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Your search for keyword(s) "richness" resulted in 28 record(s).
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- Title: Absence of a grass/fire cycle in a semiarid grassland: response to prescribed fire and grazing
- Journal: Rangeland Ecology & Management
- Authors: C. J. McDonald, and G. R. McPherson
- Date: 2011
- Summary: The effects of prescribed fire and livestock grazing on a semi-arid grassland community dominated by the non-native invasive grass, Lehman lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees) were evaluated at the Santa Rita Experimental Range (SPER) 50 km south of Tucson, Arizona (31° 82' N; 110° 88' W). Prescribed fire and grazing were applied to half the plots in the summer of 2005 and the second half in the summer of 2006. Two grazing treatments (present of absent) were applied seven weeks after prescribed fire to a utilization rate of 80%. Plant species composition and cover wa ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Grazing, Rangelands, Prescribed burning
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- Title: Abandonment in grazing systems: Consequences for vegetation and soil
- Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
- Authors: B. Peco, A. M. Sanchez, and F. M. Azcarate
- Date: 2006
- Summary: The effects of long-term (30 years) grazing abandonment was examined on the Sierra de Guadarrama range (40° 51′ N; 03° 57′ W) in Central Spain. Two dehesa habitats (upper slope-arid, and lower slope-wet meadow) grasslands with two grazing treatments (grazed, abandoned) were compared. Grazing occurs year round with low stocking rates of 0.5 livestock units per hectare. Sunlight, soil parameters and vegetation were measured on each site. Specific variables for comparison in this study included vegetation floristic composition, species richnes ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Grazing, Species diversity, Soil physical properties
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- Title: Desert grassland canopy arthropod species richness: Temporal patterns and effects of intense, short-duration livestock grazing
- Journal: Journal of Arid Environments
- Authors: G. S. Forbes, J. W. Van Zee, W. Smith, and W. G. Whitford
- Date: 2005
- Summary: A five year study, in the desert grassland of New Mexico, sampled arthropods living in the canopies of two woody shrub species (Gutierrezia sarothrae and Prosopis glandulosa) and perennial grasses with associated herbaceous species on 18 plots. Mesquite shrubs were removed from nine plots, six plots were grazed by yearling cattle in August and six plots were grazed in February for the last three years of the five year study. Arthropod species richness ranged between 154 and 353 on grasses, from 120 to 266 on G. sarothrae and from 69 to 116 on P. glandulosa. There was a significant relations ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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- Title: Herbage productivity and ungulate use of northeastern Nevada mountain meadows
- Journal: Rangeland Ecology & Management
- Authors: J. L. Beck, and J. M. Peek
- Date: 2004
- Summary: In this study, Beck and Peek determined the effects of elk (Cervus elaphus) use and cattle (Bos taurus) use on three mountain meadows in northeastern Nevada during different seasons through exclosure fencing and simulated grazing (clipping). In wildlife and control treatments, graminoids tended to increase over the grazing season, while declining in cattle-grazed pastures; indicating little vegetation use by wildlife. Forbs tended to decline over the grazing season, especially in cattle-grazed and heavily clipped pastures, during early- or mid-summer ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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- Title: Old-field grassland successional dynamics following cessation of chronic disturbance
- Journal: Journal of Vegetation Science
- Authors: S. J. Tunnell, D. M. Engle, and E. E. Jorgensen
- Date: 2004
- Summary: This three-year study in Oklahoma sought to describe vegetation dynamics in an old-growth grassland released from heavy grazing, dominated by warm-season grasses, and invaded by Festuca, and to investigate the effects of low-level nitrogen enrichment and small mammal herbivory manipulations. Succession was altered by an increase in abundance of Festuca over the 3-year study period. Species richness did not decline with litter accumulation. Festuca increased most on species-poor plots, and Festuca abundance r ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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- Title: Does resource availability, resource heterogeneity or species turnover mediate changes in plant species richness in grazed grasslands?
- Journal: Oecologia
- Authors: C. Bakker, J. M. Blair, and A. K. Knapp
- Date: 2003
- Summary: In a Kansas tallgrass prairie, sites burned annually in spring and subjected to bison (Bison bison) grazing, over an 8-year period, had greater available light and inorganic nitrogen than similar ungrazed sites. Bakker et al. demonstrate a strong correlation between species richness and light levels, and between species richness and heterogeneity in light availability. Species richness, in grazed areas, increased by 25% during the study period. The results suggest that the creation of mosaic vegetation patches, with high and low biomass (the primary determinant of light availability in mesi ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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- Title: Ecological heterogeneity in the effects of grazing and fire on grassland diversity
- Journal: Conservation Biology
- Authors: S. Harrison, B. D. Inouye, and H. D. Safford
- Date: 2003
- Summary: Harrison et al. studied the effects of livestock grazing and fire in a mosaic of serpentine and nonserpentine soils in California, where most grasslands are dominated by exotic annuals and serpentine soil is the major refuge for native grassland species. In plant communities on non-serpentine soils, exotic species increased in response to fire and native forb richness decreased in response to grazing. Plant communities on serpentine soils had a more variable response to disturbance but in general native species increased following grazing or fire. These results suggest that soil type effect ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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- Title: Fire and grazing impacts on plant diversity and alien plant invasions in southern Sierra Nevada
- Journal: Ecological Applications
- Authors: J. E. Keeley, K. Lubin, and C. J. Fotheringham
- Date: 2003
- Summary: Plots in the southern Sierra Nevada's were examined for species richness and cover of native and invasive species in three vegetation types (blue oak savanna, chaparral and coniferous forests) following grazing and fire disturbances. The blue oak savanna had a history of grazing by horses and cattle over the last century while the chaparral and coniferous forests had fire history from the 1990's. Vegetative samples were taken from disturbed sites and compared to sites that had not been burned or grazed for the last Century. ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Fire, Weeds, Grazing
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- Title: Examination of interaction effects of multiple disturbances on an arid plant community
- Journal: Southwestern Naturalist
- Authors: T. J. Valone
- Date: 2003
- Summary: In this study, Valone measured the effects of fire and grazing, alone and in combination, in an arid Arizona plant community. The combination of grazing and burning enhanced annual plant species abundance, richness, and diversity. Plant response to burning alone was intermediate; while grazing alone had a minimal effect on plant response. Burning reduced shrub density and cover, which may have increased the response of annual plants in burned plant communities. The results of this study indicate that fire has greater effects on arid plant communities than grazing, but the author cautions ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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- Title: Effect of streambank fencing on herpetofauna in pasture stream zones
- Journal: Wildlife Society Bulletin
- Authors: J. D. Homyack, and W. M. Giuliano
- Date: 2002
- Summary: Effects of streambank fencing on reptile and amphibian species richness, abundance, and biomass were investigated within and around the Pike Run watershed of southwestern Pennsylvania. This was done on 10 grazed and 10 recently protected (1 to 2 growing seasons) streams and associated riparian areas during spring and summer (1998-1999). Unfenced sites were grazed continuously with an average stocking rate of 0.40 animals/ha and on fenced sites livestock grazing was excluded for 1-2 yrs. Vegetation, water quality, and macroinvertebrate populations were measured as livestock grazing impacts comm ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Grazing, Amphibians
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- Title: Effects of anthropogenic fragmentation and livestock grazing on western riparian bird communities
- Journal: Studies in Avian Biology
- Authors: J. J. Tewksbury, A. E. Black, N. Nur, V. A. Saab, B. D. Logan, and D. S. Dobkin
- Date: 2002
- Summary: Tewksbury et al. found three main factors that lead to the reduction of riparian avifauna. Loss of deciduous forests, cattle grazing and human encroachment are having the greatest effect on decreasing bird numbers. Cow-bird parasitism was seen to have a positive correlation with human encroachment, but Tewksbury et al. states that it has no correlation with cattle grazing. Cow-bird reduction was emphasized as a major management tool. ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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- Title: Fire season and dominance in an Illinois tallgrass prairie restoration
- Journal: Restoration Ecology
- Authors: T. E. Copeland, W. Sluis, and H. F. Howe
- Date: 2002
- Summary: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that late growing-season fire causes a short-term increase in frequency and species richness of subdominant and rare species in a warm-season tallgrass prairie ecosystem. The study area was located in Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area in the Grand Prairie Division of northeastern Illinois within the 3-ha Prairie Grove which was planted in 1976. Twelve 10 x 10-m plots were arranged in a 3 x 4 grid and separated by a 10-m mowed fire lane. Spring and summer burns were systematically induced in a checkerboard pattern across the grid during ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Fire ecology, Rangelands, Species Diversity
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- Title: Grassland birds associated with agricultural riparian practices in southwestern Wisconsin
- Journal: Journal of Range Management
- Authors: R. B. Renfrew, and C. A. Ribic
- Date: 2001
- Summary: Renfrew and Ribic looked at the effects of cattle grazing on species richness and abundance of grassland birds in four study areas: riparian areas, continuously grazed, rotationally grazed and buffer strips. The authors found that pastures of either grazing regime provided more adequate habitat for grassland birds species than did the 10-m buffer strips. More species were found within 10 meters of the stream than 10 or more meters away, however overall species abundance was greater in the pasture environment. The authors recommended that management be focused on moderate grazing of riparian ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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- Title: Grazing and substrate interact to affect native vs. exotic diversity in roadside grasslands
- Journal: Ecological Applications
- Authors: H. D. Safford, and S. P. Harrison
- Date: 2001
- Summary: This short term study in California examined the vegetative cover of ungrazed roadside verges to adjacent grazed pastures in the inner northern coastal range (38° 40\' N; 122° 25\'W). Paired plots (grazed vs. ungrazed) were selected across two soil types (serpentine vs. non serpentine) with percent cover and height of all native and exotic plants. Site characteristics and cover of rock, litter, burrowing, overstory and bare ground were also recorded. ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Weeds, Rangelands, Grazing
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- Title: Response of birds to grazing of riparian zones
- Journal: Journal of Wildlife Management
- Authors: G. J. Popotnik, and W. M. Giuliano
- Date: 2000
- Summary: The effects of grazed riparian zones on bird numbers and nest success in southwestern Pennsylvania were evaluated over two years. Bird abundance and richness on two grazing treatments ( grazed ungrazed) within riparian zones were measured 6 times between April and July of each year. Nest monitoring occurred from April through August, with identified nests monitored every 3-4 days until fate of nest was determined. Horizontal shrub cover, woody stem density, percent live herbaceous ground cover, and spatial heterogeneity of vegetation were recorded each May-June. ...
- Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Grazing, Birds
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