Range Science Information System (RSIS)
Sample Citations
Hydrologic characteristics of vegetation types as affected by livestock grazing systems, Edwards Plateau, Texas
T. L. Thurow, W. H. Blackburn, and C. A. Taylor, Jr. in Journal of Range Management (1986)
Keyword(s): filtration, sediment, runoff, cover, bunchgrass, short duration rotation, i...
Sheep grazing spotted knapweed and Idaho fescue
B. E. Olson, and R. T. Wallander in Journal of Range Management (2001)
Keyword(s): weed, diet selection, Centaurea maculosa, Festuca idahoensis, weed utilizat...
Grazing in a California silvopastoral system: Effects of defoliation season, intensity, and frequency on deerbrush, <em>Ceanothus integerrimus</em> Hook & Arn.
L. Huntsinger in Agroforestry Systems (1996)
Keyword(s): forest grazing, vegetation management, forest regeneration, deerbrush, Cean...