MSU Research Publications
The MSU Research Publications online database holds a set of publications from authors affiliated with Montana State University, as harvested by the MSU Library
- A statistical meta-analysis of lithologic and other potential controls on fossil bone cellular and soft tissue preservation Ullmann, Paul V., and Mary H. Schweitzer
- Early vigour in wheat: could it lead to more severe terminal drought stress under elevated atmospheric [CO2] and semi‐arid conditions? Bourgault, Maryse , Heidi A. Webber, Karine Chenu, Garry J. O’Leary, Thomas Gaiser, Stefan Siebert, Fernanda Dreccer, Neil Huth, Glenn J. Fitzgerald, Michael Tausz, and Frank Ewert
- Primary Human M2 Macrophage Subtypes Are Distinguishable by Aqueous Metabolite Profiles Fuchs, Amanda L., Stephanann M. Costello, Sage M. Schiller, Brian P. Tripet, and Valérie Copié
- Political Corruption and Public Activism: An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Analysis Abram, W. C., and Kadeem Noray