International Snow Science Workshop Proceedings - Montana State University Library

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Your search for Subject "scaled laboratory experiments"resulted in 2 records.

Title: A Multi-Dimensional Model of Water Transport Into Layered Snowpack: Validation by Comparison with Laboratory Experiments
Date: 2016-10-02
Authors: Hiroyuki Hirashima, Francesco Avanzi, Satoru Yamaguchi
Description: The processes of liquid water infiltration into snowpack are important for the prediction of wet snow avalanches. In a previous study, we developed a ...
Object ID: ISSW16_O6.04.pdf
Keywords: water transport model, preferential flow, capillary barrier
View additional details about A Multi-Dimensional Model of Water Transport Into Layered Snowpack: Validation by Comparison with Laboratory Experiments

Title: Scaled Laboratory Experiments on the Evolution of Fluidised Avalanches
Date: 2009
Authors: J. Koegl, A. Graf, L. Rammer, K. Kleemayr, M.A. Kern, P. Gauer, G. Kapeller, M. Aufleger
Description: Scaled chute experiments with avalanche-like flows of dry granular matter have proven to be a useful tool for the design of technical avalanche prote...
Object ID: issw-2009-0477-0481.pdf
Keywords: scaled avalanche experiments, snow net, breaking obstacle
View additional details about Scaled Laboratory Experiments on the Evolution of Fluidised Avalanches