subsp. monilifera
- populus deltoides marshall subsp. wizlizenii (watson) eckenwalder
- populus fremontii
- populus sargentii
- populus spp.
- populus tremuloides
- populus trichocarpa
- porcupine mountains wilderness state park
- porosity
- positive conditioning
- positive feedback
- positive interactions
- post-mine land use
- postfire treatments
- potassium
- potentially mineralizable
- potentilla egedii
- poultry
- prairie
- prairie dog
- prairie dog colonies
- prairie dogs
- prairie dog town
- prairie ecosystems
- prairie grass
- prairie health
- prairie remnants
- prairie sandreed
- prairie vole
- precipitation
- precipitation fluctuations
- precipitation use efficiency
- predation
- predation gradient
- predation hypothesis
- predation risk
- preference
- preference index
- preferences
- preferential grazing
- preferential harvest
- preferred habitat
- preferred plant food sources
- prescribed burning
- prescribed cattle grazing
- prescribed fire
- prescribed fire
- prescribed fires
- prescribed grazing
- prescription grazing
- prescription grazing
- presettlement vegetation
- prevention
- primary growth
- primary production
- primary productivity
- primary succession
- principal component analysis (pca)
- private land
- private property
- pro-bird grassland management system
- probability
- procyanidins
- production
- production model
- production possibilities frontier
- productivity
- productivity-diversity relationship
- profit
- profitability
- pronghorn
- pronghorn antelope
- pronghorns
- prosopis glandulosa
- prosopis velutina
- prostigmata
- protected lands
- protection
- protective canopy cover
- protein
- protein yield
- protozoan parasite
- pryor mountain wild horse range
- psathyrostachys juncea
- psathyrostachys junceus
- pseudococcidae
- pseudomonas fluorescens
- pseudoroegneria spicata
- pseudotsuga menziesii
- pubescent wheatgrass
- public land
- public land grazing
- public lands
- public land use
- puccinellia phryganodes
- puccinellia phryganodes
- pucinellia phryganodes
- purple loosestrife
- purple needlegrass
- purple threeawn
- pursha tridentata
- purshia tridentata
- purshia tridentata pursh
- pygmy rabbits
- pyrenophora semeniperda
- quail
- quaking aspen
- quebec
- quercus
- quercus buckleyi
- quercus douglasii
- quercus pagoda
- quercus rubra
- quercus spp.
- quercus turbinella
- rabbits
- rain-use efficiency
- rainbow tr
- rainbow trout
- rainfall
- rainfall simulation
- rainfall simulator
- rainfall variability
- rainout shelter
- ramet population model
- ramets
- rana luteiventris thompson
- ranching
- ranching systems
- ranch sales
- ranch value
- range condition
- range conditions
- range expansion
- range hydrology
- range improvement
- range improvements
- rangeland
- rangeland
- rangeland condition
- rangeland condition and trend
- rangeland conservation
- rangeland evaluation
- rangeland health
- rangeland heterogeneity
- rangeland hydrology
- rangeland indicators
- rangeland management
- rangeland productivity
- rangelands
- rangeland seeding
- rangeland slope
- rangeland streams
- rangeland weed
- rangeland weed control
- rangeland weeds
- range management
- range reclamation
- range recovery
- range seeding
- range site
- range sites
- range size
- range types
- range watersheds
- rangier tarandus
- rangifer tarandus
- rapid change
- raptors
- rare species
- rate of recovery
- re-growth
- reciprocal averaging
- reclaimed mineland
- reclamation
- recovery
- recovery from grazing
- recovery potential
- recovery time
- recruitment
- recruitment
- recruitment and mortality
- recurrent restricted phenotypic selection
- red-winged blackbird
- redband trout
- redberry juniper
- redd
- redhead
- redox potential
- redroot pigweed
- redtop
- reduced harvest
- redundancy
- redundancy analysis (rda)
- red willow
- red winter wheat
- reed canarygrass
- reforestation
- refuges
- refugia
- refuging consumer
- regeneration
- regression
- regrowth
- regrowth potential
- regulated flows
- rehabilitation
- reindeer
- reithrodontomys megalotis
- relative compaction
- relative growth
- relative growth rate
- relative humidity
- relative utilization
- release from grazing
- relic community
- relic site
- relict
- relict sites
- remote sensing
- remote sensing measurements
- repeated defoliation
- repeated measure analysis
- repeated measures analysis
- repeat photography
- reproduction
- reproductive activity
- reproductive biology
- reproductive growth
- reproductive success
- reptile
- reptiles
- research
- reseeding
- residual dry matter
- residual herbage
- residual herbage level
- residual pasture
- residual vegetation
- resilience
- resin
- resistance
- resistance to penetration
- resource allocation
- resource allocation patterns
- resource availability
- resource limitation
- resource limitations
- resource partitioning
- resource selection
- resource use
- respiration
- rest
- rest-rotation
- rest-rotation grazing
- rest-rotation grazing system
- rested pastures
- restoration
- rest period
- rest period length
- rest periods
- resuspended organisms
- revegetation
- revenue
- reversal of grazer impacts
- review
- rhizomatous grass
- rhizomes
- rhus glabra
- richness
- rio grande chub
- rio grande cutthroat trout
- rio grande plains
- rio grande sucker
- riparian
- riparian-watershed restoration
- riparian area
- riparian areas
- riparian birds
- riparian classification
- riparian communities
- riparian degradation
- riparian disturbance
- riparian ecosystem
- riparian ecosystems
- riparian exclosures
- riparian fencing
- riparian forest buffer
- riparian grazing
- riparian grazing guidelines
- riparian habitat
- riparian habitats
- riparian health
- riparian hydrology
- riparian meadow
- riparian meadows
- riparian obligate species
- riparian recovery
- riparian restoration
- riparian soils
- riparian systems
- riparian vegetation
- riparian wildlife
- riparian zone
- riparian zone
- riparian zones
- risk analysis
- risk management
- river corridors
- riverine ecosystems
- river water quality
- roadside vegetation
- robinia pseudoacacia
- rock bluffs and outcrops
- rocky mountain national park
- rocky mountains
- rodent populations
- rodents
- roosevelt elk
- root
- root-feeding nematodes
- root/shoot ratio
- root:shoot ratio
- root area
- root biomass
- root consumption
- root depths
- root distribution
- root feeders
- root growth
- rooting activity
- root ingrowth cores
- root length
- root length density
- root mass
- root mass vs. grazing
- root periscope
- root periscope/ mini-rhizotron
- rootplowing
- root plowing
- roots
- root surface area root weight
- root system
- root topology
- rosa multiflora
- ross' geese
- rotational
- rotational cell grazing
- rotational grazing
- rotational grazing system
- rotational grazing systems
- rotational grazing treatments
- rotationally deferred grazing
- rotation grazing
- rotifers
- rough fescue
- rubber rabbitbrush
- rubbing
- rubus spp
- rubus trivialis
- ruellia humilis
- rumen
- rumen digestibility
- rumen fill
- ruminant nutrition
- ruminants
- runoff
- rush
- russian wildrye
- russian wild ryegrass
- ryegrass
- safe sites
- sagebrush
- sagebrush competition
- sagebrush grasslands
- sagebrush habitat
- sagebrush steppe
- sagebrush steppe
- sage grouse
- sagehen exclosure
- sage sparrow
- sagittaria lancifolia
- sagittaria latifolia
- sagittaria platyphylla
- salinity
- salix
- salix alaxensis
- salix amygdaloides
- salix bebbiana
- salix ecology
- salix exigua
- salix geyeriana
- salix lasiandra
- salix monticola
- salix nigra
- salix planifolia
- salix planifolia ssp. planifolia
- salix sp.
- salix spp.
- salmo clarki spp.
- salmo clarki virginalis
- salmonid
- salmonid biomass
- salmonids
- salmon redd
- salmon spawning
- salmo trutta
- salsola iberica
- salt-marsh soils
- saltmarsh
- salt marsh
- salt marsh ecology
- salt marshes
- saltmarsh graminoids
- salt placement
- salt supplements
- saltwater intrusion
- salvage logging
- salvelinus fontinalis
- sandbar willow
- sand bluestem
- sand dropseed
- sandhills prairie
- sand sagebrush
- sandy loam soil
- sanicula arctopoides
- saplings
- saskatchewan
- saturated hydraulic conductivity
- savanna
- savannah
- savannah sparrow
- savory grazing method
- savory method
- scale
- scale disturbance
- scarification
- scarlet gilia
- sceloporus
- schismus barbatus
- schizachyrium scoparium
- schizachyrium stoloniferum
- schoenoplectus americanus
- scirpus americanus
- scirpus lacustris
- scirpus maritimus
- scirpus marsh
- scirpus torreyi
- scleropogon brevifolius
- screening cover
- scrub
- search-and-movement rule
- season
- season-long grazing
- seasonal
- seasonal cattle diets
- seasonal exclusion
- seasonal fluctuations
- seasonal grazing
- seasonal grazing strategies
- seasonal growth
- seasonal preference
- season long (sl) grazing system
- season long grazing
- season of use
- secondary chemicals
- secondary compounds
- secondary herbivory
- secondary metabolite
- sedge
- sedge-meadow community
- sedges
- sediment
- sedimentation
- sediment deposition
- sediment filtration
- sediment geochemistry
- sediment load
- sediment loads
- sediment loss
- sediment production
- sediment retention
- sediment supply
- sediment transport
- sediment yield
- seed
- seed-feeding
- seed/fruit abortion
- seed bank
- seedbank
- seedbed preparation
- seed consumption
- seed densities
- seed depth
- seed disappearance
- seed dispersal
- seed dissemination
- seed germination
- seed hydration
- seeding
- seeding rates
- seed limitation
- seedling
- seedling demography
- seedling distribution
- seedling emergence
- seedling establishment
- seedling growth
- seedling growth rate
- seedling herbivory
- seedling mortality
- seedlings
- seedling survival
- seedling water stress
- seed location
- seed passage
- seed pools
- seed predation
- seed production
- seed production and yield
- seed rain
- seed recovery
- seed reserves
- seed storage
- seed survival
- seed transfer
- seed viability
- seed yield
- selection
- selection pressure
- selective
- selective browsing
- selective feeding
- selective foraging
- selective grazing
- selective herbivory
- selectivity
- self-pollination
- semi-arid
- semi-arid and arid rangelands
- semi-arid grasslands
- semi-arid rangel
- semi-arid rangelands
- semi-arid western rangelands
- semi-desert grassland
- semi-native pasture
- semiarid ecosystems
- semiarid grassland
- semiarid grasslands
- semiarid soils
- semidesert grass-shrublands
- semidesert grasslands
- semivariogram
- semivariograms
- sensitive species
- sequestration
- seral-stage
- seral affinities
- seral successional stage
- seriphidium novum
- serpentine
- serpentine grassland
- serpentine soil
- setaria viridis
- sex change
- sexual reproduction
- shade
- shadscale
- shaping public
- sharp-tailed grouse
- sharp-tailed sparrow
- sheep
- sheep
- sheep grazing
- sheep herding
- sheep utilization
- shepards purse
- shifting mosaic
- shoalgrass
- shoot
- shoot-pulling
- shoot and leaf demography
- shoot biomass
- shoot demography
- shoot density
- shoot frequency
- shoot growth
- shoot nitrogen concentration
- shoot nitrogen content
- short-duration grazing
- short-duration grazing (sdg)
- short-duration rotation grazing
- short-grazed grasslands
- short-horned lizard
- short duration grazing
- short duration rotation
- shortgrass
- shortgrass community
- shortgrass interspace
- shortgrass prairie
- short grass rangelands
- shortgrass steppe
- shrub
- shrub ages
- shrub carr
- shrub communities
- shrub encroachment
- shrub intercept
- shrub invasion
- shrubland
- shrublands
- shrub live oak
- shrub management
- shrub morphology
- shrub mortality
- shrub population dynamics
- shrubs
- shrub sex ratios
- shrub steppe
- shrubsteppe
- shrub steppe plant communities
- sideoats grama
- sierra nevada
- sigmodon hispidus
- silica
- silver maple
- silvo-pasture
- simmondsia chinensis
- simulated
- simulated bovine urine
- simulated digestion
- simulated feeding
- simulated grazing
- simulated grazing
- simulated grazing stresses
- simulated grubbing
- simulated herbivory
- simulated meandering stream channel
- simulated rainfall
- simulation model
- simulations
- sinuosity
- sisymbrium altissimum
- sitanion hystrix
- site heterogeneity
- site history
- site potential
- site progression
- site selection
- size distribution
- skewness
- slant vigor
- slender wheatgrass
- slope
- slope position
- slow dynamics
- small-scale disturbance
- small mammals
- small ruminants
- smooth brome
- smooth bromegrass
- smooth cordgrass
- smooth sumac
- snake river wheatgrass
- snakeweeds
- snow
- snow cover
- snow geese
- snow goose
- snow hydrology
- snowshoe hare
- snowshoe hare cycle
- soaptree
- social acceptance
- social behavior
- social norms
- sodgrass
- sodium
- soil
- soil-aggregate stability
- soil-plant interaction
- soil analysis (chemical)
- soil and water assessment tool (swat model)
- soil and water conservation
- soil animals
- soil biological properties
- soil biota
- soil bulk density
- soil carbon
- soil characteristics
- soil chemical properties
- soil chemistry
- soil compaction
- soil comparison
- soil conservation
- soil crust
- soil degradation
- soil depth
- soil development
- soil disturbance
- soil disturbances
- soil ecology
- soil enzyme activity
- soil erosion
- soil fauna
- soil fertility
- soil food-web
- soil horizons
- soil loss
- soil loss tolerance
- soil microbes
- soil microorganisms
- soil mites diversity
- soil moisture
- soil n immobilization
- soil nitrogen
- soil n mineralization
- soil nutrient availability
- soil nutrient concentration
- soil nutrients
- soil organic carbon
- soil organic matter
- soil penetration
- soil ph
- soil phosphorus
- soil physical and chemical properties
- soil physical properties
- soil processes
- soil properties
- soil quality
- soil respiration
- soils
- soil seed bank
- soil stability
- soil strength
- soil temperatures
- soil texture
- soil transformation
- soil water
- soil water assessment tool (swat)
- soil water storage capacity
- soil wetness
- solanum elaeagnifolium
- solar insolation
- solidago canadensis
- solidago spp.
- solonetzic soils
- songbirds
- song sparrow
- sonoran desert
- sonoran desert
- sorghastrum nutans
- south africa
- south dakota
- southeastern range
- southern dewberry
- southern texas
- southwest
- southwestern united states
- southwestern wisconsin
- southwest idaho
- southwest united states
- space
- spartina
- spartina alterniflora
- spartina patens
- spatial dependence
- spatial dimension
- spatial distribution
- spatial heterogeneity
- spatial memory
- spatial overlap
- spatial pattern
- spatial patterns
- spatial replacement
- spatial scales
- spatial stability
- spatial structure
- spatial variability
- spatial variation
- spawning behavior
- spawning habitat
- specialized foraging
- species-rich hay material
- species-specific
- species assemblage
- species assemblages
- species coexistence
- species composition
- species composition overlap
- species decline
- species density
- species diversity
- species dominance
- species harvest index
- species loss
- species pools
- species restoration
- species richness
- species richness and nutrient availability
- species turnover
- spermophilus parryi
- spermophilus townsendii
- sphaeralcea angustifolia
- sphenoclea zeylandica
- spider
- spider mites
- spike number
- spikes
- spiza americana
- sporobolus cryptandrus
- sporobolus flexuosus
- sporobolus wrightii
- spotted knapweed
- spring burning
- spring clipping
- spring ephemeral
- spring grazing
- spring precipitation
- sprouting response
- spurred lupine
- squarrose knapweed
- squirreltail
- st. johnswort
- st. lawrence estuary
- stability
- stable isotopes
- staging
- stand dynamics
- standing crop
- standing crop biomass
- standing crop distribution
- standing crop quality
- stand persistence
- stargrass
- state-and-transition model
- state-and-transition models
- state and transition model
- state and transition models
- statistical evaluation
- steady state
- steep slope
- steer diets
- steer performance
- stem count
- stem density
- stem diameter
- stem elongation
- stem galling moth
- stem morphology
- stem production
- stem removal
- stem replacement
- stem size - production relations
- stem volume growth
- step-wise regression
- stiff stems
- stinkweed
- stipa
- stipa comata
- stipa occidentalis
- stipa thurberiana
- stipa thurberiana piper
- stocker grazing
- stockers
- stocking density
- stocking rate
- stocking rates
- stock pond
- stock use
- stoloniferous grass
- stoloniferous perennial
- stomatal conductance
- stomatal resistance
- stomatal sensitivity
- storage capacity
- stored carbon
- stormflow
- storm runoff
- stream
- stream-bank alteration
- stream-side grazing
- stream-side meadows
- stream alteration
- streambank deformation
- streambank erosion
- stream bank erosion
- streambank fencing
- streambank moisture content
- streambank recovery
- streambanks
- stream bank stability
- streambank stability
- streambank vegetation
- stream bank vegetation
- streambank wheatgrass
- stream canopy
- stream channel
- stream channel morphology
- stream channel profile
- stream channel width
- stream degradation
- stream discharge patterns
- stream enhancement
- streamflow
- stream habitat
- stream macroinvertebrates
- stream monitoring
- stream morphology
- stream physical characteristics
- stream protection
- stream restoration
- streams
- stream shading
- streamside vegetation
- stream stability
- stream substrate
- stream theory
- stream vegetation
- stream water quality
- stress
- structural diversity
- structure
- stubble height
- stubble heights
- sturnella magna
- sub-alpine meadow
- subalpine meadow
- subalpine meadows
- subarctic
- subarctic saltmarsh
- subarctic salt marsh
- subclover
- subirrigated meadow
- subsurface flow
- subterranean clover
- succession
- successional pathways
- succulence
- sugar maple
- sulfometuron
- summer and winter ephemerals
- summer grazing
- summer range
- supplementation
- supplement blocks
- supplement feeding
- surface-mined land
- surface runoff
- surface water hydrology
- surface water quality
- survival
- sus scrofa
- sustainability
- sustainable agriculture
- sustainable grazing management
- sustainable production
- sverdrup pass
- sward structure
- swift russian wildrye
- switchgrass
- symbiosis
- symbiotic relationships
- sympatry
- synergistic effects
- taiga forest
- tall cotton-grass
- tall fescue
- tall fescue x perennial ryegrass hybrid
- tallgrass
- tallgrass prairie
- tallgrass prairie
- talus slopes
- tannin
- tannin levels
- tannins
- taraxacum officinale
- tardigrade
- targeted grazing
- targeted grazing
- taxodium distichum
- taxus canadensis marsh.
- taylor's pygmy mice
- taylor grazing act
- temperate grasses
- temperate grasslands
- temperature
- temporal patterns
- temporal scales
- tenuipalpidae
- terrestrial-aquatic linkages
- terrestrial ecosystems
- terrestrial invertebrate biomass
- territoriality
- tetranychus spp.
- tetrazolium
- tettigoniidae
- texas
- texas cupgrass
- texas dutchman's pipevine
- texas horned lizard
- texas tortoise
- themeda triandra
- thermal cover
- thermal input
- thickspike wheatgrass
- thin-leaf alder
- thinopyrum intermedium
- thistle
- thlaspi arvense
- thomomys bottae
- thomomys spp.
- thomomys talpoides attenuatus
- thread-leaf sedge
- threadleaf sedge
- threadleaf snakeweed
- threatened or endangered species
- threatened species
- three-factorial field experiment
- three-tip sagebrush
- threeawn
- three sisters biosphere reserve
- threshold
- threshold analysis
- thuja plicata
- thurber needlegrass
- tidal marshes
- tiller
- tiller count
- tiller defoliation
- tiller demographics
- tiller demography
- tiller density
- tiller dynamics
- tillering
- tiller number
- tiller recruitment
- tillers
- tiller survival
- timber cutting
- time
- time-controlled grazing
- time budget
- time control grazing
- time lag
- time per unit area
- time spent grazing
- timing
- timing of herbivory
- timothy
- tipularia discolor
- tissue chemistry
- tobosa
- tobosa utilization
- tolerance
- tolerance mechanisms
- topography
- topsoil removal
- total carbon
- total n
- total nitrogen
- total non-structural carbohydrates
- total non-structural carbohydrates (tnc)
- total nonstructural carbohydrate
- total nonstructural carbohydrates
- total p
- total soil water
- total species richness
- townsend's ground squirrel
- toxicity
- toxic plants
- toxin concentrations
- tragopogon dubius
- trails
- training
- trampling
- transcala digitgrass
- transition
- transition matrix
- translocation
- transport capacity
- treading
- tree-cutting
- tree-grass dynamics
- tree density
- tree diameter
- tree establishment
- tree growth
- tree plantations
- tree production
- tree protectors
- tree ring
- tree rings
- tree shelter
- tree shelters
- trembling aspen
- trend
- trifolium
- trifolium repens
- trifolium subterraneum
- trifolium subterranum
- triglochin maritimum
- triglochin palustris
- trillium grandiflorum
- triticum aestivum
- trophic cascades
- trophic levels
- trophic structure
- tropical rainforest
- trout
- true mountain mahogany
- trust
- tsuga canadensis
- tufted hairgrass
- tule elk
- turdus migratorius
- turf grass
- turf grazing
- turnover
- tussock disintegration
- tussock grass
- twice-over grazing system
- twig demography
- twinspan
- two-way indicator species analysis (twinspan)
- tympanuchus cupido attwateri
- tympanuchus phasianellus
- tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus
- typha
- typha latifolia
- ulmus americana
- umbels
- undergrowth
- understory patch dynamics
- understory vegetation
- ungrazed grasslands
- ungulate
- ungulate browsing
- ungulate grazing
- ungulate herbivory
- ungulate interactions
- ungulate management
- ungulate migration
- ungulates
- ungulate winter range
- unpalatable plant
- upland areas
- upland forests
- upland game bird
- upland game birds
- upland grassland
- uplands
- upper slope
- uptake
- urban
- urban wildlife
- urea
- urease activity
- urinary nitrogen
- urine
- urosaurus nigricaudus
- usa
- utah
- uta stansburiana
- utilization
- utilization
- utilization by sheep
- utilization objective
- utilization pressure
- utricle fill
- variable effects
- variable stocking
- vaseygrass
- vegetal change
- vegetation
- vegetation change
- vegetation community structure
- vegetation composition
- vegetation control
- vegetation cover
- vegetation density
- vegetation dynamics
- vegetation filter strip
- vegetation functional groups
- vegetation management
- vegetation model
- vegetation monitoring
- vegetation preferences
- vegetation recovery
- vegetation response
- vegetation retrogression
- vegetation structure
- vegetation transitions
- vegetation trends
- vegetation use
- vegetation utilization
- vegetative cover
- vegetative patch structure
- vegetative propagules
- vegetative reproduction
- vermont
- vernonia baldwinii
- versatile soil moisture budget model
- vertebrate herbivory
- vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae
- vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (vam)
- vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas
- viability
- viable seed
- vina plains reserve
- visual-obstruction
- visual cues
- volatilization
- voles
- wapiti
- warm-season grasses
- warm season species
- washington
- waste management
- water
- water-use efficiency
- water availability
- water balance
- water center
- water chemistry
- water conservation
- water content
- water cycle
- water features
- waterfowl
- water infiltration
- water infiltration rate
- watering point
- watering trough
- water management
- water pollution
- water potential
- water potentials
- water quality
- water quality
- water quality standards
- water relations
- water remoteness
- water retention
- water sedge
- watershed
- watershed alteration
- watershed condition
- watershed management
- watershed restoration
- watersheds
- watershed studies
- water source
- water storage
- water stress
- water table
- water tables
- water temperature
- water uptake
- water use efficiency
- water vapor
- water vole
- weather effects
- weed
- weed-abatement
- weed biocontrol
- weed biomass
- weed control
- weed cover
- weed density
- weed dispersal
- weed growth
- weed invasion
- weed management
- weed mortality
- weed populations
- weed reduction
- weeds
- weeds
- weed seed dissemination
- weed seed germination
- weed seedlings
- weed seed survival
- weed spread
- weed utilization
- weedy species
- weeping lovegrass
- weibull distribution
- weight gain
- wepp
- western harvester ant
- western harvest mice
- western jumping mouse
- western north america
- western pocket gophers
- western ragweed
- western rangelands
- western u.s.
- western u.s. rangelands
- western united states
- western wheatgrass
- west virginia
- wetland
- wetland loss
- wetland management
- wetlands
- wetlands restoration
- wetland vegetation loss
- wetland weed
- wet meadow
- wet meadows
- wheatgrass
- white-flowered trillium
- white-tailed deer
- white-tailed deer
- white clover
- white spruce
- white winter wheat
- width/depth ratio
- width to depth ratio
- wild animals
- wild boar
- wilderness
- wildfire
- wildflowers
- wild horses
- wildland fire
- wildland hydrology
- wildlife
- wildlife
- wildlife browsing
- wildlife damage control
- wildlife distribution
- wildlife forage
- wildlife habitat
- wildlife management
- wildlife mortality
- wild oats
- wildrye
- wild ungulates
- wild ungulate versus sheep browsing
- willow
- willow canopy
- willow height
- willows
- willow water stress
- wilson's warbler
- wind cave national park
- wind erosion
- winter
- winter browsing
- winterfat
- winter feeding
- winter food habits
- winter forage
- winter grazing
- winter herbivory
- winter pasture
- winter range
- winter removal
- winter triticale
- winter wheat
- wiregrass
- wisconsin
- wolf reintroduction
- wolves
- wooded buffers
- woodland
- woodland environments
- woodland grassland mix
- woodland herb
- woodland orchid
- woodlands
- woody-plant communities
- woody browse species
- woody buffer strips
- woody encroachment
- woody plant
- woody plants
- woody species
- woody vegetation
- wool
- woolly sedge
- wyoming
- xanthium strumarium
- x triticosecale
- xylem
- xylem potential
- xylem pressure potential
- xylem water potential
- yellow-breasted chat
- yellowstone
- yellowstone national park
- yerbe de pasmo
- yield
- yield components
- yosemite national park
- yucca elata
- yukon
- zacate toboso
- zenaida macroura
- zizania aquatica
- zonation
- zuni reservation