Your search for Subject fracture energyresulted in 55 records.
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- Title: Micromechanical Analysis of Energy Release in Snow Fracture
- Date: 2016-10-02
- Authors: Anthony M. LeBaron, Daniel A. Miller
- Description: Fracture initiation and propagation in snow is paramount to understanding the avalanche process. There is ongoing discussion and debate regarding the ...
- Object ID: ISSW16_P1.34.pdf
- Keywords: fracture, energy release rate
- View additional details about Micromechanical Analysis of Energy Release in Snow Fracture
- Title: The Role of Collapse in Avalanche Release: Review and Implications for Practitioners and Future Research
- Date: 2016-10-02
- Authors: Edward Bair, Johan Gaume, Alec van Herwijnen
- Description: Reports of collapses and whumpfing sounds and their links to instability in the snowpack have been around for decades, but like many areas of snow sci...
- Object ID: ISSW16_O1.04.pdf
- Keywords: fracture, collapse, anticrack, extended column test, propagation saw test
- View additional details about The Role of Collapse in Avalanche Release: Review and Implications for Practitioners and Future Research
- Title: Wet-Snow Fracture Propagation
- Date: 2016-10-02
- Authors: Ingrid Reiweger, Markus Zöchling, Martin Forster, Thomas Wiesinger, Christoph Mitterer
- Description: Fracture propagation within wet snow is a key issue in order to understand and predict wet-snow slab avalanches. In our preliminary field study we inv...
- Object ID: ISSW16_P1.33.pdf
- Keywords: wet snow, fracture propagation, wet-snow avalanches, propagation saw test
- View additional details about Wet-Snow Fracture Propagation
- Title: Extended Column Test: Repeatability and Comparison to Slope Stability and the Rutschblock
- Date: 2016-10-02
- Authors: Frank Techel, Matthias Walcher, Kurt Winkler
- Description: Information on snow stability is key information when assessing the avalanche situation. However, stability tests like the Extended Column Test (ECT) ...
- Object ID: ISSW16_P4.08.pdf
- Keywords: extended column test, rutschblock, test repeatability, snow stability, fracture propagation
- View additional details about Extended Column Test: Repeatability and Comparison to Slope Stability and the Rutschblock
- Title: On How to Measure Snow Mechanical Properties Relevant to Slab Avalanche Release
- Date: 2013-10-07
- Authors: Benjamin Reuter, Martin Proksch, Henning Loewe, Alec van Herwijnen, Jürg Schweizer
- Description: The release of a slab avalanche is preceded by a sequence of fractures. The main
material properties relevant for the fracture processes are the spec...
- Object ID: ISSW13_paper_O2-02.pdf
- Keywords: snow microstructure, snow mechanical properties, snow fracture, snow stability evaluation, avalanche release
- View additional details about On How to Measure Snow Mechanical Properties Relevant to Slab Avalanche Release
- Title: Spatial Predictions of Surface Hoar and Crust Formation
- Date: 2013-10-07
- Authors: Simon Horton, Michael Schirmer, Bruce Jamieson
- Description: Understanding the distribution of critical snowpack layers is important when assessing avalanche hazard. Two common critical layers, surface hoar and ...
- Object ID: ISSW13_paper_O4-01.pdf
- Keywords: surface hoar, sun crust, surface energy balance, avalanche forecasting, numeric weather prediction
- View additional details about Spatial Predictions of Surface Hoar and Crust Formation
- Title: Strasser, U. and Marke, T. (2013): ESCIMO.spread - A Spreadsheet-Based Point Snow Surface Energy Balance Model to Calculate Hourly Snow Water Equivalent and Melt Rates for Climate
- Date: 2013-10-07
- Authors: Strasser, U., Marke, T.
- Description: This paper describes the spreadsheet-based point energy balance model
ESCIMO.spread which simulates the energy and mass balance as well as melt rates...
- Object ID: ISSW13_paper_P4-30.pdf
- Keywords: snow modeling, canopy interception, spread sheet, energy balance
- View additional details about Strasser, U. and Marke, T. (2013): ESCIMO.spread - A Spreadsheet-Based Point Snow Surface Energy Balance Model to Calculate Hourly Snow Water Equivalent and Melt Rates for Climate
- Title: Thermal Temperature in Avalanche Flow
- Date: 2012
- Authors: Cesar Vera Valero, Thomas Feistl, Walter Steinkogler, Othmar Buser, Perry Bartelt
- Description: The thermal temperature of snow greatly influences the flow behaviour of avalanches. It is even common to implicitly characterize avalanche flow with ...
- Object ID: issw-2012-032-037.pdf
- Keywords: wet-snow avalanche, dry snow avalanche, temperature environment, snowpack temperature
- View additional details about Thermal Temperature in Avalanche Flow
- Title: Slab Avalanche Crown Surface Fractography: Observations and Applications
- Date: 2012
- Authors: Dave Gauthier
- Description: Fractography is the study of the morphological fracture surface features in artificial and natural materials, including bone and rock. Several pattern...
- Object ID: issw-2012-115-120.pdf
- Keywords: crack propagation, fracture-line, crowns
- View additional details about Slab Avalanche Crown Surface Fractography: Observations and Applications
- Title: Fracture Energy of Weak Snowpack Layers
- Date: 2010
- Authors: Jürg Schweizer, Alec van Herwijnen, Benjamin Reuter
- Description: Recent experimental and theoretical work has provided new insight into weak layer fracture in view of dry-snow slab avalanche release. The two main pa...
- Object ID: ISSW_P-079.pdf
- Keywords: snowpack layers, fracture, dry snow
- View additional details about Fracture Energy of Weak Snowpack Layers
- Title: Numerical Modeling of Fracture Propagation in Slabs
- Date: 2010
- Authors: Chris Borstad, David McClung
- Description: We present the results of numerical simulations of tensile failure of snow samples. Several material models for quasibrittle tensile failure were impl...
- Object ID: ISSW_O-042.pdf
- Keywords: fracture propagation, slab avalanche, elastic modulus, fracture energy
- View additional details about Numerical Modeling of Fracture Propagation in Slabs
- Title: On the Sustainability and Arrest of Weak Layer Fracture in Whumpfs and Avalanches
- Date: 2010
- Authors: Dave Gauthier, Bruce Jamieson
- Description: Recent theoretical and practical descriptions of weak layer fracture have focused on the mechanics of achieving a state of propagation, which is assum...
- Object ID: ISSW_O-043.pdf
- Keywords: whumpfs, avalanches, en-echelon slab fractures,
- View additional details about On the Sustainability and Arrest of Weak Layer Fracture in Whumpfs and Avalanches
- Title: A Field Method for Measuring Slab Stiffness and Weak Layer Fracture Energy
- Date: 2010
- Authors: Alec van Herwijnen, Joachim Heierli
- Description: Traditional field measurements, such as snow profiles and stability tests, are widely used to provide information on snow cover stability for avalanch...
- Object ID: ISSW_O-044.pdf
- Keywords: fracture energy, slab, avalanche forecasting,
- View additional details about A Field Method for Measuring Slab Stiffness and Weak Layer Fracture Energy
- Title: Some Insights Into Fracture Propagation in Weak Snowpack Layers
- Date: 2010
- Authors: Joachim Heierli, Alec van Herwijnen, Peter Gumbsch, Michael Zaiser
- Description: Dry snow slab avalanches form when fracture, once initiated in a weak snowpack layer, propagates over large distances, progressively debonding a vast ...
- Object ID: ISSW_P-078.pdf
- Keywords: dry snow, weak snowpack layers, fracture
- View additional details about Some Insights Into Fracture Propagation in Weak Snowpack Layers
- Title: Fracture Line Profiles in Japan
- Date: 2009
- Authors: Shinji Ikeda
- Description: Numerous studies have been conducted on snow pack characteristics associated
with avalanches formation, mainly in North America and Europe. In recent...
- Object ID: issw-2009-0334-0335.pdf
- Keywords: snowpack stratigraphy, weak layer, structural weakness, snow climate, avalanche forecasting
- View additional details about Fracture Line Profiles in Japan
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