MSU Extension Service Historical Publications Article Titles
Alphabetical List of Article Titles
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z | Other
A [^]
- Agricultural Conference Report: Lower Yellowstone District, Montana
- An Agricultural Program for Montana
- An Agricultural Program for the Flathead Project
- An Agricultural Program for the Irrigated Lands of Southeastern Montana
- Alfalfa Seed Production (2 items)
- Alfalfa Seed: A Good Montana Crop
B [^]
- Basic Facts About Montana's Agriculture
- Beautifying the Farm Home (2 items)
- Beef Cattle
- Big Teams in Montana
- Boys' and Girls' Club Work for Montana: What It Is, Its Aims and How Conducted
- Boys' and Girls' Corn Club for Montana
- Boys' and Girls' Poultry Club
- Bread
- Bread-Making Clubs
- Bread-Making Contest for Junior Home-makers' Clubs
- Breakfast Club (5 items)
- Buy Electrical Energy Wisely (2 items)
C [^]
- Cakes
- Canning Meat, Fish and Poultry (3 items)
- The Care of the Baby
- Causes And Prevention of Spoilage In Home Canned Food
- Cereals and Other Starchy Foods
- Cereals In The Low Cost Diet
- Clothing Club Record
- Clothing Construction: Handbook for Montana Home Demonstration Clubs (3 items)
- Clothing Handbook for Extension Work with Women
- Clothing Record Book for 4-H Clubs
- Combining Unevenly Ripened Wheat
- Control of Mormon Crickets in Montana
- Control of Rodent Pests in Montana
- Control of Smut in Wheat and Other Small Grains
- Cooperative Marketing
- Cooperative Markets for Farm Home Products
- Corn Growing in Montana for Juniors
- Corn Growing Manual for Montana 4-H Clubs
- Corn Production In Montana
- Cow Testing
- Culling
- Culling the Farm Flock (4 items)
D [^]
- Daily Record Book of Boys' and Girls' Club Projects
- Dairy Calves and Heifers: Their Care and Management
- Dairy Cattle Club
- Dairying in Montana (3 items)
- Deep Fat Frying
- Dehydration of Garden Products (2 items)
- Demonstrations and Agricultural Judging in Montana 4-H Clubs (2 items)
- Demonstrations and Home Economics Judging in Montana 4-H Clubs (2 items)
- Diet for Mother and Child
- Dinner Club (3 items)
- Directions for the Preparation of Poisoned Grain for the Destruction of Richardson's Ground Squirrel and the Prairie Dog
- The Domestic Water Supply On the Farm (2 items)
- Dry Farming in the North Central Montana "Triangle"
- Dusting for Smut: Copper Carbonate Dry Treatment for Bunt of Wheat
- Duties of 4-H Club Officers
- Duties of 4-H Club Officers and Parliamentary Pointers
E [^]
F [^]
- Facts About Flathead County's Agriculture and Suggestions to Prospective Farmers
- Farm Cheese Making
- Farm Management Demonstration, Dawson County
- A Farm Survey of Montana
- Farmers' Storage Reservoirs, Diversion Dams and Dikes
- Fattening 4-H Beef (3 items)
- Fattening Montana Cattle (2 items)
- Feeding Laying Hens (4 items)
- Feeding, Care and Management of Dairy Calves and Heifers (2 items)
- Fifty Important Weeds of Montana
- First Year 4-H Club Clothing
- Flax Facts
- Flax Seed Fields: Instructions to Growers of Certified Flax Seed Fields
- Flax Situation in 1917
G [^]
- Gallatin County Pig Clubs
- Games and Stunts for 4-H Club Events
- Garment Making Project for Montana Girls' Clubs
- Garment-Making Project for Montana Girls' Clubs
- Gathering and Preparing Show Grains and Grasses
- Girls' Gardening or Canning Clubs: Directions for Canning Fruits and Vegetables
- Grazing Districts: Their Nature and Possibilities In Range Land Utilization (2 items)
H [^]
- Handbook for Montana Clothing Club Girls (3 items)
- Handbook of Plant Diseases And Their Control for Montana (2 items)
- Health and Good Looks Through Good Posture
- The Health H
- Health: The Fourth H
- Home Canning By Safe Methods (4 items)
- Home Canning: Meat, Fish, Poultry
- Home Care of the Sick
- Home Cheese Making
- Home Clothes Club: First Year 4-H Club Clothing (2 items)
- Home Economics Judging in Montana 4-H Clubs (2 items)
- Home Freezing of Foods (2 items)
- Home Made Irrigation Devices
- Home-Made Header Attachment
- The Homemade Centrifugal Pump
- Homemade Silos
- A Homemade Starter Incubator and Directions for Carrying Starter
- Horses
- Hot Lunches in Rural Schools
- Housing and Milking Facilities for the Dairy Herd
- Housing Farm Laborers
- How Prize Winning Vegetables Are Selected
- How to Control the Pale Western Cutworm
- How To Develop 4-H Club Demonstrations
- How to Use the Type Pattern
I [^]
- Instructions for Boys' and Girls' Dairy and Beef Calf Clubs
- An Inventory of Montana Irrigation Projects
- Irrigated Pastures In Montana
- Irrigating Field Crops In Montana (3 items)
- Irrigation
- Irrigation Structures and Equipment (3 items)
J [^]
- No items under this heading.
K [^]
L [^]
- Labor Saving Equipment
- Learn to Use Electricity
- Lessons for Pig Club Members
- The Livestock Special Train
- Luncheon Club (3 items)
M [^]
- Make Your Farm Flock Pay
- Making Butter on the Farm
- Making of Type Pattern
- Marketing Eggs
- Marketing Montana's Turkey Crop
- Meals for Harvest Time
- Meats
- Methods of Irrigation for Montana
- Mile-High Cakes: Recipes for High Altitudes
- The Milk Producer's Feed Guide
- Milk, Egg and Cheese Foods
- The Model Cow Stall
- The Montana Agricultural Outlook For 1941
- The Montana Agricultural Outlook For 1942
- Montana Boys' and Girls' Clubs
- Montana Boys' and Girls' Clubs Garden-Canning Contest
- Montana Boys' and Girls' Clubs: The Garden Project, by M. J. Abbey; The Canning Project, by Mina Ogilvie
- Montana Boys' and Girls' Potato Club
- The Montana Farm Garden (4 items)
- Montana Farm House Plans
- Montana Father-Son Business Agreement For Farm or Ranch (2 items)
- Montana Girls' Clothing Club: Its Organization and Requirements
- Montana Honor Roll Dairymen Tell Their Stories
- Montana's Agricultural Outlook for 1925
- Montana's Agriculture. General Information About Montana's Agriculture
- Mormon Cricket Control
- Mother-Daughter Gardening and Canning Clubs: Directions for Gardening and Conduct of Clubs
N [^]
O [^]
P [^]
- Pastures Bring Profits: Some Facts About Irrigated Pastures in Montana
- Pattern Alteration
- Perennial Weeds and Their Control (3 items)
- Pig Club Rules and Regulations
- Planning Better Homes
- Poultry Equipment
- Poultry Housing
- Poultry Housing and Poultry House Equipment (5 items)
- The Prairie Dog in Montana (2 items)
- Preparing Crop Exhibits
- Preservation Of Foods By Frozen Storage (2 items)
- The Production, Care and Marketing of Cream in Montana
- Program for Local Corn Clubs in Montana
- Program for Local Potato Clubs in Montana
- A Program of Work for Montana Farm Bureaus
- Progress: A Few Steps Forward in Montana's Agricultural Program
- Puddings
- Pulling, Piling, Topping and Loading Sugar Beets: A Labor Training Manual in English, Spanish and German
Q [^]
R [^]
- Rayon Dress Fabrics: Their Selection, Behavior and Care
- Re-upholstering a Chair at Home
- Ready and Right Club: First Year 4-H Club Clothing
- Recommendations for Chemical Weed Control in Montana for 1949
- Recommended Farm Practices for Northern Montana
- Record Book for 4-H Boys' and Girls' Crops Clubs
- Record Book for 4-H Boys' and Girls' Livestock Clubs
- Record Book for 4-H Boys' and Girls' Poultry Club
- Records of Potato, Corn, Garden, Canning Clubs (2 items)
- Reducing the Cost of Montana's Dry Land Wheat Harvest
- Report of Farm Management Demonstration, Missoula County, Montana
- Rules for Boys' and Girls' Club Contests in Competition for Trips to the State Fair
S [^]
- Sandwiches and Salads
- School Clothes Club: Second Year 4-H Club Clothing
- The School Lunch
- Second Year 4-H Club Clothing
- Secretary's Record Book For Montana's 4-H Clubs
- Selection and Care of Common Kitchen Utensils
- The Selection of Vegetables for Exhibition Purposes
- Setting of Table
- Sewing Handbook for Montana Clothing Club Girls (2 items)
- Sheep Club Rules and Regulations
- Shelter Belts For Montana (3 items)
- Silos and Silage
- Simple Desserts
- Simple Upholstery Methods (3 items)
- Small Cakes
- Soil Drifting on Cropland in the Plains Areas of Montana
- Some Montana Birds: Their Relationship to Insects and Rodents
- Songs for Montana Clubs (2 items)
- Stubble Burning
- Suggestions for Home Gardening in Boys' and Girls' Club Contests
- Suggestions for Rural House Planning
- Suggestions to Corn Growers in Boys' Club Contests
- Suggestions to Potato Growers in Boys' Club Contests
- Summer Clothes for Girls: Second Year 4-H Club Clothing
- Summer Tillage Implements
- Supplement to Flax Facts
T [^]
- Test for Moisture and Protein Before Combining
- Textiles
- Third Year 4-H Club Clothing
- Trees Native to Montana (2 items)
- Turkeys in Montana (3 items)
U [^]
V [^]
W [^]
- Water Power for the Farm
- Wheat Smut in Montana
- Winter Clothes for Girls: Third Year 4-H Club Clothing
- The Winter Cook Book
- The Winter Cook Book: Recipes for Montana Home Grown Products (3 items)
- Winter Rye in Montana
X Y Z [^]
- No items under this heading.
Other [^]
- 4-H Clothing
- 4-H Clothing Club: Fourth and Fifth Years
- 4-H Club Beef Calf
- The 4-H Club Beef Calf
- 4-H Club Dairy Calves (3 items)
- The 4-H Club Girl's Special Occasion Clothes
- 4-H Club: First Year Clothing
- 4-H Club: Second Year Clothing
- 4-H Garden Club Manual (4 items)
- 4-H Potato Club Manual (2 items)
- 4-H Poultry Manual (4 items)
- 4-H Sheep Club Manual (2 items)
- The 4-H Wardrobe Club
- © Copyright 2025 Montana State University (MSU) Library