Your search for Subject "computer models"resulted in 5 records.
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- Title: The French Nivological Workstation an Integrated Software for Regional Snow Data Analysis
- Date: 2006
- Authors: J.L Dumas, Y. Danielou, C. Gendre, G. Giraud, E. Pougatch
- Description: For more than 20 years, the CEN (Snow Study Centre) has been developing
operational software for snow data analysis including models for avalanche ha...
- Object ID: issw-2006-624-627.pdf
- Keywords: nivological workstation, modeling, operational forecast
- View additional details about The French Nivological Workstation an Integrated Software for Regional Snow Data Analysis
- Title: Graphical Representation of Ski Area Avalanche Control Results
- Date: 2004
- Authors: Dan Moroz, Ron Simenhois
- Description: Traditional methods of recording avalanche control methods and results have not
advanced as fast as today’s technology at hand. Data recording...
- Object ID: issw-2004-675-680.pdf
- Keywords: adobe, control methods, technology, data recording
- View additional details about Graphical Representation of Ski Area Avalanche Control Results
- Title: Cornice - Development of a Nearest Neighbours Model Applied in Backcountry Avalanche Forecasting in Scotland
- Date: 2002
- Authors: Ross Purves, Keith Morrison, Graham Moss, Blyth Wright
- Description: This paper describes the development and refinement of a nearest neighbors avalanche forecasting model in Scotland. Avalanche forecasting in Scotland ...
- Object ID: issw-2002-117-122.pdf
- Keywords: avalanche forecasting, avalanches, computer models
- View additional details about Cornice - Development of a Nearest Neighbours Model Applied in Backcountry Avalanche Forecasting in Scotland
- Title: Installation Design of the Avalanche Impact Pylon Facility, Alta, Utah
- Date: 1992
- Authors: Andrea Clayton, Rand Decker, Charles Richardson, Osamu Abe
- Description: In order to research avalanche forces, an impact pylon was installed at Alta Ski Area, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah. The pylon is located beneath Mo...
- Object ID: issw-1992-182-190.pdf
- Keywords: epoxy anchor belts, ski lifts, avalanche path, release
- View additional details about Installation Design of the Avalanche Impact Pylon Facility, Alta, Utah
- Title: Computer Helped Avalanche Forecasting in rance
- Date: 1988
- Authors: Jerome Lafeuille, Eric Brun
- Description: Noticeable developments were achieved in recent years in France in the field of avalanche forecasting, due to the evolution of technological, and orga...
- Object ID: issw-1988-063-068.pdf
- Keywords: computer, forecasting, technology, snow data
- View additional details about Computer Helped Avalanche Forecasting in rance
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