Sorboe Surname List
Surname Search
  Aabo, John
  Abbey, Mrs. Ireenie
  Abney, Mrs. Jennie
  Agres, W.S.
  Agres, A.W.
  Ahendshien, Mrs.
  Akagi, Jim
  Aksdal, Mrs. Carl
  Aksdal, Carl and True
  Aksdal, Carl
  Aldrich, C.J.
  Alexsander, Alex
  Alexsander, Bob
  Alire, Joe
  Alire, Joe M.
  Allen, Mr. Irvin
  Allen, Chas H.
  Almquist, William C.
  Andersen , Miss Sarah
  Andersen, John
  Andersen, Miss Charlotte
  Andersen, Albert
  Andersen, Miss Sarah
  Anderson, Walter
  Anderson, Andy and Friends
  Anderson, A.T.
  Anderson, Dr. A.A.
  Anderson, Miss
  Anvik, Henry
  Armstad, The Druggist
  Arnold, H.R.
  Arthur, Kathleen
  Artis, J.R.
  Artis, E.W.
  Ashley, Mr. and Mrs. E.P.
  Ashley, E.P.
  Asphang, Crist
  Back, Laura
  Backen, Mr. and Mrs. Harald
  Baker, E.H.
  Bakken, Harold
  Bakken, E.A.
  Bakken, Dorothy
  Bantell, E.
  Barber, Mrs. Chas
  Barclay, F.L.
  Barclay, R.C.
  Baringer , Milo
  Baringer, Milo
  Barncord, Judge
  Barndt, Henry
  Barnhart, Mrs. H.L.
  Barnhart, R.C.
  Barringer, Milo and Harry Green
  Bartender, The Ideal
  Bartz, Earl
  Basketball Boys,
  Baxley, L.A.
  Baxter, P.
  Beauchatt, Fred
  Bechard, Mr.
  Bechard, Julius
  Becken, H.
  Beeley, Ward
  Beny, Carlotta
  Berg, Sam
  Berg, Oscar
  Berg, J.O.
  Berg, Andrew
  Bergen, John
  Berkeland, Elias
  Bermche, Richard
  Best, Miss
  Biegel, Minnieq
  Biegel, Minnie
  Bills, Mrs. Sanford
  Blackear, Joe
  Blaisdel, Maro
  Blasedel, Marow
  Bleeker, Gerrit
  Blumer, William
  Bock, H.
  Boifiuelet, Miss Cecile
  Bolick, Bertha
  Bombard, I.W.
  Borvig, David
  Boufellet, Jeanetta
  Bourke, Fred
  Boutsen, Mike M.
  Boutsen, Mike
  Bowers, Mrs. O.W.
  Box, Walter
  Boyd, Lester
  Boys, Mrs. E.W.
  Boyse, Mrs. W.L.
  Boyse, Mrs. W.
  Bradsher, J.T.
  Brandenburg, Mrs.
  Brekhus, Sivert E.
  Brewer, Zelma
  Brewer, Harald
  Brier, William
  Brisbois, Mildred
  Britches, Mr.
  Britzius, Mr.
  Brown, Miss Margie
  Bruflat, A.
  Buckley, Mrs. Frank J.
  Buelter, Julius
  Bundren, L.T.
  Burd, Mrs.
  Burgen, Emory
  Burgett, Charles
  Burk, Fred
  Burke, Carl
  Burke, Irene
  Burkee, Mrs. J.E.
  Burkee, E.J.
  Burns, Mrs. Marshall
  Burrows, Earl
  Calberg, L.L
  Calberg, L.L.
  Calmus, J.B.
  Calmus, Philip
  Cameron, Charles
  Campbell, Dr.
  Campbell, Mrs. Dr.
  Carl, Glenn
  Carl, Clarence
  Carothes, F.K.
  Carpenter, R.C.
  Carpenter, Mrs. R.A.
  Carroll, Mrs. S.O.
  Casey, Mrs. F.J. (a baby)
  Casper, Ness
  Cass, Oscar
  Castlebery, J.F.
  Cavill, Mr. Lester T.
  Chalmers, Mrs. Douglas
  Chapin, Mrs.
  Christian, Reverand
  Christopherson, O.B.
  Clarence and Rothke,
  Clark, L.W.
  Clendenning, George
  Clute, Mrs. Rena
  Cockern, Miss
  Coleman, Miss Mae
  Coleman, Mrs. Earnest
  Collins, Mrs. Stanley
  Collins, Mrs. Rinda
  Collins, Miss Mary
  Collins, Miss Florence
  Comstock, Mrs.
  Conley, 2 children
  Conley, Mrs. R.J.
  Conley, Mrs. F.
  Conley, Miss Eugene
  Conley, baby
  Conley, 3 children
  Conner, L.D.
  Connor, Mrs.
  Conroy, Sadie
  Coombs, Charles Donald
  Corwin, C.F.
  Corwin, Mrs. G.W.
  Cosgriffe, Mrs. Margaret
  Cosgriffe, Mrs. Harry
  Courtney, Geo
  Cox, Miss Gladys
  Cox, Carl
  Crawford, Howard
  Culver, Viola
  Culver, Mrs.
  Curtis, C.W.
  Cutler, E.
  Daige, Sanford
  Daily, Mrs. William
  Darrington, James
  Dat, A.M.
  Davey, Miss Ruby
  Davis, Mrs.
  Davis, Mrs. George
  Day, A.L.
  Decker, M.J.
  Decock, Mrs. Joe
  Delday, Charles
  Deverin, Mr. Charles
  Dewey, Mr. G.A.
  Diessen, W.A.
  Dixson, Mrs. R.E.
  Dockins, R.M.
  Dockins, Lizzie
  Dockius, Mrs. Minnie
  Domaff, Mike
  Dombar, James
  Doods, Mr.
  Downey, Mrs. Geo
  Draes, F.W.
  Dreyer, Mrs. A.J.
  Dreyer, O.F.
  Dreyer, A.J.
  Drogetis, Mrs. Harry A.
  Duffy, Sadie
  Duffy, Mrs. Pat
  DuFour, Mr. Peter
  Duncan, Mrs. Viola
  Dunn, Mrs. R.H.
  Dunn, Mr.
  Dunning, J.M.
  Dunning, Eva
  Dysart, William L.
  Dysart, W.
  Earp, Forest M.
  Eaton, Mrs. F.
  Eaton, Eliose
  Edmonds, Mrs.
  Edwards, Mr.
  Edwards, Mrs.
  Edwin, Melvin, H.
  Egan, Mrs. Pat
  Eggenberger, Andrew
  Eickert, Martin
  Eike, Peder J.
  Eklund, Fannie
  Eklund, Edith J., Mrs.
  Ellieff, John
  Elliott, Mrs. Garnett
  Eloff, John
  Elonquist, Axel
  Engin, Lars
  Ericksen, Ed
  Ericksen, Mrs.
  Erickson, Mrs. Dick
  Espeland, Thom
  Eugen, Olaf
  Evans, W.E.
  Evans, John
  Everling, B.A.
  Ezra, Auher
  Farnum, Mrs.
  Fentress, W.
  Fihlhaber, Jack
  Finlay, R.J.
  Fisher, Bert
  Fiske, Ronald W. (Mary)
  Flagstad, Oskar
  Fleming, Anna
  Forbes, Mrs. A.
  Forsyth, Miss Alice
  Fortney, F.H.
  Foster, R.O.
  Fowell, Mrs. Logan
  Fox, Thomas
  Fox, Elmer B.
  Francisco, Mrs.
  Francisco, Alex
  Fray, Mrs. J.A.
  Frederick, Mr.
  Fredericks (Friedric), Mrs.
  Fredricks, Mrs.
  Freeman, Mrs. R.E.
  Freesbee, Mrs.
  Friedric, F.E.
  Frink, F.J.
  Fry, J.A.
  Fuchs, R.J.
  Fulton, Ralph
  Gaar, Mr.
  Gaar, Josephine
  Gabrielson, H.
  Gaffney, James
  Gaffney, F.J.
  Gallentine, Mrs. Hilda
  Galven, Geraldine
  Galvin, Geraldine
  Gandy, Miss
  Gardenan, Mrs. H.W.
  Gardner, Lamen
  Garner, Lomen
  Garner, Mrs. John
  Garner, Girl
  Garner, Mrs. Lomen
  Garner, Mr. Lomen
  Garner, John
  Garr, Mr.
  Gaustad, Miss Margaret
  Gaustad, Mrs. Margaret
  Gayman, Claud
  Gayman, Clyde
  Gayman and Statt,
  Geiser, Mrs. Gus
  George, Mrs. Oldest Boy
  Gevart, Mrs.
  Gevart, Mrs. Brother
  Geyser, Frank
  Gibbons, Mr. Ross
  Gibbs, Alonzo
  Gibbs, Elsie
  Gibbs, Ben
  Giles, Mrs.
  Girners, Gus
  Girnes, Mrs. Gustaf
  Girnes, Gustaf
  Givans, Don
  Glenn, L.D.
  Goldbrand, W.R.
  Good, Norman
  Goodman, E.L.
  Gorgeff, Joe
  Goto, Frank
  Gowdey, Louis V.
  Gowdy, Mr. L.V.
  Grande, Martin T.
  Grande, Martin T. and Olsen, Ole
  Grandy, Miss Opal
  Grandy, Miss Hattie
  Grandy, Alta
  Grant, Miss Herby
  Grantham, Al E.
  Greeton, Mrs. Alice
  Greve, Peter W.
  Greve, Mrs. Peder
  Grevetta, Don
  Grinnvall, Mrs. Barney K.
  Haglund, Mr. Lee
  Halling, Carie
  Hamel, Maud
  Handeland, Ingvald
  Handy, Miss Lena
  Handy, Miss Verda
  Hanekam, Ole
  Hanekam, Paul
  Hank, Mrs.
  Hanler, Walter
  Hansen, Fred
  Hanson, Norman
  Haraldide, Mrs. J. B.
  Harise, Cliff
  Harper, Miss Ida
  Harper, Miss
  Harper, Miss Jennie
  Harper, Miss Effie
  Harrer, Mr.
  Harrington, Roy
  Harrison, Carl A.
  Harrison, Mrs. J.A.
  Hartnell, Mrs. A.J.
  Harve, Verne
  Harvey, Mrs. Lester
  Haselton, Mr. Orin
  Hash, Mrs. Lee
  Hash, Charles
  Hash, A.
  Hatfield, Mrs. H. M.
  Haugan, Olaf
  Haugan, Olaf and Anna Jane
  Haugan, Olaf and His Friends
  Haugan, Miss Josephine
  Haugland, Effie
  Hausken, Miss Thora
  Hawkins, Mrs. Lloyd
  Hawley, Mr. H.
  Hawley, Mrs. H. E.
  Hawley, Mrs. H.
  Headley, Mr. Floyd
  Heath, Mrs. F.E.
  Heath, Mr. T.E.
  Henning, Miss Pearl
  Henthorn, Miss
  Hereim, Ben
  Herman, The Boys
  Herrem, Ben J.
  Herron, Miss Mabel
  Herron, J.A.
  Hertz, Geo
  Herzog, Andrew
  Hickel, Mr. and Mrs. S.W.
  Hickox, L.L.
  High School, Graduating Class of 1945
  Hightower, Miss Alma
  Hiljard, Mr.
  Hillman, Mr.
  Hillman, Mr. Johan
  Hillman, Johan
  Hilman, Johan
  Hinthorn, Miss Bernice
  Hofsmo, Christ
  Hog, Chester
  Hogl, Harry
  Hogl, Mr. Harry
  Hogl, Mrs.
  Hogl, Mrs. Harry
  Holland, Paul
  Holliday, Mrs. Everett
  Holliway, Mr. A.A.
  Holloway, A.A.
  Holmberg, B.
  Holmes, J.J.
  Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
  Holmes, Mr. Warren
  Holmes, Mrs. Mary
  Holmes, Frank J.
  Hooker, Mrs. F.A.
  Houghton, Mrs. C.L.
  House, Mrs. A.P.
  Howard, Julia
  Howda, Andrew
  Hoyen, Morris
  Hubble, Frances
  Hugo, Victor
  Humphrey, Mrs. Harry
  Hunter, Mrs. William
  Husband, W.C.
  Hutchison, Mrs. Grace
  Hutchison, Mrs. Blaine
  Indreland, Rasmus E.
  Indreland, Mrs. Kermit
  Ingemond, Lana
  Isdall, Mrs. Ester
  Iverson, Julius
  Jackson, Coy
  Jackson, Miss Pearl
  Jacobs, Mr. Bill
  Jacobs, Minnie
  Jacobus, L.E.
  Jager, Mrs. O.J.
  Jardat, Henry
  Jassett, Miss Allma
  Jeffery, Mrs. J.R.
  Jellison, Miss
  Jellison, Mr. A.J.
  Jenkins, Mrs. Helen
  Jennegen, Nick
  Jewell, C.C.
  Johnson, T.E.
  Johnson, Mrs. Sam
  Johnson, S.T.
  Johnson, Mrs. Marvin
  Johnson, Mrs. Lillian
  Johnson, Lillian
  Johnson, Miss Judith
  Johnson, Mrs. John A.
  Johnson, Mr. J.O.
  Johnson, J.B.
  Johnson, Mr. J.B.
  Johnson, Miss Dona
  Johnson, Mrs. Charles A.
  Johnson, Mrs. Adolph
  Johnson, Mrs.
  Johnson, The Miller
  Johnson, The Grocery Man
  Johnsrud, Miss Stella
  Jones, Mrs. R.N.
  Jones, R.N.
  Jones, Bill
  Jordat, Mrs. Henry
  Jordet, Miss June
  Jorgensen, Ernest
  Jorgensen, Mr. Carl
  Joy, Miss Frances
  Jukin, Mrs.
  Justice, C.L.
  Kaleim, A.M.
  Kane, R.
  Kane, Mr. R.
  Kane, Mr. Richard
  Kappes, Minnie
  Karhara, Henry
  Karrer, Mr.
  Kaufman, Frank
  Kelley, Robert
  Kidder, Geo. D.
  Kiehl, Mrs. Ed
  Kiehl, Ed
  Kienzler, F. J.
  Kiger, P.C.
  King, Brothers
  Kintzel, J.B.
  Kirby, Thomas
  Kirby, Lea
  Kirk, Soldier and Sailor
  Kirwan, P.L.
  Kisow, Fred
  Klemme, Rev.
  Kleyer, Robert
  Klink, Charles
  Knaff, Mr. Jack
  Koch, A.W.
  Korslund, Miss Mabel and Miss Kneebone
  Korslund, Miss Mabel
  Kostaff, Elia
  Kupmanoff, Vlado
  LaBrie, Domenick
  Lafever, Earl
  Lafy, Miss Myrtle
  Lakey, Harry
  Lane, Olaf
  Lane, Miss Anna
  Langston, Norris
  Lanington, Miss Mildred
  Larsen, Mrs. Martin
  Larsen, Mrs. Lig.
  Larsen, Lars
  Larsen, Ben
  Le Duc, Mr. Larry
  Leary, Mrs. G.J.
  Leary and Ostrom, Mrs. Albert
  LeBrees, Friend
  Ledgewick, Mrs. L.K.
  Lehurring, L.
  Lenington, Miss Mildred
  Lewis, Mrs. L.L.
  Lewis, Mrs. G.N.
  Lewis, Franklin
  Lidsder, George
  Lilleboe, Miss Ester
  Lintelmann, Martin
  Lish, Miss Erma
  Lode, Mrs.
  Long, E.L.
  Ludwig, I.J.
  Lunceford, Fred
  Lunceford, Frank
  Lunceford, Miss
  Lundy, Mrs. S.T.
  Lynn, Mrs.
  Mackoff, Gordon
  Mae, Geo
  Magher, C.F.
  Makey, Ernest E.
  Marcoff, Z.
  Marks, Mrs. Claud
  Marks, Claud
  Marks, C.W.
  Marrs, Herman
  Marrs, Fred
  Marrs, Mrs. F. P.
  Marshall, Mr. Dee
  Marshalls, Bookkeeper
  Martin, Miss
  Martin, Hal G.
  Martin, Hal
  Martin, Mr. D. W.
  Martin, A. A.
  Martin, Mrs.
  Martinell, L. J.
  Martinsen, John
  Mason, Miss
  Masonic Lodge,
  Mathison, Miss Dona
  Mathus, Miss Lucrecia
  Maurad, Miss Louise
  Maurad, Louise M.
  Maurad, Miss
  Mayer, Mrs. Mildred
  McClain, Mrs
  McClain, Miss
  McCloud, Mrs. Jack
  McCormick, J. C.
  McCracken, W. P.
  McDaris, Earl
  McDavis, A. R.
  McDonald, Miss
  McDonalds, Oldest Boy
  McDuncan, Mrs. Viola
  McFarland, Miss Gladys
  McGllinchy, Miss Mary
  McGuire, Mrs. J.
  McKay, John
  McKay, Angus
  McKibben, Mrs. Damon
  McMahon, Miss
  McMillan, R. E.
  McNamara, Miss Jane
  McParland, Johny
  McQuitty, Mrs. Ida
  McQuitty, Dick
  Mehn, Mrs. Helen
  Mehn, Dr. A. H.
  Mehn, A. H.
  Meltsch, Lucas
  Mickhals, Miss
  Miles, Nora Jean
  Milheiser, T. M.
  Miller, Miss Loverta
  Miller, Mrs. L. I.
  Minhoff, Stoko
  Minshall, Miss
  Mitchel, Mr. Neal
  Mitchell, John M.
  Moe, George
  Moe, Mrs. Geo
  Moe, Mrs. Audin
  Moeller, L. N.
  Moir, John T.
  Mooney, A. J.
  Mooney, Mr. A. J.
  Moore, L. H.
  Moore, Mrs. C. E.
  Moore, C. E.
  Morce, Mrs. H. J.
  Morse, L. L.
  Mosbrucher, Miss Patricia
  Moser, Alice
  Mostoff, John
  Muggenburg, Mrs. R. H.
  Muggenburg, Dick
  Muggy, Miss Francis
  Muggy, Mrs.
  Murphy, Bert
  Murphy, Mr. Barney
  Murphy, Mr. B.
  Murphy, Mrs.
  Murray, Thom
  Musselman, Mrs. C. C.
  Myers, Fred
  Nelson, Mr. John
  Nilsen, Nils N.
  Nilsen, Martin
  Nissen, Pete
  Nissen, Mrs. Peder
  Nordstrom, J. M.
  Nordstrom, J. A.
  Nordstrom, G. A.
  Nygaard, Ted
  Nygard, Ted
  Oconnor, Irwin
  Oie, Mr. Jack
  Olesen, William H.
  Olney, Clarence
  Olsen, Harald
  Olsen, George
  Olsen, Miss Ellen
  Olsen, Edward
  Olsen, Claus
  Olson, Clara
  Orino, Domnick
  Orlando, James
  Ortwein, Miss Rosalina
  Ortwein, Mrs. Lorrie
  Ostrom, Mrs. Lola
  Ostrom, Anne
  Ostrom, Mrs. Albert
  Ostrom, A. T.
  Paden, Albert A.
  Palace Caf?, Girls
  Palmquist, Rose
  Parker, C. E.
  Parkhurst, Mr.
  Parsons, E. S.
  Peacock, Mrs. Thomas A.
  Peccio, Mr. Alfonso
  Peck, Mrs. J.
  Pedersen, Mr. and Mrs. Hans
  Pedersen, Miss Betty
  Perkins, Grover
  Perry, F. W.
  Petcoff, Pete
  Petersen, L. A.
  Phillips, Mrs. F. A.
  Pierce, E. L.
  Pierce, Dorsy
  Pierce, D. J.
  Pierce, Boys
  Pilant, O. L.
  Pirce, Ross E.
  Pishek, Miss Marion
  Poindexter, Jessie
  Poolman, Mrs. August
  Poolman, Mr. August
  Poolman, Anna
  Porter, Rev.
  Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Floy
  Potter, Bert
  Potter, Mrs.
  Poulos, Louis
  Prato, Mr. John
  Prellwitz, Mrs. Marie
  Prevol, Mrs. Mary C.
  Purcley, Miss Juanita
  Quackenbush, E. M.
  Quackenbush, Mrs.
  Quinn, Philip
  Quist, E. R.
  Raehm, Mike
  Ramcey, R. T.
  Ramsey, H. M.
  Randall, J. I.
  Randell, J. J.
  Rasmusson, Mrs.
  Rattke, Miss Marie
  Ray, H. B.
  Rice, Ora
  Rice, Mrs. J. R.
  Rice, J. E.
  Richtenour, Mr.
  Rider, Mr. H.
  Rider, Mr. and Mrs.
  Riggs, E. J.
  Rightenor, Mr.
  Rine, Mrs. Florence
  Roan, Julius
  Robbins, Mr. R. H.
  Roberts, Mrs. Ray
  Robertson, J. E.
  Robertson, G. K.
  Robertson, D. F.
  Robertson, Mrs. Edith
  Robertson, Mr.
  Robins, Mrs. R. H.
  Rognlie, Mr. Fred
  Rognlie, Fred
  Rolie, H.E.
  Ross, Frank
  Ross, John D.
  Ross, James
  Rotcoff, Bocko
  Rouk, Mrs. C. H.
  Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
  Sadanger, Mr. Jens
  Sakoma, Sam
  Sandenow, Mrs. Thomas
  Sandenow, Thom
  Sandenow, Thomas
  Sands, Mrs.
  Sarrazk, Gust
  Sataki, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
  Sataki, Miss Hasu
  Schanke, Art
  Scheve, Emmet
  Schmeling, Mr. Bob
  Schoultz, Echvard
  Schroeder, H. G.
  Schulte, William G.
  Schultz, C. W.
  Schutz, Tony
  Schwartz, Mr. Paul
  Seapy, H. H.
  Seaver, Miss Vivian
  Semaff, Peter
  Seymore, Mr. Pat
  Seymore, Mr.
  Shanholtzer, Mrs. O. E.
  Sheady, Mr. Oscar
  Sheldon, Mrs. Peggy
  Sheldon, Mrs.
  Shepheard, Horace
  Shepherd, George
  Sherwood, Mr. Howard
  Sherwood, H. P.
  Sherwood, H.
  Shields, John M.
  Shiell, Mr.
  Shifflett, Miss Lola
  Shoemaker, Mrs. Ruth
  Shoock, G. W.
  Shook, Earl
  Shull, Mrs. Gilbert
  Shults, Henry
  Sickmiller, Prinses
  Sieg, Miss Bertha
  Silberling, Mrs. Robert W.
  Silberling, Mr. Albert
  Simkins, G. C.
  Simof, Marco
  Simoff, Pete
  Skartveit, Mr. William
  Skartveit, Ole
  Skilbred, Mr. Jens
  Slayton, Mr. D. W.
  Smart, Mr. Forest
  Smith, Miss Roy
  Smith, Miss Phillippia
  Smith, Oma
  Smith, Lyle L.
  Smith, Lee
  Smith, Mr. J.
  Smith, Fred M.
  Snyder, W. P.
  Snyder, Mrs. M. L.
  Snyder, Miss Elisabet
  Snyder, Mrs.
  Snyder, Miss
  Sohue, C. K.
  Sondeno, Mr. Enok
  Sorboe, Thomas. E.
  Spencer, Mr.
  Spithourn, Mr. John
  Spithoven, Mr. John
  Spogen, Mrs. R.C.
  Squires, Gordon
  Stanley, Geo.
  Stearns, Mrs. Harold G.
  Stein, Mr. Ernest
  Stephenson, Musa M.
  Stevens, Mrs. Ben
  Stevens, Miss Vera
  Stewart, Eli
  Stewenton, Harry
  Stollard, Jack
  Stoltenbert, H. F.
  Stout, I. M.
  Strasser, J. G.
  Stukoff, Martin
  Sudow, M.
  Sutton, Mrs. Ben
  Sutton, Ben
  Svandal, Nils
  Swanke, Mr. George
  Swanke, Miss Doris
  Swantz, Mrs. Edw.
  Swantz, Edie
  Swarchout, Mrs.
  Sweat, Glen
  Swift, Mr.
  Tanaka, Tanq
  Tangen, Hellen
  Taylor, Mrs. Margaret
  Taylor, Mr. Ben H.
  Taylor, Ben H.
  Teig, Mr. Emmet M.
  Tenney, Miss Verdie
  Thartstenboe, Berger
  Thibadeau, Miss Lorine
  Thibadeau, Miss Jane
  Thompson, Miss Clara
  Thompson, Alex R.
  Thompson, T. G.
  Thompson, Rev.
  Thompson, Otto
  Thompson, Mrs. Lars
  Thompson, Dr.
  Thorbergseng, Mrs.
  Thorson, Mrs. William
  Thorson, Mr. Lawrene
  Threlkeld, Mrs. Chas.
  Tice, Mrs. H. B.
  Tingesdale, Mrs. Hans
  Tingesdale, Hans
  Tingistad, Mr. Hans
  Tischner, Clemens
  Tistlewood, Bill
  Tooley, Mrs. C. P.
  Tovey, Mrs. Allen
  Tow, William
  Tower, Mrs.
  Towers, Miss Mary
  Towers, George
  Towers, Gay
  Towers, Carl
  Towers, Bill
  Tracy, Mrs. M. J.
  Tramp, Mr.
  Triesbie, R. L.
  Trudnowski, Girls
  Trudnowski, Children
  Trudnowski, Anton
  Tucker, Mrs. W. J.
  Two Dot , Basketball Players
  Utness, John
  Vaage, Mr. Tom
  Vaage, Mrs. Tom
  Van Camp, Mrs. A. T.
  Van Dyke, Rev. Earl
  Van Eaton, Miss Marjorie
  Van Eaton, Miss
  Vannes, Peder
  Varland, Mrs. Wesley
  Veber, Mabel
  Venness, Peter
  Vestfas, Olga
  Virak, Nettie
  Voldseth, Mr.
  Vos, Seret
  Wagoner, Clarence
  Waiters, M. D.
  Walch, Mamie
  Wallaker, Miss
  Walsh, Mrs.
  Walton, Mr.
  Wangh, John
  Ward, Miss Hazel
  Warner, Mr.
  Warner, Mrs. Mae H.
  Warner, C. L.
  Washington, Mrs. J. M.
  Watson, George
  Weber, Ralph
  Webster, F. S.
  Welch, C. A.
  Wells, Mrs. E. M.
  Wells or Welch, Mrs. H.
  West, Lousie M.
  Westergaard, Mr. Crist
  Whetstone, Mark
  Whisman, Harvey
  Whisman, W. C.
  White, Maud
  Wick, Henry
  Willems, Henry
  Willems, Miss Betty
  Williams, J. N.
  Williams, Delia
  Williams, Miss Delia
  Williams, Miss
  Williamson, R. L.
  Willm, Lousie
  Willson, Mrs. Seth
  Wing, L. W.
  Wing, J. W.
  Winsborough, Mrs. John
  Wolf, Harry
  Wonzar, Arthur
  Wood, Miss Helen
  Woodard, A.
  Woodberry, Miss
  Woods, Val
  Woods, Mr. Leonard
  Woods, Mr. J. E.
  Woorhorst, A. L.
  Wooten, Miss Leon
  Worth, Mr. James
  Yates, Mr. James E.
  Yonckheere, Hector
  Young, Miss Marie C.
  Young, Irene
  Young, Eliza
  Young, Earl
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Thomas E. Sorboe Portrait Collection

The Sorboe Collection is a collection of original 5x7 inch glass plate and safety film negatives taken by Thomas E. Sorboe, a Harlowton, Montana photographer. Thomas Sorboe was born July 15th, 1882 and died on January 1, 1971. Sorboe ran a photography studio in Harlowton from 1908 until 1919. In 1943 Sorboe reestablished his studio business and continued to do photography until 1956, when he retired at the age of 64. The collection contains over 5,340 original negatives. The majority of the collection is studio portraits, with additional images of exterior views in and around Harlowton, Lennep and White Sulphur Springs.

To search the Sorboe Portrait Collection click on the surname from the sidebar list at the left. PLEASE NOTE... the surname list at left is derived from Thomas E. Sorboe's log book order entries. The subjects of the portriats may differ from the surname on the order.

While the Sorboe Portrait Collection has not been digitally scanned, you can order digital prints or digital scans by sending and email to listing the catalog number(s) and print or scan sizes of the images you wish to order. The Photo Archive will email thumbnail images for your review prior to completing the order.

The Museum of the Rockies Photo Archive will contact you by email with invoice and payment information.

Museum of the Rockies, Montana State Unviversity - Bozeman