Your search for Subject "deformation"resulted in 5 records.
- Title: Axisymmetric Measurements of Extended Deformation Around the Snow Micropenetrometer Tip
- Date: 2012
- Authors: A.M. LeBaron, D.A. Miller, A. Van Herwijnen
- Description: Current physical models for the snow micropenetrometer (SMP) make the assumption that the tip of the SMP probe only stresses or fractures the ice grai...
- Object ID: issw-2012-408-413.pdf
- Keywords: snow micropenetrometer, strain, compaction
- View additional details about Axisymmetric Measurements of Extended Deformation Around the Snow Micropenetrometer Tip
- Title: Shear Deformation of Radiation Recrystallized Near Surface Facets
- Date: 2010
- Authors: David J. Walters, Edward E. Adams, Patrick J. Staron, Ladean R. McKittrick
- Description: A layer of radiation recrystallized near surface facets was produced in a controlled environmental chamber at Montana State University. Environmental...
- Object ID: ISSW_O-015.pdf
- Keywords: radiation recrystallization, shear, strain, optical, mechanics, snow
- View additional details about Shear Deformation of Radiation Recrystallized Near Surface Facets
- Title: Comparison and Complementarities of Avalanche Pressure Measurements: Piezo-Electric Load Cells and Deformation Based Pressure Deconvolution
- Date: 2009
- Authors: Djebar Baroudi, Betty Sovilla, Emmanuel Thibert
- Description: The impact pressure of snow avalanches have been measured at the Vallée de La Sionne experimental test site using two different types of sensors. T...
- Object ID: issw-2009-0443-0447.pdf
- Keywords: impact pressure, piezo-electric load cells, gage-cantilever load sensor, deconvolution
- View additional details about Comparison and Complementarities of Avalanche Pressure Measurements: Piezo-Electric Load Cells and Deformation Based Pressure Deconvolution
- Title: Deformation Analysis of the Snow Micropen Using Particle Image Velocimetry
- Date: 2006
- Authors: J. Andrew Gleason, Hans Peter Marshall
- Description: Particle image velocimetry was used to determine the deformation beneath and adjacent to the tip and the cylinder of the Snow MicroPenetrometer (SMP) ...
- Object ID: issw-2006-131.pdf
- Keywords: deformation, micropen, velocimetry, snowpack
- View additional details about Deformation Analysis of the Snow Micropen Using Particle Image Velocimetry
- Title: Empirical Analysis of Snow Deformation Below Penetrometer Tips
- Date: 2006
- Authors: James Floyer, Bruce Jamieson
- Description: Recent field observations suggest that when an object, such as a digital snow penetrometer, is pushed through snow, a zone of densified snow develops...
- Object ID: issw-2006-555-561.pdf
- Keywords: snow deformation, penetrometer, compacted zone, snowpack stratigraphy
- View additional details about Empirical Analysis of Snow Deformation Below Penetrometer Tips