International Snow Science Workshops (ISSW) Proceedings of Professional Papers and Poster Talks
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Using NIR Reflectance for Characterizing Stratigraphy and Liquid Water in Snow
Author(s): Jesse Dean, Hans-Peter Marshall, Eric Lutz, Jim Christian, Brint Markle, Sam Whitmore
Date: 2014-09-29
Keyword(s): Near-infrared, photography, wet snow, microstructure, liquid water, snow fork
Beyond the Go / No Go Decision Making Paradigm
Author(s): Howie Schwartz
Date: 2004
Keyword(s): snow avalanche, education, risk, decision
Instrumentation for In-Situ Snow Liquid Water Measurements
Author(s): A.Denoth
Date: 1996
Keyword(s): snow, water, measurement techniques, dielectric sensors