Photoarc Photographer List
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  Alderson, William White
Arctic Studio
Ball, A. P., Eaton Rapids, Michigan
Barry, D. F.
Bell, A. H., Mayes Jay J., Bloomington, Illinois
Benjamin, Livingston, Montana
Bennett, J.J.
Berg, J. A.
Berkin, Boulder
Berkin, John
Brown, Bert
Brown, St. Paul
Bundy and Train
Bundy, Oliver C.
Bundy, P. C.
Burnham, Faribault, Minnesota
Byron, Elsa Spear
Calfee and Catlin
Calfee, H. B. (Henry Bird)
Canvassers Views
Capital Studio
Carolus, George
Carpenter, G.E.
Chadborne, Fond Bulac
Choal, J. N.
Cobleigh, William
Cooper, Walter
Coulter Studio, Lewistown
Crissman, Joshua
Cross, W. R.
Davies, W.J.
Dawson, R. W., Little Rock, Arkansas
DeMonat, O.B.
Detroit Publishing Company
Dorothy Pennock Nile
Doubleday, Ralph R.
Dowe, O. L.
Durland, Harriet Brayton
Dusenberry, Verne
Dusseau and Thomson
Dutro, Dan
Eckert, M. A.
Elite Studio, Butte
Elliott, Deer Lodge
Eskildsen, Waucoma, Iowa
Fly, C. S.
Ford, G. W.
Foreman, Albert
Forsyth, N.A.
Foss, A.S., Glendive
Genelli Studio
Godeus, John D.
Gottschalck, August
Grant and Tippet
Griffith and Griffith
Haberstroh, John C.
Hamilton, S.C.R.
Hansen and Carr
Hansens Studio
Hapner, Leora
Harbert, J.
Hawes, Imperial Studio
Hawkins and Haton Bon Ton Gallery
Hawks, M.E., Red Lodge
Haynes, F. Jay
Haynes, Jack E.
Haynes, Palace Studio Car
Haynes, St. Paul, Minnesota
Hazeltine Studio
Hazeltine, Baker City, Oregon
Hazeltine, Virginia City
Herbert, AZ
Hileman, T.J.
Hillberg, James
Hower, A. B., Deer Lodge
Huffman, Layton A.
Ingersoll View Company
Jackson, William Henry
Johnson, Jessamine Speare
Kaufmann and Fabry Co.
Keystone View Company
Kilburn, Benjamin W.
Kinsey, Charles A.
Lamme, Maurice
Latham, Edward H.
Lawson, A.J.
Liberty Views
Linfield, F. Bertil
Loryea of Spokane
Loughrey, Charles D.
Lowry, H. J.
Lyons Studio
Marceau, Theo C.
Marsh, D.
McCaffie and Thompson, Missoula
McKay Art Co.
Merrill, Edgar Bruce
Miller and Chase
Montana State College Extension
Morgan and Tippet
Morgan, W.C.
Morris, Charles E.
Murphy, Mabel Reinig
National Photo Co., New York
Nile, Dorothy
Ollivier, New York
Olson, Niels
Pach Bros.
Pickett, J. M.
Potter, G.W.
Randall, A. Frank
Reinig, Edward M.
Rice and Hower, Deer Lodge
Rice, Henry Martin
Richardson, Bozeman
Rider, Chicago, IL
Rieman, San Francisco, California
Rothstein, Arthur
Ruder, Mel
Rumsey and Anderson
Rumsey, Anderson and Co.
Rutter, Thos. H.
Savage, R., Salt Lake City, Utah
Schlechten Bros.
Schlechten, Albert
Schlechten, Alfred
Schlechten, Chris
Schmit, H.
Schoettner, E. K.
Schultz, Jessie Donaldson
Shipler, H.
Shiplers, Salt Lake City, Utah
Showell, J.G.
Sloan, James J.
Smithers, C. Owen
Smithworth, J. W.
Snook, George J.
Sorboe, Thomas E.
Sproule Studio
Steeb, C. T.
Swan, K.D.
Taylor, Helena
Thompson, D. P.
Thornwood Series Gems
Torkel Korling, Chicago
Underwood and Underwood
Unknown Photographer
W. Peppets Art Galley
Walsh, F. J.
Webster and Albee
Weenink, Dillon
Weingartner, Leo, Ohio
White, H. C.
Whitham, James Campbell
Williams, F. L.
Winans, B.A.
Wing Studio
Wings Studio
Wolfe, Lancaster, Ohio
Yale, William S.
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The Museum of the Rockies Photo Archive is a preservation and research collection of historical photography from the Northern Rockies Region of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. The Archive collects and preserves photographs from the late 1860's to the 1980's that document the people, places, industry, and events of the region.

The Photo Archive collection contains over 60,000 photographs, including the complete archives of several local and regional photographers. Image formats and processes represented in the collection include: daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, numerous 19th and 20th century black and white print mediums and original negatives.

Active collecting has resulted in the acquisition of photography collections of both national and regional significance. Some specific collection strengths include: farming and ranching in Montana and our region, regional industries, people and events, Yellowstone National Park, and railroads of the northwestern United States.

To request an image from the photo archive, please visit: digital image ordering form

For library collections that are not accessible, we are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and timely access to users with disabilities. For assistance, please submit an accessibility request for library material.

Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University - Bozeman