
Editorial Review Policy



The Intermountain Journal of Sciences (IJS) is a fully refereed journal.

Manuscripts are submitted to the Editor- in-Chief (EIC) for initial consideration for publication in the IJS. This review shall include, but not be limited to, appropriateness for publication in this journal, correct formatting, and inclusion of a letter of submittal by the author with information about the manuscript as stated in the "Guidelines for manuscripts submitted to the Intermountain Journal of Sciences" (Dusek 1995, 2007). This cover letter must also include a statement by the author that this paper has not been submitted for publication or published elsewhere. The EIC notes the date of receipt of the manuscript and assigns it a reference number, IJS-xxxx. The EIC forwards a letter of manuscript receipt and the reference number to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is the author who signed the submittal letter.

Three hard copies of the submitted manuscript, with copies of the "Guidelines and checklist for IJS referees" attached are forwarded to the appropriate Associate Editor. The Associate Editor retains one coy of the manuscript and guidelines for his/ her review, and submits a similar package to each of two other reviewers. A minimum of two reviewers, including the Associate Editor, is required for each manuscript. The two other reviewers are instructed to return the manuscript and their comments to the Associate Editor, who completes and returns to the EIC a blue "Cover Form" and all manuscripts and reviewer comments plus a recommendation for publication, with or without revisions, or rejection of the manuscript. This initial review process is limited to 30 days.

The EIC reviews the recommendation and all comments. The EIC then notifies the corresponding author of the results of the review and the publication decision.


For accepted manuscripts, each copy of the manuscript containing comments thereon and other comments are returned to the corresponding author. Revised manuscripts are to be returned to the EIC in hard copy, four copies if further review is required, or one hard copy plus the computer disk if only minor revision or formatting is necessary. The revised manuscript shall be returned to the EIC within 14 days of the notification. Review of the revised manuscript by the Associate Editor and reviewers shall be completed and returned to the EIC within 14 days. An accepted manuscript will then be forwarded to the Managing Editor (ME) for final processing.


Each manuscript that is rejected for publication is returned by the EIC to the corresponding author along with the reasons for rejection. The author is also advised that the manuscript may be resubmitted, provided all major criticisms and comments have been addressed in the new manuscript. The new manuscript may be returned to the initial review process if deemed appropriate by the EIC. If the manuscript is rejected a second time by either the EIC or the Associate Editor and reviewers, no further consideration will be given for publication of the manuscript in IJS. The corresponding author will be notified of this decision.

Reviewer Anonymity

The identity of all reviewers shall remain anonymous to the authors, called a blind review process. All criticisms or comments by authors shall be directed to the EIC; they may be referred to the ME or the Editorial Board by the EIC for resolution.

Manuscripts Submitted By Editors

Each manuscript submitted by an Associate Editor shall be reviewed by the EIC and a minimum of two other reviewers with expertise in the subject being addressed. Each manuscript submitted by the EIC shall be forwarded with the necessary review materials to the Chairman of the Editorial Board of IJS, who will serve as the EIC for that manuscript.


Only abstracts from the annual meetings of the sponsoring organizations will be published in IJS. Other submissions of abstracts shall be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Editorial Board. Sponsoring organizations shall collect abstracts, review them for subject accuracy, format them in Microsoft Word and email them to Gary Dusek, the EIC (gnpdusek@, on or before November 1. Each abstract shall be reviewed by the EIC to assure proper grammar, compliance with IJS "Guidelines for Abstracts Only" and for assignment to the appropriate discipline section. All abstracts will be published in the December issue only.


Submissions concerning management applications or viewpoints concerning current scientific or social issues of interest to the Intermountain region will be considered for publication in the "Commentary" Section. This section will feature concise, well-written manuscripts limited to 1,500 words. Commentaries will be limited to one per issue.

Submissions will be peer reviewed and page charges will be calculated at the same rate as for regular articles.

Literature Cited

Dusek, Gary L. 1995, revised 2007. Guidelines for manuscripts submitted to the Intermountain Journal of Sciences. Int. J. Sci. 1(1):61-70. Revised guidelines are available on the Intermountain Journal of Sciences web site: (

Send all manuscripts to: Editor-in-Chief, P.O. Box 3014, Bozeman, MT 59772-3014