Item: The Avalanches of Galtor and Valzur in Feb. 1999
Title: The Avalanches of Galtor and Valzur in Feb. 1999
Proceedings: Proceedings of the 2000 International Snow Science Workshop, October 1-6, Big Sky, Montana
- Peter Holler
- Horst Schaffhauser
Date: 2000
Abstract: The avalanche of GaltOr (Feb.23 1999) was the most serious single accident in Austria since 1954. There were 31 fatalities, 6 buildings destroyed and 18 buildings damaged. Due to an area of high pressure over the Bay of Biscaya and an area of low pressure over Scandinavia the Alps received moist air from the Atlantic and cold air from the Arctic. This situation leaded to intensive precipition in the Arlberg- AuBerfern- and Paznaun area in February 1999 and to many large avalanches. Calculations with the Samos Avalanche Model showed some interesting results. The pressure (which was calculated for those sites where most of the buildungs were destroyed) was in the order of 100 kPa. About 26 % of the totally released snow mass (136 kilotons) was transferred to the powder part of the avalanche. As a result of the avalanche the Austrian Government spent about 130 Mio ATS (about 10 Mio $) for different protection measures (supporting structures in the release zone, two catching dams....) in this area.The two accidents (Galtor and Valzur) leaded to new design criteria for hazard maps in Austria. While the old decree determined 25 kPa for the Red Zone the modified guidelines have extended it to 10 kPa (valid since July 1999).
Object ID: issw-2000-514-518.pdf
Language of Article: English
Presenter(s): Unknown
Keywords: avalanche disasters, avalanche zoning, simulation of avalanches
Page Number(s): 514-518
Subjects: avalanche disasters galtur avalanche fatalities