Reading the Region 2014-2015: Award Books, Award Programs, and the Latest Winning Titles From Around the PNLA Region


  • Jan Zauha Montana State University


book awards, reading, YRCA, collection development, readers advisory, PNLA region


As happens every year in the rich book life of the Pacific Northwest, a significant number of programs and associations highlighted exceptional authors and titles in our region during the 2014-2015 book award season. These state, provincial, and regional award programs are often difficult to identify or track in the profusion of book information on the Web. Unless their award-winners jump up the ladder to gain wider attention, the titles they choose tend to get lost in the shadow of national and international awards that enjoy a much higher profile on the Web and in literary newspapers and magazines.

Author Biography

Jan Zauha, Montana State University

Outreach, Research, & Instruction Librarian at Montana State
University Library. She is a past president of PNLA and long time board member currently serving as co-editor of PQ.


