Henry's Fork Aquatic Resources Bibliography


  • Robert W. Van Kirk Department of Mathematics, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID


Henry's Fork, cooperative, watershed council, management, holistic, grassroots, Idaho


This bibliography lists reports and publications that are available through government agencies, scientific journals, universities, and the Henry's Fork Watershed Center in Ashton, Idaho. Entries were obtained from a variety of sources, including agency personnel and databases at the University of Idaho, Idaho State University, Henry's Fork Watershed Center, and U.S. Geological Survey. Entries are arranged under the subject headings: 1) Hydrology and Geomorphology; 2) Water Quality, Habitat Quality, and Invertebrate Ecology; 3) Miscellaneous Aquatic, Riparian and Watershed Ecology; 4) Fisheries Biology and Management Since 1970; 5) Fisheries Biology, Management and History Prior to 1970; 6) Trumpeter Swan Ecology and Management; 7) River Recreation; and 8) Henry's Fork Watershed Council.





Biological Sciences - Aquatic Ecosystems [Articles]