Effect of Diluent Type, Diluent:Sperm Ratio and Extender Use on Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout Egg Fertilization
cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, sperm motility, sperm extender, milt diluent, egg survival, egg fertilization premature activation, sperm activation, seminal fluid, ovarian fluid, hatchery, extended milt, duchesne county, hatchery-reared Burbot, juvenile burbot dietAbstract
Premature sperm activation can reduce fertilization. Sperm extenders are a potential remedy. In Test 1, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sperm motility and motility duration were compared among three diluent types, three milt:diluent dilutions and between extended and un-extended milt. Dilutions ? 1:1 were sufficient for complete activation of un-extended rainbow trout sperm with all three diluents. For extended milt, complete activation was observed in 4 of 5 replicates at 1:2 and all replicates of 1:3, but not at 1:1. Sperm motility lasted from 21 to 52 s and was unaffected by extender, diluent type, or dilution. In another test using extended and un-extended sperm to fertilize eggs at high female to male ratios (4:1), no significant difference in percent fertilization was observed between 4:1 and 1:1 ratios or between extended and control sperm treatments. For cutthroat trout (O. clarkii pleuriticus) eggs fertilized with extended sperm, there was no significant difference in survival to eye-up. The data indicated extender requires three-fold dilution, but did not negatively affect fertilization or duration of motility when common activating solutions were used.Downloads
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