Railroad Search List
Railroad Search List
Addison-Miller Fielding Shepley Contractors
Alder Gulch Short Line Railroad
Alexander Guthrie and Company
American Crystal Sugar Company
American Smelting and Refining Company
Amtrak Passenger Service
Anaconda Copper Mining Company
Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad
Baldwin Locomotive Works
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Boston and Albany Railroad
Boston and Maine Railroad
Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad
Burlington and Missouri River Railroad
Burlington Northern Railroad
Burlington-Rock Island Railroad
Butte Anaconda and Pacific Railway
C.D. Johnson Lumber Company
Camas Prairie Railroad
Canadian National Railway
Canadian Pacific Railway
Cascade Lumber Company
Cassville and Exeter Railroad
Central of Georgia Railroad
Central Pacific Railroad
Central Railroad of New Jersey
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway
Chicago and Alton Railroad
Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad
Chicago and North Western Railroad
Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad
Chicago Great Western Railway
Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad
Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad
Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton Railroad
Cincinnati New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway
Clear Creek Lumber Company
Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago and St. Louis Railway
Colorado and Southern Railroad
Colorado and Southern Railway
Colorado Midland Railway
Comox Log
Coos Bay Lumber
Copper Range Railroad
Cowlitz Chehalis and Cascade Railway
Craig Mountain Lumber Company
Craig Mountain Railway
Delaware and Hudson Canal Company
Delaware and Hudson Railroad
Delaware Lackawanna and Western Railroad
Denver and Rio Grande Railroad
Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad
Denver and Salt Lake Railway
Denver Laramie and North Western Railroad
Denver South Park and Pacific Railway
Diamond and Caldor Railway
Duluth and Iron Range Railroad
Duluth and Northeastern Railroad
Duluth and Northern Railway
Duluth Missabe and Iron Range Railway
Duluth Missabe and Northern Railway
Duluth South Shore and Atlantic Railway
Duluth Union Depot and Transfer Company
E S Johnson Company Railway
El Paso and Southwestern Railroad
Erie Railroad
Everett and Monte Cristo Railway
Florida East Coast Railway
Foley Brothers Constuction Company
Fort Smith and Western Railroad
Gales Creek and Wilson River Railroad
Georgia Railroad
Gilmore and Pittsburgh Railroad
Grand Trunk Western Railroad
Great Northern Railway
Green Bay and Western Railroad
Gulf Mobile and Northern Railroad
Hall and Hall
Harbor Plywood Corporation
Holly Sugar Company
Idaho and Washington Northern Railroad
Illinois Central Railroad
Inland Empire Paper Company
Interstate Railroad
Jacksonville Terminal Company
Kansas City Southern Railway
Kansas Oklahoma and Gulf Railway
Kennecott Copper Company
Kerr Dam Contractor
Lake Superior Terminal and Transfer Railway
Lehigh Valley Railroad
London Midland and Scottish Railway
Longview Portland and Northern Railway
Louisville and Nashville Railroad
Manitou and Pikes Peak Railway
Middletown and Unionville Railroad
Midland Continental Railroad
Midland Railway
Midland Railway of Manitoba
Midland Terminal Railroad
Milwaukee Road
Minneapolis and St Louis Railway
Minneapolis Northfield and Southern Railway
Minneapolis St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway
Minnesota and International Railroad
Minnesota Dakota and Western Railway
Missoula Street Railway Company
Missouri Kansas and Texas Railway
Missouri Pacific Railway
Montana Railroad
Montana Western Railway
Montana Wyoming and Southern Railroad
Morgans Louisiana and Texas Railroad
Morrissey Fernie and Michel Railway
Nacional de Tehuantepec Railway
Nashville Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway
New Haven Railroad
New York Central and Hudson River Railroad
New York Central Railroad
New York Chicago and St. Louis Railroad
Newaukum Valley Railroad
Nez Perce and Idaho Railroad
North Yakima and Valley Railroad
Northern Alberta Railways Company
Northern Pacific Terminal Company
Northwestern Pacific Railroad
Not Applicable
Ohio Match Company
Oliver Iron Mining Company
Omaha and Northern Railway
Omaha Lincoln and Beatrice Railway
Oregon Electric Railway
Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company
Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Co.
Pacific Car and Foundry Company
Pacific Coast Railroad Company
Pacific Great Eastern Railroad
Pennsylvania Railroad
Pere Marquette Railway
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
Polson Logging Company
Port of Olympia
Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad
Sacramento Northern Railway
San Pedro Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad
Seaboard Airline Railroad
Seattle Lake Shore and Eastern Railway
Shenandoah Central Railroad
Simpson Logging Company
Somers Lumber Company
Southern Pacific Railroad
Southern Railway
Soviet Union
Spokane Coeur dAlene and Palouse Railroad
Spokane International
Spokane International Railroad
Spokane Portland and Seattle Railway
St. Louis and San Francisco Railway
St. Louis Southwestern Railway
St. Paul and Duluth Railroad
St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Stourbridge Railroad
Tacoma Municipal Belt Line
Terra Haute and Indianapolis Railroad
Texas and Pacific Railway
Timken Roller Bearing Company
Union Pacific Railroad
United States Army
United States Navy
Virginia and Truckee Railroad
Virginian Railway
W and CR
Wabash Railroad
Washington, Idaho and Montana Railway
Western and Atlantic Railroad
Western Fuel Corporation of Canada
White Sulphur Springs and Yellowstone Park Railway
Winlock and Toledo Lbr Co.
Wyoming Railway
Yellowstone Park Railroad
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Ron V. Nixon Collection

The Ron V. Nixon Collection represents a unique historical photographic record of the pivotal role played by railroads in the development of the United States and the significance of railroad transportation in 19th and 20th century American history. From 1916 to his death in 1989, Ron V. Nixon created a unique collection of over 20,000 photographs. The collection also contains records, correspondence and historical writings that span the steam, diesel, and electro-motive eras of the railroads. Ron V. Nixon Database Project Accomplishments: The Museum of the Rockies Photo Archive and the Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association (NPRHA) have completed 12,129 Ron V. Nixon collection image scans and catalog records. Funding for the project was provided by a grant from the North American Railway Foundation (NARF) in Harrisburg, PA.