Glacier National Park Snowball the Snowman
Latest webcam view
Webcam Location: Glacier National Park
Location of Park Unit: Montana
Image Type: Combination Natural and Built Environment
Description: "Snowball has returned. Ron, from our IT staff, found him wandering in the snowstorm yesterday afternoon and showed him to his normal winter spot. His first visit was several years ago and has returned every winter since, but he is finicky and the snow conditions have to be just right or he doesn't show up. Snowball was named by a second grade class in Florida. Their teacher uses him to teach them about snow and winter. He also has a big following online and we have been getting questions about when he might visit again. Welcome back Snowball. Happy first day of Winter." Source: NPS
Note: This web camera image contains embedded text. The text states "Snowball has returned" along with the date and time.
Type of Webcam: Static
Related Webcams: Glacier National Park
Operational Status: May be offline for the season
Primary Manager of Webcam: National Park Service
Image Credit: National Park Service