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Your search for keyword(s) "shortgrass prairie" resulted in 4 record(s).

Title: Prairie dog effects on harvester ant species diversity and density
Journal: Journal of Range Management
Authors: J. E. Kretzer, and J. F. Cully, Jr.
Date: 2001
Summary: Kretzer and Cully looked at the effects of prairie dogs on species composition and abundance of ants in the shortgrass prairies of Cimmarron National Grassland of Kansas. Two species of ant (P. occidentalis and P. barbatus) were found in less abundance on prairie dog colonies than on the surrounding grassland, while P. rugosus was more abundant within the colonies. The authors conclude that P. occidentalis and P. barbatus prefer areas of less disturbance than that of P. rugosus& ...
Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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Title: Effects of scale and disturbance on rates of immigration and extinction of species in prairies
Journal: Oikos
Authors: S. M. Glenn, and S. L. Collins
Date: 1992
Summary: Glenn and Collins determined the relationships between local annual immigration and extinction rates of plant species and total species richness using long-term data in permanent plots in tallgrass and shortgrass prairies of Kansas. Immigration rates were significantly correlated with species richness only at the site level. Extinction rates were not significantly correlated with growing season precipitation at any scale. Immigration rates were only significantly correlated with precipitation at the transect level. The equilibrium number of species, as defined when immigration equals extin ...
Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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Title: Effect of cattle grazing on the density and species of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) of the Central Plains Experimental Range, Colorado: A reassessment after two decades
Journal: Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Authors: J. L. Welch, R. Redak, and B. C. Kondratieff
Date: 1991
Summary: Welch et al. compared their results of this study to a similar conducted in 1970. The current study found a greater density of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in lightly grazed pastures compared to 1970, while the heavily grazed pastures showed no differences between the years. This study suggests that grasshopper population changes over time could be impacted by grazing regimes. ...
Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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Title: Evolutionary implications for grazing management systems
Journal: Rangelands
Authors: K. A. Platou, and P. T. Tueller
Date: 1985
Summary: Herd effect on the Great Plains creates the attributes of low selectivity, heavy grazing pressure, trampling, dunging and urinating in a concentrated area. This activity is important in the cycling of nutrients in the soil and in the dissemination, germination, and establishment of seeds, particularly in high use areas. The requirement for forage quantity ensures that herds do not remain in any one area for very long and that they do not return to the same area until the forage is adequate to meet the energy requirements of grazing. The essence of this system is high-intensity, short-durati ...
Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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