About the Montana State University Extension Service Historical Publications
The Montana State University Extension Service Historical Publications
What is it?
This collection contains articles and documents written by Montana Extension Agents from 1915 to the 1990s.
The MSU Extension Service historical publications include Bulletins, Circulars, and Montguides. Examples of publication topics found in this collection include farm and ranch management, animal husbandry, crop and soil development, gardening, home food processing, sewing, family and childhood health, home management, family budgets, estate wills and deeds, 4H clubs, boys and girls clubs, and small businesses.
Partial funding for this digital collection was funded by the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC), a consortium of land grant university libraries and extension services that strives to provide quality agricultural information.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], Montana State University Extension Service Historical Publications, Montana State University (MSU) Library, Bozeman, MT, [Item permalink or DOI]
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For more information please contact Archives and Special Collections at the Montana State University Library or Leila Sterman, Scholarly Communication Librarian.
- © Copyright 2025 Montana State University (MSU) Library