Item: The Creation of Snow Crystal Identification Guidelines Through Photgraphic Analysis
Title: The Creation of Snow Crystal Identification Guidelines Through Photgraphic Analysis
Proceedings: 2010 International Snow Science Workshop
- Douglas P. Catharine [ The Yellowstone Club - Big Sky, Montana, USA ]
- Douglas M. McCabe [ The Yellowstone Club - Big Sky, Montana, USA ]
- Irene E. Henninger [ The Yellowstone Club - Big Sky, Montana, USA ]
- Thomas S. Leonard [ The Yellowstone Club - Big Sky, Montana, USA ]
- Ethan M. Greaves [ The Yellowstone Club - Big Sky, Montana, USA ]
Date: 2010
Abstract: Snow crystal identifications are a widely utilized and international observation. Crystal identification is utilized in various situations, including snow profiles and avalanche occurrence observation. With the widespread use of crystal identification, the standardization of classification is critical. Snow crystal metamorphism is a continuous process, while the standardized identifications are finite and rigid. Every observer has their own guidelines on crystal identification and uses these guidelines to differentiate some of the more similar forms. The purpose of this poster presentation is to collect data by showing avalanche professionals photographs of snow crystals and asking them to identify crystal forms and size. This survey will help provide guidelines for snow crystal identification. Through this survey, parameters such as size, radius of curvature, proportionate length of grain boundary and presence of internal characteristics such as air or striations will be used to provide quantitative boundaries for snow crystal forms. In addition to assessing identification parameters for snow crystals, the ability of observers to accurately observe crystal sizes will be studied.
Object ID: issw-2010-catharine-poster.pdf
Language of Article: English
Presenter(s): Unknown
Keywords: snow crystal, photographic analysis, avalanche observation, metamorphism
Page Number(s): Unavailable
Subjects: snow crystal avalanche photographic analysis