Robert J. Behnke papers Item Identifiers
Alphabetical List of Item Identifiers
- 2491-01-01 - Genetics - philosophical, taxonomy, evolution
- 2491-01-02 - Genetics - fish evolution
- 2491-01-03 - Genetics - fish - distribution through the world
- 2491-01-04 - Genetics - fish - behavior
- 2491-01-05 - Genetics - fish - manipulation
- 2491-01-06 - Genetics - fish - human influences
- 2491-01-08 - Genetics - California gene resource conservation program - anadromous salmonid plan
- 2491-01-09 - Genetics - workshop on salmon and steel-head - conservation and enhancement
- 2491-02-01 - Limnology - Instream Flow Research Methods
- 2491-02-02 - Limnology - Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) controversies
- 2491-02-03 - Limnology - evaluations of instream flow methodologies
- 2491-02-04 - Limnology - instream flow studies, Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM)
- 2491-02-05 - Limnology - computer stream models
- 2491-02-06 - Limnology - fish and plant relationships in streams
- 2491-02-07 - Limnology - temperature and oxygen
- 2491-02-08 - Limnology - diseases, parasites, weeds
- 2491-02-09 - Limnology - fish assemblages
- 2491-03-01 - Limnology - program for fish enhancements
- 2491-03-02 - Limnology - invertebrate influences
- 2491-03-03 - Limnology - determining stream flow requirements
- 2491-03-04 - Limnology - pollution and improvement criteria
- 2491-03-05 - Limnology - favorable conditions for stream health
- 2491-03-06 - Limnology - lotic (living in flowing water) issues
- 2491-03-07 - Limnology - instream flow requirements
- 2491-03-08 - Limnology - nutrient dynamics in stream ecosystems
- 2491-03-09 - Limnology - alternate theories on methodologies
- 2491-03-10 - Limnology - stream flow limitations in Colorado
- 2491-03-11 - Limnology - chemistry of waters, Colorado
- 2491-03-12 - Limnology - Yellowstone Lake
- 2491-04-01 - Limnology - vegetation in riparian areas
- 2491-04-02 - Limnology - assorted issues in aquatic ecology
- 2491-04-03 - Limnology - water quality, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- 2491-04-04 - Limnology - mountain rivers/streams
- 2491-04-05 - Limnology - migrations in freshwater
- 2491-04-06 - Limnology - history and economical issues
- 2491-04-07 - Limnology - food sources for fish
- 2491-04-09 - Fisheries management - biogeography
- 2491-04-10 - Fisheries management - assorted controversies, evolution and conservation
- 2491-04-11 - Fisheries management - biological impacts
- 2491-04-12 - Fisheries management - ecosystem management
- 2491-04-13 - Fisheries management - trout, farm ponds, insect populations
- 2491-04-14 - Fisheries management - cold water fisheries
- 2491-04-15 - Fisheries management - riverine fishes
- 2491-05-01 - Fisheries management - early fisheries research
- 2491-05-02 - Fisheries management - endangered species
- 2491-05-03 - Fisheries management - endangered species - western fishes
- 2491-05-04 - Fisheries management - salmon
- 2491-05-05 - Fisheries management - whirling disease
- 2491-05-06 - Fisheries management - Inland fisheries reports bibliographies
- 2491-05-07 - Fisheries management - Great Lakes - species competition
- 2491-05-08 - Fisheries management - California
- 2491-05-09 - Fisheries management - Colorado
- 2491-05-10 - Fisheries management - Colorado -Leadville hatchery history
- 2491-05-11 - Fisheries management - Colorado - U.S. Air Force Academy
- 2491-06-01 - Fisheries management - Colorado - stream fisheries investigations
- 2491-06-02 - Fisheries management - Colorado - stream fisheries investigations (cont.)
- 2491-06-03 - Fisheries management - Colorado - stream fisheries investigations (cont.)
- 2491-06-04 - Fisheries management - Idaho - Henry's Lake
- 2491-06-05 - Fisheries management - Kansas
- 2491-06-06 - Fisheries management - Maryland
- 2491-06-07 - Fisheries management - Massachusetts
- 2491-06-08 - Fisheries management - Montana - Glacier National Park
- 2491-07-01 - Fisheries management - Oregon
- 2491-07-02 - Fisheries management - South Dakota
- 2491-07-03 - Fisheries management - Texas
- 2491-07-04 - Fisheries management - Utah - Uintah & Duray Indian Reservation
- 2491-07-05 - Fisheries management - Washington
- 2491-07-06 - Fisheries management - Washington - Olympia State Park
- 2491-07-07 - Fisheries management - Wyoming
- 2491-07-08 - Conservation - hatcheries vs wild only
- 2491-07-09 - Conservation - abundance after stocking
- 2491-07-10 - Conservation - expanding hatchery production
- 2491-07-11 - Conservation - past and present supplementation of salmons, etc.
- 2491-07-12 - Conservation - Oregon research reports - native trout project
- 2491-08-01 - Conservation - habitat quality index (HQI)
- 2491-08-02 - Conservation - stream management of salmonids
- 2491-08-03 - Conservation - stocking salmon in California
- 2491-08-04 - Conservation - role of hatchery trout in California
- 2491-08-05 - Conservation - Hatcheries and whirling disease
- 2491-08-06 - Conservation - hatcheries vs wild stock
- 2491-08-07 - Conservation - streamside egg hatcheries
- 2491-08-08 - Conservation - economics of hatcheries and stocking fish
- 2491-08-09 - Conservation - commentary on hatchery report of Trout Unlimited
- 2491-08-10 - Conservation - aquaculture
- 2491-08-11 - Conservation - Environmental and fishing ethics and the pain question
- 2491-08-12 - Conservation - Catchable trout - wild or hatchery
- 2491-08-13 - Conservation - catch and release
- 2491-08-14 - Conservation - YNP projects on catch and release and fish mortality
- 2491-09-01 - Conservation - Angling mortality vs natural mortality
- 2491-09-02 - Conservation - Hook mortality and barb vs barbless hooks
- 2491-09-03 - Conservation - effects of dams - various research materials, reprints, etc.
- 2491-09-04 - Conservation - dams, reservoirs - river diversions
- 2491-09-05 - Conservation - dams, reservoirs - river diversions (cont.)
- 2491-09-06 - Conservation - dams, reservoirs - river diversions (cont.)
- 2491-09-07 - Conservation - dams, reservoirs - Star Lake project
- 2491-09-08 - Conservation - diseases
- 2491-09-09 - Conservation - Yellowstone Lake - lake trout problem
- 2491-10-01 - Conservation - stream pollution
- 2491-10-02 - Conservation - grazing - conflicts with fishing waters
- 2491-10-03 - Conservation - Bone Draw project and grazing impact projects
- 2491-10-04 - Africa - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc.
- 2491-10-05 - Canada - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc.
- 2491-10-06 - Chile, So. and Central America, Mexico - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc.
- 2491-11-01 - China - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc.
- 2491-11-02 - Europe - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc.
- 2491-11-03 - Japan - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc.
- 2491-11-04 - Japan - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc. (cont.)
- 2491-11-05 - Philippines - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc.
- 2491-11-06 - Russia - research materials, reprints, correspondence, etc.
- 2491-12-01 - Middle East - fishes of the regional reprints and articles
- 2491-12-02 - Middle East - Brian Coad - reprints, drafts, papers, correspondence
- 2491-12-03 - Middle East - Alkahem/Buttiker correspondence and enclosures
- 2491-12-04 - Middle East - Iranian fishes collection by Behnke with Brian Coad correspondence
- 2491-12-05 - Middle East - H.F. Alkahem - early draft manuscripts of thesis
- 2491-12-06 - Middle East - H.F. Alkahem - early draft manuscripts of thesis (cont.)
- 2491-12-07 - Middle East - H.F. Alkahem - with Behnke - Freshwater fishes of Arabia (2 draft manuscripts)
- 2491-13-01 - Middle East - Friedhelm Krupp - reprints, articles, correspondence with enclosures
- 2491-13-02 - Middle East - Friedhelm Krupp - Freshwater Fishes of Saudi Arabia... manuscript
- 2491-13-03 - Middle East - Petra Bănărescu - reprints, articles
- 2491-13-04 - Middle East - Historic Studies of Turkey's Freshwater Fish Fauna - unknown manuscript
- 2491-13-05 - Middle East - fishes of Iran studies, papers, articles and correspondence
- 2491-13-06 - Middle East - Iranian Dept of Environmental Conservation (correspondence, notes and notebooks), 1974-1976
- 2491-13-07 - Middle East - Job progress reports for Iranian studies of 1974-1975
- 2491-14-01 - U.S. Northwest - general - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-14-02 - U.S. Northwest - fishes in the W. Mississippi drainage - papers, notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-14-03 - U.S. Northwest - Alaska - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-14-04 - U.S. Northwest - Colorado - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-14-05 - U.S. Northwest - Colorado - Gunnison reclamation project
- 2491-14-06 - U.S. Northwest - Idaho - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-14-07 - U.S. Northwest - Idaho, Birch Creek - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-14-08 - U.S. Northwest - Montana - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-14-09 - U.S. Northwest - Montana, Glacier National Park - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-14-10 - U.S. Northwest - Nebraska - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-15-01 - U.S. Northwest - Oregon - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-15-02 - U.S. Northwest - Utah - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-15-03 - U.S. Northwest - Washington - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-15-04 - U.S. Northwest - Washington - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence (cont.)
- 2491-15-05 - U.S. Northwest - Wyoming - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-15-06 - U.S. Northwest - Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Lake - papers, notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-15-07 - U.S. Southwest - Arizona - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-16-01 - U.S. Southwest - California - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-16-02 - U.S. Southwest - California - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence (cont.)
- 2491-16-03 - U.S. Southwest - California - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence (cont.)
- 2491-16-04 - U.S. Southwest - Nevada - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-16-05 - U.S. Southwest - New Mexico - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-16-06 - U.S. Midwest/Great Lakes - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-16-07 - U.S. Appalachians - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-17-01 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - papers, research notes, reprints, correspondence
- 2491-17-02 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - Cooperative fishery unit analysis sheets
- 2491-17-03 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - Cooperative fishery unit analysis sheets
- 2491-17-04 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - Climax CO area report
- 2491-17-05 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - Yampa River agreements
- 2491-17-06 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - South Platte fishes thesis
- 2491-17-07 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - Angling in Parvin Lake CO
- 2491-17-08 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - Gunnison River research
- 2491-17-09 - U.S. Colorado River Basin - assorted reprinted articles, reports
- 2491-18-01 - Brown Trout-Articles
- 2491-18-02 - Brown Trout-Development of Brown Trout Habitat
- 2491-18-03 - Brown Trout-Sexual Dimorphism in Anal fin of Brown Trout
- 2491-18-04 - Atlantic Salmon-Articles
- 2491-18-05 - Atlantic Salmon-Articles
- 2491-18-06 - Atlantic Salmon-Articles
- 2491-18-07 - Atlantic Salmon-Articles
- 2491-18-08 - Atlantic Salmon-Carlson dissertation
- 2491-18-09 - Atlantic Salmon-Mcmenemy
- 2491-18-10 - Atlantic Salmon-Research
- 2491-18-11 - Atlantic Salmon-Research
- 2491-19-01 - Atlantic Salmon-Research
- 2491-19-02 - Atlantic Salmon-Russia
- 2491-19-03 - Dolly Varden-Articles
- 2491-19-04 - Dolly Varden-Articles
- 2491-19-05 - Dolly Varden-Articles
- 2491-19-06 - Dolly Varden-Articles
- 2491-19-07 - Dolly Varden-Articles
- 2491-19-08 - Dolly Varden-Correspondence
- 2491-19-09 - Dolly Varden-Correspondence
- 2491-19-10 - Dolly Varden-Correspondence
- 2491-19-11 - Bull Trout-Articles
- 2491-19-12 - Bull Trout-Ted Cavender
- 2491-19-14 - Lake Trout-Fishes of New England W. C. Kendall
- 2491-19-15 - Brook Trout-Articles
- 2491-19-17 - Arctic Char-Articles
- 2491-19-18 - Arctic Char-Articles
- 2491-19-19 - Arctic Char-Articles
- 2491-19-20 - Arctic Char-Articles
- 2491-19-21 - Arctic Char-Articles
- 2491-19-22 - Arctic Char-Articles
- 2491-20-01 - Arctic Char-Caleb French
- 2491-20-02 - Arctic Char-Correspondence
- 2491-20-03 - Arctic Char-Correspondence
- 2491-20-04 - Arctic Char-Delmastro Giovanni
- 2491-20-05 - Arctic Char-Frolov
- 2491-20-06 - Arctic Char- "Changes in the diet of Char", Erik Garnas
- 2491-20-07 - Arctic Char-International Game Fish Association
- 2491-20-08 - Arctic Char-International Symposium, 1981
- 2491-20-09 - Arctic Char-International Symposium, 1981
- 2491-20-10 - Arctic Char-International Symposium, 1987
- 2491-20-11 - Arctic Char-International Symposium, 1988
- 2491-20-12 - Arctic Char-Irv Kornfield
- 2491-20-13 - Arctic Char-Jack Dean
- 2491-20-14 - Arctic Char-Kent Andersson
- 2491-20-15 - Arctic Char-W. Markham Morton
- 2491-20-16 - Arctic Char-R. Kyle McNelly
- 2491-20-17 - Arctic Char-"Life History Variation of Polymorphic Arctic Char"
- 2491-20-18 - Arctic Char-Robb Leary
- 2491-20-19 - Arctic Char-Research
- 2491-20-20 - Arctic Char-Research
- 2491-21-03 - Arctic Char-Salvenius levanidovi
- 2491-21-04 - Arctic Char-Scottish Char
- 2491-21-05 - Arctic Char-Silver Trout
- 2491-21-06 - Arctic Char-Sunapee notes
- 2491-21-07 - Other Char-Articles-Japan
- 2491-21-08 - Other Char-Cavender Article
- 2491-21-09 - Other Char-Notes
- 2491-21-10 - Chinook-Articles
- 2491-21-11 - Chinook-Endangered Species Request
- 2491-21-12 - Chinook-Research
- 2491-21-13 - Chinook-Research
- 2491-21-14 - Coho-Articles
- 2491-21-15 - Coho-Articles
- 2491-21-16 - Coho-Dennis Scarnecchia
- 2491-21-17 - Coho-Harry Wagner
- 2491-21-18 - Pink-Articles
- 2491-21-19 - Pink-Articles
- 2491-22-01 - Sockeye-Articles
- 2491-22-02 - Sockeye-Articles
- 2491-22-03 - Sockeye-Articles
- 2491-22-04 - Sockeye-Carl Schreck
- 2491-22-05 - Sockeye-Kokanee
- 2491-22-06 - Pacific Salmon-Articles
- 2491-22-07 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-08 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-09 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-10 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-11 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-12 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-13 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-14 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-15 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-16 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-17 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-18 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-19 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-20 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-21 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-22-22 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-23-01 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-23-02 - Rainbow-Articles
- 2491-23-03 - Rainbow-Articles-Adult Triploids in Rainbow
- 2491-23-04 - Rainbow-Articles-Nebraska
- 2491-23-05 - Rainbow-Chemical Analysis Sheets
- 2491-23-06 - Rainbow-Correspondence
- 2491-23-07 - Rainbow-Notes
- 2491-23-08 - Rainbow-Notes
- 2491-23-09 - Rainbow-Notes
- 2491-23-10 - Rainbow-Notes
- 2491-23-11 - Rainbow-Rainbow and Cutthroat of North America
- 2491-23-12 - Rainbow-Various issues involving
- 2491-23-13 - Kern River-Notes
- 2491-23-14 - Golden Trout-Articles
- 2491-23-15 - Redband Trout-Articles
- 2491-23-16 - Redband Trout-Notes
- 2491-24-01 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-02 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-03 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-04 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-05 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-06 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-07 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-08 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-09 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-10 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-11 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-12 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-13 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-14 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-15 - Westslope Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-24-16 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-24-17 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-24-18 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-24-19 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-24-20 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-25-01 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-25-02 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-25-03 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-25-04 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-25-05 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-25-06 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-Idaho, 1984
- 2491-25-07 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-Montana, 1981
- 2491-25-08 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-New Mexico, 1980
- 2491-25-09 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-New Mexico, 1982
- 2491-25-10 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-Wyoming, 1977
- 2491-25-11 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-Wyoming, 1978
- 2491-25-12 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-Wyoming, 1981
- 2491-25-13 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-Color Spotting, notes and tables
- 2491-25-14 - Westslope Cutthroat-Research-Pleuristieus Virginalis Stomias
- 2491-25-15 - Rio Grande Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-25-16 - Lahontan Cutthroat-Articles-F. Utter
- 2491-25-17 - Yellowstone Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-25-18 - Yellowstone Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-25-19 - Yellowstone Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-25-20 - Yellowstone Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-25-21 - Yellowstone Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-25-22 - Yellowstone Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-25-23 - Yellowstone Cutthroat-Notes-Yellowstone/Glacier
- 2491-26-01 - Snake River Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-26-02 - Snake River Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-03 - Coastal Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-26-04 - Colorado River Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-05 - Colorado River Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-06 - Colorado River Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-07 - Colorado River Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-08 - Colorado River Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-26-09 - Bonneville Basin Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-26-10 - Bonneville Basin Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-26-11 - Bonneville Basin Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-26-12 - Bonneville Basin Cutthroat-Correspondence
- 2491-26-13 - Bonneville Basin Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-14 - Bonneville Basin Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-15 - Bonneville Basin Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-16 - Bonneville Basin Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-26-17 - Paiute Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-26-18 - Paiute Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-27-01 - Greenback Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-27-02 - Greenback Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-27-03 - Greenback Cutthroat-Articles
- 2491-27-04 - Greenback Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-27-05 - Greenback Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-27-06 - Greenback Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-27-07 - Greenback Cutthroat-Notes
- 2491-27-08 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery-Correspondence
- 2491-27-09 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1973
- 2491-27-10 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1976
- 2491-27-11 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1977
- 2491-27-12 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1981
- 2491-27-13 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1982
- 2491-27-14 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1983
- 2491-27-15 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1984
- 2491-27-16 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1985
- 2491-27-17 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery, 1992
- 2491-28-01 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery-Research
- 2491-28-02 - Greenback Cutthroat-Recovery
- 2491-28-03 - Greenback Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-28-04 - Greenback Cutthroat-Research
- 2491-28-05 - Actinopterygian-Articles
- 2491-28-06 - Castomid-Notes
- 2491-28-07 - Castomid-Notes
- 2491-28-08 - Castomid-Notes
- 2491-28-09 - Castomid-Research
- 2491-28-10 - Cichlid-Articles
- 2491-28-11 - Grass Carp-Articles
- 2491-28-12 - Grass Carp-Research
- 2491-28-13 - Lampreys-Articles
- 2491-28-14 - Latimeria Chalumnae-Articles
- 2491-28-15 - Menidia-Research
- 2491-29-01 - Pupfish-Articles
- 2491-29-02 - Sculpin-Articles
- 2491-29-03 - Sharks-Articles
- 2491-29-04 - Shellfish-Articles
- 2491-29-05 - Teleostei-Articles
- 2491-29-06 - Tui Chub-Articles
- 2491-29-07 - Walleye-Articles
- 2491-29-08 - Introduction of Exotic Fishes
- 2491-29-09 - Fish Photos and Diagrams
- 2491-29-10 - Fish Classification-Articles
- 2491-29-11 - Fish-Lists-Heritage
- 2491-29-12 - Indexed Bibliographies
- 2491-29-13 - Toppon Collection-University of Wyoming
- 2491-30-01 - Behnke vita and professional history
- 2491-30-02 - Published articles listed in resume
- 2491-30-03 - Published newspaper and journal articles
- 2491-30-04 - Unpublished reports and papers, 1959-1979
- 2491-30-05 - Unpublished reports and papers, 1980- 1994 and undated
- 2491-30-06 - Native Trout of Western North America - authors page proofs
- 2491-30-07 - Native Trout of Western North America - authors page proofs (cont.)
- 2491-30-08 - Unpublished articles on Au Sable River
- 2491-31-01 - Native Trout of Western North America - revisions, rough draft chapters
- 2491-31-02 - Unnamed draft manuscript for Champoeg Press, 1981
- 2491-31-03 - Monograph of the native trouts of the genus Salmo of western North America - drafts
- 2491-31-04 - A Systematic study of the family Salmonidae with special reference to the genus Salmo - draft
- 2491-31-05 - Charrs, salmonid fishes of the genus Salvelinus - proof for chapter 14
- 2491-31-06 - "Endangered and threatened fishes of the upper Colorado river basin" draft paper
- 2491-31-07 - "Endangered and threatened fishes of the upper Colorado river basin" draft paper (cont.)
- 2491-32-01 - Research notes - handwritten - multiple subjects and materials
- 2491-32-02 - Bibliography cards - authors A-L
- 2491-32-03 - Bibliography cards - authors M-Z
- 2491-32-04 - Notes on "Wild Trout Summarizer" papers, 1989
- 2491-32-05 - Correspondence and papers on rare fish finds
- 2491-32-06 - Raymond C. Simon - salmonidae - thesis, 1964
- 2491-32-07 - William T. Mitchell - coastal cutthroat and steelhead trout - thesis (1988)
- 2491-32-08 - Papers of colleagues with notes or editing
- 2491-32-09 - Diagrams/charts for various publications/manuscripts
- 2491-32-10 - Illustration corrections for an Audubon article
- 2491-32-11 - Collected diagrams of fishes
- 2491-33-01 - Assorted maps - some with notations
- 2491-33-02 - Newspaper and journal clippings or photocopies
- 2491-33-03 - Newspaper and journal clippings or photocopies (cont.)
- 2491-33-04 - Assorted reprints whole or front page, 1960-1976
- 2491-33-05 - Assorted reprints whole or front page, 1977-1989
- 2491-33-06 - Assorted reprints whole or front page, 1990-1997
- 2491-33-07 - E. W. Gudger reprints from 1930s - 1950s
- 2491-33-08 - Salmon and Trout Association
- 2491-33-09 - Wild Trout III - symposium
- 2491-33-10 - Wild Trout IV - symposium schedule and keynote address
- 2491-34-01 - Assorted fish society newsletters publications and meeting materials
- 2491-34-02 - Trout Unlimited - correspondence on fish management strategies and plans
- 2491-34-03 - Interstate muskellunge workshop
- 2491-34-04 - Coldwater Fisheries Coalition - symposium materials
- 2491-34-05 - Colorado Water Engineering and Management Conference - announcement
- 2491-34-06 - American Fisheries Society - Colorado and Wyoming 14th Annual meeting materials
- 2491-34-09 - Symposia on fishes - announcements/schedules
- 2491-34-10 - Presentations to seminars conferences, etc.
- 2491-34-11 - Pueblo of Acoma vs City of Grants - deposition Robert J. Behnke
- 2491-34-12 - Pueblo of Acoma vs City of Grants - deposition Neal Armstrong
- 2491-35-01 - Correspondence on Acoma suit and assorted research materials and notes
- 2491-35-02 - Aurora Colorado water rights suit - deposition Robert J. Behnke
- 2491-35-03 - State of New Mexico vs Molybdenum Corporation of America, Inc. - deposition Robert W. Pennak
- 2491-35-04 - San Luis Rey Trout - water quality hearing
- 2491-35-05 - Navaho Reservoir - fishery investigation
- 2491-35-06 - Trout Unlimited of California vs State of California Department of Fish and Game
- 2491-35-07 - Gila River adjudication - reports and research materials
- 2491-35-08 - Hatchery evaluation - Costal Resources Institute, 1985
- 2491-36-01 - Salt River Project - fisheries - aquatic biology, 1985-1992
- 2491-36-02 - Reports - fisheries aquatic biology investigations ( Salt Creek/Gila River, etc.), 1985-1988
- 2491-36-03 - Reports - fisheries aquatic biology investigations ( Salt Creek/Gila River, etc.), 1990-1994
- 2491-36-04 - F&W biodiversity Class notes (Behnke)
- 2491-36-05 - F&W class assignments, research info, tests, etc.
- 2491-36-06 - Ecology experimenters controversies
- 2491-36-07 - Conference notes (unknown) Oregon State University
- 2491-36-08 - Behnke class notes and schedules
- 2491-36-09 - Fall semester fisheries seminars, 1968
- 2491-36-10 - Reprints for various seminars - limnology diversity aquatic ecosystems (readings reprints)
- 2491-36-11 - Reprints for various seminars - limnology diversity aquatic ecosystems (readings) (cont.)
- 2491-37-01 - Zoology courses w/ Behnke's class notes as student/instructor
- 2491-37-02 - Zoology/ichthyology lab manuals - Behnke
- 2491-37-03 - Printouts used for fish and wildlife classes in biodivestiy /conservation
- 2491-37-04 - Student papers for Behnke - only notations on composition
- 2491-37-05 - Collected papers - not Behnke students
- 2491-37-06 - Terry J. Hickman - Bonneville Basin/native trout - thesis and additional papers, 1977-1978
- 2491-38-01 - George J. Schisler - catch and release - thesis, 1995
- 2491-38-02 - John R. Trojnar - sympatric strains of cutthroat trout- thesis, 1972
- 2491-38-03 - Bob Kingswood - fish disease in Colorado - thesis, 1996
- 2491-38-04 - Hmoud Fares Alkahem - freshwater fishes of Saudi Arabia - thesis, 1980
- 2491-38-05 - Phillip A. Stewart - trout density in a small stream - thesis, 1970
- 2491-38-06 - Ted C. Murphy - Snake River cutthroat trout - thesis, 1974
- 2491-38-07 - Ann D. Richmond - large woody debris in mountain streams - thesis, 1994
- 2491-38-08 - Gary R Wernsman - native Colorado cutthroat trout - thesis, 1973
- 2491-38-09 - Steven R. Johnson - impact of cattle grazing - thesis, 1978
- 2491-39-01 - David S. Winters - benthos and brown trout predation - thesis, 1988
- 2491-39-02 - Ichthyology course on fish classification, etc.
- 2491-39-03 - Course materials on species interactions of fishes
- 2491-39-04 - Predatory fishes project - Neil Ringler
- 2491-39-05 - Extinction seminar #692
- 2491-39-06 - Spring trip for fish and wildlife students - map and guidelines, 1989
- 2491-39-07 - Behnke's class notes and lab manual of 1956 - Berkeley
- 2491-39-08 - Aquatic glacier relics course - taken by Behnke (?)
- 2491-39-09 - Fisheries field trip to Yellowstone, 1983
- 2491-39-10 - Readings for fall semester course in limnology, circa 2000
- 2491-39-11 - Office correspondence - outgoing from Robert Behnke copies, 1973 January-June
- 2491-39-12 - Research related to Cleveland, Ohio Fish Hatchery
- 2491-40-01 - Office correspondence - outgoing from Robert Behnke copies, 1973 July-1974 June
- 2491-40-02 - Assorted professional correspondence, 1961-1971
- 2491-40-03 - Assorted professional correspondence, 1972-1974
- 2491-40-04 - Assorted professional correspondence, 1975-1979
- 2491-40-05 - Assorted professional correspondence, 1980-1989
- 2491-40-06 - Assorted professional correspondence, 1990-2001
- 2491-40-07 - Professional Correspondence with John Houston
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