Photoarc Biographical List
Surname Search
  A Crow Hunter,
  Accola, Louis
  Accola, August
  Accola, Sr., John
  Adams, James
  Adams, Vic
  Ainger, Fred E.
  Alberda, Henry
  Alderson, William White
  Alderson, Frances
  Alderson, Willie Bowman
  Alderson, Mary Long
  Alexander, William G. "Billy"
  Alexander, F.
  Alire, William
  Altman, Emil
  Anceney II, Charles Leon
  Anderson, Sylvia
  Anderson, Vera
  Anderson, Ted
  Arnold, Alice
  Ashishishe, aka Curley
  Austin, Alexander
  Backes, Charles
  Bailey, William H.
  Bailey, Anna
  Bailey, Merna
  Bailey, Ella E.
  Baker, Col. Eugene M.
  Baker, %
  Ball, Edward
  Ballantyne, John
  Ballantyne, Hester
  Ballantyne, Harry
  Barclay, Willis Jefferson
  Barry, David Francis
  Barty, Mildred
  Bas, Jennie
  Bas, Anna
  Beall, Rosa V.
  Bear Chief,
  Beck, Jasper Sim
  Beidler, John
  Bembrick, Elizabeth Alice
  Bembrick, Julia A.
  Bembrick, Lucy Ann Martin
  Benepe, Frank L.
  Benepe, Jeanette Trent
  Benepe, Ellen
  Benepe, Genevieve
  Benepe, Jr., Frank
  Bennett, Julia
  Bent, %
  Bessey, Sarah Jane
  Bessey, Edna
  Bessey, Verona
  Biering, John Richard
  Biering, Lucie
  Biering, Thomasine Koch
  Bird, Matthew
  Black, Alexander H.
  Black, Blanche Lovely
  Black Bear,
  Blanchard, Franklin D.
  Blanchard, Cora
  Bodkin, Dick
  Bodkin, John
  Bogert, John Vreeland
  Bogert, John B.
  Borho, William P.
  Borho, Mary B.
  Borho, Edward
  Borkcovetz, Anton
  Bose, Henry
  Bottler, Frederick
  Bozeman, John M.
  Bradley, Maynard Riggs
  Brammer, Minnie
  Brammer, Bessie
  Brammer, Alma Smith
  Brittan, Art
  Brittan, Ed
  Broadwater, Charles
  Brooke, Martha
  Brooks, Sue
  Brown, Fred
  Burwell, J Whit
  Busch, Paul
  Butler, J. Fred
  Butler, Lillie
  Butler, Donald
  Calfee, Randolph White
  Calfee, Henry Bird "H.B."
  Calfee, Frank
  Cameron, Donald
  Campbell, A. B.
  Carey, Frank
  Cargill, Mrs.
  Cargill, %
  Carmichael, Effie
  Carolus, Jacob
  Carolus, John
  Carolus, Bill
  Carolus, Arta
  Carolus, Charlie
  Carr, George
  Carr, Adeline
  Carr, Daughter of George
  Carr, Irene
  Carroll, Bishop John
  Carroll, Thomas H.
  Carter, Ellen Galen
  Casey, %
  Castle, Jim
  Catton, Dorothy
  Chavey, Millie
  Chief Abotossaway, George
  Chief Bad Guns, Mrs.
  Chief Bird Rattler,
  Chief Black Bear,
  Chief Black-Hawk,
  Chief Bob Tail,
  Chief Bob Tail, Mrs.
  Chief Charlo,
  Chief Curley Head,
  Chief George Bull Child,
  Chief Good Eye,
  Chief Good Horse,
  Chief Heavy Breast, Owen
  Chief James A. Garfield Velarde,
  Chief James White Grass,
  Chief Joseph,
  Chief Joseph LaMoose,
  Chief Lame Bull,
  Chief Little Bear aka Imasees,
  Chief Little Dog,
  Chief Louison,
  Chief Moiese,
  Chief Mow-Way,
  Chief Owns Different Horses,
  Chief Paul Koostata,
  Chief Plenty Coups,
  Chief Pretty Bird,
  Chief Pretty Old Man,
  Chief Rain in the Face,
  Chief Red Cloud,
  Chief Red Hawk,
  Chief Scorched Lightning,
  Chief Sevara,
  Chief Shot From Both Sides,
  Chief Sitting Bull,
  Chief Spotted Eagle,
  Chief Tall Bear,
  Chief Two Guns White Calf,
  Chief Two Leggings,
  Chief Two Moons,
  Chief Weasel Tail,
  Chief Weasel Tail, Mrs.
  Chief Whirlwind,
  Chisholm, %
  Chisholm, Oliver Perry
  Chisholm, Sarah Alice
  Chisholm, Sarah Jane Bishop
  Chisholm, Charles B.
  Chisholm II, Oliver Perry
  Chowning, Charles
  Clark, Mabel Duffield Foster
  Clark, William Andrews
  Clark, %
  Clark, Henry Bergan
  Clark, Olive
  Clark, Grace
  Cleveland, Horace
  Cliff, Thomas
  Cobleigh, William Merriam
  Collins, Rinda
  Collins, Florence
  Connelly, Joe
  Conrad, Art
  Cooper, Walter
  Cooper, %
  Cosgriff, %
  Cotter, Alma Reinig
  Cowan, Lewis
  Cowan, %
  Cowan, Jennie
  Cowan, Florence
  Cowan, Nina
  Craig, Bess Reinig
  Crail, Augustus Franklin
  Crail, Sallie Creek
  Crail, Lillian
  Creek, Abraham
  Crockett, Sam
  Cross, Ruby
  Cross, Lena
  Curdy, Sam
  Curley, (Crow Scout)
  Daeme, Paul
  Davidson, David Adams
  Davidson, Dr. M. P.
  Davidson, Mary Ellen
  Davis, Art
  Davis, Jennie Uruqhart Lovell
  Davis, Nathaniel
  Davis, C.
  Davis, Mabel
  Davis, Willey
  Dawes, Loie M. Ellis
  Dawes, Robert S.
  Dawes, Rhonda
  Dawes, Earl
  Dean, Walter Edward
  DeCamp, Ralph E.
  Delaney, Caroline
  Delaney, Joseph A.
  Delaware, John
  Dell, Marion
  deRvig, Jacob
  Dier, George
  Dier, %
  Dier, Alfred
  Doane, Gustavus Cheyney
  Doane, Mary Hunter
  Dodge, Ira
  Donn, Tom
  Dreyer, Anthony J.
  Dull Knife, Mary
  Dunn, Thomas
  Durnam, Isabelle Karst
  Durnam, Eddie
  Dusenberry, Verne
  Edgar, Henry
  Edgerton, Sidney
  Edsall, Ernest
  Edsall, Mary
  Elling, Alfe
  Ellis, George William
  Ellis, Loie M.
  Ellis, Margaret Lowie
  Ellis, Alma Earl
  Ellis, Daisy Clara
  Emery, Ed
  Ennis, Katherine Shriver
  Ennis, William
  Erickson, Frances
  Erskine, Helen Elizabeth "Bess" Randall
  Erskine, Clyde S.
  Eschenbacher, John
  Fall, Allen
  Fechter, John
  Ferguson, William
  Ferguson, W.
  Ferguson, Harry
  Ferris, %
  Ferris, Katheryn
  Ferris, Eleanor
  Ferris, E. Myron
  Ferris, Fanny
  Ferris, Dorothy
  Fielding, %
  Fisher, Bivin
  Fisher, Will
  Fisher, Samuel S.
  Flager, Ruth
  Flaherty, Charles D.
  Flaherty, William A.
  Flaherty, Bill
  Flaherty, C.D.
  Flanders, George
  Fletcher, %
  Flikkema, Peter F.
  Flikkema, Menka
  Flint, Jennie
  Foreman, Albert
  Forsyth, Lewis Cass
  Foster, Henry
  Foster, Mabel
  Foster, %
  Foster, Carrie Boyd
  Foster, Josie
  Four Souls,
  Frank, William
  Fransham, Charles
  Fransham, Rhesis
  Frazier, William A.
  Frazier, George W.A.
  Frazier, Elmyra Heard
  Frazier, Losta
  Frazier Dumphy, Emma
  Frazier McCay, Irena
  Freeman, Charlie
  Fridley, Benjamin F.
  Gage, Alice
  Galcott, Frank
  Galen, Hugh F.
  Gallant, Matt
  Gallop, James
  Gallop, Rachel
  Gardner, Edward Morgan
  Gardner, %
  Gee, Sing
  George, James "Yankee Jim"
  Gerber, Herman
  Gibbons, Ross Merril
  Gish, Michl M.
  Gonder, Marie Stifter
  Goodrich, Jim
  Gottschalck, August
  Gottschalck, August E.
  Graham, Sarah
  Grande, Martin T.
  Grande, Karen Amundson
  Grant, F.M.
  Grass, John
  Grasshopper, Polly
  Greek, Albert
  Green, James
  Green, Charles Henry
  Green, Quiteria Tinsley
  Green, Lester Charles
  Green, Teria Melissa
  Green, Lizzie
  Griffin, Grace
  Griffin, Bert
  Groman, Gail Earhart
  Grugan, Frank C.
  Guillot, Frances Reinig
  Guillot, Peter
  Gumbleson, Lehas
  Haberstroh, John
  Haberstroh, Chad
  Haberstroh, Grace
  Hale, Lon
  Hale, Lucy Mary Tinsley
  Hale, Cynthia Margaret Nave
  Hale, James Ernest
  Hale, Elvin Cecile
  Hale, Ree T.
  Hallman, Tony
  Hamilton, Sam T.
  Hamilton, Bill
  Hammond, Anna Alderson
  Hancock, C.
  Hankins, Johnie
  Hanley, Katie
  Hansen, Hogan
  Hansen, G.
  Hapner, Albert Sidney
  Hapner, Julia Ann Huffine
  Hapner, Leora
  Hapner, Charles Allen
  Hardin, Baxter
  Harmon, %
  Harmon, Wilfred E.
  Harris, C.L.
  Hart, William S.
  Harvat, Edwin
  Harvat, Paul
  Harvat, Elizabeth Haberstroh
  Harvat, Jr., John
  Harvat, Sr., John H.
  Hayes, Bob
  Henderson, Claude
  Henke, H.
  Hersey, Doc
  Hill, Mary
  Hill, Ray
  Hillard, Morris
  Hillard, Dorothy
  Hindman, Gladys
  Hodson, R.
  Hoffman, Bill
  Hoffman, Charles
  Hogan, Nell
  Hogan, Martin
  Hogle, Harry M.
  Hogle, Mary C.
  Holt, John Richard
  Holt, Ida May Tinsley
  Holt, Harry Howard
  Holt, Nellie
  Holt, Clarence Charles
  Holt, Lillian Florence Tinsley
  Holt, Maggie May
  Hoole, Mary Ann
  Hossum, Murray
  Hossum, Mrs. Murray
  Hossum, Elmer
  Hossum, Mrs. Elmer
  Hove, Mrs.
  Howard, %
  Howard, Ed
  Howard, Henry
  Howard, Harry
  Howard, Lou
  Hughes, Pat
  Huling, Still
  Hullinger, L. W.
  Hunter, Andrew Jackson
  Hunter, Susan Murray
  Hunter, Winifred
  Hutchinson, Helen
  Hutton, Genevieve
  Hutton, Victor
  Hutton, Lowell
  Hutton, Homer
  Irwin, Fred
  Jackson, William Henry
  Jarrett, Carl
  Jerome, Lovell H.
  Johnson, Sadie
  Johnson, Wallace
  Johnson, Gladys
  Johnson, Hal B.
  Johnson, Emil
  Johnston , David Angus "Kid"
  Jones, Robert N.
  Judge, Blanche Guillot
  Kalberg, Lars L.
  Kalberg, Carrie
  Karnes, Mrs. Frank
  Karst, Pete
  Karst, Nell Severance
  Karst, Jennie Dickinson
  Karst, Isabelle
  Karst, Joseph Fred
  Kelly, Margaret Alice Michener
  Kemmerer, Margaret
  Kenck, Oscar A.
  Kenck, Albert
  Kenny, Ed
  Kerr, Hugh J.
  Ketterer, Emil
  Ketterer, Emma Louisa Accola
  Ketterer, August E.
  Ketterer, John
  Ketterer, Laura
  Ketterer, Bert
  Kieney, %
  King, Lowell
  Kinney, Harriet
  Kirby, Sr., John H.
  Kirk, Grace
  Knight, Helen
  Koch, Lucia
  Koch, Stanley
  Koch, Elers
  Koch, Hans Peter Gyllembourg
  Koch, Martha
  Krueger, %
  Krueger, Albert
  LaBertew, Rex
  Lamme, Edwin Bates
  Lamme, Clinton
  Lamme, %
  Lamme, Maurice
  Lamme, Mabel Foster
  Lamme, Susie Welch
  Lamme, Elizabeth Jane Oliver
  Lamphier, Charles
  Langohr, Michael
  Lansing, Gerald W.
  Lansing, G.S.
  Last Star, Theodore
  Latta, Walter "Ned"
  Latta, Frank Gordon
  Latta, Jr., Walter
  Leas, %
  Lee, William
  Lehrkind, Paul Berthold
  Lehrkind, Walter
  Lehrkind, Carl
  Lehrkind, Fred
  Lehrkind, Julius
  Lehrkind, Lena Lambach
  Lehrkind, Herman
  Lehrkind, %
  Lewis, Georgiana Ambler
  Lewis, Frank Bradley
  Lewis, Mary Polly
  Lewis, Rev. Frank Bradley
  Lewis, Arthur
  Lewis, Alice
  Linfield, Frederick Bloomfield
  Little Mover,
  Locke, J.C.
  Lockhart, Isabelle Wylie
  Lone Wolf,
  Lowman, Anna M. Conway
  Lowman, Jacob B.
  Lowry, Clar
  Lowry, Nellie
  Lowry, Clinton
  Lowry, Lind
  Lundwall, Charles
  Lundwall, James
  MacDonald, Duncan
  Macintosh, %
  Manley, Clay
  Marble, Charles
  Marrs, Fred P.
  Marrs, Eula
  Marrs, Mary L.
  Martin, Marion
  Martin, Julia
  Martin, Maud
  Mason, Louis
  Mason, Emma Borho
  Mason, William H.
  Maybell, %
  McAdow, Lewis
  McArthur, Duncan
  McCay, Harold
  McCay, Elmirah
  McClerand, Edward J.
  McCloud, Frankie
  McDonald, Whiskers
  McDonnell, Lucy Russell
  McDonnell, Rose
  McDonnell, Mary
  McDonnell, Kate
  McDonnell, Lizzie
  McGill, Caroline
  McGill, Helen
  McGill, Mary
  McGill, Samuel
  McGill, Barnet
  McGonagle, Tom
  McGough, Lucy
  McKenzie, George
  McMann, Dan
  McNickle, DArcy
  Mendenhall, John S.
  Mendenhall, Leila
  Menzel, Ernst
  Metheny, Blanche
  Michelle, Mose
  Michener, Lewis Herbert
  Michener, Myrtle Leona
  Michener, Emeline Githens
  Michener, Edgar Floyd
  Michener, Thomas
  Michener, Mary Elizabeth Lockhart
  Michener, Lewis
  Michener, Margaret Alice
  Michener, Charles
  Michener, Ora Josephine
  Michener, Helen Louise
  Miles, Arthur W.
  Millegan, Osta
  Miller, Adam Horn
  Miller, George
  Miller, Nelson
  Mills, L.
  Mitchell, Paul
  Mohor, Hilga Osness
  Moiese, Sophia
  Morris, Garfield
  Moser, Dexter E.
  Moser, Dexter
  Moxley, W.
  Munson, O.W.
  Murphy , Frank Steven
  Murphy, Mabel Reinig
  Murphy, Arthur
  Murray, Nels
  Nap, Nick
  Nash, Lewis
  Nave, Anne Louise
  Nave, Lucy
  Nave, Susie
  Nelson, Marshall T.
  Ninepipes, Louis
  Nixon, James H.
  Oakins, Freida
  OConnell, Michael Joseph
  ODell, Myrtle
  Old Albert,
  Old Bear,
  Oliver, John
  Olsen, Ole
  Olsen, Elizabeth Borho
  Olsen, Albert B.
  Orton, Alfred
  Orvis, Loren W.
  Orvis, Mary E.
  Osborn, Dr. Stephen H.
  Osborn, D.
  Oyler, %
  Pankey, Anna Mae Lowman
  Pankey, Marcus Emett
  Parkens, Professor
  Parker, Harriet
  Parks, John
  Parsons, Joe
  Patrick, Jesse E.
  Patterson, James L.
  Paxson, Edgar S.
  Peacock, Thomas H.
  Peacock, Anna
  Penwell, Merritt William
  Penwell, Mary A. Biggs
  Penwell, Florence
  Perry, R. J.
  Peterson, John
  Pierstorff, Lester
  Pierstorff, Sarah
  Postema, Jake
  Postema, George
  Potter, Ralph H.
  Potter, Helen Louise Rice
  Potter, Clyde
  Potter, Jr., George
  Potter, Sr., George
  Powell, Dave
  Pratt, George Dewey
  Pretty Bird,
  Pretty Bird, Mrs.
  Pretty Coups, Myrtle
  Pretty Eyes,
  Pretty Nose,
  Purdum, Elizabeth Allison Ferris
  Purdum, Richard
  Purdy, William
  Quigley, Jake
  Ramsay, Joseph
  Randall, James Norris "Dick"
  Randall, Dora Alma Roseborough
  Randall, Helen Elizabeth "Bess"
  Randall, Leslie Watson "Gay"
  Rankin, Jeanette Trent
  Ray, Willis
  Reader, Charles
  Red Horn, Lassaw
  Red Tomahawk,
  Reese, John E.
  Reid, J.A.
  Reinig, William
  Reinig, Frank
  Reinig, Frankie
  Reinig, Helena
  Reinig, Roy
  Reinig, Leoti June
  Reinig, Leonard
  Reinig, Mathilde
  Reinig, Hattie
  Reinig, Edward M.
  Reinig, George
  Reinig, Alma
  Reinig, Harry
  Reinig, Bess
  Rhodes, Edna
  Rice, Elmo Arthur
  Rice, Ella Mae Darlington
  Rice, Helen Louise
  Rice, Helen Louise Needham
  Rice, Albert Henry
  Rice, Alberta
  Rice, Harlan Milo
  Rice, Margaret McDonnell
  Rice, Lena May
  Rice, Henry Martin
  Rice, Justin Charles Thomas
  Rice, Lois Ivanell Meador
  Rice, Fernetta
  Richards, Howard
  Richey, John
  Riggin, Francis A
  Ringer, Daniel W.
  Ringer, Verona Bessey
  Robertson, Big Jack
  Robinson, Tom
  Robinson, F.
  Rock, Richard
  Rocky Stump,
  Roecher, Albert C.
  Roosevelt, Franklin D.
  Rose, Jack
  Ross, Charlie
  Rouse, Daniel
  Running Coyote,
  Russel, Sarah Francis Forbis
  Russel, Leilah
  Russel, Elza
  Russel, Theodosia
  Russel, Charlotte
  Russel, Francis
  Russell, Charles Marion
  Sales, Jack
  Sales, Mrs. Jack
  Samuell, Percy Deward "Yellowstone Chip"
  Sanders, %
  Sanders, Wilbur Fisk
  Sanders, Wilber E.
  Sandiland, Bessie Storey
  Sandinow, Ole, N.
  Sanford, Mina
  Sanford, George
  Sanford, Zella
  Sanford, Laura Hale
  Sanford, Charles William
  Sansing, Gerald
  Schellenberger, Margaret
  Schlechten, Albert
  Schlechten, Lena
  Schlechten, Suzie
  Schlechten, Alfred
  Schlechten, %
  Schlechten, Frederich
  Schlechten Schnider, Anna
  Schlechten, Jr., Albert W.
  Schlechten, Jr., Alfred Chris
  Schofield, Charles B.
  Schultz, James Willard
  Scolard, Donald
  Scow, Oliver
  Scow, Ada Caroline Perks
  Sears, Tommy
  Seidlitz, Robb
  Seidlitz, Grace Buell
  Severance, Anna
  Sexton, Frank
  Shaeles, Johnnie
  Shannon, William A.
  Shaw, Alfred
  Shinn, Guy
  Shoots Walking,
  Sievert, Louie
  Sievert, Henry
  Silas, Lea
  Sings Pretty, Rose
  Sits Down Spotted,
  Skinner, Warren
  Slate, Sarah
  Sloan, James J.
  Smart, %
  Smith, M.M.
  Smith, Justin
  Smith, Robert Philip
  Smith, %
  Smith, Lois
  Smith, Ruth
  Smith, Jack
  Smith, Alda
  Smyth, Mrs. Harvey
  Smyth, Harvey
  Sorboe, Thomas E.
  Sore Where Whipped,
  Sorensen, Harry
  Sorenson, %
  Spangler, Norris
  Speedy, Jack
  Speth, Rose
  Spieth, Eugene
  Spieth, Ed
  Spotted Elk,
  St. Cloud, John
  Standing, William
  Standing Bear,
  Standing Man, Charles
  Steel, R.D.
  Steffans, Gustaf
  Sterner, Mae Lucier
  Stifter, Mattie
  Stockwell, Homer
  Stone, Hiram Hayward
  Stone, Emma J.
  Stone, Franklin Leonard
  Stone, Sarah A.
  Storey, Etta Virginia Foreman
  Storey, Alfred J.
  Storey, Luther
  Storey, Isabelle Lois
  Story, Thomas Byron
  Story, Walter P.
  Story, Rose
  Story, Ellen Trent
  Story, Jr., Nelson
  Story, Sr., Nelson
  Stull, Harold Chamberlain
  Swan, Mrs. Kenneth
  Taft, William Howard
  Tanner, %
  Taylor, Susie Booher
  Taylor, Clark
  Temple, George
  Tewilager, Prof.
  Thexton, Thomas
  Thexton, Mary Ann Foreman
  Thexton, William
  Thexton, Albert
  Thexton, Annie
  Thexton, Gladis
  Thexton, Jr., Thomas
  Thompson, Lewis
  Thompson, %
  Thompson, Jesse C.
  Thompson, Carrie
  Thompson, Clair W.
  Thorpe, Harriet
  Thorpe, Ted Hamilton
  Tinsley, William Bailey
  Tinsley, Lucy Ann Nave
  Tinsley, Floyd H.
  Tinsley, Quiteria P.
  Tinsley, Lillian Florence
  Tinsley, William E.
  Tinsley, Enoch Wilson
  Tinsley, Edwin Jay
  Tinsley, Ida May
  Tinsley, Lucy Mary
  Tinsley, Martha Emiline Thompson
  Tinsley, Joseph Hamilton
  Tinsley, Bazel
  Tinsley, Maude
  Tinsley, Pearl Northington
  Tinsley, Harry J.
  Tinsley, Mary Dunks
  Tinsley, Buenos Noble
  Tinsley, Lorenso D.
  Tinsley, Pauline Neoma
  Tinsley, Bazel "Baz"
  Tinsley, Mary Ann Henry
  Tinsley, Blanche Stephens
  Tinsley, Charles Albert
  Topping, Eugene Sayre
  Townsend, Leeta Scow
  Townsend, Hattie
  Townsend, Charles
  Townsend, Ione
  Townsend, Phil
  Tracy, Sarah Jane Bessey
  Tracy, William H.
  Tracy, Albert Charles
  Tracy, Frank Sumner
  Tracy, Albert C.
  Tracy, Edna B.
  Trent, Grace
  Triplett, Z. A.
  Tudor, %
  Tuttle, Daniel Sylvester
  Tyler, George L.
  Valentine, Hans T.
  Valentine, Charles
  Valentine, Henry
  Valentine, Oliver
  Valentine, Mary
  Van Camp, Ethel
  Van Orsdel, William Westley
  Vincent, Thomas
  Vinson, William S.
  Vogel, %
  Wades In Water,
  Wades In Water, Julia
  Walker, Mary Tinsley
  Walker, Lucy Tinsley
  Waters, Foley
  Watkins, Jack
  Watkins, Georeg Spencer
  Welch, %
  Welch, William
  Welch, Harriet Booge
  Werutz, Gladys Catherine
  Weston, %
  Weyniss, Alexander Lindsey Watson
  Whissman, C.W.
  White, %
  White, Homer Wesley
  White, Tom
  White Man Runs Him,
  Whitewood, R. M.
  Whitham, Lillian Kirby
  Whitham, James Campbell
  Whitham, J. C.
  Whitmire, Dee
  Wiese, Clem
  Wild Gun,
  Williams, Frank
  Williams, Llewellyn
  Willson, Samuel M
  Wilson, Elizabeth "Lizzy" Nave
  Wilson, Enoch
  Winegardner, W.
  Wood, Byron
  Wright, George H.
  Wylie, William Wallace
  Wylie, Mary Ann Wilson
  Wylie, Mary Ellen
  Wylie, Elizabeth
  Yellowtail, Margaret
  Young Hawk,
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The Museum of the Rockies Photo Archive is a preservation and research collection of historical photography from the Northern Rockies Region of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. The Archive collects and preserves photographs from the late 1860's to the 1980's that document the people, places, industry, and events of the region.

The Photo Archive collection contains over 60,000 photographs, including the complete archives of several local and regional photographers. Image formats and processes represented in the collection include: daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, numerous 19th and 20th century black and white print mediums and original negatives.

Active collecting has resulted in the acquisition of photography collections of both national and regional significance. Some specific collection strengths include: farming and ranching in Montana and our region, regional industries, people and events, Yellowstone National Park, and railroads of the northwestern United States.

To request an image from the photo archive, please visit: digital image ordering form

For library collections that are not accessible, we are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and timely access to users with disabilities. For assistance, please submit an accessibility request for library material.

Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University - Bozeman