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Your search for keyword(s) "positive feedback" resulted in 1 record(s).

Title: Herbivore effects on plant and nitrogen dynamics in oak savanna
Journal: Ecology
Authors: M. E. Ritchie, D. Tilman, and J. M. H. Knops
Date: 1998
Summary: This study was initiated to determine if herbivores increase or decrease the rate of nutrient cycling in oak savanna plant communities. Plant communities inside of exclosures had more above-ground biomass, which responds positively to increased nutrient availability, and less below-ground biomass than plant communities exposed to deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory. Legumes and woody plants, which can affect N fixation rates and microsite characteristics, were shorter and had lower percent cover in plots exposed to deer herbivory than inside exclosures. The authors ...
Agrovoc Control Words: Riparian zones, Rangelands, Wildlife
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