About the International Snow Science Workshop Proceedings
What is it?
The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings database has full-text, PDF format retrieval of ISSW Proceedings papers and poster talks starting from 1976 through the present.
The ISSW Proceedings Database Project was a joint development effort between the ISSW Steering Committee and Montana State University Library Digital Initiatives.
Funding for the ISSW Proceedings Database Project was provided by:
The goal of the ISSW Proceedings Project was to find, convert to pdf, compile and deliver online all years of the ISSW Proceedings from 1976 to the present.
The ISSW Proceedings Project was started in 2010 with the papers from the ISSW 2008 Whistler, BC, Canadian Workshop. During 2011 and 2012 the ISSW Proceedings papers from 1976 through 2012 where added. Future ISSW Conference Proceedings digital articles are added when the ISSW Conference submits them for inclusion into this repository.
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Anyone interested in any other use of these materials, including for-profit Internet editions, should obtain permission from Digital Initiatives at Montana State University Library.