Caroline McGill papers Item Titles
Alphabetical List of Item Titles
A B C | D E F | G H I | J K L | M N O | P Q R | S T U V | W X Y Z | Other
A B C [^]
- Allan Ranch in the Sun River Canyon of the Rocky Mountain Booklet
- American Mountains North Coast Limited Northern Pacific Railroad Line Brochure
- Bear in Mind The Gallatin Way to Yellowstone National Park Brochure
- The Beautiful Gallatin Gateway Inn Invites You! Brochure
- The Beautiful Skalkaho Highway Brochure
- Before the 320 Ranch Reminiscence by Dr. Caroline McGill
- Before the 320 Ranch Reminiscence Transcript by Dr. Caroline McGill
- Bingo, the black nosed doggie, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- Bozeman Invites You to Montana's Scenic Wonderland Brochure
- Bozeman Victory Roundup Souvenir Booklet 1942
- Butte Center of Montana's Wonderland Brochure
- The Canadian Pacific Rockies Map 1927
- Charge Holdup was Faked to Save Face of Defense
- Chicago Milwaukee St Paul and Pacific Railroad Booklet on Montana Dude Ranches
- Christmas day we gathered 'round the oak table, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- Christmas morning dawns bright and clear, Christmas Card from 320 Ranch
- Copy of a Walter Cooper Manuscript
D E F [^]
- Deep Canyon Ranch Rates 1951 Season Pamphlet
- Dr. McGill's Museum Notes
- The Famous Gallatin Gateway Inn Brochure
G H I [^]
- Gail's Dad's right hand in summer, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- The Gallatin River a Poem by Samuel Comly
- The Gallatin Saddle Horse Breeder's Associations Invites You to Attend Their... Show and Sale Postcard
- Gallatin Saddle Horse Breeders' Show and Sale Poster
- The Gallatin Way to Yellowstone Park, Bozeman, Montana Brochure
- Great Northern Railway Aeroplane Map Glacier National Park and Waterton Lakes Park Brochure
- A Guide To.. Hunting and Fishing In Montana Booklet
- Haggin Y/P Ranch Flyer by Northern Pacific Railway
- Haggin Y/P Ranch Rates Pamphlet
- Here Comes the Christmas tree, Christmas Card from 320 Ranch
- History of Montana: Marshall Seymour Cunningham
- Hotel Finlen with Map of Butte Montana Brochure
- How'dy Stranger, The Gallatin Gateway through Yellowstone Park Brochure
- Important Information Concerning Dude Ranches in Territory Served by the Great Northern Railway
- Interview with Pete Karst concerning his work in developing the Gallatin Canyon by Elizabeth De Frate
- Introducing Rising Sun Ranches Brochure
- It's Christmas time at the cow camp, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- It's the Night before Christmas, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
J K L [^]
- Karst's Kamp In the Heart of the Rockies Brochure
- Karst's Montana's Largest All Year Mountain Resort Brochure
- Karst's Ranch In The Heart of Montana's Rugged Rockies Brochure
- Karst's Ranch Situated in Gallatin Canyon, Montana Brochure
- Karst's Rustic Camp Gallatin Gateway, Montana Brochure
- Karst's Rustic Kamp In The Famous Gallatin Canyon Brochure
- Letter to Dr. McGill from Dorothy Michener Vick December 1, 1954
- Letter to Dr. McGill from Dorothy Michener Vick March 24, 1956
- A letter written to Mrs. Kelly from Samuel Comly
- A List of Books of the Old West, Philip's Book Store Brochure
- Louis Michiner and Tom Michiner Aug 25 1939
M N O [^]
- Map of Recreation Attractions Ennis Ranger District
- Map of the National Park-to-Park Highway Map
- The meadow's such a busy place, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- Michener family--McGill letter from Margaret Michener Kelly
- Montana Dude Ranches Chicago Milwaukee St Paul and Pacific Railroad Booklet
- Montana State College Bulletin Summer Quarter Number List of Classes
- Montana Vacation Land and Montana Boosters Brochure
- Mr Pete Karst just back from wonderful trip handwritten note by Caroline McGill
- Mr. Hans Behring told to Doctor McGill 10-11-39
- Mr. Marshall Seymour Cunningham Reminiscence dictated to Dr. McGill 5-15-39 Handwritten
- Mr. Marshall Seymour Cunningham Reminiscence dictated to Dr. McGill 5-15-39 Transcript
- Nine Quarter-Circle Ranch Gallatin Gateway, Montana Letter to Mr. Mosher
- Nine Quarter-Circle Ranch Rates 1948 Season Pamphlet
- Nine Quarter-Circle Ranch Rates Summer Season Pamphlet
- Northern Pacific Ranch Vacations Brochure
- The Open Road Gateway to the World's Greatest Playground Brochure
P Q R [^]
- Parade Rest A Sportsman's Paradise- West Yellowstone, Montana
- The Pavilion at Columbia Gardens by Night, Butte, MT Postcard
- Personal Interview with Pete Karst by Bill Slaughter
- Pete Karst at Benson's handwritten note by Dr. Caroline McGill
- Pete Karst at Benson's Transcribed note by Dr. Caroline McGill
- Pete Karst, Charles C. Eagar, Sam C. Crockett, W. B. Benham, & Mrs. Fletcher transcribed note
- A Pleasant Vacation Reminiscence by Kate Cope
- Presenting Your Map for Gallatin County Montana
- The pussy-toes are covered now, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- The Ranch is bustling this Christmas, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- Ranch Vacations Northern Pacific Yellowstone Park Line Brochure
- Record Affidavit Between The Holter Company and Julius W. Butler
- The Regina-Yellowstone Highway Brochure
- Relive the Days of the Old West in Virginia City, Montana Brochure
- Reminiscence by Earl Benham about the First Car to go up the Canyon
- Reminiscence by Earl Benham April 1938
- Reminiscence by Mr. Julius Butler 1-23-4-
- Richel Lodge in the Beartooth Mountains, Montana Brochure
S T U V [^]
- Season's greetings from the 320 gang, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- Season's Greetings, Christmas Card from 320 Ranch
- Seymour Cunninghom Reminiscene on Big Lew Bartholomew
- A Short History of Butte, Containing a few statistics pleasantly told Booklet
- Souvenir Card School District no. 35 Mary E. Lockhart
- Souvenir Folder of Gallatin Gateway to Yellowstone National Park Postcards
- There's only one Haggin Y/P Ranch Brochure
- Third Annual Bozeman Roundup Program of Events
- "Three Brothers" Poem by Mr. Tom Michener
- To wish you Merry Christmas, Christmas Card from 320 Ranch
- Tom Lemon son of Ora Michener and Stanley Lemon Handwritten notes
- Vacation at Karst's Famous Dude Ranch in the Heart of The Rocky Mountains Brochure
- Vacation on a Western Dude Ranch, Go on the Empire Builder via Glorious Glacier Park Booklet
- Visited Bob Cunningham at the Nine-quarter Circle June 15, 1941
W X Y Z [^]
- Walter Cooper Handwritten Manuscript
- Walter Cooper Reminiscence June 12, 1939
- Waterton Lakes Park and Glacier National Park Aeroplane Map Brochure
- We Love Our Own Montana Song, Words and Music By Nona Alice Weiser
- We're headed down the 'Big Sky Trail'
- We're set for a winter adventure, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch
- Welcome to the Nine Quarter-Circle Ranch Brochure 1946
- Welcome to the Nine Quarter-Circle Ranch Brochure 1948
- West Gallatin Northern Pacific Exploring Expedition Reminiscence by Walter Cooper
- Western Vacationlands Union Pacific Railroad Brochure
- Wilderness Trail Trips in Glacier National Park Brochure
- The Yellowstone-Glacier National Parks Bee Line Route Brochure
Other [^]
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