Your search for Subject "warning program"resulted in 3 records.
- Title: Avalanche Warning and Hazard Zoning in Austria Some New Aspects
- Date: 1994
- Authors: Peter Holler
- Description: Extended Abstract: NEW REGULATIONS CONCERNING AVALANCHE WARNING 1. The new European Risk Scale. Instead of different hazard classes in each European c...
- Object ID: issw-1994-459-462.pdf
- Keywords: risk scale, safety, hazard zoning
- View additional details about Avalanche Warning and Hazard Zoning in Austria Some New Aspects
- Title: Alaska Avalanche Forecast System
- Date: 1980
- Authors: Robert C. James
- Description: This paper is an overview of the progress to date and planned future development of an avalanche forecast system in Alaska. With this project Alaska n...
- Object ID: issw-1980-205-214.pdf
- Keywords: forecasting, avalanche safety, warning program
- View additional details about Alaska Avalanche Forecast System
- Title: The Colorado Avalanche Warning Programme
- Date: 1976
- Authors: K. Williams
- Description: In November 1973, a formal avalanche warning programme for Colorado first became a reality as a cooperative venture between the U.S. Forest Service an...
- Object ID: issw-1976-116-131.pdf
- Keywords: warning program, accidents, avalanche forecasting
- View additional details about The Colorado Avalanche Warning Programme