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Your search for keyword(s) "human impacts" resulted in 1 record(s).

Title: Anthropogenic degradation of the southern California desert ecosystem and prospects for natural recovery and restoration
Journal: Environmental Management
Authors: J. E. Lovich, and D. Bainbridge
Date: 1999
Summary: Large areas of the southern California desert ecosystem have been negatively affected by off-road vehicle use, overgrazing by domestic livestock, agriculture, urbanization, construction of roads, air pollution, and other activities. Secondary contributions to degradation include the proliferation of exotic plant species and a higher frequency of anthropogenic fire. Effects of these impacts include alteration or destruction of macro- and micro- vegetation elements, establishment of annual plant communities dominated by exotics, soil compaction, and increased erosion. Published estimates of r ...
Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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