A Terrain Reggedness Index that Quantifies Topographic Heterogeneity


  • Shawn J. Riley New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Natural Resources, Fernow Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
  • Stephen D. DeGloria Institute for Resource Information Systems, Center for the Environment, Rice Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
  • Robert Elliot Institute for Resource Information Systems, Center for the Environment, Rice Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY


terrian, habitat, rggedness, topographic, heterogeneity, geographical


Terrain is an important feature of the structural niche occupied by terrestrial species. However,
most researchers refer to terrain only in qualitative terms that precludes testing hypotheses about
the actual importance of terrain. We present an easily calculated terrain ruggedness index (TRI)
that provides an objective quantitative measure of topographic heterogeneity. Our model computes
TRI values for each grid cell of a digital elevation model using a "DOCELL" command in an Arc/
Info geographical information system that calculates the sum change in elevation between a grid
cell and its eight neighbor grid cells. T he concept and algorithm we present can be used at any
scale relevant to the species of concern and question being asked for which elevation data exist.





Biological Sciences - Terrestrial Ecosystems [Articles]