Alphabetical List of Range Science Information System (RSIS) Articles
A B C | D E F | G H I | J K L | M N O | P Q R | S T U | V W X | Y Z | Other
A B C [^]
- Abandonment in grazing systems: Consequences for vegetation and soil
- Absence of a grass/fire cycle in a semiarid grassland: response to prescribed fire and grazing
- Adaptations to and consequences of an herbivorous diet in grouse and waterfowl
- Additive effects of genotype, nutrient availability and type of tissue damage on the compensatory response of Salix planifolia ssp. planifolia to simulated herbivory
- Age, geographic, and temporal distribution of fecal shedding of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in cow-calf herds
- Agricultural ponds support amphibian populations
- Alfalfa survival and vigor in rangeland grazed by sheep
- Alteration of carbon cycling by beaver: Methane evasion rates from boreal forest streams and rivers
- Alteration of North American streams by beaver
- Alternation of bison and black-tailed prairie dog grazing interactions by prescribed burning
- Ammonia volatilization from a seasonally and spatially variable grazed grassland: Yellowstone National Park
- Animal and plant response on renovated pastures in western Canada
- Animal influences on ecosystem dynamics
- Animal performance and plant production form continuously grazed cool-season reclaimed and native pastures
- Animals for biological brush control
- Annual replacement of the tillers of Agropyron desertorum following grazing
- Annual ryegrass seed yield response to grazing during early stem elongation
- Ant communities and livestock grazing in the Great Basin, U.S.A.
- Antecedent soil water for managed landscapes in central Alberta
- Anthropogenic degradation of the southern California desert ecosystem and prospects for natural recovery and restoration
- Ants as indicators of exposure to environmental stressors in North American desert grasslands
- Application of herbivore optimization theory to rangelands of the western United States
- An approach for setting the stocking rate
- Aquatic habitat condition index, stream type, and livestock bank damage in northern Nevada
- Architecture of cottonwood as an index of browsing history in Yellowstone
- Are boreal ecosystems susceptible to alien plant invasion? Evidence from protected areas
- Are overabundant deer herds in the eastern United States creating alternate stable states in forest plant communities?
- Aspen persistence near the National Elk Refuge and Gros Ventre valley elk feedgrounds of Wyoming, U.S.A.
- Aspen, elk and fire in the Rocky Mountain national parks of North America
- Aspen, elk, and fire: The effects of human institutions on ecosystem processes
- Assessing the effect of management intensive grazing on water quality in the northeast U.S.
- Assessing the impact of goose grazing on vegetation in the Arctic
- Assessment of Best Management Practice Effects on Rangeland Stream Water Quality Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques
- Assessment of spring defoliation to improve fall forage quality of bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum)
- Avian assemblages on altered grasslands
- Avian nest success in relation to past grazing regimes in a montane riparian system
- Avian responses to late-season grazing in a shrub-willow floodplain
- Bacterial water quality responses to four grazing strategies-comparisons with Oregon standards
- Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.) restoration in southeast Louisiana: The relative effects of herbivory, flooding, competition, and macronutrients
- Balsam fir on Isle Royale: Effects of moose herbivory and population density
- Beaver herbivory of willow under two flow regimes: A comparative study on the Green and Yampa Rivers
- Beavers are partners in riparian restoration on the Zuni Indian Reservation
- Beavers as molecular geneticists: A genetic basis to the foraging of an ecosystem engineer
- Benefits of rotational grazing and dense nesting cover for island-nesting waterfowl in southern Quebec
- Benevolent herbivores?
- Big game habitat use and diets on a surface mine in north-eastern Wyoming
- Big sacaton (Sporobolus wrightii) riparian grassland management: Annual winter burning, annual winter mowing, and spring-summer grazing
- Bighorn sheep response to ephemeral habitat fragmentation by cattle
- A bioeconomic model of cattle stocking on rangeland threatened by invasive plants and nitrogen deposition
- The biogeochemistry of a north-temperate grassland with native ungulates: Nitrogen dynamics in Yellowstone National Park
- Biogeographic evidence for the evolution of chemical defense by boreal birch and willow against mammalian browsing
- Biological feedbacks in global desertification
- Biological importance of streambank stability
- The biology and integrated management of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) on North Dakota rangeland
- Biomass and carbohydrates of spotted knapweed and Idaho fescue after repeated grazing
- Biomass and nitrogen responses to grazing of upland steppe on Yellowstone's northern winter range
- Bird species assemblages as indicators of biological integrity in Great Basin rangelands
- Bison selectivity and grazing response of little bluestem in tallgrass prairie
- Bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata Pursh) growth in relation to browsing
- Black-tailed prairie dog effects on Montana's mixed-grass prairie
- Blue grama-buffalograss response to grazing: A Weibull distribution
- Bobwhite habitat use under short duration and deferred-rotation grazing
- Boggy meadows, livestock grazing, and interspecific interactions: Influences on the insular distribution of montane Lincoln's sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii alticola)
- Botanical composition, light interception, and carbohydrate reserve status of grazed 'Florakirk' bermudagrass
- Boundary dynamics at the aquatic-terrestrial interface: The influence of beaver and geomorphology
- Branch architecture of sagebrush and bitterbrush: Use of a branch complex to describe and compare patterns of growth
- Breeding bird response to cattle grazing of a cottonwood bottomland
- Brown-headed cowbird behavior and movements in relation to livestock grazing
- Brown-headed cowbirds in California: Historical perspectives and management opportunities in riparian habitat
- Browse regrowth and use by moose after fire in interior Alaska
- Browse selection by beaver: Effects on riparian forest composition
- Brush clearing on hill land pasture with sheep and goats
- Brush piles and mesh cages protect blue oak seedlings from animals
- Burning and grazing management in a California grassland: Effect on bunchgrass seed viability
- Burning and grazing management in a California grassland: Growth, mortality, and recruitment of Nassella pulchra
- Can cows and fish co-exist?
- Can plants stimulate soil microbes and their own nutrient supply? Evidence from a grazing tolerant grass
- Can spring cattle grazing among young bitterbrush stimulate shrub growth?
- Canadian bluejoint response to heavy grazing
- Canopy growth and density of Wyoming Big Sagebrush sown with cool-season perennial grasses
- Carbon allocation in Euphorbia esula and neighbors after defoliation
- Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in elk winter ranges
- Carbon and water relations of Salix monticola in response to winter browsing and changes in surface water hydrology: An isotopic study using δ¹²C and δ¹â¸O
- Carbon exchange rates in grazed and ungrazed pastures of Wyoming
- Caribou-induced changes in species dominance of lichen woodlands: An analysis of plant remains
- Cars, cows, and checkerspot butterflies: Nitrogen deposition and management of nutrient-poor grasslands for a threatened species
- Cattle and salmon I: Cattle distribution and behavior in a Northeastern Oregon riparian ecosystem
- Cattle and salmon II: Interactions between cattle and spawning spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in a Northeastern Oregon riparian ecosystem
- Cattle as dispersers of hound's-tongue on rangeland in southeastern British Columbia
- Cattle behavior used to control noxious weeds
- Cattle distribution patterns and vegetation use in mountain riparian areas
- Cattle distribution, habitats, and diets in the Sierra Nevada of California
- Cattle feeding and resting patterns in a foothills riparian zone
- Cattle foraging behavior in leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) infested rangeland
- Cattle grazing a riparian mountain meadow: Effects of low and moderate stocking density on nutrition, behavior, diet selection, and plant growth response
- Cattle grazing and avian communities of the St. Lawrence River Islands
- Cattle grazing behavior on a foothill elk winter range in southeastern Wyoming
- Cattle grazing effects on understory cover and tree growth in mixed conifer clearcuts
- Cattle grazing in a national forest greatly reduces nesting success in a ground-nesting sparrow
- Cattle herbage utilization patterns under high-density rotational grazing in the Aspen Parkland
- Cattle trampling of crested wheatgrass under short-duration grazing
- Cattle trampling of simulated ground nests in rotationally grazed pastures
- Cattle use affects forage quality in a montane riparian ecosystem
- Cattle use of riparian meadows in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon
- Cattle, vegetation, and economic responses to grazing systems and grazing pressure
- Cattle-deer interactions in the Sierra Nevada: A bioeconomic approach
- Causes and consequences of migration by large herbivores
- Central place foraging by beavers (Castor canadensis): A test of foraging predictions and the impact of selective feeding on the growth form of cottonwoods (Populus fremontii)
- Changes in a stream's physical and biological conditions following livestock exclusion
- Changes in abundance and diversity of microarthropods associated with fescue prairie grazing regimes
- Changes in lizard abundance on protected versus grazed desert scrub in Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Changes in midge (Diptera: Chironomidae) populations of sub-arctic supratidal vernal ponds in response to goose foraging
- Changes in shrub fecundity in fourwing saltbush browsed by cattle
- Changes in the composition and standing crop of salt-marsh communities in response to the removal of a grazer
- Changes induced by elk browsing in the aboveground biomass production and distribution of willow (Salix monticola Bebb): Their relationships with plant water, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics
- Channel changes over 12 years on grazed and ungrazed reaches of Wickiup Creek in eastern Oregon
- Characteristics of bitterbrush habitats that influence canopy cover and mule deer browsing
- Characterizing grazing disturbance in semiarid ecosystems across broad scales, using diverse indices
- Characterizing the interaction between a fungal seed pathogen and a deleterious rhizobacterium for biological control of cheatgrass
- Chemically-mediated interactions between woody plants and browsing mammals
- Clipping and Japanese brome reduce western wheatgrass standing crop
- Clipping and long-term grazing effects on biomass and carbohydrate reserves of Indian ricegrass
- Clipping date effects on soil water and regrowth in crested wheatgrass
- Clipping effects on growth dynamics of Japanese brome
- Clipping effects on root architecture and morphology of 3 range grasses
- Clipping frequency affects canopy volume and biomass production in planeleaf willow (Salix planifolia var. planifolia Pursh)
- Clipping frequency and intensity effects on big bluestem yield, quality, and persistence
- Clonal integration and effects of simulated herbivory in old-field perennials
- Comment: Ungulate herbivory of willows on Yellowstone's northern winter range: Response to Singer et al. (1994)
- Community and population dynamics of serpentine grassland annuals in relation to gopher disturbance
- Community attributes along a perturbation gradient in a shortgrass steppe
- Community- and landscape-level responses of reptiles and small mammals to feral-horse grazing in the Great Basin
- Comparative distribution and habitat use by antelope and mule deer
- Comparative ecology of bison and cattle on mixed-grass prairie
- Comparative effects of elk herbivory and 1988 fires on northern Yellowstone National Park grasslands
- Comparative infiltration rates and sediment production on fertilized and grazed blue grama rangeland
- Comparative photosynthetic responses of big bluestem to clipping versus grazing
- Comparison of 'Grasslands Puna' chicory and orchardgrass for multiple harvests at different management levels
- Comparison of continuous and rotational silvopastoral systems for established walnut plantations in southwest Missouri, USA
- A comparison of frontal, continuous and rotation grazing systems
- Comparison of heifer weight gains and forage quality for continuous and short-duration grazing systems
- Comparison of riparian plant communities under four land management systems in southwestern Wisconsin
- A comparison of sheep- and wildlife-grazed willow communities in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- A comparison of soil chemical characteristics in modified rangeland communities
- Compensatory growth of three grasses following simulated grazing in relation to soil nutrient availability
- Compensatory growth: Herbivore optimization or red herring?
- Compensatory photosynthesis of Sporobolus flexuosus (Thurb.) Rydb. following simulated herbivory in the northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Competition in sympatric white-tail deer and cattle populations in southern pine forests of Oklahoma and Arkansas, USA
- Competitive ability of the bunchgrass contribution of flexible allocation priorities to herbivory tolerance in C4 Schizachyrium scoparium as affected by grazing history and defoliation
- Competitive effects of cool-season grasses on re-establishment of three weed species
- The composition and distribution of soil microarthropods in the shortgrass steppe in relation to soil water, root biomass, and grazing by cattle
- Composition and production of California oak savannah seasonally grazed by sheep
- Conditioning cattle to graze broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae)
- The consequences of herbivory for dwarf fireweed: different time scales different morphological scales
- Consequences of livestock grazing on water quality and benthic algal biomass in a Canadian natural grassland plateau
- Consequences of selecting rambouillet ewes for mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp. vaseyana) dietary preference
- Conservation value of private lands for crested caracaras in Florida
- Conservative and moderate grazing effects on Chihuahuan Desert wildlife sightings
- Consumer control of grassland plant production
- The continuum of plant responses to herbivory: The influence of plant association, nutrient availability, and timing
- Contribution of flexible allocation priorities to herbivory tolerance in C4 perennial grasses: An evaluation with 13C labeling
- Control of a desert-grassland transition by a keystone rodent guild
- Control of downy brome (Bromus tectorum) with herbicides and perennial grass competition
- Controlled grazing on annual grassland decreases yellow starthistle
- Costs of reproduction in the pink lady's slipper orchid (Cypripedium acaule): Defoliation, increased fruit production, and fire
- Cottonwoods, elk, and wolves in the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park
- Cover components on long-term seasonal sheep grazing treatments in three-tip sagebrush steppe
- Cover for wildlife after summer grazing on Sandhills rangeland
- The cow as a geomorphic agent-a critical review
- Cow manure in headwater streams: Tracing aquatic insect responses to organic enrichment
- Cowbirds breeding in the central Appalachians: spatial and temporal patterns and habitat selection
- Coyote and bobcat responses to integrated ranch management practices in south Texas
- Crested wheatgrass and shrub response to continuous or rotational grazing
- Cryptogamic soil crusts: Recovery from grazing near Camp Floyd State Park, Utah, USA
- Cumulative effects of riparian disturbances along high desert trout streams of the John Day Basin, Oregon
- Cumulative effects of wild ungulate and livestock herbivory on riparian willows
- Current and predicted long-term effects of deer browsing in hemlock forests in Michigan, USA
- Cutting frequency and cutting height effects on rough fescue and parry oat grass yields
- Cutting height effects on wetland meadow forage yield and quality
D E F [^]
- Damage potential of Hesperotettix viridis (Otheroptera: Acrididae) on a rangeland weed, Gutierrezia sarothrae
- Daytime activity of white-tailed deer in response to short-duration and continuous grazing
- Deer and cattle diet overlap on Louisiana pine-bluestem range
- Deer and cattle diets on heavily grazed pine-bluestem range
- Deer damage to alfalfa and mixtures with timothy or orchardgrass
- Deer herbivory as an ecological constraint to restoration of degraded riparian corridors
- Defoliation and cold-hardiness of northern wheatgrass
- Defoliation effects and seed yield components in pearl millet x elephantgrass hybrids
- Defoliation effects on Bromus tectorum seed production: Implications for grazing
- Defoliation effects on agronomic performance of seeded Pennisetum hexaploid hybrids
- Defoliation effects on arbuscular mycorrhizae and plant growth of two native bunchgrasses and an invasive forb
- Defoliation effects on dry matter production of a perennial ryegrass-subclover pasture
- Defoliation effects on herbage production and root growth of wet meadow forage species
- Defoliation effects on production and morphological development of little bluestem
- Defoliation effects on reproductive biomass: Importance of scale and timing
- Defoliation effects on seasonal production and growth rate of cool-season grasses
- Defoliation effects on three range grasses
- Defoliation effects on yield and bud and tiller numbers of two Sandhills grasses
- Defoliation frequency and intensity effects on pasture forage quality
- Defoliation impacts on Festuca campestris (Rydb.) plants exposed to wildfire
- Defoliation increased above-ground productivity in a semi-arid grassland
- Defoliation increases nutritional quality and allelochemics of pine seedlings
- Defoliation of a northern wheatgrass community: Aboveground and belowground phytomass productivity
- Defoliation of Thurber needlegrass: Herbage and root responses
- Defoliation patterns of cattle grazing Lehmann lovegrass
- Defoliation, nutrition, and competition: Effects on plant growth and nitrogen nutrition
- Defoliation, waterlogging and dung influences allocation patterns of Deschampsia caespitosa
- Defoliation-induced enhancement of total aboveground nitrogen yield of grasses
- Demographic evaluation of a herbivory-sensitive perennial bunchgrass: Does it possess an achilles heel?
- Demographic responses of Bromus tectorum and seedlings of Agropyron spicatum to grazing by small mammals: The influence of grazing frequency and plant age
- Denitrification in a semi-arid grazing ecosystem
- Density and biomass of redband trout relative to stream shading and temperature in southwestern Idaho
- Density and success of bird nests relative to grazing on western Montana grasslands
- Density- and growth stage-dependent responses to defoliation in two rhizomatous grasses
- Desert grassland canopy arthropod species richness: Temporal patterns and effects of intense, short-duration livestock grazing
- Desert mule deer use of grazed and ungrazed habitats
- Destruction of wetland habitats by lesser snow geese: A keystone species on the west coast of Hudson Bay
- Detecting channel morphology change in California's hardwood rangeland spring ecosystems
- Determination of optimum bison stocking rate in Theodore National Park, North Dakota
- Determining sources of fecal pollution in a rural Virginia watershed with antibiotic resistance patterns in fecal streptococci
- Determining the effects of herbivory using naturally damaged plants
- Detritus accumulation limits productivity of tallgrass prairie
- Development of microtopography in a semi-arid grassland: Effects of disturbance size and soil texture
- Diet composition, forage selection, and potential for forage competition among elk, deer and livestock on aspen-sagebrush summer range
- Diet similarity between elk and deer in Utah
- Dietary niche relationships among cervids relative to winter snowpack in northwestern Montana
- Dietary overlap among axis, fallow, black-tailed deer and cattle
- Dietary overlap among cattle and cervids in northern Idaho forests
- Dietary relationships among feral horses, cattle, and pronghorn in southeastern Oregon
- Diets of prairie dogs, goats, and sheep on a desert rangeland
- Differences in riparian vegetation structure between grazed areas and exclosures
- Differing effects of cattle grazing on native and alien plants
- Differing influences of natural and artificial disturbances on riparian cottonwoods from prairie to mountain ecoregions in Alberta, Canada
- Direct and indirect effects of herbivores on nitrogen dynamics: Voles in riparian areas
- Direct impacts of sheep upon Douglas-fir trees in two agrosilvopastoral systems
- Direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of three native herbivores on a shared host plant
- Dispersal of squarrose knapweed (Centaurea virgata ssp. squarrosa) capitula by sheep on rangeland on Juab County, Utah
- Distribution and diet of bison and pocket gophers in a sandhills prairie
- Distribution of nitrogen fractions in grazed and ungrazed fescue grassland Ah horizons
- Distribution, abundance, and status of the greater sage grouse Centrocercus urophasianus, in Canada
- Disturbance by fire frequency and bison grazing modulate grasshopper assemblages in tallgrass prairie
- Disturbance intensity and above- and belowground herbivory effects on long-term (14y) recovery of a semiarid grassland
- Disturbance, diversity, and invasion: Implications for conservation
- Disturbances and gap dynamics in a semiarid grassland: A landscape-level approach
- Disturbances in tallgrass prairie: Local and regional effects on community heterogeneity
- Do ungulates accelerate or decelerate nitrogen cycling?
- Does early season browsing influence the effect of self-pollination in scarlet gilia?
- Does resource availability, resource heterogeneity or species turnover mediate changes in plant species richness in grazed grasslands?
- Does ruminal retention time affect leafy spurge seed of varying maturity?
- Does selective defoliation mediate competitive interactions in a semiarid savanna? A demographic evaluation
- Does short-duration grazing work in arid and semiarid regions?
- Dominance, Diversity and Grazing in Tallgrass Restoration
- Drought and clipping effects on tiller demography and growth of two tussock grasses in Utah
- Drought and grazing III: Root dynamics and germinable seed bank
- Drought and grazing patch dynamics under different grazing management
- Drought and grazing: I. Effects on quantity of forage produced
- Drought and grazing: II. Effects on runoff and water quality
- Drought and grazing: IV. Blue grama and western wheatgrass
- Dry-year grazing and Nebraska sedge (Carex nebraskensis)
- Dynamic Optimal Management of Wind-Erosive Rangelands
- Dynamical effects of the statistical structure of annual rainfall on dryland vegetation
- Dynamics of foraging behavior associated with variation in habitat and forage availability in captive black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) goslings in Alaska
- The dynamics of nitrogen movement in an arctic salt marsh in response to goose herbivory: A parameterized model with alternate stable states
- Early 19th-century fire decline following sheep pasturing in a Navajo ponderosa pine forest
- Early season utilization of mountain meadow riparian pastures
- Early summer grazing effects on defoliation and tiller demography of prairie sandreed
- Early summer vs. late summer diets of sheep grazing in a conifer plantation
- Ecological approaches to riparian restoration in northeast Oregon
- The ecological concept of disturbance and its expression at various hierarchical levels
- Ecological consequences of prairie dog disturbances
- Ecological costs of livestock grazing in western North America
- Ecological determinants of species loss in remnant prairies
- Ecological disturbance in a sandhills prairie: impact and importance to the lizard community on Arapaho Prairie in western Nebraska
- An ecological economic simulation model for assessing fire and grazing management effects on mesquite rangelands in Texas
- Ecological effects of ranching: A six-point critique
- Ecological heterogeneity in the effects of grazing and fire on grassland diversity
- An ecological perspective of riparian and stream restoration in the western United States
- Ecological review of black-tailed prairie dogs and associated species in western South Dakota
- The ecology and evolution of plant tolerance to herbivory
- Ecology and management of sage-grouse and sage-grouse habitat
- The ecology of plants, large mammalian herbivores, and drought in Yellowstone National Park
- Economic and environmental impacts of pasture nutrient management
- Economic implications of off-stream water developments to improve riparian grazing
- Economic tradeoffs between livestock grazing and wildlife habitat: a ranch-level analysis
- Economically Optimal Stocking Rates: A Bioeconomic Grazing Model
- Ecosystem alteration of boreal forest streams by beaver (Castor canadensis)
- Effect of American bison (Bison bison L.) on the recovery and germinability of seeds of range forage species
- Effect of animal traffic on soil compaction in wheat pastures
- The effect of cattle foot traffic on soil compaction in a silvo-pastoral system
- The effect of cattle grazing on ponderosa pine regeneration
- Effect of cattle grazing on the density and species of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) of the Central Plains Experimental Range, Colorado: A reassessment after two decades
- The effect of cattle grazing on the growth and miserotoxin content of Columbia milkvetch
- The effect of clipping on the growth and miserotoxin content of Columbia milkvetch
- Effect of defoliating timothy cultivars during primary growth on yield, quality and persistence
- Effect of defoliation frequency and N-P-K fertilization on maidencane
- Effect of defoliation intensity on regrowth of tallgrass prairie
- Effect of defoliation on grass growth. A quantitative review
- Effect of domestic cattle on the condition of female white-tailed deer in southern pine-bluestem forests, USA
- Effect of ensiling and rumen digestion by cattle on weed seed viability
- The effect of experimental defoliation on the growth and reproduction of a woodland orchid, Tipularia discolor
- Effect of fire and grazing on forbs in the western south Texas plains
- Effect of forage depletion on the feeding rate of wapiti
- Effect of forty-four years of grazing on fescue grassland soils
- Effect of grazing and cultivation on some chemical properties of soils in the mixed prairie
- Effect of grazing by greater snow geese on the production of graminoids at an arctic site (Bylot Island, NWT, Canada)
- The effect of grazing on the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation
- Effect of grazing stubble height and season on establishment, persistence, and quality of creeping bluestem
- Effect of grazing, spraying, and seeding on knapweed in British Columbia
- Effect of ground squirrel burrows on plant productivity in a cool desert environment
- Effect of land use changes on sediment transport in Goodwin Creek
- The effect of livestock grazing upon abundance of the lizard, Sceloporus scalaris, in southeastern Arizona
- The effect of muskox herbivory on growth and reproduction in an arctic legume
- Effect of pocket gophers on aspen regeneration
- Effect of ruminal incubation on perennial pepperweed germination
- Effect of season and regrazing on diet quality of burned Florida range
- Effect of sheep grazing on a leafy spurge-infested Idaho fescue community
- Effect of stocking rate on the location of storage carbohydrates in the stubble of tropical grasses
- Effect of streambank fencing on herpetofauna in pasture stream zones
- Effect of stress and time for recovery on the amount of compensatory growth after grazing
- Effect of time grazing in first crop year on subsequent productivity of Russian wildrye
- Effect of timing and intensity of first defoliation on subsequent production of 4 pasture species
- Effect of timing of grazing on soil-surface cryptogamic communities in a Great Basin low shrub-desert: A preliminary report
- Effect of various grazing systems on type and density of cattle trails
- The effect of vegetation structure on predation of artificial greater sage-grouse nests
- Effect of vertebrate grazing on plant and insect community structure.
- Effect of weed seed rate and grass defoliation level on diffuse knapweed
- Effects of above-ground browsing by mammals on mycorrhizal colonization in an early successional taiga ecosystem
- Effects of an 11-year livestock exclosure on rodent and ant numbers in the Chihuahuan Desert, southeastern Arizona
- Effects of anthropogenic fragmentation and livestock grazing on western riparian bird communities
- Effects of apex removal and nutrient supplementation on branching and seed production in Thlaspi arvense (Brassicaceae)
- Effects of beaver and moose on the vegetation of Isle Royale National Park
- The effects of beaver in riverbank forest succession
- Effects of biomass removal and elevation on species richness in a New England salt marsh
- Effects of bison and cattle on growth, reproduction, and abundance of five tallgrass prairie forbs
- Effects of bison grazing on Andropogon gerardii and Panicum virgatum in burned and unburned tallgrass prairie
- Effects of bison grazing, fire, and topography on floristic diversity in tallgrass prairie
- Effects of browsing by native ungulates on the shrubs in big sagebrush communities in Yellowstone National Park
- Effects of burning and grazing on a coastal California grassland
- Effects of canopy and grazing on soil bulk density
- Effects of cattle grazing and Juniperus pinchotii canopy cover on herb cover and production in western Texas
- Effects of cattle grazing and haying on wildlife conservation at national wildlife refuges in the United States
- Effects of cattle grazing on blue oak seedling damage and survival
- Effects of cattle grazing on ecology and habitat of Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis)
- Effects of cattle grazing on mule deer diet and area selection
- Effects of cattle grazing on North American arid ecosystems: A quantitative review
- The effects of cattle grazing on optimal foraging in mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus)
- Effects of cattle grazing on passerine birds nesting in riparian habitat
- Effects of cattle grazing on salt desert rodent communities
- Effects of cattle grazing upon chemical constituents within important forages for elk
- Effects of cattle stock density on trampling loss of simulated ground nests
- Effects of cattle trampling and mechanical seedbed preparation on grass seedling emergence
- Effects of clipping and sheep grazing on dyers woad
- Effects of clipping and soil compaction on growth, morphology and mycorrhizal colonization of Schizachyrium scoparium, a C4 bunchgrass
- Effects of clipping on burned and unburned creeping bluestem
- Effects of clipping purple loosestrife seedlings during a simulated wetland drawdown
- Effects of conifers and elk browsing on quaking aspen forests in the central Rocky Mountains, USA
- Effects of continuous grazing on habitat and density of ground-foraging birds in south Texas
- Effects of controlling black-tailed prairie dogs on plant production
- Effects of deer browsing, fabric mats, and tree shelters on Quercus rubra seedlings
- Effects of defoliation and competition on total nonstructural carbohydrates of spotted knapweed
- Effects of defoliation and nematode consumption on growth and leaf gas exchange in Bouteloua curtipendula
- Effects of defoliation, shading and competition on spotted knapweed and bluebunch wheatgrass
- Effects of differential livestock use on key plant species and rodent populations within selected Oryzopsis hymenoides/Hilaria jamesii communities of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
- Effects of distance from cattle water developments on grassland birds
- Effects of disturbance on diversity in mixed-grass prairie
- The effects of disturbance size and frequency on a shortgrass plant community
- Effects of domestic goats on deer wintering in Utah oakbrush
- Effects of dormant-season herbage removal on Flint Hills rangeland
- Effects of drought and defoliation on bud viability in two caespitose grasses
- Effects of elk herbivory on vegetation and nitrogen processes
- The effects of elk on aspen in the winter range of Rocky Mountain National Park
- Effects of environment and grazing disturbance on tree establishment in meadows of the central Cascade Range, Oregon, USA
- Effects of experimental defoliation on the growth, reproduction and survival of Astrocaryum mexicanum
- Effects of fire, browsers and gallers on New Jersey tea (Ceanothus herbaceous) growth and reproduction
- Effects of fire, grazing, and the presence of shrubs on Chihuahuan desert grasslands
- Effects of flooding, salinity and herbivory on coastal plant communities, Louisiana, United States
- Effects of floral herbivory on maternal reproduction in Sanicula arctopoides (Apiaceae)
- Effects of goat browsing on Gambel oak communities in northern Utah
- Effects of goats on understory vegetation and fire hazard reduction in a coastal forest in California
- The effects of grazers on the performance of individuals and populations of scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata
- Effects of grazing and abandoned cultivation on a Stipa-Bouteloua community
- Effects of grazing and burning on densities and habitats of breeding ducks in North Dakota
- Effects of grazing and drought on population dynamics of salt desert shrub species on the Desert Experimental Range, Utah
- Effects of grazing by feral horses, clipping, trampling, and burning on a Georgia salt marsh
- The effects of grazing by greater snow geese on the vegetation of tidal marshes in the St Lawrence estuary
- Effects of grazing by sheep on the quantity and quality of forage available to big game in Oregon's coast range
- Effects of grazing by ungulates on upland bunchgrass communities of the northern winter range of Yellowstone National Park
- Effects of grazing dates on forage and beef production of mixed prairie rangeland
- Effects of grazing exclusion on rangeland vegetation and soils, East Central Idaho
- Effects of grazing intensity on growth, reproduction, and abundance of three palatable forbs in Kansas tallgrass prairie
- Effects of grazing management on standing crop dynamics in tallgrass prairie
- The effects of grazing on abiotic and biotic parameters in a semiarid ecosystem: A case study from northern Negev Desert, Israel
- Effects of grazing on cryptogamic crusts in pinyon-juniper woodlands in Grand Canyon National Park
- Effects of grazing on nesting by upland sandpipers in southcentral North Dakota
- Effects of grazing on restoration of southern mixed prairie soils
- Effects of grazing on the abundance and diversity of annual plants in Chihuahuan desert scrub habitat
- Effects of grazing on the vegetation of the blackbrush association
- Effects of grazing practices and fossorial rodents on a winter avian community in Chihuahua, Mexico
- Effects of grazing, competition, disturbance and fire on species composition and diversity in grassland communities
- Effects of grazing, topography, and precipitation on the structure of a semiarid grassland
- The effects of grazing: Confounding of ecosystem, community, and organism scales
- Effects of habitat and invertebrate density on abundance and foraging behavior of brown-headed cowbirds
- Effects of herbage removal at various dates on vigor of bluebunch wheatgrass and arrowleaf balsamroot
- Effects of herbage removal on productivity of selected High-Sierra meadow community types
- Effects of herbivores on grassland plant diversity
- Effects of herbivores on plants
- The effects of herbivory and granivory on terrestrial plant succession
- Effects of herbivory and its timing across populations of Trillium grandiflorum (Liliaceae)
- Effects of herbivory by moose on flower and fruit production of Aralia nudicaulis
- Effects of herbivory on arrowgrass: Interactions between geese, neighboring plants, and abiotic factors
- The effects of herbivory on neighbor interactions along a coastal marsh gradient
- Effects of herbivory on twig dynamics of a Sonoran desert shrub Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schn
- The effects of herbivory on vegetation on islands in Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
- Effects of horning and rubbing behavior by bison (Bison bison) on woody vegetation in a tallgrass prairie landscape
- The effects of human-induced changes in the avifauna of western riparian habitats
- Effects of intense, short-duration grazing on microtopography in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland
- Effects of jackrabbit grazing, clipping, and drought on crested wheatgrass seedlings
- Effects of kangaroo rat exclusion on vegetation structure and plant species diversity in the Chihuahuan Desert
- Effects of leaf removal on reproductions vs. belowground storage in Trillium grandiflorum
- Effects of livestock grazing exclosure on aquatic macroinvertebrates in a montane stream, New Mexico
- Effects of livestock grazing on benthic invertebrates from a native grassland ecosystem
- Effects of livestock grazing on rangeland grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) abundance
- Effects of livestock grazing on small mammals at a desert cienaga
- Effects of livestock grazing on stand dynamics and soils in upland forests of the interior West
- The effects of livestock on California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyii)
- Effects of long-term cattle exclosure on vegetation and rodents at a desertified arid grassland site.
- Effects of managed impoundments and herbivory on wetland plant production and stand structure
- Effects of management and topography on the radiometric responses of a tallgrass prairie
- Effects of management on butterfly abundance in tallgrass prairie and pine barrens
- Effects of management on species dynamics of Canadian aspen parkland pastures
- Effects of migratory geese on plant communities of an Alaskan salt marsh
- Effects of migratory grazers on spatial heterogeneity of soil nitrogen properties in a grassland ecosystem
- Effects of moose browsing on decomposition rates of birch leaf litter in a subarctic stream
- Effects of moose browsing on vegetation and litter of the boreal forest, Isle Royale, Michigan, USA
- Effects of native grazers on grassland N cycling in Yellowstone National Park
- Effects of phenology, site, and rumen fill on tall larkspur consumption by cattle
- Effects of plant cover improvements for nesting ducks on grassland songbirds
- Effects of removal of pocket gophers on Texas costal prairie
- Effects of restoration on plant species richness and composition in Scandinavian semi-natural grasslands
- Effects of root-feeding nematodes on aboveground net primary production in a North American grassland
- Effects of ruminant digestion on germination of Lehmann lovegrass seed
- Effects of scale and disturbance on rates of immigration and extinction of species in prairies
- Effects of season and stage of rotation cycle on hydrologic condition of rangeland under intensive rotation grazing
- Effects of seasonal fire, bison grazing and climate variation on tallgrass prairie vegetation
- Effects of seedbed preparation and cattle trampling on burial of grass seeds
- Effects of sheep grazing on a spotted knapweed-infested Idaho fescue community
- Effects of short duration and high-intensity, low-frequency grazing systems on forage production and composition
- Effects of short duration grazing on northern bobwhites: A pilot study
- Effects of short duration grazing on wild turkey home ranges
- Effects of short-duration and continuous grazing on bobwhite and wild turkey nesting
- Effects of short-duration grazing on winter annuals in the Texas Rolling Plains
- Effects of simulated defoliation on leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) infested rangeland
- Effects of simulated elk grazing and trampling (I): Intensity
- Effects of simulated elk grazing and trampling (II): Frequency
- Effects of simulated feeding by snow geese on Scirpus americanus rhizomes
- Effects of simulated herbivory on growth and reproduction of two beach annuals, Cakile edentula and Corispermum hyssopifolium
- Effects of single season and rotation harvesting on cool-and warm-season grasses of a mountain grassland
- Effects of small mammal and invertebrate herbivory on plant species richness and abundance in tallgrass prairie
- Effects of spring grazing by greater snow geese on hay production
- Effects of stocking rate on a rough fescue grassland vegetation
- Effects of stocking rate on quantity and quality of available forage in a southern mixed grass prairie
- Effects of stream channel morphology on golden trout spawning habitat and recruitment
- Effects of summer grazing by caribou on composition and productivity of vegetation: Community and landscape level
- Effects of summer grazing strategies on organic reserves and root characteristics of big bluestem
- Effects of summer sheep grazing on browse nutritive quality of autumn and winter
- Effects of targeted cattle grazing on fire behavior of cheatgrass-dominated rangeland in the northern Great Basin, USA
- The effects of the spatial pattern of defoliation on regrowth of a tussock grass
- Effects of the timing of multiple grazings by geese on net above-ground primary production of swards of Puccinellia phryganodes
- Effects of topsoil removal, seed transfer with plants material and moderate grazing on restoration of riparian fen grasslands
- Effects of underwater clipping of purple loosestrife in a southern Ontario wetland
- Effects of urine deposition on small-scale patch structure in prairie vegetation
- The effects of vegetative cover on the community structure of prairie rodents
- Effects of vertebrate herbivores on soil processes, plant biomass, litter accumulation and soil elevation changes in a coastal marsh
- The effects of vertebrate herbivory on plant community structure in the coastal marshes of the Pearl River, Louisiana, USA
- Effects of water table, clipping, and species interactions on Carex nebrascensis and Poa pratensis in riparian meadows
- Effects of watershed alteration on the brook trout population of a small Black Hills stream
- Effects of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on plants, plant populations and communities: A review
- Effects of white-tailed deer on the population dynamics of acorns, seedlings and small saplings of Quercus buckleyi
- Efficiency of grass buffer strips and vegetation height on sediment filtration in laboratory rainfall simulations
- Elk and cattle forage use under a specialized grazing system
- Elk and cattle on public lands: a new look at an old conflict
- Elk and cattle on the national forests: A simple question of allocation...or a complex management problem?
- Elk and deer diets in a coastal prairie-scrub mosaic, California
- Elk and mule deer diets in north-central New Mexico
- Elk forage utilization within rested units of rest-rotation grazing systems
- Elk habitat use within a rest-rotation grazing system
- Elk population fluctuations and their probable causes in the Snake Indian Valley of Jasper National Park: 1970-85
- Elk, mule deer, and cattle habitats in central Arizona
- Elk, multiple factors, and persistence of willows in national parks
- An embarrassment of riches: Too many geese
- Environmental change and the cost of philopatry: An example in the lesser snow goose
- Ermelo weeping lovegrass response to clipping, fertilization, and watering
- Erosional effects of cattle on streambanks in Tennessee, U.S.A.
- Escaping herbivory: Refuge effects on the morphology and shoot demography of the clonal forest herb Maianthemum canadense
- Establishment from leaves and other plant fragments produced by the foraging activities of geese
- Evaluating expert knowledge: Plant species responses to cattle grazing and fire
- Evaluating grazing strategies for cattle: Deer and cattle food partitioning
- Evaluating grazing strategies for cattle: Deer forage dynamics
- Evaluating grazing strategies for cattle: Nutrition of cattle and deer
- Evaluating Livestock Grazing Use with Streambank Alteration Protocols: Challenges and Solutions
- Evaluating restoration methods across a range of plant communities dominated by invasive annual grasses to native perennial grasses
- Evaluating the effects of ecosystem management alternatives on elk, mule deer, and white-tailed deer in the interior Columbia River basin, USA
- An evaluation of grazing intensity influences on California annual range
- Evaluation of Low-Stress Herding and Supplement Placement for Managing Cattle Grazing in Riparian and Upland Areas
- Evaluation of native and introduced grasses for reclamation and production
- Evaluation of potential herbivore mediation of plant water status in a North American mixed-grass prairie
- Evapotranspiration from northern semiarid grasslands
- Evidence for the promotion of aboveground grassland production by native large herbivores in Yellowstone National Park
- Evidence for variability in spawning behavior of interior cutthroat trout in response to environmental uncertainty
- Evidence that local land use practices influence regional climate, vegetation, and stream flow patterns in adjacent natural areas
- Evolutionary implications for grazing management systems
- Exact growth and increased nitrogen compensation by the arctic sedge Carex aquatilis var. stans after simulated grazing
- Examination of interaction effects of multiple disturbances on an arid plant community
- Experimental cattle grazing in a relatively undisturbed shrubsteppe community
- Experiments on disturbance in old-field plant communities: Impact on species richness and abundance
- The exploitation of wetland ecosystems by herbivores on Bylot Island
- Factors affecting Attwater's prairie-chicken decline on the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge
- Factors affecting forage intake by ruminants: a review
- Factors influencing aboveground production of Scirpus marshes in the St. Lawrence estuary, Quebec, Canada
- Factors influencing spring feeding site selection by elk in the Elkhorn Mountains, Montana
- Factors influencing the probability of oak regeneration on southern Sierra Nevada woodlands in California
- Factors limiting seasonal growth and peak biomass accumulation in Eriophorum vaginatum in Alaskan tussock tundra
- Fall cattle grazing versus mowing to increase big-game forage
- Fall grazing affects big game forage on rough fescue grasslands
- Fates of added nitrogen in freshwater arctic wetlands grazed by snow geese: The role of mosses
- Fecal coliform and streptococcus concentrations in runoff from grazed pastures in northwest Arkansas
- Fecal coliform concentrations in runoff from a grazed, reclaimed surface mine
- Feedback dynamics of grazing lawns: Coupling vegetation change with animal growth
- Feeding by a native grasshopper reduces broom snakeweed density and biomass
- Feeding relationships among bison, pronghorn, and prairie dogs: an experimental analysis
- Feltleaf willow-snowshoe hare interactions: Plant carbon/nutrient balance and floodplain succession
- Finding solutions for bird restoration and livestock management: Comparing grazing exclusion levels
- Fire and cattle grazing on wintering sparrows in Arizona grasslands
- Fire and grazing impacts on plant diversity and alien plant invasions in southern Sierra Nevada
- Fire and grazing in a shrub-invaded arid grassland community: Independent or interactive ecological effects?
- Fire and grazing in the tallgrass prairie: Contingent effects on nitrogen budgets
- Fire and grazing regulate belowground processes in tallgrass prairie
- Fire and herbivory in a Great Salt Lake marsh
- Fire season and dominance in an Illinois tallgrass prairie restoration
- Fire, defoliation, and competing species alter Aristida purpurea biomass, tiller, and axillary bud production
- Fish and grazing relationships: The facts and some pleas
- Flash grazing and trampling: Effects on infiltration rates and sediment yield on a selected New Mexico range site
- Flora and fauna associated with prairie dog colonies and adjacent ungrazed mixed-grass prairie in western South Dakota
- Fluvial disturbance patches and cottonwood recruitment along the upper Missouri River, Montana
- Forage acquisition by sympatric cervids along an old-growth sere
- Forage availability from a temperate pasture managed with intensive rotational grazing
- Forage production and grazing management of chicory
- Forage quality in relation to long-term grazing history, current-year defoliation, and water resource
- Forage variation in brood-rearing areas used by pacific black brant geese on the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska
- Foraging behavior by mule deer: The influence of cattle grazing
- Foraging behavior of the pika (Ochotona princeps), with comparisons of grazing versus haying
- Foraging by geese, isostatic uplift and asymmetry in the development of salt-marsh plant communities
- Foraging ecology of bison and cattle on a mixed prairie: Implications for natural area management
- Foraging geese, vegetation loss and soil degradation in an Arctic salt marsh
- Forests too deer: Edge effects in northern Wisconsin
- Fringed sagebrush response to sward disturbances: Seedling dynamics and plant growth
- Further considerations on the debate over herbivore optimization theory
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- A gap dynamics simulation model of succession in a semiarid grassland
- Gas exchange of Idaho fescue in response to defoliation and grazing history
- Gender-related differences of shrubs in stands of Atriplex canescens with different histories of grazing by cattle
- Generalist herbivore foraging and its role in competitive interactions
- A generalized model of the effects of grazing by large herbivores on grassland community structure
- Genetic adaptations to grazing and mowing in the unpalatable grass Cenchrus incertus
- Geologic grazing refuges and grassland diversity: A shortgrass steppe study
- The germination and viability of excreted common crupina (Crupina vulgaris) achenes
- Graminoid responses to grazing by large herbivores: Adaptations, exaptations and interacting processes
- Grass defoliation intensity, frequency, and season effects on spotted knapweed invasion
- Grass seedling recruitment in cattle dungpats
- Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and plant relationships under different grazing intensities
- Grasshopper attack and water balance of the shrub Gutierrezia microcephala
- Grasshopper densities on grazed and ungrazed rangeland under drought conditions in southern Idaho
- Grassland bird densities in seral stages of mixed-grass prairie
- Grassland birds associated with agricultural riparian practices in southwestern Wisconsin
- Grassland patch dynamics and herbivore grazing preference following urine deposition
- Grassland songbird nest-site selection and response to mowing in West Virginia
- Grassland vegetation and bird communities in the southern Great Plains of North America
- Grazing Nassella: Maintaining purple needlegrass in a sea of aggressive annuals
- Grazing and burning impacts on deer diets on Louisiana pine-bluestem range
- Grazing and fire management for native perennial grass restoration in California grasslands
- Grazing and passerine breeding birds in a Great Basin low-shrub desert
- Grazing and plant performance
- Grazing and plant-canopy effects on semiarid soil microbial biomass and respiration
- Grazing and pocket gopher abundance in a California annual grassland
- Grazing and soil carbon along a gradient of Alberta rangelands
- Grazing and substrate interact to affect native vs. exotic diversity in roadside grasslands
- Grazing animals as weed control agents
- Grazing as a management tool
- Grazing behavior in ungulates: Current concepts and future challenges
- Grazing date and frequency effects on prairie sandreed and sand bluestem
- Grazing duration effects on wheat growth and grain yield
- Grazing dynamics of cattle stocked at heavy rates in a continuous and rotational grazed system
- Grazing effects and range trend assessment on California bighorn sheep range
- Grazing effects on germinable seeds on the fescue prairie
- Grazing effects on nutritional quality of bluebunch wheatgrass for elk
- Grazing effects on reproductive characteristics of common curlymesquite (Hilaria belangeri)
- Grazing effects on soil water in Alberta foothills fescue grasslands
- Grazing effects on spring ecosystem vegetation of California's hardwood rangelands
- Grazing effects on stream habitat and fishes: Research design considerations
- Grazing effects on the total nonstructural carbohydrate pools in Caucasian bluestem
- Grazing effects on water relations of Caucasian bluestem
- Grazing games: Sharing common property resources with complex dynamics
- Grazing gradient detection with airborn imaging spectroscopy on a semi-arid rangeland
- Grazing history affects willow communities in a montane riparian ecosystem
- Grazing history, defoliation and competition: Effects on shortgrass production and nitrogen accumulation
- Grazing history, defoliation, and frequency-dependent competition: Effects on two North American grasses
- Grazing impacts on bulk density and soil strength in the foothills fescue grasslands of Alberta, Canada
- Grazing impacts on infiltration in mixed prairie and fescue grassland ecosystems of Alberta
- Grazing impacts on litter and roots: Perennial versus annual grasses
- Grazing impacts on litter and soil organic matter in mixed prairie and fescue grassland ecosystems of Alberta
- Grazing impacts on selected soil parameters under short-term forage sequences
- Grazing impacts on soil nitrogen and phosphorus under parkland pastures
- Grazing impacts on soil water in mixed prairie and fescue grassland ecosystems of Alberta
- Grazing in a California silvopastoral system: Effects of defoliation season, intensity, and frequency on deerbrush, Ceanothus integerrimus Hook & Arn.
- Grazing in the Sierra Nevada: Home range and space use patterns of mule deer as influenced by cattle
- Grazing influences on watering point vegetation in the Chihuahuan desert
- Grazing intensities, vegetation, and heifer gains: 55 years on shortgrass
- Grazing intensity and ecosystem processes in a northern mixed-grass prairie, USA
- Grazing intensity effects on litter decomposition and soil nitrogen mineralization
- Grazing intensity effects on weed populations in annual and perennial pasture systems
- Grazing intensity impacts on pasture carbon and nitrogen flow
- Grazing management and nitrogen fertilization effects on vaseygrass persistence in limpograss pastures
- Grazing management effects on plant species diversity in tallgrass prairie
- Grazing optimization and nutrient cycling: potential impact of large herbivores in a savanna system
- Grazing preferences of cattle in regenerating aspen forest
- Grazing refuges, external avoidance of herbivory and plant diversity
- Grazing sheep and cattle together or separately: Effect on soils and plants
- Grazing systems on the Edwards Plateau of Texas: Are they worth the trouble? I. Soil and vegetation response
- Grazing utilization limits: An ineffective management tool
- Grazing-mediated differentiation in Agropyron smithii: Evidence from populations with different grazing histories
- The growing need for integrated brush managment
- Growth and carbon allocation of Agropyron desertorum following autumn defoliation
- Growth and reproduction of grasses heavily grazed under rest-rotation management
- Growth and reproductive responses of true mountain mahogany to browsing
- Growth dynamics of fourwing saltbush as affected by different grazing management systems
- Growth of blue grama and western wheatgrass following grasshopper defoliation and mechanical clipping
- Growth of sagebrush and bitterbrush following simulated winter browsing: Mechanisms of tolerance
- Growth of winterfat following defoliation in northern mixed prairie of Saskatchewan
- The growth response of graminoid plants to goose grazing in a high arctic environment
- Growth responses of Carex ramenskii to defoliation, salinity, and nitrogen availability: Implications for geese-ecosystem dynamics in western Alaska
- Growth responses of arctic graminoids following grazing by captive lesser snow geese
- Guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats
- Guild structure of a riparian avifauna relative to seasonal cattle grazing
- Habitat and avifaunal recovery from livestock grazing in a riparian meadow system of the northwestern Great Basin
- Habitat selection and movement patterns of California golden trout in degraded and recovering stream sections in the Golden Trout Wilderness, California
- Habitat selection by cattle along an ephemeral channel
- Habitat selection by the Texas tortoise in a managed thornscrub ecosystem
- Habitat selection patterns of feral horses in southcentral Wyoming
- Habitat shifts by mule deer: The influence of cattle grazing
- Harvest frequency and burning effects on mono-cultures of 3 warm-season grasses
- Harvest frequency and burning effects on vigor of native grasses
- Heavy grazing of Canadian bluejoint to enhance hardwood and white spruce regeneration
- Heifer performance under two stocking rates on fourwing saltbush-dominated rangeland
- Height of white-flowered trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) as an index of deer browsing intensity
- Herbaceous vegetation change in variable rangeland environments: The relative contribution of grazing and climatic variability
- Herbaceous vegetation in the understory of the boreal forest: Does nutrient supply or snowshoe hare herbivory regulate species composition and abundance?
- Herbage dynamics of tallgrass prairie under short duration grazing
- Herbage production following litter removal on Alberta native grasslands
- Herbage productivity and ungulate use of northeastern Nevada mountain meadows
- Herbivore effects on plant and nitrogen dynamics in oak savanna
- Herbivore effects on plant species density at varying productivity levels
- Herbivore effects on seeded alfalfa at four pinyon-juniper sites in central Utah
- Herbivore exclosure and competitor removal: Effects on juvenile survivorship and growth in the shrub Gutierrezia microcephala
- Herbivore influence on soil microbial biomass and nitrogen mineralization in a northern grassland ecosystem: Yellowstone National Park
- Herbivore optimization and overcompensation: Does native herbivory on western rangelands support these theories?
- Herbivore regulation and irreversible vegetation change in semi-arid grazing systems
- Herbivore-induced species replacement in grasslands: Is it driven by herbivory tolerance or avoidance?
- Herbivore-limited establishment of a Sonoran Desert tree, Cercidium microphyllum
- Herbivores and the dynamics of communities and ecosystems
- Herbivores, the functional diversity of plants species, and the cycling of nutrients in ecosystems
- Herbivory and Ipomopsis aggregata: The disadvantages of being eaten
- Herbivory as a confounding factor in an experiment measuring competition among plants
- Herbivory as a trigger for growth
- Herbivory by Canada geese: Diet selection and effect on lawns
- Herbivory could unlock mutations sequestered in stratified shoot apices of genetic mosaics
- Herbivory of clonal populations: Cattle browsing affects reproduction and population structure of Yucca elata
- Herbivory on shoalgrass by wintering redheads in Texas
- Herbivory simulations in ecological research
- Herbivory tolerance of Agropyron smithii populations with different grazing histories
- Hierarchical foraging models: Effects of stocking and landscape composition on simulated resource use by cattle
- Historical changes in stocking rates of domestic livestock as a measure of semi-arid and arid rangeland degradation in the Cape Province, South Africa
- Historical trends in willow cover along streams in a southwestern Montana cattle allotment
- History and use of Konza Prairie Research Natural Area
- History of grazing research in the Aspen Parkland
- A history of resource use and disturbance in riverine basins of eastern Oregon and Washington (early 1800's-1990's)
- Holocene vegetation and historic grazing impacts at Capitol Reef National Park reconstructed using packrat middens
- How grazing and soil quality affect native and exotic plant diversity in Rocky Mountain grasslands
- How herbivory affects grazing tolerant and sensitive grasses in a central Texas grassland: Integrating plant response across hierarchical levels
- Hydrologic characteristics of vegetation types as affected by livestock grazing systems, Edwards Plateau, Texas
- Hydrologic impacts of sheep grazing on steep slopes in semiarid rangelands
- Hydrologic responses of a montane riparian ecosystem following cattle use
- Identification and creation of optimum habitat conditions for livestock
- Imazapic provides 2-year control of weedy annuals in a seeded Great Basin fuelbreak
- Impact of bark stripping by moose on aspen-spruce communities
- The impact of buffer strips and stream-side grazing on small mammals in southwestern Wisconsin
- Impact of cattle grazing on prostigmatid mite densities in grassland soils of southern interior British Columbia
- Impact of cattle on two isolated fish populations in Pahranagat Valley, Nevada
- Impact of deferred rotation grazing on stream characteristics in central Nevada: A case study
- Impact of grazing and desertification in the Chihuahuan Desert: Plant communities, granivores and granivory
- Impact of grazing management on soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur distribution
- Impact of grazing management on the carbon and nitrogen balance of a mixed-grass rangeland
- The impact of native ungulates and beaver on riparian communities in the intermountain west
- Impact of precipitation and grazing on the water vole in the Beartooth mountains of Montana and Wyoming, U.S.A.
- The impact of vertebrate herbivores on wetland vegetation in Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
- Impacts of black-tailed jackrabbits at peak population densities on sagebrush-steppe vegetation
- Impacts of defoliation on tiller production and survival in northern wheatgrass
- Impacts of fire and invasive species on desert soil ecology
- Impacts of grazing systems on soil compaction and pasture production in Alberta
- Impacts of livestock and burning on the spatial patterns of the grass Nassella pulchra (POACEAE)
- Impacts of livestock grazing activities on stream insect communities and the riverine environment
- Impacts of mule deer and horse grazing on transplanted shrubs for revegetation
- Impacts of rest-rotation grazing on streambanks in forested watersheds in Idaho
- Impacts of rotational grazing and riparian buffers on physiochemical and biological characteristics of southeastern Minnesota, USA, streams
- Impacts of rotational grazing on mixed prairie soils and vegetation
- Impacts of white-tailed deer on forest regeneration in northwestern Pennsylvania
- Importance of belowground herbivory: Pocket gophers may limit aspen to rock outcrop refugia
- The importance of scale in evaluating herbivory impacts
- Importance of soil moisture and its interaction with competition and clipping for two montane meadow grasses
- Improved elk habitat characteristics with livestock grazing
- Improving Grazing Management Increases Terrestrial Invertebrate Inputs that Feed Trout in Wyoming Rangeland Streams
- An increase in herbivory of cottonwood in Yellowstone National Park
- Increase in number of dominant plants and dominance-classes on a grassland in the northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Increases in the net above-ground primary production of a salt-marsh forage grass: A test of the predictions of the herbivore-optimization model
- Indirect interactions mediated by changing plant chemistry: Beaver browsing benefits beetles
- Infiltration and interrill erosion responses to selected livestock grazing strategies, Edwards Plateau, Texas
- Infiltration and runoff water-quality response to silvicultural and grazing treatments on a longleaf pine forest
- Infiltration as a tool for detecting soil changes due to cropping, tillage, and grazing livestock
- Infiltration rates and sediment production as influenced by grazing systems in the Texas Rolling Plains
- Influence of avian predation on a grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) assemblage that feeds on threadleaf snakeweed
- Influence of canopy removal by burning or clipping on emergence of Eragrostis lehmanniana seedlings
- Influence of cattle grazing and pasture land use on macroinvertebrate communities in freshwater wetlands
- Influence of cattle stocking rate on the structural profile of deer hiding cover
- Influence of clipping frequency on herbage yield and nutrient content of tall wheatgrass
- The influence of deer browsing on the reproductive biology of Canada yew (Taxus canadensis marsh.): I. Direct effect on pollen, ovule, and seed production
- Influence of elk grazing on soil properties in Rocky Mountain National Park
- Influence of grazing by bison and cattle on deer mice in burned tallgrass prairie
- Influence of grazing cattle and sheep together and separately on animal performance and forage quality
- Influence of grazing history on the community structure of grasshoppers of a mixed-grass prairie
- Influence of grazing on channel morphology of intermittent streams
- Influence of grazing pressure on forage quality and intake by sheep grazing smooth bromegrass
- The influence of grazing pressure on rooting dynamics of Caucasian bluestem
- The influence of harvest management and fertilizer application on seasonal yield, crude protein concentration and N offtake of grasses in northeast Saskatchewan
- Influence of herbivores on a perennial plant: Variation with life history stage and herbivore species
- Influence of herbivorous mammals on an old-field plant community: Years 1-4 after disturbance
- Influence of intensive rotational grazing on bank erosion, fish habitat quality, and fish communities in southwestern Wisconsin trout streams
- Influence of leafy spurge on forage utilization by cattle
- The influence of livestock trampling under intensive rotation grazing on soil hydrologic characteristics
- The influence of moose on the structure and composition of Isle Royale forests
- Influence of off-stream supplements on streambanks of riparian pastures
- Influence of pasture management on soil biological quality
- Influence of pocket gopher mounds on a Texas coastal prairie
- Influence of refuging consumers (pikas: Ochotona princeps) on subalpine meadow vegetation
- Influence of rest-rotation cattle grazing on mule deer and elk habitat use in east-central Idaho
- Influence of rodent predation on antelope bitterbrush seedlings
- Influence of season and intensity of defoliation on bluebunch wheatgrass survival and vigor in southern British Columbia
- The influence of soil depth on plant species response to grazing within a semi-arid savanna
- Influence of Spanish goats on vegetation and soils in Arizona chaparral
- Influence of Streambank Fencing on the Environmental Quality of Cattle-Excluded Pastures
- Influence of streambank fencing with a cattle crossing on riparian health and water quality of the Lower Little Bow River in southern Alberta, Canada
- Influences of chronic and current season grazing by collared pikas on above-ground biomass and species richness in subarctic alpine meadows
- Influences of herbivory and water on willow in elk winter range
- Influences of land disturbance and management regime on infiltration and runoff
- Influences of livestock grazing on sage grouse habitat
- Initial beaked hazel growth responses following protection from ungulate browsing
- Insect diversity in two burned and grazed grasslands
- Instability of development and fractal architecture in dryland plants as an index of grazing pressure
- Integrating 2,4-D and sheep grazing to rehabilitate spotted knapweed infestations
- Integration of response to defoliation within plants of two species of Sesbania
- Intensive cattle grazing of oxeye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)
- Interacting effects of landownership, land use, and endangered species on conservation of southwestern U.S. rangelands
- Interaction of beaver and elk herbivory reduces standing crop of willow
- Interaction of cattle and deer on mountain rangeland
- Interaction of disturbances in tallgrass prairie: A field experiment
- Interaction of factors affecting seedling recruitment of blue oak (Quercus douglasii) in California
- Interactions among the effects of herbivory, competition, and resource limitation on chaparral herbs
- Interactions between woody plants and browsing mammals mediated by secondary metabolites
- Interactions of grazing and plant protection on basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata) seedling survival
- Interactions of snowshoe hare and feltleaf willow in Alaska
- The interactive effects of fire and herbivory on a coastal marsh in Louisiana
- Interactive effects of fire, bison (Bison Bison) grazing and plant community composition in tallgrass prairie
- The interactive effects of herbivory and fire on an oligohaline marsh, Little Lake, Louisiana, USA
- Intermediate wheatgrass and Russian wildrye responses to defoliation and moisture
- Interplanting crested wheatgrass with shrubs and alfalfa: Effects of competition and preferential clipping
- Intertidal plant communities of an arctic salt marsh: The influence of isostatic uplift and herbivory
- Intraspecific and diffuse competition: The response of Nassella pulchra in a California grassland
- Invasive weeds in rangelands: species, impacts and management
- Inverse salinity gradients in coastal marshes and the death of stands of Salix: The effects of grubbing by geese
- Is aspen doomed?
- Is short-duration grazing the answer?
J K L [^]
- Jackrabbit densities on fair and good condition Chihuahuan Desert range
- Joint effects of competitors and herbivores on growth and reproduction in Aristolochia reticulata
- Lack of induced chemical defense in juvenile Alaskan woody plants in response to simulated browsing
- Lack of vertebrate herbivory in playa wetlands
- Lag in stream channel adjustment to livestock exclosure, White Mountains, California
- Land degradation and the decline of ranching in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, California
- Land use and soil conservation strategies for potentially highly erodible soils of central eastern Nigeria
- A landscape simulation model of winter foraging by large ungulates
- Landscape variables affecting livestock impacts on water quality in the humid temperate zone
- Landslide erosion risk to New Zealand pastoral steeplands productivity
- Large animals and system-level characteristics in river corridors
- Large herbivore foraging and ecology hierarchies
- Large-scale reclamation of barren lands in Iceland by aerial seeding
- Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus) nest-site selection and success in a mixed-grass prairie
- Late summer forage on prairie sandreed dominated rangeland after spring defoliation
- Leaf and shoot demography of an arctic stoloniferous grass, Puccinellia phryganodes, in response to grazing
- The leaf and shoot demography of grazed and ungrazed plants of Carex subspathacea
- Leaf extension rate in two tussock grasses: Effects of water stress and clipping
- Leafy spurge and grass response to picloram and intensive grazing
- Leafy spurge control with angora goats and herbicides
- Length and timing of grazing of postburn productivity of two bunchgrasses in an Idaho experimental range
- Lesser snow geese and the nitrogen economy of a grazed salt marsh
- A lesson in the limitations of field experiments: Shrubsteppe birds and habitat alteration
- Lessons from the past: Have we learned from our mistakes?
- Lifetime impacts of herbivory for a perennial plant
- Linking above-ground and below-ground interactions: How plant responses to foliar herbivory influence soil organisms
- Litter mass, deposition rate, and chemical composition in bahiagrass pastures managed at different intensities
- Livestock activity and Chihuahuan Desert annual-plant communities: Boundary analysis of disturbance gradients
- Livestock and big game forage relationships
- Livestock effects on reproduction of the Columbia spotted frog
- Livestock exclusion and belowground ecosystem responses in riparian meadows of eastern Oregon
- Livestock exclusion increases the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation in Colorado shortgrass steppe
- Livestock grazing and conservation on southwestern rangelands
- Livestock grazing and habitat for a threatened species: Land-use decisions under scientific uncertainty in the White Mountains, California, USA
- Livestock grazing and wildlife: Developing compatibilities
- Livestock grazing effects on ant communities in the eastern Mojave Desert, USA
- Livestock grazing effects on forage quality of elk winter range
- Livestock grazing management impacts on stream water quality: A review
- Livestock grazing, golden trout, and streams in the Golden Trout Wilderness, California: Impacts and management implications
- Livestock grazing, rest, and restoration in arid landscapes
- Livestock grazing: A silvicultural tool for plantation establishment
- Livestock grazing: Animal and plant biodiversity of shortgrass steppe and the relationship to ecosystem function
- Livestock: biological control in brush/weed management programs
- Local gradients of cowbird abundance and parasitism relative to livestock grazing in a western landscape
- Long term grazing effects on genetic variation in Idaho fescue
- Long term grazing influences on Chihuahuan desert rangeland
- Long-term aquatic habitat restoration: Mahogany Creek, Nevada, as a case study
- Long-term cattle gain responses to stocking rate and grazing systems in northern mixed-grass prairie
- Long-term changes in willow spatial distribution on the elk winter range of Rocky Mountain National Park (USA)
- Long-term destruction of sub-arctic wetland vegetation by lesser snow geese
- Long-term effects of changes in goose grazing intensity on arrowgrass populations: A spatially explicit model
- Long-term grazing density impacts on soil compaction
- Long-term heavy-grazing effects on soil and vegetation in the four corners region
- Long-term impacts of livestock grazing on Chihuahuan Desert rangelands
- Long-term influences of livestock management and a non-native grass on grass dynamics in the desert grassland
- Long-term patterns in coastal California grasslands in relation to cultivation, gophers, and grazing
- A long-term positive effect of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis) on creosotebushes (Larrea tridentata)
- Long-term prairie falcon population changes in relation to prey abundance, weather, land uses, and habitat conditions
- Long-term production and profitability from grazing cattle in the northern mixed grass prairie
- Long-term vegetation dynamics mediated by herbivores, weather and fire in a Juniperus-Quercus savanna
- Losses on private land due to big game animals
- Low nutritive quality as a defense against optimally foraging herbivores
M N O [^]
- Mammalian herbivores: Ecosystem-level effects in two grassland national parks
- Management and economic implications of intensive grazing on dairy farms in the northeastern states
- Management decisions based on utilization - Is it really management?
- Management of cattle distribution
- The management of insects, diseases, fire, and grazing and implications for terrestrial vertebrates using riparian habitats in eastern Oregon and Washington
- Management practices in tallgrass prairie: Large- and small-scale experimental effects on species composition
- Management strategies for optimal beef cattle distribution and use of mountain riparian meadows
- Managing exotic grasses and conserving declining species
- Managing fish and livestock on Idaho rangelands
- Managing species diversity in tallgrass prairie: Assumptions and implications
- Managing yellow starthistle on rangeland
- Marsh restoration in the presence of intense herbivory: The role of Justicia lanceolata (Chapm.) small
- Maximization of aboveground grassland production: The role of defoliation frequency, intensity, and history
- Maximization of primary and secondary productivity by grazers
- The measurement of chronic disturbance and its effects on the threatened cactus Mammillaria pectinifera
- Mechanisms of tolerance to herbivore damage: What do we know?
- Mechanisms that result in large herbivore grazing distribution patterns
- Mice and management on the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area
- Microbial diversity and activity of disturbed soil in the northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Microdistribution of the beach plant Cakile maritima (Brassicaceae) as influenced by a rodent herbivore
- Microhabitat selection by Texas horned lizards in southern Texas
- Mid-Texas coastal marsh change (1939-1991) as influenced by lesser snow goose herbivory
- A model of herbivore feedback in plant productivity
- Modeling the effects of nutria (Myocastor coypus) on wetland loss
- Moderate and light cattle grazing effects on Chihuahuan Desert rangelands
- Modulation of diversity by grazing and mowing in native tallgrass prairie
- Monitoring roots of grazed rangeland vegetation with the root periscope/mini-rhizotron technique
- Monitoring temporal change in riparian vegetation of Great Basin National Park
- Moose browsing and soil fertility in the boreal forests of Isle Royale National Park
- Moose herbivory and carbon turnover of early successional stands in interior Alaska
- Moose herbivory in taiga: Effects on biogeochemistry and vegetation dynamics in primary succession
- Moose herbivory, browse quality, and nutrient cycling in an Alaskan treeline community
- Moose, microbes, and the boreal forests
- Morphological characterization and defoliation responses of selected Schizachyrium scoparium genotypes
- Mosaics of vegetation and soil salinity: A consequence of goose foraging in an arctic salt marsh
- Mourning dove densities on Chihuahuan Desert rangelands
- Mourning dove numbers on different seral communities in the Chihuahuan Desert
- Mowing and fertilization effect on productivity and spectral reflectance in Bromus inermis plots
- Mule deer-induced mortality of mountain big sagebrush
- Multi-decadal impacts of grazing on soil physical and biogeochemical properties in southeast Utah
- Multi-scale landscape factors influencing stream water quality in the state of Oregon
- Multiple disturbances accelerate invasion of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) in a mesocosm study
- Multiple stable equilibria in grasslands mediated by herbivore population dynamics and foraging behavior
- Multiple use of public rangeland: antelope and stocker cattle in Wyoming
- Multiscale responses of soil stability and invasive plants to removal of non-native grazers from an arid conservation reserve
- Multispecies grazing: the ecological advantage
- Mycorrhizal colonization of crested wheatgrass as influenced by grazing
- Mycorrhizal influences on big bluestem rhizome regrowth and clipping tolerance
- Mycorrhizas in grasslands: Interaction of ungulates, fungi, and drought
- Native and alien species diversity at the local and regional scales in a grazed California grassland
- Natural regulation in Yellowstone National Park's northern range
- The need for long-term stream monitoring programs in forest ecosystems of the pacific northwest
- Nest sites of ducks in grazed mixed-grass prairie in North Dakota
- Nest success of ducks on rotational and season-long grazing systems in Saskatchewan
- Nesting birds and grazing cattle: Accommodating both on midwestern pastures
- Niche partitioning among mule deer, elk, and cattle: do stable isotopes reflect dietary niche?
- Niche relationships within a guild of ungulate species in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, following release from artificial controls
- Nitrate leaching from cattle urine and feces in northeast USA
- Nitrate levels in shallow groundwater under pastures receiving ammonium nitrate or slow-release nitrogen fertilizer
- Nitrogen and energy budgets of free-roaming cattle
- Nitrogen dynamics in an Alaskan salt marsh following spring use by geese
- Nitrogen fertilization stimulates herbivory by snowshoe hares in the boreal forest
- Nitrogen mineralization, plant growth and goose herbivory in an arctic coastal ecosystem
- Nitrogen-15 partitioning within a three generation tiller sequence of the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium: response to selective defoliation
- Non-native plant invasions in managed and protected ponderosa pine/Douglas fir forests of the Colorado Front Range
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of sedge meadows grazed by cattle in southern Wisconsin
- Nongame bird communities on managed grasslands in North Dakota
- Nongame wildlife communities in grazed and ungrazed montane riparian sites
- Nonpoint-source pollutant load reductions associated with livestock exclusion
- Nonstructural carbohydrates and spring regrowth of two cool-season grasses: Interaction of drought and clipping
- North Dakota grasslands net primary productivity and plant nitrogen dynamics as a function of grazing intensity
- Notes on grazing and native plants in central California
- Nutrient quality of bluebunch wheatgrass regrowth on elk winter range in relation to defoliation
- Nutritional and seed responses of forage kochia to ruminal incubation
- Observations of cattle use of prairie dog towns
- Observations of white-tailed deer and cattle diets in Mexico
- Observations on the prehistory and ecology of grazing in California
- Observations on white-tailed deer and habitat response to livestock grazing in south Texas
- Off-stream water sources for grazing cattle as a stream bank stabilization and water quality BMP
- Offensive-defensive interactions between herbivores and plants: Their relevance in herbivore population dynamics and ecological theory
- Old-field grassland successional dynamics following cessation of chronic disturbance
- On plants and herbivores
- On the choice between the stocking rate and time in range management
- The on-ranch economics of riparian zone cattle grazing management
- Opportunistic management for rangelands not at equilibrium
- Optimal central-place foraging by beavers: Tree-size selection in relation to defensive chemicals of quaking aspen
- Optimal foraging and community structure: Implications for a guild of generalist grassland herbivores
- Optimal Placement of Off-Stream Water Sources for Ephemeral Stream Recovery
- Overcompensation by plants: Herbivore optimization or red herring?
- Overcompensation in response to mammalian herbivory: From mutualistic to antagonistic interactions
- Overcompensation in response to mammalian herbivory: The advantage of being eaten
- Overcompensation of plants in response to herbivory and by-product benefits of mutualism
- Overlap in winter diets of sympatric moose and white-tailed deer in Maine
P Q R [^]
- Packhorse grazing behavior and immediate impact on a timberline meadow
- Paddock size and stocking density affect spatial heterogeneity of grazing
- Pairing season habitat selection by Montezuma quail in southeastern Arizona
- Pasture growth, production, and quality under rotational and continuous grazing management
- Path to extinction: Impact of vegetational change on lizard populations on Arapaho Prairie in the Nebraska sandhills
- Pattern of interspecific tiller defoliation in a mixed-grass prairie grazed by cattle
- Patterns and simulation of soil water under different grazing management systems in central Alberta
- Patterns in grass silicification: Response to grazing history and defoliation
- Patterns of willow seed dispersal, seed entrapment, and seedling establishment in a heavily browsed montane riparian ecosystem
- Performance and forage selectivity of sheep and goats co-grazing grass/forb at three stocking rates
- Performance of 'Grasslands Puna' chicory at different management levels
- Performance of light vs. heavy steers grazing Plains Old World bluestem at three stocking rates.
- Persistence of a Lolium perenne-Trifolium subterraneum pasture under differing defoliation treatments
- Persistence of cool-season grasses under grazing using the mob-grazing technique
- Persistence of Idaho fescue on degraded rangelands: Adaptation to defoliation or tolerance
- Physiological responses of plant populations to herbivory and their consequences for ecosystem nutrient flow
- Picloram, fertilizer, and defoliation interactions on spotted knapweed reinvasion
- Plant and animal foods of bobwhite and scaled quail in southwest Texas
- Plant biodiversity on shortgrass steppe after 55 years of zero, light, moderate, or heavy cattle grazing
- Plant community response to short duration grazing in tallgrass prairie
- Plant competition and herbivory in relation to vegetation biomass
- Plant competition, abiotic, and long- and short-term effects of large herbivores on demography of opportunistic species in a semiarid grassland
- Plant morphology and grazing history: Relationships between native grasses and herbivores
- Plant response to defoliation in a subalpine green fescue community
- Plant response to grazing: A review
- Plant responses to defoliation and resource supplementation in the Pryor Mountains
- Plant responses to herbivory and belowground nitrogen cycling
- Plant responses to pine management and deferred-rotation grazing in north Florida
- Plant responses to pocket-gopher disturbances across pastures and topography
- Plant responses to selective grazing by bison: Interactions between light, herbivory and water stress
- Plant succession as a natural range restoration factor in private livestock enterprises
- Plant traits and ecosystem grazing effects: comparison of U.S. sagebrush steppe and Patagonian steppe
- Plant-herbivore interactions in a North American mixed-grass prairie. II. Responses of bison to modification of vegetation by prairie dogs
- Plant-herbivore-hydroperiod interactions: Effects of native mammals on floodplain tree recruitment
- Ponderosa pine aboveground growth after cattle removal of terminal tissue
- Population structure and tiller demography of the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium in response to herbivory
- Population structure of three dominant sedges under muskox herbivory in the high arctic
- Populus forest characterization in Elk Island National Park relative to herbivory, prescribed fire, and topography
- A positive feedback: Herbivory, plant growth, salinity, and the desertification of an arctic salt-marsh
- Post-harvest seed dormancy effects on kleingrass germination following simulated digestion by cattle
- Postfire Management on Forested Public Lands of the Western United States
- Postfire succession in big sagebrush steppe with livestock grazing
- Potential applications of British tree shelters to hardwood regeneration in the northeastern United States
- Potential for enhancing riparian habitats in the southwestern United States with watershed practices
- The potential impact of herbivores on the susceptibility of the marsh plant Sagittaria lancifolia to saltwater intrusion in coastal wetlands
- The potential of off-stream livestock watering to reduce water quality impacts
- Potential soil carbon sequestration in overgrazed grassland ecosystems
- Prairie dog effects on harvester ant species diversity and density
- Prairie dog effects on plant community structure in southern mixed-grass prairie
- Predicting plant species diversity in response to disturbance magnitude in grassland remnants of central Alberta
- Predicting plant species' responses to grazing
- Preliminary response of sandhills prairie to fire and bison grazing
- Prescribed fire and cattle grazing on an elk winter range in Montana
- Prescribed grazing as a secondary impact in a western riparian floodplain
- Prescribed sheep grazing to enhance wildlife habitat on North American rangelands
- Prescribed sheep grazing to suppress cheatgrass: a review
- Prescription grazing for rangeland weed management
- Prescription grazing to enhance rangeland watersheds
- Previous grazing or clipping affects seed of Indian ricegrass
- Prior grazing by sheep reduces waxy larkspur consumption by cattle: an observation
- Production and rain use efficiency in shortgrass steppe: grazing history, defoliation and water resource
- Productivity of chicory and plantain cultivars under grazing
- Productivity of long-term grazing treatments in response to seasonal precipitation
- Propoxycarbazone-sodium and imazapic effects on downy brome (Bromus tectorum) and newly seeded perennial grasses
- Quality of runoff from plots with simulated grazing
- Quantification and simulation of soil water on grazed fescue watersheds
- Quantification and simulation of surface runoff from fescue grassland watersheds
- Quantification of tiller pull-up during grazing of pinegrass
- Quantitative effects of grazing on vegetation and soils over a global range of environments
- Rainfall simulation to evaluate infiltration/runoff characteristics of a shortgrass prairie
- Range animal diet composition in southcentral Wyoming
- Range condition influences on Chihuahuan Desert cattle and jackrabbit diets
- Range expansion by bison of Yellowstone National Park
- Rangeland and steer responses to grazing in the Southern Plains
- Rangeland cattle and manure placement: A link to water quality
- Rangeland soil carbon and nitrogen responses to grazing
- Rates of vegetation change associated with prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) grazing in North American mixed-grass prairie
- Recent environmental changes inferred from the sediments of small lakes in Yellowstone's northern range
- Recovery of a high elevation plant community after packhorse grazing
- Recovery of compacted soil on pastures used for winter cattle feeding
- Recovery of leafy spurge seed from sheep
- Recovery of tall cotton-grass following real and simulated feeding by snow geese
- Recovery of tundra vegetation after overgrazing by caribou in arctic Canada
- Recovery, germinability and viability of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) seeds ingested by sheep and goats
- Refugia from browsing as reference sites for restoration planning
- Regeneration of woody species following burning and grazing in Aspen Parkland
- Regrowth and production of herbaceous riparian vegetation following defoliation
- Regrowth and rest requirements of northern wheatgrass following defoliation
- Regrowth of willow following simulated beaver cutting
- Regulating competition on conifer plantations with prescribed cattle grazing
- Regulation of fine root dynamics by mammalian browsers in early successional Alaskan taiga forests
- Relations among riparian grazing, sediment loads, macroinvertebrates, and fishes in three central Pennsylvania streams
- Relationship between plant species diversity and grassland condition
- The relationship of land use practices to surface water quality in the Upper Oconee Watershed of Georgia
- Relationship of soil and plant characteristics to erosion and runoff on pasture and range
- Relationships among Idaho fescue defoliation, soil water, and spotted knapweed emergence and growth
- Relationships between graminoid growth form and levels of grazing by caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Alaska
- Relationships between plant and invertebrate communities under three management regimes
- Relationships between size, biomass allocation, reproduction, and survival in Triglochin palustris: Implications for the effects of goose herbivory
- Relicts of the past: A vanishing range resources
- Research observation: Effects of rangeland ecological condition on scaled quail sightings
- Resilience of South African communal grazing land after the removal of high grazing pressure
- Resilience of willow stems after release from intense elk browsing
- Resistance against spider mites in cotton induced by mechanical abrasion
- Resistance of Kochia scoparia to feeding damage by grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
- Resistance to invasion and resilience to fire in desert shrublands of North America
- Resource partitioning and competition among cervids in the northern Rocky Mountains
- Resource selection and spatial separation of mule deer and elk during spring
- Response of a native perennial grass stand to disturbance in California's Coast Range Grassland.
- Response of a semidesert grassland to 16 years of rest from grazing
- Response of a subarctic salt marsh plant community to foraging by captive lesser snow geese
- Response of birds to grazing of riparian zones
- Response of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) to livestock grazing in southeastern Arizona: Differences between seasons and subfamilies
- Response of mountain meadows to grazing by recreational pack stock
- Response of nesting ducks to habitat management on the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge Colorado
- Response of northern harriers and short-eared owls to grassland management in Illinois
- Response of red willow to beaver use in southeastern Oregon
- Response of selected and unselected bahiagrass populations to defoliation
- Response of semi-desert grasslands invaded by non-native grasses to altered disturbance regimes
- Response of the mixed prairie to protection from grazing
- Response of vegetation and breeding birds to the removal of cattle on the San Pedro River, Arizona (U.S.A.)
- Response of winterfat (Ceratoides lanata) communities to release from grazing pressure
- Response to comment: Ungulate herbivory of willows on Yellowstone's northern winter range
- Responses of arctic sedges to release from grazing: Leaf demography of Carex x flavicans
- Responses of arctic sedges to release from grazing: Leaf elongation in two species of Carex
- Responses of bluebunch wheatgrass, Idaho fescue, and nematodes to ungulate grazing in Yellowstone National Park
- Responses of endophyte-bearing and endophyte-free varieties of Lolium perenne L. to fungicide treatment and simulated herbivory
- Responses of fecal coliform in streamwater to four grazing strategies
- Responses of simulated leaf and root herbivory by a biennial Tragopogon dubius
- Responses of soil respiration to clipping and grazing in a tallgrass prairie
- Responses of vegetation of the northern Great Plains to precipitation amount and grazing intensity
- Responses to defoliation in Holcus lanatus, Lolium perenne, and Trifolium repens from three different-aged pastures
- Restoration of a native shrubland impacted by exotic grasses, frequent fire, and nitrogen deposition in southern California
- Restoration of riparian forest using irrigation, artificial disturbance, and natural seedfall
- Restoration of riparian meadows degraded by livestock grazing: Above- and belowground responses
- Restoring degraded riparian meadows: Biomass and species responses
- Restoring heterogeneity on rangelands: Ecosystem management based on evolutionary grazing patterns
- Resuspending organisms from a rangeland stream bottom
- Reversal of grazing impact on plant species richness in nutrient-poor vs. nutrient-rich ecosystems
- Riparian and stream enhancement management and research in the Rocky Mountains
- Riparian areas: Perceptions in management
- Riparian corridors of eastern Oregon and Washington: Functions and sustainability along lowland-arid to mountain gradients
- Riparian ecosystems of semi-arid North America: Diversity and human impacts
- Riparian forest restoration: Why each site needs an ecological prescription
- Riparian forest restoration: Increasing success by reducing plant competition and herbivory
- Riparian grazing guidelines for the Intermountain region
- Riparian grazing management that worked: I. Introduction and winter grazing
- Riparian livestock exclosure research in the western United States: A critique and some recommendations
- Riparian stubble height and recovery of degraded streambanks
- Riparian vegetation response to different intensities and seasons of grazing
- Rodent communities in a grazed and ungrazed Arizona grassland, and a model of habitat relationships among rodents in southwestern grass/shrublands
- The role of cattle in the volatile loss of nitrogen from a shortgrass steppe
- Role of ice scouring and goose grubbing in marsh plant dynamics
- The role of lesser snow geese as nitrogen processors in a sub-arctic salt marsh
- The role of livestock and other herbivores in improving rangeland
- Root and shoot responses of sand bluestem to defoliation
- Rotational grazing effects on rangeland vegetation at a farm scale
- Rotational grazing on rangelands: Reconciliation of perception and experimental evidence
- Rotational Grazing Systems and Livestock Grazing Behavior in Shrub-dominated Semi-arid and Arid Rangelands
- Rough fescue response to season and intensity of defoliation
- Runoff and interrill erosion as affected by grass cover in a semi-arid rangeland of northern Mexico
- Runoff and sediment losses resulting from winter feeding on pastures
- Runoff and sediment yield from snowmelt and rainfall as influenced by forage type and grazing intensity
- Runoff and sediment yield under grazing in foothills fescue grasslands of Alberta
- Runoff from simulated rainfall in 2 montane riparian communities
- Runoff nutrient and fecal coliform content from cattle manure application to fescue plots
S T U [^]
- Sagebrush and ungulate relationships on Yellowstone's northern range
- Sagebrush response to ungulate browsing in Yellowstone
- Sagehen exclosure: A history of bitterbrush reproduction
- Scale effects of vegetation on forager movement and seed harvesting by ants
- Scaled quail use of different seral stages in the Chihuahuan Desert
- Season-long grazing of seeded cool-season pastures in the Northern Great Plains
- Seasonal browsing of Douglas-fir seedlings by sheep
- Seasonal cattle management in 3 to 5 year old bitterbrush stands
- Seasonal diet selection of cattle grazing a montane riparian community
- Seasonal dynamics and defoliation impact on herbage yield in aspen boreal habitats of Alberta
- Seasonal grazing affects soil physical properties of a montane riparian community
- Seasonal grazing impact on cryptogamic crusts in a cold desert ecosystem
- Seasonal growth rates of tallgrass prairie after clipping
- Seasonal preferences of steers for prominent northern Great Basin grasses
- Seasonal stocking of tobosa managed under continuous and rotation grazing
- Sediment and nutrient losses from an unimproved, all-year grazed watershed
- Sediment filtration in a montane riparian zone under simulated rainfall
- Sediment losses from a pastured watershed before and after stream fencing
- Sediment movement and filtration in a riparian meadow following cattle use
- Sediment movement through riparian vegetation under simulated rainfall and overland flow
- Sediment retention in rangeland riparian buffers
- Seed production in sideoats grama populations with different grazing histories
- Seed recovery and germination of reseeded species fed to cattle
- Seedbank diversity in grazing lands of the northeast United States
- Seedstalk production of mountain big sagebrush enhanced through short term protection from heavy browsing
- Seeking common ground on western rangelands
- Selection for overcompensatory plant responses to herbivory: A mechanism for the evolution of plant-herbivore mutualism
- Selection of winter foraging sites by elk and mule deer
- Selective foraging and ecosystem processes in boreal forests
- Selective forces exerted by vertebrate herbivores on plants
- Selective herbivory and plant community structure in a mid-Atlantic salt marsh
- Semi-arid and arid rangelands: A resource under siege due to patch-selective grazing
- Sheep grazing and plant cover dynamics of a shadscale community
- Sheep grazing as a silvicultural tool to suppress brush
- Sheep grazing effects on subterranean clover development and seed production in western Oregon
- Sheep grazing efficiency and selectivity on Oregon hill pasture
- Sheep grazing spotted knapweed and Idaho fescue
- Sheep: A method for controlling rangeland weeds
- Shoot population dynamics of beaked sedge following cattle grazing
- Short duration grazing in central New Mexico: Effects on sediment production
- Short duration grazing in central New Mexico: Effects on infiltration rates
- Short duration grazing in North Dakota: Preliminary results
- Short-duration grazing on crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum): Effects of grazing system variables on cattle and herbage production
- Short-duration grazing: An economic perspective
- Short-duration grazing: Experiences from the Edwards Plateau region in Texas
- Short-term grazing exclusion effects on riparian small mammal communities
- Short-term response of riparian vegetation to 4 grazing treatments
- Shortgrass range vegetation and steer growth response to intensive early stocking
- Should cows chew cheatgrass in commonlands?
- Shrub densities in relation to fire, livestock grazing, and precipitation in an Arizona desert grassland
- Shrub litter production in sagebrush-steppe ecosystem: Rodent population cycles as a regulating factor
- Shrub-grassland small mammal and vegetation responses to rest from grazing
- Silicon uptake and distribution in Agropyron smithii as related to grazing history and defoliation
- Simulation and management implications of feral horse grazing on Cumberland Island, Georgia
- Sites, mowing, 2,4-D, and seasons affect bitterbrush twig morphology
- Sixty-one years of secondary succession on rangelands of the Wyoming High Plains
- Size distribution patterns and potential population change of some dominant woody species of the Edwards Plateau region of Texas
- Size-dependent herbivore attack and the demography of an arid grassland shrub
- Slow recovery in desert perennial vegetation following prolonged human disturbance
- Small mammals in montane wet meadow habitat at Grays Lake, Idaho
- Small mammals in tall-grass prairie: Patterns associated with grazing and burning
- Small-mammal regulation of vegetation structure in a temperate savanna
- Small-scale disturbances and the successional dynamics in a shortgrass plant community: Interactions of disturbance characteristics
- Small-scale heterogeneity in a semi-arid North American grassland. I. Tillering, N uptake and retranslocation in simulated urine patches
- Social values in the assessment of livestock grazing in the Great Plains
- Soil and plant water relations in a crested wheatgrass pasture: response to spring grazing by cattle
- Soil and vegetation responses to simulated trampling
- Soil bulk density and water infiltration as affected by grazing systems
- Soil bulk density as influenced by grazing intensity and soil type on a shortgrass prairie site
- Soil carbon and nitrogen of Northern Great Plains grassland as influenced by long-term grazing
- Soil compacting impacts of grazing in mixed prairie and fescue grassland ecosystems of Alberta
- Soil compaction from cattle trampling on a semiarid watershed in northwest New Mexico
- Soil compaction under grazing of annual and perennial forages
- Soil depth assessment of sagebrush grazing treatments using electromagnetic induction
- Soil hydrologic response to number of pastures and stocking density under intensive rotation grazing
- Soil microarthropods as indicators of exposure to environmental stress in Chihuahuan desert rangelands
- Soil microtopography on grazing gradients in Chihuahuan desert grasslands
- Soil properties and species diversity of grazed crested wheatgrass and native rangelands
- Soil properties and their spatial pattern in a degraded sandy grassland under post grazing restoration, Inner Mongolia, northern China
- Soil property comparisons in virgin grasslands between grazed and nongrazed management systems
- Soil response to long-term grazing in the northern Great Plains of North America
- Soil response to trampling under intensive rotation grazing
- Soil seed bank of a semiarid Texas grassland under three long- term (36 years) grazing regimes
- Soil water regimes of rotationally grazed perennial and annual forages
- Soil-climate effects on nitrate leaching from cattle excreta
- Soil-water infiltration under crops, pasture, and established riparian buffer in Midwestern USA
- Soluble carbohydrates, concurrent photosynthesis and efficiency in regrowth following defoliation: A field study with Agropyron species
- Some effects of a rotational grazing treatment on quantity and quality of available forage and amount of ground litter
- Some effects of herbivory and 30 years of weir management on emergent vegetation in brackish marsh
- Some relationships of black-tailed prairie dogs to livestock grazing
- Some responses of riparian soils to grazing management in northeastern Oregon
- Some vegetation responses to selected livestock grazing strategies, Edwards Plateau, Texas
- Songbird community composition and nesting success in grazed and ungrazed pinyon-juniper woodland
- South Florida flatwoods range vegetation responses to season of deferment from grazing
- Spatial and temporal patterns of cattle feces deposition on rangeland
- Spatial arrangement of tiller replacement in Agropyron desertorum following grazing
- Spatial components of plant-herbivore interactions in pastoral, ranching, and native ungulate ecosystems
- Spatial patterns in the moose-forest-soil ecosystem on Isle Royale, Michigan, USA
- Spatial variability of soil chemical properties in grazed pastures
- Spatial variability of soil properties in the shortgrass steppe: The relative importance of topography, grazing, microsite, and plant species in controlling spatial patterns
- Species contribution to seasonal productivity of a mixed pasture under two sward grazing height regimes
- Species diversity and functional composition of pastures that vary in landscape position and grazing management
- Species diversity and habitat of grassland passerines during grazing of a prescribe-burned, mixed-grass prairie
- Species richness and California voles in an annual and a perennial grassland
- Spotted knapweed response to season and frequency of mowing
- Spotted knapweed seed viability after passing through sheep and mule deer
- Spread of introduced Lehmann lovegrass along a grazing intensity gradient
- Spring defoliation effects on bluebunch wheatgrass: II. Basal area
- Spring defoliation effects on bluebunch wheatgrass: l. winter forage quality
- Spring grazing effects on components of winter wheat yield
- Spring habitat requirements of captive-reared Attwater's prairie chicken
- Spring-clipping response in Snake River and thickspike wheatgrass
- Stability of grazed patches on rough fescue rangelands
- Stable states and thresholds of range condition on North American rangelands: A viewpoint
- Standing crop patterns under short duration grazing in northern Mexico
- The status, habitat, and response to grazing of water vole populations in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming, USA
- Steer and vegetation response to short duration and continuous grazing
- Steer diets in a montane riparian community
- Stocker cattle performance and vegetation response to intensive-early stocking of Cross Timbers rangeland
- Stocking rate affects production and profitability in a rotationally grazed pasture system
- Stocking rate and grazing frequency effects on Nebraska sandhills meadows
- Stocking rate effects on intensive-early stocked Flint Hills bluestem range
- Stocking rate, precipitation, and herbage production on sand sagebrush-grassland
- Storm runoff characteristics of grazed watersheds in eastern Oregon
- Stream bank erosion adjacent to riparian forest buffers, row-crop fields, and continuously-grazed pastures along Bear Creek in central Iowa
- Stream canopy and its relationship to salmonid biomass in the Intermountain West
- Stream channel adjustments following elimination of cattle grazing
- Stream channel and vegetation changes in sections of McKnight Creek, New Mexico
- Stream channel and vegetation responses to late spring cattle grazing
- Stream channel changes associated with mining and grazing in the Great Basin
- Stream habitat and fisheries response to livestock grazing and instream improvement structures, Big Creek, Utah
- Streambank and vegetation response to simulated cattle grazing
- Streambank erosion associated with grazing practices in the humid region
- Streambank stability and cattle grazing in southwestern Montana
- Streamside and upland vegetation use by cattle
- Streamside vegetation regrowth after clipping
- Structure and function of a benthic invertebrate stream community as influenced by beaver (Castor canadensis)
- Stubble height as a tool for management of riparian areas
- Successful range management in the McCoy Gulch riparian demonstration area
- Succession and livestock grazing in a northeastern Oregon riparian ecosystem
- Summer and fall browse utilization by an Alaskan bison herd
- Summer grazing strategies following early-season grazing of big bluestem
- Summer habitat use by Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in western Idaho
- Suppression of grasshoppers in the Great Plains through grazing management
- Survey of livestock influences on stream ecosystems in the western United States
- Survey of vegetated areas and muskox populations in east-central Ellesmere Island
- Survival of juvenile basin big sagebrush under different grazing regimes
- Survival of perennial grass seedlings under intensive management in semi-arid rangelands
- Switchgrass recruitment from broadcast seed vs. seed fed to cattle
- Tallgrass prairie response to grazing system and stocking rate
- Talus fragmentation mitigates the effects of pikas, Ochotona princeps, on high alpine meadows
- Technical note: Nitrogen and phosphorus in runoff from 2 montane riparian communities
- Technical note: Vegetation response to increasing stocking rate under rotational stocking
- Temporal and geomorphic variations of stream stability and morphology: Mahogany Creek, Nevada
- Temporospatial distributions of elk, mule deer, and cattle: resource partitioning and competitive displacement
- Terrestrial plant tolerance to herbivory
- A test of grazing compensation and optimization of crested wheatgrass using a simulation model
- A theoretical basis for study and management of trampling by cattle
- Threats to the California flora: Ungulate grazers and browsers
- Three-dimensional distribution of plant biomass in relation to grazing and topography in the shortgrass steppe
- Thunder on the Yellowstone revisited: An assessment of management of native ungulates by natural regulation, 1968-1993
- Thurber needlegrass: Seasonal defoliation effects on forage quantity and quality
- Tiller defoliation patterns under frontal, continuous and rotation grazing
- Tiller defoliation patterns under short duration grazing in tallgrass prairie
- Tiller dispersion in populations of the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium: Implications for herbivory tolerance
- Tiller production of grazed and clipped pinegrass
- Tiller recruitment and mortality in the dryland bunchgrass Eragrostis curvula as affected by defoliation intensity
- Tillering in tussock grasses in relation to defoliation and apical bud removal
- Timescale of perennial grass recovery in desertified arid grasslands following livestock removal
- Timing of cattle grazing alters impacts on stream banks in an Oregon mountain watershed
- Tobosa tiller defoliation patterns under rotational and continuous stocking
- Trampling effects from short-duration grazing on tobosagrass range
- Tree shelters and weed control: Effects on protection, survival and growth of cherrybark oak seedlings planted on a cutover site
- True mountain mahogany community and shrub size responses to browsing
- Trust, reputation and grazing rights markets: An experimental economic study
- Tussock regrowth after grazing: Intercalary meristem and axillary bud activity of tillers of Agropyron desertorum
- Twenty years of rest-rotation grazing on the Arizona strip-An observation
- Twenty-five years of paradox in plant-herbivore interactions and
- Understanding landscape use patterns of livestock as a consequence of foraging behavior
- Understory patch dynamics and ungulate herbivory in old-growth forests of Olympic National Park, Washington
- Ungulate effects on the functional species composition of plant communities: Herbivore selectivity and plant tolerance
- Ungulate foraging areas on seasonal rangelands in northeastern Oregon
- Ungulate grazing in sagebrush grassland: mechanisms of resource competition
- Ungulate habitat relationships in Wind Cave National Park
- Ungulate herbivory of willows on Yellowstone's northern winter range
- Ungulate herbivory on buckbrush in an Arizona ponderosa pine forest
- Ungulate herbivory on Utah aspen: Assessment of long-term exclosures
- Ungulate regulation of ecosystem processes in Yellowstone National Park: Direct and feedback effects
- Ungulate stimulation of nitrogen cycling and retention in Yellowstone National Park grasslands
- Ungulate vs. landscape control of soil C and N processes in grasslands of Yellowstone National Park
- Ungulate-forest relationships in Olympic National Park: Retrospective exclosure studies
- Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States
- Upland plant community classification in Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, using disturbance history and physical site factors
- Urea additions and defoliation affect plant responses to elevated CO2 in a C3 grass from Yellowstone National Park
- Urea hydrolysis and nitrification in arctic salt-marsh soils: Possible constraints on the growth of forage plants
- Use of avian and mammalian guilds as indicators of cumulative impacts in riparian-wetland areas
- Use of bulrush marshes by greater snow geese during staging
- The use of Clintonia borealis and other indicators to gauge impacts of white-tailed deer on plant communities in northern Wisconsin, USA
- Use of goats as biological agents for the renovation of pastures in the Appalachian region of the United States.
- Use of goats to manage vegetation in cattle pastures in the Appalachian region of North Carolina
- Using a grazing pressure index to predict cattle damage of regenerating tree seedlings
- Using stream macroinvertebrates to compare riparian land use practices on cattle farms in southwestern Wisconsin
- The utility of stream habitat and biota for identifying potential conflicting forest land uses: Montane riparian areas
- Utilization guidelines
- Utilization of larkspur by sheep
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- Variable effects of feral pig disturbances on native and exotic plants in a California grassland
- Variable impacts of imazapic rate on downy brome (Bromus tectorum) and seeded species in two rangeland communities
- Variation in grasshopper (Acrididae) densities in response to fire frequency and bison in tallgrass prairie
- Variation in response to defoliation between populations of Bouteloua curtipendula var. caespitosa (Poaceae) with different livestock grazing histories
- Variation of stream stability with stream type and livestock bank damage in northern Nevada
- Vegetal change in the absence of livestock grazing, mountain brush zone, Utah
- Vegetal change on a northern Utah foothill range in the absence of livestock grazing between 1948 and 1982
- Vegetation and soil responses to grazing simulation on riparian meadows
- Vegetation and soil responses to short-duration grazing on fescue grasslands
- Vegetation and soil water differences among grazed big sagebrush communities with different grazing histories
- Vegetation change after 65 years of grazing and grazing exclusion
- Vegetation change following removal of keystone herbivores from desert grasslands in New Mexico
- Vegetation changes in relation to livestock exclusion and rootplowing in southeastern Arizona
- Vegetation changes on a rest rotation grazing system
- Vegetation cover and forb responses to cattle exclusion: Implications for pronghorn
- Vegetation indices, CO2 flux, and biomass for northern plains grasslands
- Vegetation of exclosures in southwestern North Dakota
- Vegetation of prairie dog colonies and non-colonized shortgrass prairie
- Vegetation production responses to October grazing in the Nebraska Sandhills
- Vegetation recovery patterns following overgrazing by reindeer on St. Matthew Island
- Vegetation response on allotments grazed under rest-rotation management
- Vegetation response to continuous versus short duration grazing on sandy rangeland
- Vegetation response to increased stocking rates in short-duration grazing
- Vegetation response to stocking rate in southern mixed-grass prairie
- Vegetation response to the Santa Rita grazing system
- Vegetation response to time-controlled grazing on mixed and fescue prairie
- Vegetation responses following wildfire on grazed and ungrazed sagebrush semi-desert
- Vegetation responses to long-term sheep grazing on mountain ranges
- Vegetation responses to the first 20 years of cattle grazing in an Australian desert
- Vegetation trends within rest-rotation and season-long grazing systems in the Missouri River Breaks, Montana
- Vegetation, cattle, and economic responses to grazing strategies and pressures
- Vegetational response to short duration and continuous grazing in southcentral New Mexico
- Vegetational responses of a mixed-grass prairie site following exclusion of prairie dogs and bison
- Vegetational traits of patch-grazed rangeland in west-central Kansas
- Vertebrate herbivores and northern plant communities: Reciprocal influences and responses
- Vertebrate herbivory in managed coastal wetlands: A manipulative experiment
- Viability, germination, and emergence of cattle-fed jointed goatgrass seed
- Viewpoint: Applying riparian buffers to Great Plains rangelands
- Viewpoint: grazing management and research now and in the next millennium
- Viewpoint: Range site/ecological site information requirements for classification of riverine riparian ecosystems
- A viewpoint: Rangeland health and mule deer habitat
- Viewpoint: Ungulate herbivory, willows, and political ecology in Yellowstone
- Vigor of needleandthread and blue grama after short duration grazing
- Virus infection and grazing exert counteracting influences on survivorship of native bunchgrass seedlings competing with invasive exotics
- Water holding capacity of litter and soil organic matter in mixed prairie and fescue grassland ecosystems of Alberta
- Water Quality Achievable with Agricultural Best Management Practices
- Water quality effect of rangeland beef cattle excrement
- Water quality implications of nitrate leaching from intensively grazed pasture swards in the northeast US
- Water quality of surface runoff from grazed fescue grassland watersheds in Alberta
- Water quality response to riparian restoration in an agricultural watershed in Vermont, USA
- Water relations and growth of conifer seedlings during three years of cattle grazing on a southwest Oregon plantation
- Water relations and growth of tallgrass prairie forbs in response to selective grass herbivory by bison
- Water relations of Agropyron smithii and Bouteloua gracilis and community evapotranspiration following long-term grazing by prairie dogs
- Way of the migrant herds: Dual dispersion strategy among bison
- Weed suppression with grazing or atrazine during big bluestem establishment
- WEPP and GLEAMS simulations of runoff and soil loss from grazed pasture in the southeastern United States
- Western wheatgrass responses to simulated grazing
- What selection: Herbivory or competition?
- What's in an exclosure?
- When does grazing benefit plants?
- Where the buffalo roamed-Or did they?
- White-tailed deer and cattle diets at La Michilia, Durango, Mexico
- The white-tailed deer: A keystone herbivore
- Why grazing permits have economic value
- Wild ungulate damage: Perceptions of farmers and ranchers in Montana
- Wild ungulate influences on the recovery of willows, black cottonwood and thin-leaf alder following cessation of cattle grazing in northeastern Oregon
- Wildfire effects and post-fire responses of an invasive mesquite population: The interactive importance of grazing and non-native herbaceous species invasion
- Wildlife numbers on late and mid seral Chihuahuan Desert rangelands
- Will a water trough reduce the amount of time hay-fed livestock spend in the stream (and therefore improve water quality)?
- Will the riparian pasture build good streams?
- Willow flycatcher and yellow warbler response to cattle grazing
- Willow planting success as influenced by site factors and cattle grazing in northeastern California
- Winter habitat use by hen pheasants in southern Idaho
- Winter habitat-use patterns of elk, mule deer, and moose in southwestern Wyoming
- Winter sheep grazing in the irrigated Sonoran Desert: II. Soil properties and alfalfa regrowth
- Within-species diversity in natural populations of Holcus lanatus, Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens from four different-aged pastures
- Wolves, elk, willows, and trophic cascades in the upper Gallatin range of southwestern Montana, USA
- Woody plant invasion of grasslands: Establishment of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa) on sites differing in herbaceous biomass and grazing history
- Woody plant seed dispersal and gap formation in a North American subtropical savanna woodland: The role of domestic herbivores
- Woody riparian vegetation patterns in the upper Mimbres Watershed, southwestern New Mexico
- Wyoming Big Sagebrush density: Effects of seeding rates and grass competition