Range Science Information System (RSIS)
Article citations on: riparian ecosystems, rangeland management, range environments.
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Sample Citations
On plants and herbivores
S. J. McNaughton in The American Naturalist (1986)
Keyword(s): plant-herbivore relations, herbivory, grazing, plant fitness...
Songbird community composition and nesting success in grazed and ungrazed pinyon-juniper woodland
C. B. Goguen, and N. E. Mathews in Journal of Wildlife Management (1998)
Keyword(s): brown-headed cowbird, livestock grazing, Neotropical migrant songbird, nest...
Effects of native grazers on grassland N cycling in Yellowstone National Park
D. A. Frank, and R. D. Evans in Ecology (1997)
Keyword(s): bison, Bison bison, elk, Cervus elaphus, grassland, herbivore, 15N, nitroge...