Item: Comparison of Structural Instability Indices (Lemons), ECT and RB Results
Title: Comparison of Structural Instability Indices (Lemons), ECT and RB Results
Proceedings: International Snow Science Workshop Grenoble – Chamonix Mont-Blanc - October 07-11, 2013
- Chiambretti Igor [ AINEVA, Trento (TN), Italy ]
- Fabiano Monti [ SLF, Davos, Switzerland ]
- Mauro Valt [ ARPA Veneto - Centro Valanghe di Arabba, Arabba (BL), Italy ]
Date: 2013-10-07
Abstract: Almost all avalanche forecasting services have a network of traditional stations where an array of daily or weekly snowpack measurement or observations are made (ram penetrometer, snow profile, stability tests). Ram penetrometer and snow profile data are classified as medium entropy type while stability test are a low entropy ones and they requires an interpretation by the avalanche forecaster. In recent years, several methods have been developed to analyze the profiles and to evaluate, more objectively, snowpack stability identifying the weak layers and their characteristics and properties. During the period 2010-2013 several AINEVA’s regional offices have collected a dataset consisting of hundreds of snow profile each accompanied by side-by-side stability tests (ECT and/or RB). A sample of this data set was analyzed following the critical variables method and finding interesting relations between weak layer characteristics (structural instability indices or “lemonsâ€, grain type, layer thickness, weak layer properties) and stability test results. The preliminary data of this research project are here discussed and shows that the best correlation between the highest values of the structural instability indices and stability test results are detectable for weak layers developed due to medium to high temperature gradient metamorphism. Less good correlation have been detected for weak layers composed by new snow (PP and DF) or by various type of crust or smooth interface between layers. The complete data set has been, finally, analyzed to compare ECT versus RB effectiveness in discriminating the main weak layer and finding relations between load steps, fracture character and depth, quality shear and weak layer characteristics.
Object ID: ISSW13_paper_O5-03.pdf
Language of Article: English
Presenter(s): Unknown
Keywords: rb, ect, structural instability indices
Page Number(s): 357-362
Subjects: snow instability avalanche forecasting weak layers