International Snow Science Workshop Proceedings - Montana State University Library

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Your search for Subject "snow drifting"resulted in 32 records.

Title: Intermittent Drifting Snow – Combining Experimental and Model Studies
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: Stefan Horender, Christine D. Groot Zwaaftink, Beni Walter, Michael Lehning
Description: A study combining field observations and wind tunnel measurements of drifting snow is presented. In field measurements we found fluctuations of the s...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_O2-06.pdf
Keywords: drifting snow, large eddy simulation, wind tunnel
View additional details about Intermittent Drifting Snow – Combining Experimental and Model Studies

Title: Blowing Snow in Antarctica: 3 Years of Continuous Observations in Adélie Land
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: Alexandre Trouvilliez, Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Christophe Genthon, Vincent Favier, Luc Piard, Hervé Bellot, Cécile Agosta, Cyril Palerme, Charles Amory
Description: The Surface Mass Balance (SMB) of the Antarctic ice sheet is probably the only important negative contribution to the sea-level rise. Net erosion of s...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_O4-29.pdf
Keywords: aeolian transport, blowing snow, drifting snow, antarctica, flowcapt
View additional details about Blowing Snow in Antarctica: 3 Years of Continuous Observations in Adélie Land

Title: Lac Blanc Pass: A Natural Wind-Tunnel for Studying Drifting Snow at 2700ma.s.l
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Gilbert Guyomarc’h, Hervé Bellot, Yves Durand, Mohamed Naaim, Vincent Vionnet, Christophe Genthon, Kouichi Nishimura, Yoichi Ito, Alexander Prokop
Description: The investigation of the spatial variability of snow depth in high alpine areas is an important topic in snow hydrology, glacier and avalanche researc...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_O4-30.pdf
Keywords: snow, wind, drifting snow, blowing snow, model, sensor
View additional details about Lac Blanc Pass: A Natural Wind-Tunnel for Studying Drifting Snow at 2700ma.s.l

Title: The Experimental Snow Avalanche Test Site at Seehore Peak in Aosta Valley (IT) MAP3 ALCOTRA Project
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: V. Segor, L. Pitet, M. Maggioni, B. Frigo, M. Freppaz, B. Chiaia, E. Bovet, E. Ceaglio, A. Welf, P. Dellavedova
Description: Since 2009 the Seehore test site is operative within the MonterosaSki resort in Aosta Valley (NW Italy). This real scale test site was intended to stu...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_O4-36.pdf
Keywords: small/medium avalanches, real scale test site, dynamics, impact forces, snowdrift
View additional details about The Experimental Snow Avalanche Test Site at Seehore Peak in Aosta Valley (IT) MAP3 ALCOTRA Project

Title: Drifting and Blowing Snow Measurements: Comparison Between Snow Particle Counter and a Simple Photoelectronic Fork Sensor (Wenglor)
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: H. Bellot, F. Naaim-Bouvet, L. Piard, C.Palerme, C.Genthon
Description: Heterogeneity of snow cover in high mountain area may increase avalanche hazard. In Antarctica, drifting snow plays an important role in the surface m...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_P2-17.pdf
Keywords: blowing snow measurement, spc, wenglor, sensor
View additional details about Drifting and Blowing Snow Measurements: Comparison Between Snow Particle Counter and a Simple Photoelectronic Fork Sensor (Wenglor)

Title: Wind Tunnel Blowing Snow Study: Steady and Unsteady Properties of Wind Velocity, Mass Fluxes and Mass Exchanges
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: Mohamed Naaim, Florence NAAIM-BOUVET, Kouichi NISHIMURA, Osamu ABE, Yoichi ITO, Masaki NEMOTO, Kenji KOSUGI
Description: Several CFD snow drift models were proposed in the literature. These models include various assumptions and scaling laws representing the mass exchan...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_P2-62.pdf
Keywords: wind, boundary layer, snow, drifting snow, experimental investigations, saltation, roughness, erosion rate
View additional details about Wind Tunnel Blowing Snow Study: Steady and Unsteady Properties of Wind Velocity, Mass Fluxes and Mass Exchanges

Title: Preliminary Measurements and Survey of Snowdrift at the Seehore Avalanche Test Site – Aosta Valley (IT)
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: Maggioni M., Durand N., Frigo B., Pallara O., Freppaz M., Dellavedova P., Segor V., Naaim- Bouvet F., Bellot H.
Description: In high elevation areas drifting snow influences the snowpack spatial distribution and consequently its stability. The amount of snow drifted from th...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_P2-65.pdf
Keywords: snowdrift, avalanche release zone, experimental data, nw italian alps
View additional details about Preliminary Measurements and Survey of Snowdrift at the Seehore Avalanche Test Site – Aosta Valley (IT)

Title: Technical Handbook “Wind Drift Control Structures in Mountainous Areas”
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: Florence Naaim-Bouvet, et Michel Truche
Description: In mountainous areas, drifting snow generates a heterogeneous distribution of the snow: snow is eroded in high wind areas and deposited in sheltered a...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_P2-66.pdf
Keywords: snow, wind, avalanche, wind drift control structure, snow fence, jet roof, wind baffle
View additional details about Technical Handbook “Wind Drift Control Structures in Mountainous Areas”

Title: Size Distribution, Schmidt Number and Terminal Velocity of Blowing Snow Particles in the French Alps: Comparison With Previous Studies
Date: 2013-10-07
Authors: Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Hervé Bellot, Mohamed Naaim, Kouichi Nishimura
Description: Wind-transported snow is a common phenomenon in French Alps, creating snowdrifts and contributing significantly to the loading of avalanche release a...
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_P2-67.pdf
Keywords: snow, wind, drifting snow, blowing snow, model, sensor
View additional details about Size Distribution, Schmidt Number and Terminal Velocity of Blowing Snow Particles in the French Alps: Comparison With Previous Studies

Title: Investigations of New Economical Designs of “Thick Snow Fences” to Preserve Snow for Maximum Water Conservation
Date: 2006
Authors: Erica David
Description: What are effects of snow fences on interception of snow? Snow is a vital consideration as potential water conservation method during drought. Dense dr...
Object ID: issw-2006-545-554.pdf
Keywords: blowing snow, interception, drifting snow, snow fences, water conservation
View additional details about Investigations of New Economical Designs of “Thick Snow Fences” to Preserve Snow for Maximum Water Conservation

Title: Avalanche Size Increase Resulting from Forest Removal and Wind Loading – A Case Study from Central Colorado Using AVAL-1D
Date: 2006
Authors: Arthur I. Mears, Arthur I. Mear
Description: Forest removal for a proposed ski run within a ski-area expansion would increase the amount of wind-deposited snow in a downwind avalanche starting z...
Object ID: issw-2006-775-777.pdf
Keywords: avalanche, design-magnitude avalanche, runout distance, aval-1d, forest removal, windtransported snow
View additional details about Avalanche Size Increase Resulting from Forest Removal and Wind Loading – A Case Study from Central Colorado Using AVAL-1D

Title: Modeling and Validation of Snow Redistribution by Wind
Date: 2006
Authors: G. Guyomarc'h, Y. Durand, L. Mérindol
Description: As part of the effort of the Centre d'Etudes de la Neige - Météo-France (Snow Research Centre), for the improvement in modeling snow cover evolu...
Object ID: issw-2006-820-828.pdf
Keywords: blowing snow, modeling, in-situ validation
View additional details about Modeling and Validation of Snow Redistribution by Wind

Title: Snow Transport Rate: Field Measurements at Short Time Scales
Date: 2004
Authors: F.-X. Cierco, F. Naaim-Bouvet, H. Bellot
Description: So as to study snowdrift at short time scales on an experimental field located in l’Alpe d’Huez, France, at an elevation of 2700 meters...
Object ID: issw-2004-205-216.pdf
Keywords: snow drifting, snow engineering, acoustic sensors
View additional details about Snow Transport Rate: Field Measurements at Short Time Scales

Title: Get the Drift, Effects of Snow Fence Variables on Wind Patterns, Snow Drift Geometry and Volume
Date: 2004
Authors: Erica David
Description: What are the effects of snow fence variables on wind patterns, and geometry and volume of snow collected in drifts? This question arose from a need to...
Object ID: issw-2004-217-226.pdf
Keywords: snow fences, snow control, blowing snow, snowdrifts, snow fence models
View additional details about Get the Drift, Effects of Snow Fence Variables on Wind Patterns, Snow Drift Geometry and Volume

Title: 2D Snowdrift Modeling and Validation
Date: 2004
Authors: Gilbert Guyomarc’h, Yves Durand, Dominique Lecorps, Laurent Mérindol , Philippe Puglièse
Description: One of the objectives of the Centre d’Etudes de la Neige (Snow Study Centre of Météo-France) is to improve the modeling of snow cover evo...
Object ID: issw-2004-227-231.pdf
Keywords: snowdrift modeling, land-based photography, geo-referencing, wind effects on snow distribution, albedo
View additional details about 2D Snowdrift Modeling and Validation