Range Science Information System (RSIS)
Sample Citations
Recent environmental changes inferred from the sediments of small lakes in Yellowstone's northern range
D. R. Engstrom, C. Whitlock, S. C. Fritz, and H. E. Wright in Journal of Paleolimnology (1991)
Keyword(s): diatom stratigraphy, elk populations, erosion rates, lead-210 dating, paleo...
The influence of livestock trampling under intensive rotation grazing on soil hydrologic characteristics
S. D. Warren, T. L. Thurow, W. H. Blackburn, and N. E. Garza in Journal of Range Management (1986)
Keyword(s): trampling, infiltration rate, sediment production, intensive rotational gra...
Selection for overcompensatory plant responses to herbivory: A mechanism for the evolution of plant-herbivore mutualism
S. G. Vail in The American Naturalist (1992)
Keyword(s): overcompensation, herbivory, plant-herbivore mutualism, mathematical model...