Nez Perce National Historical Park Spalding Site
- Latest webcam view
Webcam Location: Nez Perce National Historical Park Spalding Site
Location of Park Unit: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington
Image Type: Combination Natural and Built Environment
Description: This web camera is labeled "Spalding, ID." "The park's main visitor center sits on a hill overlooking the Clearwater River. In the Nez Perce language, this place is called Awewiy. In English we call it the Spalding site. It was at this location that Henry Spalding set up his mission in the 1830s. Enjoy!" Source: NPS.
Note: This web camera image contains embedded text.
Type of Webcam: Static
Related Webcams: Nez Perce National Historical Park
Operational Status: Normally operates year-round
Primary Manager of Webcam: National Park Service
Image Credit: National Park Service