Montana Periodical Index Article Titles
Alphabetical List of Article Titles
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z | Other
A [^]
- 'A knowledge of distant parts': the shaping of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
- 'A little bit better': William Andrews Clark and welfare work in Arizona
- 'A tough place to live': The 1959 Montana State Prison riot
- A-maze-ing water
- A-Z: Montana-Made gifts under $100
- A. C. Haddon joins Edward S. Curtis: an English anthropologist among the Blackfeet, 1909
- A. P. Giannini and the Bank of America. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1992.
- A.B. Guthrie, Jr. (1901-1991)
- Aasheim named Conservation Education chief
- Abolishing hunger [Helena-based Northern Rockies Action Group receives $100,000]
- About bluebirds.
- About the artists [K. Vollrath, T.Taira, A.Mc Coy, J.Wantulok, R.Jenkins, R.Kercher, J. Walker, R Spannring]
- About this issue
- About this issue [conservation practices].
- About this issue [Editor's introduction to tourism as a state-promoted industry]
- About this issue [Editorial introduction of problems of outfitters and land managers due to increased demand of public use of wild areas.]
- About this issue [Editorial introduction to the conflict in our natural resource policy in the Rocky Mountain Front area]
- About this issue [environmental impact of economic growth].
- About this issue [Outdoor recreation on public land].
- About this issue [the value of community trees].
- About those bald spots [meadows and hillsides].
- Absaroka - Beartooth Wilderness
- Absaroka -Beartooth Wilderness. Reply.
- The Absaroka : land of the bird people.
- The Absaroka-Beartooth : can we keep it all together?
- Absaroka-Beartooth : whose right-of-way?
- The Absaroka-Beartooth, Montana's roof- top wilderness.
- Absaroka-Beartooth.
- The Absaroka-Beartooth.
- ACCESS-ible trout [Fishing access sites]
- Across Montana on the Northern Pacific in 1883
- Active solar sytems in Montana. Reaching for the sun,Part II
- Acts of Discovery: Visions of America in the Lewis and Clark Journals. Univ. of Illinois Press, 1993.
- Adams, R. More burs under the saddle: books and histories of the West. 1979.
- Adding value to Montana'a agri-food industry
- Admirable mallard
- Adopt a grizzly: program allows students to follow the activities of specific grizzlies
- Adopting a wilderness
- Adventure on the Middle Fork: floating on the Middle Fork
- Adventuring in the Rockies.
- Advertising and Montana CPAs
- Aerial acrobat [common snipe]
- After Barbed Wire: Cowboys of our Time.
- After the gold rush: Chinese mining in the Far West, 1850-1890
- After the West was won: homesteaders and townbuilders in western South Dakota, 1900-1917.
- The afternoon of March 30.
- Agates along the lower Yellowstone
- Agatha's feather bed by Carmen Agra Deedy, picures by Laura L. Seeley. Peachtree Pub., 1991.
- Age determination of wildlife: the art and the science
- Age, Race, Tuition, etc. figures for Montana and contiguous states
- Agents of Chaos. 1990. Stephen L. Harris. Mountain Press. [book review]
- Agnes Kenmille: passing on traditional culture through tanning & beadwork
- Agricultural taxes in Montana
- Agriculture and energy
- Agriculture today: the perception of the Montana public.
- Agriculture.
- AIR's Montana-made observatory [The Astronomical Institute of the Rockies, Helena]
- Al Harmata: a vision of eagles.
- Alamo images: changing perceptions of a Texas experience.
- The Alaskan outfitter-guide partnership: key to an outdoor experience.
- Alberta Bair: touching the lives of Montanans
- Alberta perspectives.
- Alberton: Of trains and books and wooded hills
- Albino black bear.
- Alignments [photography by Perry Backus]
- All about bags
- All about elk
- All about snow
- All downhill: the alpine skier's guide to glory.
- All for the wolf.
- All four doing fine
- All in a Yellowstone summer's work
- All sea mammals have flippers except one
- All that glitters: a century after their first strikes, mining companies go for the gold again.
- All the stories you ever wanted to hear about Calamity Jane
- All-America Billings: the town...the people
- All-purpose phosphate from a motley brown rock...strong teeth, lush crops, clean socks.
- The Alley Cat Grill: Missoula's five- meeow restaurant.
- Allocation of public access rights on western rivers
- The allure of log: Montana's log home manufacturers are on a roll
- Almanac quack [Old Farmer's Almanac forecasts not reliable]
- Alone on that prairie... the homestead narrative of Nellie Rogney
- Along the Great Divide: llama-trekking Montana's Continental Divide Trail (part one)
- Along the Great Divide: llama-trekking Montana's Continental Divide Trail (part two)
- Along the Milk River
- Along the upper Musselshell: there's something about prairie country
- Along the Yellowstone
- Alpha industries
- Alpine flower power
- Alpine lakes: fish among the clouds
- Alpine larch: high country gold
- Alpine whistler.
- Alternative farming
- Alternative medicine: from new age to mainstream
- Alternative to destruction: using the biodiversity of tropical forests
- Always bet on the butcher: R.T. King's narrative interpretation of Warren L. Nelson's oral history
- Amazing device intrigued pair: Bee Lucke & C. L. Stuart devise machine to process horseradish
- Amber waves: photo feature on wheat
- The ambiance in Amsterdam: many people in this rural community share a common Dutch background and faith
- Ambulance birthing.
- Amelia's palace: Brigham Young's grandest residence
- American daughters: Black women in the West.
- American Forestry: a History of National State and Private Cooperation.
- American frontier and Western issues: a historiographical review.
- American Indians and outsiders: a crucial dialogue of the Columbian Quincentenary
- The American west as living space.
- The American west in the European imagination
- The American West transformed: the impact of the second world war
- The American West: The Modern Vision. 1984.
- Among the sleeping giants: occasional pieces on Lewis and Clark. 1987.
- Amtrak facts.
- Anaconda's dinner club Missoula's trendy pub.
- Anatomy of a fishing movie [Three men-- three rivers]
- Anatomy of a thunderstorm
- Ancient lives & modern crimes: Tobacco Root Mountain site vandalized by arrowhead hunters
- The ancient skill of tanning hides
- and Evan Granrud's lefse.
- And five makes a handful! Thornbrugh wins 1998 Montana Migratory Bird Stamp contest
- And if Libby is not remote enough for you, drive Yaak River road
- And maybe most of all...memories
- And some of them are in trouble
- Andromeda
- The angler's guide to Montana. 1984.
- Animal attire
- Animal personality ... a different etiquette
- Animal picture books
- Animal talk
- Animal tracks
- Annie Oakley: creating the cowgirl
- Annie Oakley: the magaical year in London
- Annin, J. Eighty years of memories on the banks of the Yellowstone
- Announcing The Montana Geographic Journal.
- Another divide, another trail: the crest of the Bitterroot Range
- Another friend named Adam.
- Another look at frontier versus western historiography.
- Another White Hope bites the dust: the Jack Johnson-Jim Flynn heavy weight fight in 1912
- The answer to the last issue's question: Are sponges animal or vegetable?
- The answer to the last issue's question: What animal has 48 knees?
- Anti-poaching program on line
- The antidote for smoked whitefish/ Velveeta pizza
- The antler tree
- Antlers and horns
- The apple boom in letters [correspondence of a young woman who settled in the Bitterroot Valley in 1910
- Archeological insights into the Custer battle: an assessment of the 1984 field season. 1987.
- Arctic dreams: imagination and desire in a northern landscape. 1986.
- Are beetles rare?
- Are our forests mismanaged?
- Are they at Melrose yet?
- Are you hazardous to your health?
- Arising, alighting ibis.
- Army mule: used as pack animals for American troops from the Mexican War through the 1940's
- Arnie Malina
- Arnold Bolle, 1912-1994
- Arnold Reider: a profile
- Around Bozeman summer is busy
- Around Glasgow
- Around Helena: halfway ghost town.
- Around Kalispell: written in stone [History from headstones]
- Around Lewistown
- Around Miles City: horsing around
- Around Miles City: on the river.
- Around the state [belling the cat to protect the birds.]
- Arrington, L. & Britton, D. The Mormon experience: a history of the Latter-Day Saints. 1979.
- Art a la carte [a tour of four of the Flathead's studio-galleries]
- The art and life of W. Herbert Dunton, 1878-1936
- The art and sciemce of snowshoeing
- Art for the Parks: Ryan Clampitt poster wins first prize
- The art of Kentucky-rifle making still alive in Big Timber
- Art of the American West: a review of The West of the Imagination. [Discussion of the role of museums in bringing the West & its art to public attention.]
- The art of the wave or always wave to art
- Art Watson
- Art West, Quarterly Magazine.
- Artful angler
- Artful business: economic impact of local nonprofits
- As good grayling should
- Ask a fisheries biologist [can fish smell, hear, etc.]
- Assesment (sic) of the 1977 Legislature
- Astoria and the birth of empire
- Astorian Adventure: The Journal of Alfred Seton, 1811-1815. Fordham Univ. Press, 1993.
- At Glasgow...occupation whist.
- At home at Sykes: Doug & Judy Wise's market is community social center
- At home on the range in Southeast Montana
- At work in the woods: back country cook
- Athearn, R. In search of Canaan: Black migration to Kansas, 1879-80. 1978.
- Attention floaters [Lower Yellowstone,Smith,blackfoot,Missouri,Flathead]
- Auction boosts sheep and moose programs [winter range additions]
- Auction spin-offs...[Native American Art Exhibit Lewis & Clark Art Expo and Jay Contway and Friends Art Show]
- Audubon Council picks winners.
- Austin Two Moons.
- Author Mildred Walker: enduring values.
- Author Norman Maclean battling time and the movie companies.
- Author's commentary [against Forest Service policy on wilderness]
- The authors
- The automobile as tool of love and adventure in the dangerous summer of '55
- Autry, G. with Herskowitz, M. Back in the saddle again. 1978.
- Autumn bonanza of flavor
- Autumn changes
- Autumn rendezvous [Kokanee salmon attract bald eagles to Hauser Lake].
- Autumn's gifts
- Avalanche on Going-to-the-Sun road
- Avalanche on the Going-to-the-Sun road
- Avalanches: playing the odds: Bozeman- based Southwest Montana Avalanche Center issues advisories & educational info
- Avian oasis on the Northern Plains
- Avian slingshot
- Avoiding high country sickness and accidents
- Avoiding wrongful discharge law suits in Montana
- Awesome antlers
- Awesome avalanches and where to find them.
B [^]
- Baby face hostage: Mary Lucas
- Baby trees in North Dakota
- Back in the saddle: Suzanne Hayes of St. Ignatius
- Back to the future of the Great Plains.
- The backcountry concept: a positive viewpoint [roadless recreational areas are needed, too]
- Background. RARE II: the last stand for wilderness: Wilderness Roadless Area Review and Evaluation program to determine National Forest areas that should be considered in the National Wilderness Preservation System
- Backpacking stoves
- Backpacking with children
- Backyard for the birds
- Backyard waterslide from Lolo, a do-it- yourself package
- Bacon, beans, and galantines: food and foodways on the Western mining frontier.
- Bad blood in the Terry Badlands
- Bad cup of coffee inspires entrepreneur to start business
- Bad faith: a new era for Montana?
- Bad Jack.
- Badger Clark, cowboy Poet Laureate.
- The Badger-Two Medicine wildlands: sacred geography of the Blackfeet.
- The Badger-Two Medicine, Blackfoot holy land
- Badgers
- Badlands and bones: the making of Makoshika State Park
- The badlands
- Bail call: Tim Cahill
- Bailey, J. Pacifying the Plains: General Alfred Terry and the decline of the Sioux, 1866-1890. 1979.
- Bald eagle plumage changes by age.
- Bald eagles and kokanee salmon: a rendezvous in Glacier National Park.
- Bald eagles and poaching: threat to an American symbol.
- Bald eagles gather at Glacier
- Bald eagles.
- Baldwin, L. Hon. Politician: Mike Mansfield of Montana. l979.
- Baldwin, L. Honorable politician--Mike Mansfield of Montana
- Ball, L. The United States marshals of New Mexico and Arizona Territories, 1846-1912. 1978.
- Ballads of the Old West. Vantage, 1993.
- Balsamroot: A Memoir. Viking, 1994.
- The bank man cometh
- Banking and rural development in Montana, 1890-1913
- Banking on swallows.
- Bannack
- Barber, J. Yellowstone ski tours.
- Barley disease
- Barns, beauty for the beasts [Sun river Barn restoration project]
- Barns: stories from our readers
- A barnyard who's who???
- The baron, the logger, the miner, and me
- Baronets and Buffalo: the British Sportsman in the American West, 1833- 1881
- Barry Hood: Helena glasswork artist
- Barsness, J. Hunting the Great Plains. l979.
- Barthule named Officer of the year
- Baseball economics
- Baseball under The Big Sky.
- Bashline, S. The bounty of the earth cookbook. 1979.
- The basic industries. 1989: Montana's state and local area outlook.
- Basics of handgun safety
- Basketball as art: Montana's Indian players.
- Basketball dynasty: the Fort Shaw girls.
- Bat houses.
- Batter up! The Pioneer League brings professional baseball to Montana
- Battle for Dinosaur: Echo Park Dam and the birth of the modern wilderness movement
- The battle for equity: Montana schools since 1988
- The battle for Montana's capital
- Battle of the Beaverhead deciding what to cut on Montana's wildest national forest
- Battle of the Big Hole
- Battle of the Big Hole [Part II]
- Battle of the bighorns
- Battle of War Bonnet Creek [oil, by C. M. Russell, n.d.]
- The battle on the Little Bighorn: some new facts
- Battlefield buffs
- Battleground at Prickly Pear [efforts to restore quality water]
- Baucus, J. Gold in the gulch. 1981.
- Baucus, J. Helena, her historic homes.
- Bauer, E. and Bauer, P. Photographing the West, a state-by-state guide. 1980.
- BBER celebrates 50 years of service
- Be a saddle tramp this summer: horsing around our national forests.
- Beaded buckskin teaching the old ways: Agnes Kenmile
- Beaded buckskin.
- Beaked fisherman
- Bear attacks.
- Bear busters
- Bear chops Montana style: not for the squeamish
- Bear denning facts
- A bear named Marian
- Bear necessities
- The Bear Paws
- Bear stories: contributions from our readers
- Bear us in mind
- Bear-y purple.
- Bearcreek
- Bears by Helen Gilks, illus. by Andrew Bale. Ticknor & Fields, 1994.
- The Bears of Yellowstone, rev. ed.
- The bears of Yellowstone. 1986.
- Beartooth country
- Beartooth photo special
- The beast that walks like a man [Excerpt]
- Beastly luck
- Beastmaker.
- The beasts of winter: how do they survive?
- Beautiful bloomers
- Beautiful Columbia Gardens, Senator Clark's masterpiece
- Beaver Creek Park: Hi-Line playground
- Beaver ponds and trout
- Beavers, bears and a baseball hat
- Beavers--big and busy.
- Become a big tree hunter [record trees]
- Becoming Brave: The Path to Native American Manhood. Chronicle Books, 1992.
- Bed & breakfasts of Montana
- Bedding down at the Camp Creek Inn
- Bedtime for bears: a look at hibernation habits
- Beef in a chicken-and-sprouts-society: can ranchers survive?
- Beefing up the Blackleaf.
- Before the snow flies, check your snowmobile.
- Before you hike in bear country: a book that could save your life.
- The beginning of the end: Miles versus Sitting Bull at Cedar Creek
- Behan, R. How to be positive about the negative.
- Behind the scenes on race day: Montana's fast horses.
- Behind these mountains, vol. 1.
- Behold the hunter [Exerpt]
- Bel-Air on the Big Hole: a story about happiness
- Belly botany and beyond: a century at Flathead Lake Biological Station
- Below-cost sales: causes and solutions
- The below-cost timber sale issue: going against the grain?
- Below-cost timber sales and Montana's long-term timber supply
- Below-cost timber sales: a macro view
- Below-cost timber sales: a no-answer policy question?
- Bennett, B. Death, too, for The-Heavy-Runner. 1981.
- Benton Lake Wildlife Refuge, Great Falls.
- Bentz's antiques, Polson.
- Bergie's: home-made double-dip chocolate mint malted.
- Bergon, F. & Papanikolas, Z. eds. Looking far West: the search for the American West in history, myth, and literature. 1978.
- Berthold, M. Big Hole journal.
- Berthold, M. Turn here for the Big Hole.
- Bertino, B. The Scissorbills.
- Berwanger, E. The West and the reconstruction. 1981.
- The best books about Montana: a reader's guide to the Treasure State.
- Best of friends, etc., cookbook.
- The best of Montana
- Best of the big medicine [survey provides a profile of the Montana elk hunter].
- Best reading '86.
- Best reading '87.
- Beth Sorensen combines interest in medicine and injured wildlife
- Betting and booze: Montanans vote on lifestyle issues, 1916-1982.
- Between Indian and White Worlds. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1994.
- The between seasons season time to think about equipment
- The bewildering Bitterroot, the river that won't behave
- Beyond Bambi [hunting is part of wildlife management]
- Beyond burritos
- Beyond road's end [law enforcement and patrol duties]
- Beyond testbooks and classrooms [Project Wild]
- Beyond the airtight stove a new generation of woodburners is upon us
- Beyond the beaver: fur and the American West
- Beyond the call of duty: Montana's seven Medal of Honor winners.
- Beyond the Montana cow pony
- Beyond the water's edge [aquatic education & fishing clinics part of the Wallop-Breaux amendment to the Sport Fish Restoration Act]
- Beyond this place there be dragons: the route of the tragic trek of the Death Valley 1849ers through Nevada, Death Valley, and on to southern California
- Beyond wild turkeys [B. Gearhart's contribution to the wild turkey management program]
- BIC classic [Haili Jones of Martinsdale is winner].
- Bicycle racing
- Bicycle touring: Montana takes the lead
- The big bear hug [mating habits].
- Big Bear, the end of freedom.
- Big Bend
- A big boost to the bighorn
- Big boss mom [mule deer]
- Big bucks and big bulls: a status report.
- Big Bud
- The big cat
- The big chill: exploring winter in Glacier
- A big day [146 species spotted in 18 hours].
- Big Dipper
- Big enough to bake [fishing on the Bighorn river]
- Big game drawings - questions and answers
- Big game hunting in Wyoming: sharing the landscape.
- Big goals: Esther Veramae Hamel
- The Big Hole and Rock Creek trophies vs success
- The Big Hole loses a friend: Phil Smith
- The Big Hole Valley of 10,000 haystacks
- Big Horn Game Ranch hunt
- The big little tote board from Shepherd.
- Big Mountain at 40 and still growing.
- Big news for small companies: corporation advantages for small companies without big corporation red tape.
- The big open: a return to grazers of the past
- The Big Open: a road runs through it
- The big open: contemplating change.
- The Big picture: Montana's major industries. Business Supplement [32p.] follows page 100
- The big rush: Bitterroot Valley.
- The Big Sandy, Montana centennial calendar, 1885-1985.
- Big Sky High: Chet Huntley's dream resort today.
- Big Sky pie [includes recipes]
- The Big Sky Sapphire
- Big Sky symbols centennial
- Big Sky symbols [birds]
- Big Sky symbols: Bitterroot
- Big Sky symbols: Cutthroat trout
- Big Sky symbols: Geosymbols
- Big Sky symbols: Maia--Montana's official fossil
- Big Sky symbols: Montana's flag and seal
- Big Sky symbols: Ponderosa pine & bluebunch wheatgrass
- Big Sky symbols: the grizzly bear
- Big Sky UFOs.
- Big sky, fair land.
- Big Sky: region by region
- The big sleep: hibernation and aestivation help Montana's creatures cope with daily or annual periods of cold, heat, & drought
- Big steamers come back to life in Bozeman
- Big Timber
- Big-game outfitting as hunting pressure grows, so does the politics of packing in
- Bigart, R. Montana: an assessment for the future. 1978.
- Bigfork
- Bigfork discovered
- Bighorn auction--a million-dollar deal.
- Bighorn blindess
- The Bighorn Canyon
- Bighorn permit goes for $79,000.
- Bighorn stamp attracts crowd.
- Bighorns in the Big Belts
- Bighorns on the rise.
- The bighorns that broke all the rules
- Bike the Sun (Going-to-the Sun Highway): cycling's ultimate high.
- Biking bunks
- Bill Cunningham
- Bill Koppen named
- Bill Yaeger (Intermountain Network News)
- Billings
- Billings Billings centennial bash plays up its salty history
- Billings has a city park with graves
- Billings old-time sale.
- Billings recalls Will James
- Billings trails project [hike-bike]
- Billings: the town below the rims
- Billington, R. Land of savagery land of promise: the European image of the American frontier in the nineteenth century. 1981.
- Billy the Kid: His Life and Legend. Greenwood Press, 1994.
- Bingham, E. & Love, G. eds. Northwest perspectives: essays on the culture of the Pacific Northwest. l979.
- Biological control of weeds: selective, economical and safe.
- Bird hunter's autumn
- Bird man.
- Bird with the sweet prairie song
- A bird's eye view of the Montana landscape [riparian, forest, grasslands]
- The bird's-eye view of Lewis and Clark
- Birder's library
- Birding - the sky's the limit
- Birding with a mountain lion.
- Birds observed by Lewis and Clark in Montana, 1805-1806.
- Birds of passage: celebrating Montana's long-distance travelers
- Birds of prey
- Birds of the northern Rockies. 1984.
- A birdseye view of the Montana economy prospects for the 80's
- Birdwatching basics
- The birthday fly
- Bison burger: the Wahkpa Chu'gn site
- Bison under glass: mounted bison to be repaired and exhibited at Fort Benton museum
- Bison, birds, and the Bard: Mission Valley treasure hunt
- The bitter root: Montana's state flower
- Bitteroot enigma Howard Taylor Ricketts and the early struggle against spotted fever
- Bitterroot to Beartooth: Hiking Southwest Montana.
- Bitterroot Valley: Montana's oldest settled area hasn't settled down
- Bivouac.
- Black Jack Pershing: Montana's own
- Black like me charolais have the right to be hamburgers too
- Black or grizzly?
- Black robes to the Bitteroot
- Black San Francisco: The Struggle for Racial Equality in the West, 1900-1954. Univ. Press of Kansas, 1993.
- Black Wolf of Currumpaw (oil)
- Blackfeet Indian Girl (pastel 13.1.36 Nite Thunder-White Buffalo (watercolor) 13.1.39 Shorty Young Man (watercolor) 13.1.32 Shot on Both Sides (pastel) 13.1.35
- The Blackfeet Reservation: dilemmas in range and grizzly bear management.
- The Blackfeet: a Native American perspective
- The Blackfeet: historical and cultural tours
- Blackfoot Brave of 1858 (and) Blackfoot Brave of 1898 [watercolor, 1898]
- The Blackfoot challenge
- The Blackfoot confederacy, 1880-1920.
- The Blacktail Ranch, exploring the Ice Age
- Blazing the Mullan Road, the making of Captain Mullan's vision
- Bleep...bleep...bleep.
- A blend of past and present
- The Blind Corral.
- BLM's Missouri maps [price correction]
- Block management: what landowners and hunters say
- Blood meridian.
- The bloody nuisance that bites
- A blooming medley
- Blouet, B. & Luebka, F. The Great Plains: environment and culture. 1979.
- Blue desert. 1986.
- Blue haze
- The Blue Joint: high ridges, streamside meadows, and elk galore
- Blue Spruce. Scribner, n.d.
- The Blue Willow Inn.
- Blue-ribbon drink: bottling Montana water
- Blue-ribbon Fort Peck
- Bluebird house plans.
- Bluebird update.
- Bluebirds in the Big Sky.
- Boating conflicts
- Boating safety education works
- Boating stories: photos and stories from our readers
- Bob Askin: remembering a top bronc buster.
- Bob Marshall Wilderness: East Side
- Bob Marshall: a Montana and national legend
- Bob Marshall: wilderness manager.
- Bob Scriver, the man
- The Bob: West of the divide
- Bobcat, phantom of the night
- Bocking, D. ed. Pages from the past: essays on Saskatchewan history. 1979.
- Bold step: Mission Mountains Tribal Wilderness
- Bone bed [Mill Iron dig near Ekalaka]
- Bone people: searching for the state's oldest residents [Paleo-Indian research sites and artifacts]
- The bones of purgatory [early primate]
- A boost in life: helping hands for Montana's children
- Boot & saddle care [Bill & Patsy Brunner]
- Boot inventor's dream: no more cold [Yeti boots]
- Booting up: pamper your tootsies with the new light-weights
- Boots: the trend is lightweight
- Boots: what kind for you?
- Borgreen's canvasbacks win '96 Stamp Contest
- Born killers
- Born to be wild: photo feature of wildlife youngsters
- Born with a feather in his mounth: B. Elgas' work with tule goose
- Botulism: grim reaper of the marsh
- The Boulder batholith
- A bounteous meal: Augusta Kohrs' kitchen
- A bouquet to tradition: Meg Sharp's china shop [Butte, MT].
- Bovine blues: ruminations on a beefless Montana
- Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge
- Bowen, W. The Willamette Valley: migration and settlement on the Oregon frontier. l978.
- Bowhunter education in Montana.
- Bowhunting in the 1980s: the end of a tradition?
- Bows, arrows, and bulls
- Boy on a manlift: being 13 in wheat country.
- Boycott in Butte: organized labor and the Chinese community, 1896-1897
- Boycott: the Pullman strike in Montana
- The Bozeman premiere
- Bozeman sled maker
- Bozeman Trail in the field: today's travelers can follow and learn about the historic trail
- Bozeman's fitness clinic
- Bozeman's patchwork pageantry.
- Bozeman's Voss Inn: Victorian bed and breakfast
- Bozeman's winter fair
- Bozeman: part of the real Montana
- Bozeman: small town booming.
- Brabeck, J. & Chesarek, F. Montana: two lane highway in a four lane world. 1978.
- Brabeck, J. and Chesarek, F. Two lane highway in a four lane world.
- Bradford, A. The master backwoodsman.
- Brains of the bird world: crows and ravens.
- Branch antlered bull seasons: on the horns of a dilemma
- Bread, butter and Bizet
- The breaking of Ezra Riley.
- A breath of spring [highlights of Montana's national forests]
- Breen, D. The Canadian Prairie West and the ranching frontier, 1874-1924. 1983.
- Brewer, L. First 1000 years. 1978.
- Brian & the bighorns
- Brick stronghold of the border: Fort Assiniboine,1879-1911
- Bridger Canyon Women's Club. Canyon cookery.
- Bridging the hunter-landowner gap
- Brigham Young: American Moses
- Bright Radical Star: Black Freedom and White Supremacy on the Hawkeye Frontier. Harvard Univ. Press, 1993.
- Bright spots in stream management: stream inventories give information for proper management
- Bringing back the Paul Bunyan [logging tow boat].
- Bringing back the Peregrine
- Bringing in the buffalo
- Bringing Montana out of the mud: the early years of John Morrison, Sr.
- Bringing our bluebirds back home, a spirited citizen effort
- Brisk business [Flathead Lake real estate].
- Britts and huns. [Includes recipes]
- The Broad Axe Lodge (at Sula in the Bitterroot designated Wildlife Viewing Area)
- Broadus
- The broken promises of forest planning.
- Bronzeback brawler
- Bronzes help Heritage Park.
- Broodstock management: part of the fisheries challenge.
- Brookies & Browns
- Brooks, C. Nymph fishing for large trout. 1983.
- Brooks, G. ed. The Southwest expedition of Jedediah S. Smith his personal account of the journey to California, 1826-1827. 1977.
- Broome, H. Faces of the wilderness.
- Brown, A. & Dorsett, L. K. C.: a history of Kansas City, Missouri. 1978.
- Brown, R. Hard-rock miners: the intermountain West, 1860-1920. 1979.
- Browning Museum of the Plains Indian.
- Browning's Mayor Kennerly, turning a small town around
- Bruce Neal: saving the Sun River elk herd
- Bucket biology: destroying our freshwater heritage. Fishing supplement [32 p.] follows page 114
- The bucking bull of Belgrade
- Bucking the big drift: annual opening at Going-to-the-Sun.
- Buckskin beaded [Mary Hameline]
- Bud
- Bud Lilly's guide to western fly fishing. 1987.
- Buffalo and bacteria.
- A buffalo hunter's legacy
- The buffalo runners: hoofbeats across the centuries
- Buffalo Stampede [photograph by Jack Haynes, 1916.]
- The Buffalo Trail [oil by Albert Bierstadt, 1867.]
- Bugle boy: Autumn's grand notes
- Bugle boys: from chirping to bugling, elk talk to each other
- Bugle: the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation puts its money where its heart elk and elk country
- Bugles, banners and war bonnets.
- Building a national rural policy: one town at a time
- Building Montana
- Building the Northern Pacific in 1881
- Bull Lodge. The seven visions of Bull Lodge. As told to his daughter, Garter Snake, gathered by Fred P. Gone, ed. by George Horse Capture. 1980.
- Bull of the woods.
- Bull rakes: a master's medium
- Bull talk.
- Bull trout restoration: the right thing to do
- Bulls on the TRMR [Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch].
- Bulls-eye! Winning shots from the Second Annual Montana Outdoor Photography Contest
- Bullseye: The state field archery tournament
- A Bully idea: Boone and Crockett Club to provide money for conservation research to Univ. Of MT on TRM Ranch
- Bunnies by the bunch
- Burdette Creek: a pocket-sized, backyard wildland
- Burk, D. A brush with the West.
- Burk, D. A brush with the West. 1980.
- Burk, D. Elmer Sprunger wildlife artist.
- Burk, D. Montana fishing.
- Burk, D. Montana fishing. 1982.
- Burk, D. New interpretations.
- Burk, D. A. Montana hunting.
- Burning issues on the Sun (River Wildlife Management Area).
- Burnout postponed: Bill Cunningham
- Burnt offerings [Montana fires in 1988].
- Burrowing owls and prairie dogs
- Bushy-tailed woodrat
- Business and the media: harmony or conflict?
- Business databases: tapping the great electronic reservoir.
- Business under the big sky: general history, schools, & basic industries of six Montana regions
- Business with Russia: reality and prospects
- But how do you explain Montana?
- Buteo hawks
- Butte there's no place like it
- Butte's experimental energy plant suffers the cold draft of Reagan politics
- Butterfly garden [includes four life stages: eggs, larvae, pupae, & adults]
- By mackinaw to Fort Buford: one boatman's adventure [Fred Bond]
C [^]
- C & W singer: Jan Dell
- C.M. Russell Wildlife Range
- C.M. Russell's west. 1987.
- C.U.T.: Church Universal & Triumphant.
- Cabin fever, the photography of Ernst Peterson
- Cabin/Lookout directory.
- The Cabinet Mountains: a range of views
- Caddis by night
- Cadillac on hooves: the Peruvian paso
- Calamity Jane's diary and letters: story of a fraud
- California 1978- Montana 1998: is it time for Proposition 13 in Big Sky country?
- Calkins, R., comp. Looking back from the hills: recollections of Butte people. 1982.
- Call of the wild
- Callaway, L. Montana's righteous hangmen: the vigilantes in action. Ed. by L. Callaway, Jr. l982.
- Calling off the tree war: when timber workers and environmentalists get together.
- The camera recalls [historic photos from U. of M. archives]
- The camera recalls: historic photos for U. of M archives and from readers
- A camp cook's Thanksgiving
- Camp Floyd and the Mormons: The Utah War. Univ. of Utah Press, 1992.
- Camp on the Big Porcupine [1989 search for Hornaday's campsite, November, 1886]
- Camp runner: Rick Cook
- Campa, A. Hispanic culture in the Southwest. 1979.
- Campfire story: discovering the discoverers
- Camping time
- Can hatcheries help conserve the westslope cutthroat?
- Can orange make you a better hunter?
- Can you believe...[smallest crab, Portuguese man-of-war, pistol shrimp, & sea plants that give off light]
- Can you get warts from touching toads?
- Can you hunt and still love wildlife? Yes!
- Canadian geese of Slippery Ann [Game Station]
- The Canadian Prairies: a History. 1984.
- Cancer: You make the odds.
- Canned bears [Kalispell's Montana Canned Bear].
- Cannon, B. & Cannon, G. Coming into the light.
- Canoeing the Lewis and Clark route, Missouri headwaters to Fort Peck
- Canyon driving [Gallatin Canyon]
- Canyon Ferry Reservoir: enforcement efforts bring positive results [heavy recreational use requires law and order efforts]
- Canyon Ferry: a dam over troubled waters
- Canyon Ferry: where walleye meet the Rockies
- Caping in the field.
- The capital quake of '35
- Capitalist with rooms: prostitution in Helena, Montana 1865-1900
- Captain
- Captain Jack Crawford: Buckskin Poet, Scout, and Showman. Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1993.
- Captain Murie's Pawnees (oil)
- The capture of Joe Cosley:legendary poacher of Glacier Park
- Capturing nature with a camera.
- Caring for down sleeping bags
- Carl Art Skinny Rowland, back-country rhymes
- Carl Link, Bavarian genius in the west
- Carla Wambach wins Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching
- The Carlin party: lost in the Lochsa [1893].
- Carlson, P. Texas woollybacks: the range sheep and goat industry. 1982.
- Caroline Lockhart: Her Life and Legacy. Buffalo Bill Historical Center/Univ. of Washington Press, 1994.
- Carousel magic in Missoula: Chuck Kaparich's carving inspires others to participate in project
- Carter, C. Pike in Colorado. 1978.
- Carved in stone: discovering pioneer cemeteries [gravestone art of Alonzo K. Prescott]
- A case of infestation [The Gypsy Moth Kit. 1983. Rachal (sic) Carson Council.]
- A case study: the ASARCO mine in Lincoln County
- The Castle Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin [chromolithograph, 1874]
- The Castle Mountains: explore an island range this summer: Here lies Castle Town 1887-1893 with its lead and silver past
- The cat as foolishness detector, or how to keep the Iowa boys honest
- Cat facts.
- The cat with many names.
- Catch a cold fish.
- Catch the wind
- Catch us if you can
- Catch-and-release techniques help trout survive
- Catherine Etchart: a Montana love story
- Cats: stalking the ghostly mountain lion
- Cattail snack
- Cattle in the cold desert
- Cattle queen of Montana [Libby Smith Collins]
- Cattle rustling
- Caught by a rainbow
- Caverns open May 1
- Caves
- Caves, Montana's underground
- Caves: Montana's spectacular black holes
- Cedar Creek fish ladders [allows fish to pass through a culvert]
- Celebrate National Hunting & Fishing Day
- Celebrate! Depot Days
- Celebrate! First Night in Missoula
- Celebrate! International Wildlife Film Festival
- Celebrate! Lewis & Clark Festival
- Celebrate! Little Bighorn Days
- Celebrate! Macintosh Apple Day
- Celebrate! Northeast Montana Threshing Bee
- Celebrate! NRA Finals
- Celebrate! Trout Creek Huckleberry Festival
- Celebrate! Victorian Christmas at Grant-Kohrs Ranch
- Celebrate! Winter Carnival in Red Lodge
- Celebrating 60 years of wildlife recovery
- Celebrating fifty years: Helena's Archie Bray Foundation
- Celebrating the Fourth of July in Fort Benton, 1910
- A celebration of discovery!
- Celebrations and the Hi-Line.
- Celebrations at Fort Peck.
- Census by camera.
- Centennial mush, on to the Iditarod with Linwood Fiedler
- Centennial preparations.
- The Centennials: peregrine falcons, prehistoric sites.
- Central Montana this summer: Lewistown area cattle drive trip
- Century of a pine: history from 1800 to 1900 interwoven with a tree's growth
- A century of conservation: centennial: MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks
- The Ceremony of Innocence.
- Certainty of vengeance: The Hudson's Bay Company and retaliation in kind against Indian offenders in New Caledonia
- Certifying whoppers.
- Champion donates choice wildlife land
- Chancey revenues: a review of gambling in Montana
- A change of seasons.
- Changes in production efficiency in Montana's forest products industry, 1976-1986
- The changing accounting profession and small business.
- Changing role of women in Montana's economy
- The changing world of wildlife biology: it's not rocket science- it's harder
- The characteristics and economic significance of visitors attracted to Montana wildlands
- Charles M. Russell and `Piano Jim'
- Charles M. Russell, Word Painter: Letters 1887-1926
- Charlie Dye, one helluva western painter.
- Charlie Parks' Four Seas, an inn of special delights near Big Fork.
- Charlie Russell's Square Butte
- Charlie's hidden agenda: Realism and nostalgia in C.M. Russell's stories about Indians
- Charlie's show: C.M. Russell auction of original Western art
- Charting a course for Yellowstone and Glacier [interview with Russel Dickenson,National Park Service Director]
- Chase Hibbard's world, tending ancestral land.
- Cheating lady luck [bidding for moose permits].
- Check out the checkoff
- Check the eagle on your Montana tax form [benefits Montana's Nongame Wildlife Program]
- Check your thermometer
- Cheek, R. Montana's Bob Marshall wilderness
- Chemical junkies, duckfoot devotees
- Cheney, R. The big Missouri winter. 1981
- Cheney, R. & Erskine, C. Music, saddles and flap-jacks: dudes at the Oto Ranch. 1978.
- Cheney,R. Names on the face of Montana.
- Cherny, R. Populism, Progressivism, and the transformation of Nebraska politics, 1885-1915. 1981.
- Chicken-fried champs: 4 Aces Casino & Restaurant
- Chico Hot Springs...Montana's best kept dining secret
- Chief Cliff country: Flathead Lake's Big Arm
- Chief Cliff Singers: Garth Fagan Dance Company and Singers team up
- Chief Cliff: named in legend, carved by ice
- Chief Joseph: legend versus facts
- Chief of the Blackfeet: Earl Old Person
- Chief Plenty Coups State Park
- Children of Grace: The Nez Perce War of 1877. Holt, 1994.
- Children take their place in the American West
- The chill factor '78 reds debut where to find wine in Montana
- Chimney fire [what do you save?]
- A Chinaman's Chance on the Rocky Mountain mining frontier
- Chinese women of America: a pictorial history.
- Chinook
- Chinook winds: the snow eater
- The Chippewa-Cree ski bowl: prairie powder
- A chocolate valentine: Montana chocolatiers say business is good
- Chokecherry delights
- Choose your checkpoint [for viewing].
- Choosing a trophy pronghorn
- Choosing a youngster's first gun.
- Choteau county on horseback
- Choteau Mountain-Teton Peaks: high country of the Rocky Mountain Front.
- Chrisman, H. The 1,001 most-asked questions about the American West. 1982.
- Christmas bright
- Christmas on the Missouri Breaks, a boy and a badlands pine.
- Christmas on the Montana homestead
- Christmas party, 1874 [East Fork of the Gallatin]
- Chronic Wasting Disease
- Chronological list of actions, etc., with Indians from January 15, 1837, to January, 1891. Intro. by D. Floyd. 1979.
- Chuck Ringer: artist at play [kinetic sculpture]
- Chuckwagon cuisine.
- Chuinard, E. Only one man died: the medical aspects of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. 1979.
- Church Facade,Plaza Del Oriente (watercolor)
- Churchmen and the western Indians, 1820- 1920
- CI-66 and CI-67: concept, context, and consequences
- Civil disorder and the military in Rock Springs, Wyoming: the Army's role in the 1885 Chinese Massacre
- Civil Liberties in Crisis: The Pacific Northwest, 1917-1940. 1983.
- A clan of many faces
- The Clancy flea market
- Clarence Ellsworth, the West was his teacher.
- The Clark Fork legacy
- The Clark Fork of the Columbia: the use and abuse of a western river
- A Clark Fork prognosis
- Clark Fork Rx - prescription for renewal?
- Clark, E. Indian legends from the Northern Rockies.
- Clark, M. Eden seekers: the settlement of Oregon, 1818-1862. 1981.
- Class C basketball
- Classic: Christopher Parkening
- The Clearwater Canoe Trail.
- Clearwater-Monture: Southern gateway to the Bob
- Cliff hangers: mountain goats specialize in survival
- Cliffs of Green River [oil, 1874]
- Climate change, part II: the last 40 years
- Climbers guide to Montana.
- Climbing the walls: icy excitement
- Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven: the western is back
- Clokey, R. William H. Ashley: enterprise and politics in the Trans-Mississippi West. 1980.
- Coal bed methane: considerations for developing a Montana resource
- Coal comes home
- Coal fields
- Coal riches: Rosebud coal beds
- Coal tax trust fund acquisitions: nominate your favorite park
- Coal: does Montana have a synfuels future?
- Coal: moving it.
- Coal: tax challenges.
- Coburn, Walt. Pioneer cattleman in Montana.
- Cogs and wheels: meditations on an ecosystem
- Cohen, S. & Miller, D. The big burn: the Northwest's forest fire of 1910. 1978.
- Col. Joe
- Col. W. F. Cody [oil, 1889]
- Cold bath in the Beaverhead
- Cold comfort.
- Cold running
- Cold snap.
- The cold that kills.
- Cold, clever, & comestible [cold water fishing]. Fishing supplement [32 p.] follows page 114
- Coldwater fisheries in hot water. Fishing supplement [32 p.] follows page 114
- Cole, J. Exile in the wilderness: the biography of Chief Factor Archibald McDonald: 1790-1853. 1979.
- Collecting antique fishing tackle.
- Colley makes history [44 years with the Fisheries Division, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks]
- Colonialism: the perpetual pendulum?
- Color it purple: the Huckleberry Patch at Hungry Horse
- The color of autumn: a bird hunting odyssey
- Color photography for the beginner
- The Colorado hairstreak campaign [kids work to have butterfly made Colorado's state insect]
- The colors of survival
- Colstrip, the boomtown that didn't bust
- Colstrip: a pleasant surprise [energy boom town pre-planning]
- Colter's Run rerun
- Columbia Falls Aluminum Company: A $97 million payday... the story, the battle, the economic impact
- Columbia Falls: gateway to Glacier
- Come on Home, Butte's 4th of July tribute to Montana's Vietnam vets.
- Come, Blackrobe: De Smet and the Indian Tragedy. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1994.
- A comedy of otters: to the water born
- Coming home to roost [dinosaur site near Choteau]
- Coming home to Roundup
- Coming home: Fort Belknap members return to Reservation: V. Garmann A. Chandler J. Wing & F. Painter
- Coming of age in Montana: the legacy of A.B. Guthrie, Jr.
- Coming together, coming apart--women's history and the West
- Common ground in the Seeley Swan [Valley residents seek concensus for land use]
- The common thread
- Community Development: don't roll up the sidewalks yet
- Community forestry: a tool for fighting rural poverty.
- Companion in the adventure: a parks intern's journal.
- Compensation: giving a break to ranchers and bears
- The compleat hiker.
- The complete Montana book case
- The complex ecology of weeds, grazing and wildlife.
- Computer cowboys
- Computerizing small business
- The concept of wilderness: a proprietary right over the land?
- Conditions and trends in Montana's natural resource industries
- Conflict for space [rural subdivisions take habitat essential to mule deer in the Bridger Mountains]
- Conflict in the riparian zone: the effects and challenges of agricultural use
- Confrontation on the Front: oil & gas exploration on public lands is contested
- Confrontation on the front: the Rocky Mountains, Part II
- Conn, R. Native American art in the Denver Art Museum. 1979.
- Conrad Warren: National Cowboy Hall of Fame & early rancher active in reseeding grasses & controlled grazing
- Conservancy launches watersheds effort.
- Conservation easements: protection for critical winter range
- Conserving during surplus: Montana's energy dilemma.
- Construction. Business Supplement [32p.] follows page 100
- The consumer forecast: partly cloudy
- The consumer outlook for 1986
- The Consumer outlook: brighter in the east, cloudy in the west
- The consumer outlook: favorable but cautious
- Consumer sentiment
- Consumer sentiment in Montana
- The Consumer view of 1987
- The consumer's view of 1983
- Consumers in 1985: a year for spending moderately?
- Continental Divide trail.
- The Continental Divide [Ennis restaurant].
- Contrasting counties: property taxes and spending in eastern Montana
- Controlling Mormon crickets in Montana, 1936-1941
- Controversial proposals: The New World Project Seven-Up Pete/McDonald Project and Sweet Grass Hills
- A convention of dowsers: where they separate the well wishers from the well witchers
- A conversation with K. Ross Toole Montana's eminently outspoken historian
- A conversation with Wallace Stegner
- Conversations with Boo [E.E. MacGilvra]
- Cook, C., Folsom, D., and Peterson, W. The valley of the upper Yellowstone.
- Cook-at-home trail food
- The Cooke City bears [bears and garbage create problems]
- Cooking the sportsman's harvest II. n.d.
- Cool cats
- Cooley, E., ed. Diary of Brigham Young, 1875. 1980.
- Cooperative efforts aid wildlife
- Coordinating timber harvest to protect watershed values
- The Copper King Mansion
- The Cordes/LaFontaine Pocket Guide to Dry Fly Fishing. Greycliff Publishing, 1994.
- 'Correct in every detail': General Custer in Hollywood
- Coteau or pothole: just call it home
- Cougar (bronze)
- Counties that might have been, losers in the county-busting craze
- Counting
- Counting cougars in the Garnets
- Counting heads
- Countries ranked by population, 2000
- Country born: Bobby Kramer.
- Country fair wines wine lists to watch beer tasting
- Country kids in Chicago Montana's first delegation to the National 4-H club Congress, 1925
- Country nurse [Ann Carroll Cain].
- Country roads
- Country school: one room with a view
- County busting, colorful memories & an economic legacy
- County creamery
- Courtesy is the key.
- Courthouse tour: notable landmarks.
- Cousin Jacks: the Cornish in Montana
- The cover [untitled Indian portrait]
- Cover story: Allan Kass
- The cover The Medicine Man (oil)
- the cover [Caught in the act]
- The cover [Chief Mountain]
- The cover [Conversation, by Dixon]
- The cover [Conversation]
- The cover [Edgar Paxson] il
- The cover [In the wake of hunters, by C. Russell]
- The cover [In The Wake of Hunters]
- The cover [Indian boy by N.Fechin]
- The cover [Indian boy]
- The cover [Indians Watching Wagon Train]
- the cover [Interior of a Mandan earth lodge, by K Bodmer] il
- the cover [Lolly]
- the cover [Prairie storm, by W. Koerner]
- the cover [Shooting the buffalo]
- The cover [The Chaperone]
- the cover [The Fatal Loop] (oil)
- The cover [the Hold-up]
- The cover [the ranch house]
- the cover. [ Mt index in the Cascades (oil)]
- The cover: [Interior of a Mandan lodge]
- Cowboy Angst. Soho Press, n.d.
- Cowboy poetry gathering [Lewistown]
- Cowboy poetry: saddle up for Lewistown
- Cowboy tour [Bridger mountain peak named after childhood friend of Sacajawea, Naya Nuki]
- A Cowboy's Prayer (poem)
- Cowhand, a special way of life.
- Cows, cowboys, canners and corned beef and cabbage. 1987.
- Coxey's Army: an American odyssey
- Coyote and big game [six year study to determine if coyotes should be controlled to benefit game populations]
- Coyote Roadhouse [Bigfork, MT].
- Coyotes
- Crane bonanza [sandhill cranes].
- Crawdad bisque and cornpone, relax and picnic southern style.
- Crazy Horse, Custer, and the sweep to the north
- Crazy Mountain Mother's Day
- Creating jobs and recruiting businesses important for improving economy: an interview with Governor Judy Martz
- Creepy-crawlys? [The rubber boa and the plains hognose snake.]
- Crop swap New Deal politics all over again?
- Cross country cabins: the Gallatin Forest goes public with back country cabins
- Cross country ski racing
- Cross country skiing: who should provide? [Needs include parking,trails, safety and information]
- Cross country skis, snowshoes, keeping warm, scenic areas, submitting photos
- Cross country tips and a race calendar
- Cross Country: a guide to Montana's Nordic centers
- Crossing the barriers [FW&P assesses recreation sites for handicapped accessibilty].
- Crossing the cultural divide: organizational support for Indians in business
- Crossing the gender line: Ella L. Knowles, Montana's first woman lawyer
- Crossing the line: from serenity to the edge of survival
- Crossing time on Highway 200
- Crow beadwork: the resilience of cultural values.
- Crow Chief with Pipe and Drum [oil by Joseph Sharp, n.d.]
- The Crow Indian delegation to Washington, D.C. in 1880
- The Crow Indians: background, lands, politics, economic conditions, issues & leadership
- A Crow Lodge with Decorations [photo by Norman A. Forsyth, ca. 1910]
- The Crow poets: high school students perform at Library of Congress
- Crow women: leadership emerging
- Crow [watercolor, by Edgar S. Paxson, 1908]
- Crows, brains of the bird world
- CRP at the crossroads: the good old days are here, but can we keep them?
- CRP: divergent views [Readers Respond to MO article in the May/June 1994 issue, p.2-7]
- CRP: success or failure? [Readers Respond to MO article in May/June 1994 issue, p.2-7]
- Cruisin' and Schussin': 40 years on Red Lodge Mountain
- Cruising Missoula's book scene.
- Cruwys hits a triple [Cruwys painting selected for 1994 waterfowl stamp]
- Cruwys scores a double [1989 waterfowl stamp painter]
- Cruwys' Redheads wins [waterfowl stamp contest]
- Cry me a river: John Shupe
- The crystal ball: Montana in 2020
- The crystals of Crown Butte
- Cuisine international: Lily's Oriental Emporium.
- Cukes and spides
- Culture galore [fundraising goal is near].
- Cummins, D. William Robinson Leigh: Western artist. 1980.
- Cups of comfort: Montana Tea and Spice Trading Company
- Curlews: prairie bird
- Curtiss [photographic exhibition in the making at Custer County Art Center].
- Custer and Crazy Horse ride again...and again, and again: filmmaking and history at Little Bighorn
- Custer Battlefield Trading Post & Cafe.
- Custer's luck runs out
- CUT theology.
- Cyanide: a deadly solution
D [^]
- D'Arcy McNickle: Native American author, Montana native son
- D.Hartman
- Dabblers and divers
- The Dairy Queen bear
- A dam that didn't damn trout.
- Dan Bailey Fishing Day: August 14
- Dan Burns named Wildlife Officer of the Year
- Dan Palmisciano: a tribute.
- Dan Whetstone, sage of Cut Bank.
- Dance masters: the Rocky Boy pow-wow is the biggest in the West
- Dances with grouse
- Dances with Wolves: a review essay
- Dancing across the waves.
- Dancing at the Rascal Fair.
- Dancing Colors: Paths of Native American Women. Chronicle Books, 1992.
- Dancing shadows: life beneath the surface: river snorkeling
- Dangerous curve (oil).
- Dark moment
- Dary, D. Cowboy culture: a saga of five centuries. 1981.
- Daughters of joy, sisters of misery: prostitutes in the American West, 1865- 1890
- Dave Books: the next lesson
- Dave Werdin: St. Ignatius elementary principal promotes reading
- Davies, J. ed. Douglas of the forests: the North American journals of David Douglas. 1980.
- Davis wins 1993 Waterfowl Stamp Contest
- Davis, L. & Wilson, M. eds. Bison procurement and utilization: a symposium. 1978.
- Davis, L. ed. Lifeways of intermontane and plains Montana Indians. 1979.
- Davis, L. ed. Symposium on the Crow-Hidatsa separations. 1979.
- Davis, L., ed. Trails, trails, and more trails: another historic preservation challenge. [vol. 21, no. 3, Archaeology in Montana] 1980.
- A day at Chimney Rock
- A day in the life of America.
- Day off.
- A day on the slats at...(Bozeman, Helena and Libby)
- The day the Beartooth fell 50 million years ago, a mountain range took a quick trip to Wyoming.
- Day trippin' 33 ways to enrich a summer weekend in Montana
- Day trippin' from Billings.
- Day trippin' from Butte, uptown and out of town
- Day trippin' from Glendive.
- Day trippin' from Great Falls
- Day trippin' from Helena
- Day trippin' from Kalispell.
- Day trippin' from Libby.
- Day trippin' from Miles City.
- Day trippin' from Missoula.
- Day trippin': 32 ways to spend a summer day in Montana. Second annual guide.
- Dayhiking the Cabinets and the Purcells
- Days of the locust
- Days of the west
- Dead Man's Flat
- A dealer's dozen: the 12 hottest collectibles in Montana
- The dean of Flathead fishing: Dallas Eklund
- Dear Folks, With Regards, Steve.
- DeArment, R. Bat Masterson: the man and the legend. 1979.
- DeArment, R. Knights of the green cloth: the saga of the frontier gamblers. 1982.
- Death at the Goat Lick.
- Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park. Roberts Rinehart, n.d.
- Death of a small business: the Missoula Brewing Company.
- Death Valley's Twenty Mule Teams
- Death, too, for The-Heavy-Runner.
- A decent pair of boots [Boot shops in Billings, Great Falls and Helena]
- Deck your holiday table with Pepper Martin's ham
- The deconstruction of a capitalist patriarch: the life and times of Samuel T. Hauser
- Decoy renaissance
- Dedication of Meagher statue [and] Montana state capitol.
- Dedication set for Elk Winter Range: migrating Yellowstone Park elk have additional 9000 acres
- Deep Blood Kettle: Ulm Pishkun State Park
- Deep Creek: heart of the Rocky Mountain Front.
- Deep snow: contributions from our readers
- Deep-winter dining: the simple pleasures of bread and soup.
- Deer and elk may cause allergic attack.
- Deer at Waterhole [watercolor by C.M. Russell, 1904]
- Deer habitat relationships and management in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains.
- Deer Mountain and the conservation cause [Adapted]
- Deja View: Montana 1970- Montana 2000
- Dekes
- Delicacies in the boondocks [Girdle Mountain Summer House, Belt, MT].
- Delicate mountain monarchs
- Delightful dilemma
- Delpar, H. ed. The discoverers: an encyclopedia of explorers and exploration. 1980.
- The deluge of '64
- Dempsey, H. Charcoal's world. 1978.
- Dempsey, H. Red Crow: warrior chief. 1980
- Denny Washington, Montana's construction king.
- Department employees garner awards [Yannone, Cunningham, Youmans & Burke]
- Department film wins awards [Who will answer?]
- Department hosts important meetings[national and international organizations meet in Montana]
- Department issues new deer report.
- Department lands: 7 and 8 add up to diversity (Milk River WMA & Sleeping Buffalo WMA)
- Department offers varied movies [Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Film Center]
- Department produces new documentary [Who will answer?]
- Department releases new film [Three Men- -Three Rivers]
- Department to prepare EIS on mountain lions
- Department wins three ACI awards
- DeSanto ascending [Jerry DeSanto].
- Desert Dreams: the Art and Life of Maynard Dixon. Gibbs-Smith, 1993
- Desert river: true of false, deserts are dry
- Desire and pursuit of the whole: the politics of storytelling
- The desperate danger of talking turkey
- Destination: Denver City, the South Platte Trail.
- Developing a multi-state operation from Montana.
- Developing silvicultural prescriptions to provide both deer winter habitat and timber
- Development whoas: conservation easements: contracts with the future
- Developments at Dancing Prairie.
- Developments in Montana's mining industry
- The devil's brigade
- DFWP faces financial crunch
- DFWP: less fuelish
- Diane of the wolves [Diane Boyd's experience with wolves as a wildlife biologist].
- Diary of a night nurse, Butte, Montana, 1909.
- The diary of Albert Death-on-the-Trail Reynolds, Glacier National Park, 1912- 1913.
- Dick Johnson retires as deputy director
- Dictionary of the American West. Facts on File, 1993.
- Dig that funky bison [work continues at Mill Iron site near Ekalaka]. city relationship].
- Diggin' up bones: Camposaur for fossil hunters [Egg Mountain]
- Digging for duckbills
- Digging for pre-history along the Mighty Mo [Eagle Creek site]
- The digging machine.
- Diking the flood plain
- Dillon's romance novelist: Sally Garrett
- Dillon: blue-ribbon fishing, pro rodeo and a college education.
- Dimsdale, T. J. The vigilantes of Montana.
- Dinghy, dory, kayak, canoe: your dreamboat in a kit
- Dining On Broadway: it's amore! [Helena Italian restaurant]
- Dinosaur demise, clues in Montana's boundary clay.
- Dinosaur dig memories [in north-central Montana.]
- Dinosaurs of the deep [pallid sturgeon].
- Dinospeak [continents were in different places 175 million years ago & dinosuar skeletons are found in remote areas].
- Dinospeak: Brontosaur brunch
- Dinospeak: Dinos & horns & horns & dinos
- Dinospeak: mesozoic hot water [Dino-eating crocodiles]
- Dinospeak: molarless in Mongolia
- Dinospeak: on the trail of dinosaur sounds
- Dinospeak: sifting for clues in ocean dirt
- Dinospeak: tank dinos, built to take it
- Dinospeak: tyrant lizard king [T. rex]
- Dippie, B. Remington & Russell: the Sid Richardson collection. 1982.
- Dippie, B. The vanishing American: white attitudes and U.S. Indian policy. l982.
- Dippie, B. ed. Nomad: George A. Custer in turf, field and farm. 1980.
- The Director's column [biological survival and adaptation]
- the Director's column [projected financial income will have an impact on the Department's future programs]
- Discover Montana's lttle known places
- Discover reloading.
- Discovered lands, invented pasts: a review essay.
- Discovering a sense of place: Moscow State University students intern for FW&P
- Discovery in the Pintlers.
- Discredited memoirs resurrected [A review of Patrick Tucker's Riding the High Country]
- Discriminating tastes.
- Dish-connected
- Distant justice: policing the Alaskan frontier. 1987.
- Dive Montana
- Diversifying into the unknown. Business Supplement [32p.] follows page 100
- Dixieland: Montana's traditional jazz festival.
- Do cats really have nine lives?
- Do new faces change the political climate?
- Do something wild...share with wildlife
- Do woodpeckers get headaches?
- Do you have enough pain to love Montana in the winter?
- The do's and don't's of teaching your child Nordic skiing
- Docile dinosaur [Pteronarcys californica]
- Does religion make a difference? [votes concerning liquor and gambling laws]
- Dog detectives Cascade County's K-9 Academy
- Dog fight! Wolves and coyotes in Yelowstone
- Dog town
- The dogs of war: Montana's canine soldiers of World War II.
- The 'dogs' of Greycliff
- Dogtown dilemma: how to manage the prairie poodle
- Doig I. This house of sky: landscapes of a Western mind. 1978.
- Doig, I. Winter brohers: a season at the edge of America. 1980.
- Doig: a Montana soul.
- Dolly who?
- The domesticated forest: large investment, large return
- Don't be a victim
- Don't fight cavities.
- Don't mow this grass [story features family life 150 years ago on the Iowa grasslands]
- Don't risk the water
- Don't wait 'til the cows come home.
- Doom blooms, the unpredictable danger of algae blooms in Montana watering holes
- Doooonnn't beeee a litterbuuuugg
- Doorways to adventure [Fishing Access Site System].
- Doris Couch.
- Doris [Huffine Montana Museum east of Kalispell].
- Dorothy Bradley
- Dorothy Eck
- Double Arrow Outfitters: a family tradition
- The Double Arrow Ranch [dining and lodging south of Seeley Lake].
- Double deal at Diamond Mesa.
- Doug Campbell: dahlia & glad horticulturist
- Doug Peacock's war [efforts to film & preserve grizzlies]
- Dowdy wins 1995 Waterfowl Stamp Contest
- Down hill: a guide to Montana's great runs.
- Down home at the 7-Up Ranch: good cookin' in Lincoln.
- Down river: a Yellowstone journey.
- Downsizing government could save millions [Governor's Fask Force report]
- Dozers for ducks
- Dr. Acton: her speciality is diabetes among Indians.
- Dr. Losee: Knee man known round the world.
- Dr. Phil Wright: educator and naturalist
- Draft choice coach,Larry Rojas.
- Draft wolf management plan released
- Draggin' the dragon
- Drawing the out-of-state tourist to Montana: State promotional efforts.
- Drawing the out-of-state tourist to Montana: the tourist's perception of the state.
- A dream of water
- Dreaming of those mountains [North fork of the Sun River]
- Drilling at Kintla Lake: Montana's first oil well
- Drivers of the purple gumbo
- Driving ambitions: park-to-park-to-park
- Drought year - it was our turn
- Droze, W. Trees, prairies, and people: a history of tree planting in the Plains states. 1977.Fahl
- Drury, C. Chief lawyer of the Nez Perce Indians, l796-1876. 1979.
- Dry Farming in the Northern Great Plains: Years of Readjustment, 1920- 1990. Univ. Press of Kansas, 1993.
- Dry it yourself
- The Dry Land Claim [oil by Elmer Boone, 1915]
- DU - launching waterfowl's lifeboat.
- DU Canyon Ferry project is for the birds
- The duck bog
- Duck populations rebound across the northern United States
- Ducker, J. Men of the steel rails: workers on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, 1869-1900. 1983.
- The ducks of winter: a late-season hunt provides mallards, misses & memories
- Ducks Unlimited cookbook. n.d.
- Duffey, D. Hunting dog know-how. 1983.
- DUIU: Driving under the influence of uncles
- Dunae, P. Gentlemen emigrants: from the British public schools to the Canadian frontier. 1981.
- Dunlay, T. Wolves for the Blue Soldiers: Indian scouts and auxiliaries with the United States Army, 1860-90. l982.
- Dunn Creek Nell
- Dust Bowl Diary. 1984.
- Dust jacket illustration for Lake's Wyatt Earp, Frontier Marshall (oil on canvas, n.d.)
- The Dust Rose Like Smoke: The Subjugation of the Zulu and the Sioux. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994.
- Dusty millers
E [^]
- E-business among Montana manufacturers
- E.S. Paxson: Frontier Artist. 1984.
- Eagle watch: Glacier Park.
- Earl Old Person
- Early day Montana post offices
- Early day skiing in Montana
- Early fur trade on the Northern Plains: Canadian traders among the Mandan and Hidatsa Indians, 1738-1818
- Early railroading in Central Montana
- Earning their oats: Bitterroot horsepower.
- Earth Force: power to change the world
- The earth manual: how to work on wild land without taming it
- Earthquake: I heard such a roar
- Earthquakes in Montana
- The East Pioneers: rugged adventure.
- East-West Roundup [news & events from around the state]
- Eastern ghosts [Emory, MT]
- Eastern Montana
- Eating through Paradise [Valley]
- Eau de tomcat
- Economic development in Montana
- The economic impacts of Montana's timber shortage
- The economic picture at Fort Belknap
- The economic worth of fuzzy weasels: a short fable on the elusive nature of value
- The economics and politics of public land management: a case of institutional lunacy (and a few modest prescriptions)
- Economics Montana: regional models and forecasts.
- Economics, elephants and snarks: predicting future values [of forest products]
- Ecosystem management on the Deerlodge
- Eddies, hydraulics, holes and waves: an introduction to river running.
- The Edge of the Crazies. Hyperion, n.d.
- Edge of wilderness: Lima Neal
- Edible plants and flowers: Montana's natural food store
- The editor's column [plea for wise water use]
- The editor's column [previously endangered animals' numbers increase]
- The editor's column [why is hunting increasingly coming under attack?]
- Editor's message: book reviewer and long-time Northern Montana College professor, Harrison Lane, dies
- Editor's mote
- Editorial
- The editors column [fire is a natural factor in the evolution of many plants and animals]
- Edmunds, D. The Potawatomis: keepers of the fire. 1978.
- Edmunds, R. The Shawnee prophet. 1983.
- Edmunds, R., ed. American Indian leaders: studies in diversity. 1980.
- Educating Montana: what our university system does for the state
- Edward F. Beale and the American West. 1983.
- Edward S. Curtis
- Edward S. Curtis: the Life and Times of a Shadow Catcher
- Edward Warren.
- Edwards, J. A climber's guide to Glacier National Park.
- Edwin M. Ellis: Montana's bicycling minister
- The effects of fire on cutthroat spawning streams in Yellowstone Lake tributaries.
- Eight bite the dust.
- Eight-legged predator (includes discussion of the black widow & the brown recluse)
- Ekalaka centennial: meet The town at the end of the road.
- Ekalaka relativity.
- Ekstrom's, dine at a frontier stage stop.
- El bosque humedo: Save the rainforest
- El Rancho Gumbo
- Electrofishing: using current to count [sampling fish to estimate fish populations for management purposes]
- Electrofishing: using current to count [sampling fish to estimate populations for managment purposes]
- An elephant in every yard
- Eleventh annual exhibition National Academy of Western Art
- Elk and cattle on public lands: a new look at an old conflict
- Elk and cattle on the national forests: a simple question of allocation...or a complex management problem?
- Elk facts [reversible poster folded in center of magazine]
- Elk hunting in the Rocky Mountain West.
- Elk hunting survey results [from Fall, 1986]
- Elk hunting, logging and tradition
- Elk success story: an overview [numbers remain stable]
- Elk talk.
- Elk under the wire
- Elk upkeep.
- Elk vulnerability in Montana: then and now.
- Elkhorn Mountains dedicated to wildlife.
- The Elkhorns revisited: elk numbers up
- The Elkhorns, managing happy hunting grounds.
- The Elkhorns: an elegant island of mountains tests a new kind of wild land protection based on wildlife management
- Elser, S. & Brown, B. Packin' in on mules and horses.
- Elser, S. & Brown, B. Packin' in on mules and horses. 1980.
- Elwood's happy story
- The emerald city of moss
- Emergy and recreation - what's in store
- Empire of dust: settling and abandoning the prairie dry belt. 1987.
- Empires in the sun: the rise of the new American West.
- Employee assistance and employee fitness programs: a growing trend in U. S. business.
- Employee assistance and employee fitness programs: a growing trend in U. S. business
- An empty pair of sneakers twenty-two years after Wayne Estes's death, a sports fan reflects.
- En-raptor-ed with the Mission Valley: mild winters attract many species
- The enchanted broccoli forest.
- Encore! Reviving Montana's grand theaters
- Encouraging words from Montana's wood products industry
- Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography. Arthur C. Clark Co., 1994
- An End and a Beginning: the South Coast and Los Angeles, 1850-1887. Historical Society of Southern California, 1992.
- End of an era
- An endangered species.
- Endrin, the politics of poison
- Endurance
- Energy update: an executive view of demand-side management
- The energy-for-Montana program.
- English Creek.
- English Creek. 1984.
- Enjoy!
- Enlightened selfishness: Great Falls and the Sun River Project
- Enough access is enough: Snowmobiles and Wilderness, two viewpoints
- Entrepreneurs of the Old West
- Environmental news
- An Environmental Profile of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. 1991. Dennis Glick et al. Greater Yellowstone Coalition. [book review]
- Epitaphs: a forgotten art
- Equine elite: there's something about a thoroughbred
- Equipped for fun
- Erdoes, R. Saloons of the old West. 1979.
- The essence of wilderness
- Essential bonds: a pheasant hunt with brothers.
- Esval, O. Prairie tales: the adventure of growing up on a frontier. 1979.
- Ethel: Mining methods in the Montana Lead tunnel in the Ten Mile Creek area above Rimini
- The ethical responsibility of directors and trustees
- Ethnic interest [Missoula]
- European images of America
- European images of America: The west in historical perspective
- Evelyn J. Cameron: pioneer photographer and diarist
- Every valley shall be exploited? Montana's rural subdivision muddle
- Everybody knows West Yellowstone is the coldest spot in the Montana - or is it?
- Everybody, somebody, anybody, and nobody
- Everyman's Old Man of the River. [Dan Bailey]
- Evolution of a century-old empire: Pitchfork Land and Cattle Company
- Evolving institutions in wildlife management: the case for fee hunting.
- Ex officio progress report
- Exotic introduction: a fisheries managers headache
- Expanding the conservation tradition: Montana's Watchable Wildlife
- Expedition Yellowstone.
- The expeditions of John Charles Fremont: travels from 1848 to 1854.
- Experience the Great Bear grizzly, native cutthroat and Montana's wildest river.
- Experiences in the promised land: essays in Pacific Northwest history.
- Experiencing the past [historic places and sights]
- Exploration and commerce along the Pacific Northwest coast
- The explorers: nineteenth century expeditions in Africa and the American West.
- Exploring the landscapes of Montana dinosaurs.
- Exteriors: photographs of sections of buildings
- An eye for agates.
- Eyes on wildlife: a National Forest approach
F [^]
- Facilities at Montana's first state park
- Factors influencing changing consumer trends
- Fahey, J. The days of Hercules. 1978.
- Fairmont Hot Springs, family swim.
- A falcon of superlatives: American kestrel
- Falconry: a perfect hobby
- Fall for the Madison.
- Fall Guy
- Fall Guy [Stuntman B.J. Worth].
- Fall in the Flathead: kokanee and eagles.
- Fall in wine country
- Fall makes the color struggle easy
- Fall meeting: eagles and salmon in Glacier.
- The fallen-star story of Major Marcus Reno
- Falling through summer: easy hikes to area waterfalls
- Family business: ideal vehicle for Indian business success? Indian culture & tradition supports family enterprises
- Family Fishing Adventures
- A family of animals [names for groups of animals]
- Family owned: M & S Meats and Sausages.
- Family pets: stories and photos from our readers
- Family saga: grizzly relocation has mixed results
- The family that runs together
- Family ties, westward ho with Granddad
- The famous Glasgow Badger fight
- Fannie Sperry Steele: Montana's champion bronc rider
- Fanny Cory Cooney, Montana mother and artist
- Fanny's world: the life and art of Fanny Cory Cooney.
- Fantastic comeback of the American wild turkey
- Far afield with Glacier Institute
- Far East man: Matt Cohn
- Faragher, J. Women and men on the Overland Trail. 1979.
- Farm bill facts
- Farm fresh: take in a late-season street market
- The Farm Program - mixed blessings? Business Supplement [32p.] follows page 100
- Farm toy club
- Farmers and ranchers: how to get the most from the annual cow-shooting contest
- Farming for spikes [mature bull elk decreasing in Montana as a result of the wildlife management program]
- Farming the frontier: the agricultural opening of the Oregon Country, 1786- 1846.
- Farr, W. & Toole, K. Montana: images of the past. 1978.
- Farrand & Foster: Garfield County's legendary health care team
- Fast facts: Computers in Montana households, 1994
- Fat tire fever: mountain biking Montana.
- Fatal moves: eager for new life in Montana Territory, a man could misjudge the risks [Thomas-Schultz death on the Bozeman Trail].
- Fatso and Fussy.
- Favorite network radio programs, late 1930s.
- FBI seeks Claude Dallas
- Fearless Funnymen: The History of the Rodeo Clown. Eakin Press, 1993.
- A feast for eagles: introduction of Kokanee salmon into the Flathead drainage attracts the bald eagle
- Feasting by the leafy stream.
- Feathered booty: the illegal trade in exotic birds.
- Feathered frenzy
- Feathered friends: feeding birds in winter
- Feature creature
- Feature creature [owls].
- Feature creature: elk
- Feature creature: here today, gone tomorrow [migratory birds]
- Feature creature: marmots
- Feature creature: mountain goat
- Feature creature: paddlefish
- Feature creature: raven
- Feature Creature: The nasty family
- Feature film [Peacock's Wars]
- Federal funding--The Nongame Act.
- Federal Junior duck stamp [1995 winner & rules for entering]
- Federation of Fly Fishers. Fishing supplement [32 p.] follows page 114.
- Federation seeks award nominees
- Feeding the heart
- Femal photographers on the frontier: Montana's photographic artists, 1866-1900
- The fencepost chronicles.
- Fences and hummingbirds.
- Fermenting for fun: how to make your own fine wine
- The ferret experiment.
- Ferrets in Alberta.
- Ferry rides [on the Missouri River].
- Festival of cultures: a Billings solution
- A festival of nations in Red Lodge
- Festival of Trees: the magic of holiday lights and giving
- Festival.
- The Fetterman Hospital Association: cooperative health care on the range in the 1880s
- Ficken, R. Lumber and politics: the career of Mark E. Reed. 1980.
- Field care of pronghorn meat
- Field trip updates latilong 13.
- Fifth graders draw on State Parks [State Parks Poster Contest].
- Fighting wildfires
- Figures in a Western Landscape: Men and Women of the Northern Rockies. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1994
- Film selection
- Film wins broonzemetal [Spirits on the Wing]
- Filmed in Montana.
- Final hour: sunset for the American bison.
- Finally - a formula for finding the right size stove
- Finally, suddenly, gratefully, it's spring
- Financing economic growth in the Western states
- Financing state government and public education.
- Finding common ground: a state/tribal agreement is working for hunters and anglers [Flathead Indian Reservation]
- Finding Taurus
- Finding the perfect ski slope.
- Finding the phalarope: nature is the teacher in Great Falls.
- Finnish sourdough recipe
- Fire in the belly: Judge W.W. Lessley
- Fire in the hole [underground coal fire near Kinsey].
- Fire in the hole: Slovenians, Croatians, & coal mining on the Musselshell
- Fire like the Sun.
- Fire lookouts of the Northwest.
- A fireplace insert may be the answer
- The fires of '88: Yellowstone Park & Montana in flames.
- The fires of the greater Yellowstone area: the saga of a long hot summer
- The fireside reader [reviewer's choices for understanding Montana].
- Fireside reader. See bi-monthly issues.
- The first 25 years of TV in Montana.
- First aid kit may be your best whole life policy
- First buck second time around
- First flight over the Rockies
- First float
- The first Saturday after Labor Day.
- First-aid outdoors
- Fischer, H. The floater's guide to Montana.
- Fischer, J. From the high plains. 1979.
- A fish called cisco
- Fish facts
- Fish guide available.
- A fish story with three lessons
- Fish, wildlife and livestock: protection of riparian areas
- A fish-shaped sunbeam
- Fisher, R. & Johnston, H. eds. Captain James Cook and his times. 1979.
- Fisheries management special regulations for larger trout: is Montana ready?
- Fisheries managers: stream stars.
- Fishes of special concern list updated [Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society watch list includes bull trout and the blue sucker]
- Fishes of special concern--explanation and update
- Fishin' the city
- Fishing is for the birds [birds that fish]
- Fishing or the opera? Montanans talk about quality of life choices
- Fishing stories: stories and photos from our readers
- Fishing the dry fly as a living insect.
- Fishing the opener [early season fly- fishing]
- Fishing the Tongue River Reservoir: the crappies are coming!
- Fishing the water of Yellowstone Park: the wave of regulations to come
- Fishing the waters of Yellowstone Park: the wave of regulations to come
- Fishing: it's reel simple
- Fishy business: Pat Barnes, Dan Bailey, Bud Lilly
- Fite, G. American farmers: the new minority. 1981.
- Fitzgerald, J. Black gold with grit. 1978.
- Five days in Philipsburg: a small town portrait.
- Five Montana sheriffs, life behind the badge
- Five stars on the four-lane: interesting restaurants from Bozeman eastward
- Five to nine: a day in the life of a camp cook
- Flash and fury in the sky
- The Flathead (photos of the area with remarks about the photographer)
- Flathead country from Glacier Park to the Mission Valley
- Flathead Lake issues
- Flathead Lake's midlife crisis
- Flathead Lake, from Glaciers to Cherries.
- Flathead Reservation
- Flathead's bluebacks
- The Flathead's growing pains
- Flight of the Nex Perce: following the Nee-Me Poo Trail
- Flint Creek Range
- Float to fish, or fish to float?
- Floating Montana's major waterways
- Floating Montana's other Yellowstone
- Flood control here, worse floods there
- Floods or a quake for Butte?
- Floppin' Bill Cantrell
- Flour business blooms [Bob Quinn's Montana Wheat and Flour Company].
- Flourishing St. Marie: a prairie success [north of Glasgow].
- Flouting natural selection
- Flue tiles
- A fluey diary, 1918 [excerpt from the 1919 Montanan].
- A fly fishing who's who
- Fly me to the moon: Barney Grinnvoll
- A fly-in at Freezeout
- Flying fish...and other tales.
- Flying magazine [Big Sky Airways, The Magazine of Montana Flying].
- Flying tigers.
- Flyways
- Focus on state and local government finances.
- Focus on Whitefish: railroad and skiing span town's history
- Fogdall, A. Royal family of the Columbia: Dr. John McLoughlin and his family. 1978.
- The folks behind the badge
- Fond memories, miserable trip
- Food for the soul.
- Fools Crow.
- For artist Dana Boussard, the best time is now.
- For the Beartooth the time is now.
- For the elk, for the hunter, managing elk and elk habitat in the national forests.
- For the people, by the people: Montana's heritage of grassroots activism
- For your enjoyment.
- Ford, T. A. B. Guthrie, Jr. 1981.
- Forecasting personal income in Montana
- Forecasting scorecard
- Forecasts. 1989: Montana's state and local area outlook.
- Foreign ownership of American agricultural land: is the problem real?
- Forest Fires - An Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior, Management, Firefighting and prevention. 1991. Margaret Fuller. John Wiley. [book review]
- Forest fires have a future
- Forest land grazing: can grazing and reforestation coexist?
- Forest planning and congressional intent: the case for community stability.
- The forest planning quagmire [review of Reforming the Forest Service by Randal O'Toole].
- The forest products industry and the Montana economy
- The forest products industry in the Pacific Northwest region
- The forest products industry: issues and responsibilities.
- The forest products marketplace: a changing resource and below-cost sales
- The forest road issue [road closures may be necessary to protect wildlife]
- Forest Service cabins
- The Forest Service responds to Montana Magazine's May wilderness special
- Forest tax tinkering in the inter- mountain west.
- Forest wildflowers.
- The forest [tree photos and information about the photographer]
- Forest, field & fireside.
- The forested land: a history of lumbering in western Wyoming. 1987.
- Forever elk, forever wind: Judith River WMA
- Forever florid
- Forever summer: memories of Hunter's Hot Springs
- Forewarned! storm warnings over Eastern Montana
- The Forging of a Black Community: Seattle's Central District from 1870 through the Civil Rights Era. Univ. of Washington Press, 1994.
- The forgotten streams [fly fishing for prairie trout]
- Former Commissioner Arnold Rieder dies.
- Former editor of Montana the Magazine of Western History dies [Michael S. Kennedy]
- The formidable Scapegoat, a massive mountain complex on the Continental Divide.
- Forplan: The marvelous toy
- Forrest, J. Bill Gollings: the man and his art. 1979.
- Forsyth
- Forsyth to get public TV.
- Forsyth's booster, Walter Dean.
- Fort Belknap Reservation
- Fort Benton yesterday, a letter from the past.
- Fort Benton's I.G. Baker: first of the free traders
- Fort Benton: the birthplace of Montana
- Fort Owen: Montana's first department store
- Fort Peck Reservation
- Fort Peck Reservation: business on the reservation
- Fort Peck Reservation: The economic picture
- Fort Peck Reservoir steals the show
- Fort Peck's theater on the prairie
- Fort Peck: history in progress
- Fort Uintah and the Reed Trading Post
- Fort Union: best show in the territory
- Fort Union: the first settlement in the Northwest
- Forty years with Montana's big game
- Fossil prof: Glendive's Doc Hiatt.
- Fossils of the Bear Gulch limestone, a paleontologist's gold mine
- Foster Fenwick's father: Mal Hancock
- Found again: the embattled farmer
- The founding of the first national forest: the headwaters of the conservation movement
- Fountains of flavor
- Four fighters of Lincoln County. 1986.
- Four pioneer's first Christmas in Montana
- Four weddings and a funeral
- Four Winds Indian Trading Post: St. Ignatius, MT
- The Fourstar brothers: Assiniboine elders of the Fort Peck Reservation
- The Fourth Annual Sobriety Pow Wow
- Fourth Season campout.
- Fowler, H. Three caravans to Yuma: the untold story of Bactrian camels in Western America. 1980.
- Fox of the treetops: martens
- Fox, R. So far disordered in mind: insanity in California, l870-l930. 1979.
- Fox, S. John Muir and his legacy: the American conservation movement. 1981
- The fragrant Flathead: garden tours
- Francis Bardanouve
- Frank Caplette: the source
- Frank Faust, Old Griz of Essex.
- Frank Gjersing -monumental values.
- Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural projects in the Bitterroot Valley, 1909- 1910
- Frederic G. Renner, 1897-1987
- Frederic Remington: the masterworks.
- Freedom on the Border: The Seminole Maroons in Florida, the Indian Territory, Coahuila, and Texas. Texas Tech Univ. Press, 1993.
- Freeman monument,scholarship established.
- Freeze-dried fatigue
- Freezeout Lake Wildlife Management Area
- Freighting in the Judith Basin, 1891- 1902
- The Frenchtown pulp and paper mill: vital to western Montana's economy.
- A fresh look at the income tax.
- Freshwater wilderness: Yellowstone fishes and their world.
- Freshwater wilderness: Yellowstone fishes and their world. 1983.
- Frieda and Belle Fligelman: a frontier-city girlhood in the 1890's
- Friendly fishing on Montana's small streams. Bushels of Bullheads: the making of a fly fisherman
- Friendly invasion: the Canadians are coming and Montana retailers love 'em
- Friendly skis: new cross-country skis are both wider and shorter
- A friendship in adversity: Burton K. Wheeler, Hiram W. Johnson.
- The frog pile theory of economics [trapping skunks]
- Frog with a tail
- The frog with a tail.
- From campfires to cappucinos: that coveted jolt of Joe
- From champagne to Gatorade and back again
- From convenience stores to casinos: gambling - Montana style
- From cream cans to tankers: overview of Montana's fish hatcheries
- From fantastic to phantom: Granite Mountain silver days.
- From fear to trust in World War II Montana changed its treatment of Japanese-Americans
- From ghost town to growing community: Browning banker brings business back to reservation
- From Hamilton to Siberia: Montana log home business forms Russian partnership
- From Hill 57 to Capitol Hill: 'Making the sparks fly'. Sister Providencia Tolan's drive on behalf of Montana's off-reservation Indians, 1950-1970.
- From Hill 57 to Capitol Hill: 'Making the sparks fly'. Sister Providencia Tolan's drive on behalf of Montana's off-reservation Indians, 1950-1970
- From horse to machine
- From Huntley's interview.
- From lumber to apples.
- From Microcosm to Macrocosm: advances in Tipi Ring Investigations and Interpretation.
- From the field
- From the field: a new fish for Tiber
- from the field: a new species of bat for Montana
- From the field: A partnership that works!
- From the field: a story of possibility
- From the field: a Sun River legend
- From the field: Bannack Days: celebrating life on the Montana frontier
- From the field: caught in the act
- From the field: clinics help waterfowlers learn shooting skills
- From the field: cooperative effort nabs illegal outfitter
- From the field: DNA testing may solve old wildlife mystery
- From the field: Eurasian watermilfoil: a threat to Montana's lakes and rivers
- From the field: fishing trips build bridges to Montana youth
- From the field: fluvial Arctic grayling poised for recovery
- From the field: FW&P biologists conduct surveys for Montana furbearers
- From the field: harmony at Hauser
- From the field: Montana's fish health laboratory
- From the field: Montana's fishing log program
- From the field: Montana's Mid-winter Waterfowl Survey
- From the field: North Shore easement adds to Giant Springs
- From the field: river etiquette in dry times
- From the field: Roy Hassinger: the essence of volunteerism
- From the field: Sunnyslope grayling defy the odds
- From the field: surveying rare wildlife in the Bitterroots
- From the field: Swamp-Out: a tool for restoring westslope cutthroat in Headwater lakes
- From the field: the backcountry
- From the field: the bucket brigade
- From the field: the truth hurts
- From the field: TIP-MONT is working
- From the heart of Dixie: Alabama meets Montana
- From the land of Oz: L. Frank Baum's satirical view of South Dakota's first year of statehood.
- From the sound of it, Montana Symphony is alive and well
- From us to you for spring [wildlife photographs]
- From Vermont to Whoop-Up country, some letters of D.W. Davis, 1867-1878
- The front in winter: easy access
- Front man: thanks, Bud
- The front of the Front where the trees lean east & the people lean west
- Front Range evolving: a look at the southern ramparts.
- Frontier editor
- Frontier Faiths: Church, Temple, and Synagogue in Los Angeles, 1846-1888. University of New Mexico Press, 1992.
- Frontier Forth of July in Lewistown
- Frontier spirit: catalog of the collection of the Museum of Western Art
- Frontier, region, and border: cultural currents in the recent southwest
- Frost, L. Custer legends. 1981.
- Fueling Montana highways: the role of federal transfers
- Full Circle Herb Farm [near Kalispell]
- Full-& part-time jobs in selected trade & service industries, Montana, 1990-1993
- Fulton D. Failure on the Plains. 1982.
- Fund for animals game full of surprises
- Further adventures of a travelin' fish [bull trout]
- Further perspectives
- Future forests of the mountain West: the need for information.
- The future of the forest industry too few trees or too many sawmills
- FWP centennial inspires waterfowl stamp
- FWP Commission celebrates centennial anniversary
- FWP sponsors Becoming an Outdoors- Woman workshop
- FWP's Mr. Wildlife retires
G [^]
- Gabriel Dumont: Metis prince of the prairies
- Gaddy, J. comp. Dust to dust: obituaries of the gunfighters. 1978.
- Gail Small
- Gal warden
- Galata: almost ghost.
- The Gallatin Gateway Inn
- The Gallatin Gourmet: splendid dining in Bozeman.
- Gallery 16: artists cooperating.
- The galloping mountain food gourmet
- Gallup City's brief run: oil-boom town in Northern Montana
- Gambling: high stakes industry
- The game and fish menu cookbook.
- Game damage: a squeaky wheel with lots of spokes.
- Game farms, wild ungulates and disease in western North America
- Game of freeze-out: Marguerite Greenfield and her battle with the Great Northern Railway, 1920-1929
- Game Warden
- Game warden (what it's like to be one)
- Game Wardens produce magazine. [The Montana Game Warden].
- Garcia, A. Tough trip through paradise, 1878-1879.
- The garden bond. [Homesteaders and their plantings.]
- Garden City Seeds [Victor based business.]
- Garden fresh: Missoula Farmers' Market
- Gardening in the Inland Northwest.
- Gardening in the northern high plains.
- Gardening with Montana's wild flowers
- Garnet, spend a snowy weekend in a ghost town
- Garnet: ghost town with a future
- Gary Herbert and the great bear: Harvard educated lawyer turns sculptor
- Gas bubbles on the Bighorn: a deadly mystery.
- Gasohol fill 'er up with home brew
- The gate to heaven: Lost Creek State Park
- Gates of the mountains: old as the hills
- Gateway to paradise: from Livingston to Gardiner
- Gateway to the Breaks: Hell Creek State Park
- Gateway to Wilderness. The Rocky Mountain Front
- Gather 'round: Cut Bank's Storytelling Conference
- A gathering at Hauser.
- 'Gator
- Gay, E. With the Nez Perces: Alice Fletcher in the field, 1889-92. Ed. by F. Hoxie & J. Mark. 1981.
- Gear up for spring Get down to exposure
- Gelandesprung: Alpine goes airborne
- Gem of the bird world: buntings
- Gender and western history: is anybody home on the range?
- Gene Autry
- General George Crook, his autobiography.
- General Sherman's march through Montana
- The general store shopping in rural Montana grocery stores before self service
- General Womack and his tigers
- A generation of neighbors
- Gentle Giants: Montana Championship Draft Horse Show
- The gentled giant of Bighorn Canyon
- Geographic information systems: an introduction for natural resource managers
- Geography & weather [Missoula]
- The geography of risk: Ivan Doig deep in Heart's Earth
- George Montague Wheeler: The Man and the Myth. Swallow Press, 1993.
- Gerard Baker: Superintendent of the Little Bighorn Battlefield
- Germans in Montana gold camps: two views [S Aggens & E. Flora]
- Get a good laugh: Jess Lair
- Get it together when you pack: notes for mountain people, part IV.
- Get mulish: summer hee-haw celebrations [Condon Mule Days & Arlee mule races]
- Get quacking on your entry today [Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program]
- Get to know Montana's -poisonous plants- from a distance
- Get weird [exhibit announcement of four Montana artists: J. Hyden G. Horinek J. Montalban & S. Hackett].
- Get your elk?
- Getting 'em hooked
- Getting a warm fit: rediscover the old wood burner, part III
- Getting booted: New choices in cross country footwear
- Getting into the mountains before it was known as backpacking
- Getting it done: the Montana Conservation Corps
- Getting lost: contributions from out readers
- Getting poor in the gold rush.
- Getting Ready [to Hunt]
- Getting the shot: the ethics of wildlife photography
- Getting together: Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and the U.S. Forest Service team up to manage the Bob
- Ghost Winnebago riders in the sky
- Ghostly undertakings [Anaconda's National Ghost Town Hall of Fame Museum and Library].
- The ghoulish harvest
- Giant Springs: the big bubbly.
- A giant step toward success: Peregrine recovery program
- Giants never die growing up in the Big Timber area
- Giardiasis outbreaks in Montana
- The Gibbons-Dempsey title fight of 1923
- Gidley, M. With one sky above us: life on an Indian reservation at the turn of the century. 1979.
- Gieske, M. Minnesota Farmer [Laborism: the third party alternative. 1979.
- A gift of pheasants.
- Gildart, R. with Wassink, J. Montana wildlife. 1982.
- Give `n' take.
- Giving thanks for wild turkeys
- Glacial Lake Great Falls.
- Glacial Lake Missoula
- Glacier celebrates 75 years.
- Glacier's first female super.
- Glaring gnome [northern pygmy-owl].
- Glasgow hosts international whist tournament.
- Gleason, D. and Gleason, D. comps. Beloved sister: letters of James H. Gleason, 1841-1859. 1978.
- Glendive.
- Glimpses (White Sulphur Springs' Castle)
- Glimpses [dining room, Copper King Mansion, Butte]
- Global biodiversity: the value of abundance.
- Global business and the smaller company
- The global food fight: genetically modified foods at home and abroad
- Global pollution: an early warning system.
- Global strategies: what's Montana's move?
- The glory days of Montana' steam harvesters
- The glow of Garnet: winter warmth in Montana's best-preserved ghost town
- Go lightly on the land: do's and don't's for riders and hikers
- Go, Randy! [Randy Beckner competes in the Ironman]
- Goats, curly bear, and common sense
- Goats: spurge scourge.
- God helps those who help themselves: the Farmers Alliance and Dakota statehood.
- Goetzman, W. & Porter, J., with artists' biographies by D. Hunt. The West as romantic horizon. 1981.
- Goetzmann,W. Texas images and visions. Catalogue by B. Reese. 1983.
- Goin' down that Hi-Line highway: memories
- Going back to the future: economic change in Montana
- Going huntin': east ain't least, west ain't best
- Going into hiding [protective behavior for newborn calves]
- Going native: landscapes for Montana homes
- Going through a stage: Montana's summer theaters in 2000
- Going to bat for bats
- Going to the Sun a golden anniversary for our highway to the sky. Avalanche on Going -to-the- Sun road
- Going to the sun you have to go through some snow first
- Going underground
- Going up under the mountains: pheasant hunting in the Crazy Mountains [excerpt]
- Going-to-the-Sun a golden anniversary for our highway in the sky
- Gold fever
- Gold fever turns to gold madness
- Gold mining in Montana
- Gold mining: real jobs or red herring?
- Gold rush economics: Travel and trade in frontier Montana
- Gold, granite and Helena
- Goldberg, R. Hooded empire: the Ku Klux Klan in Colorado. 1981.
- Golden eagles
- The golden horse on the silver screen
- Golden Special campaign train: Republican women campaign for Charles Evans Hughes for President in 1916.
- The golden years of trout fishing
- Goldfield: The Last Gold Rush on the Western Frontier. Ohio Univ. Press, 1992.
- Gone fishing: don't sell spring fishing short
- Gone fishing: twelve classic flies for Montana streams and rivers
- Good deeds without deeds: the South Ranch and Tampico Conservation Easements
- Good Gear
- Good gear: hiking pants cameras
- Good Gear: sips, staffs, and soles
- Good Gear: traveling and trekking
- The good news and bad news about climate change
- Good news at last for Montana's economy?
- Good news, bad news: Beal Mountain Mine- Pegasus Gold Inc.
- The good old days of hunting are gone
- Good sport: Michael J. Schutte.
- Good times in the badlands. [Makoshika State Park]
- Goofball greetings: Paul Stanton's quirky postcards.
- Gopher tails
- Gordon Bennett
- Gourmet grasses [shows drawings of four- chambered stomach of an elk]
- The gourmet woodburner.
- Government patronage: Catlin, Stanley, and Eastman
- Government: Big? Yes! Getting bigger? Yes! Too big?
- Governmental market opportunities for Montana small business
- The Governor hunts another judge: Benjamin Potts and the ouster of John Murphy
- Governor Racicot names three new commissioners [Meyer, Simpson and Decker]
- Governor's approval rating down
- The Governor's Cup: rapidly becoming Montana's premium run
- Governor's Task Force to renew Montana government
- Grabbing a bite to eat
- Graduation party--1929
- Graham named associate director
- The Grand Canyon of the Colorado: a challenge to float, a challenge to manage
- The Grand Hotel, epicurean bliss in Big Timber.
- Grand old goose
- A grand view of Bob Marshall country
- The grand view of Bob Marshall country
- Granddad's guilt: interpretations of history subject to current values
- Grandpa's buck
- Granite Park grizzly.
- Granite peak, Rocky Mountain high.
- The Grant-Kohrs Ranch.
- Granville Stuart of the DHS Ranch, 1879-1887
- Granville Stuart, cowman: To struggle against an adverse fate
- Grass roots, Stan Lynde is back at his drawing board.
- Grasses: the graceful dancers
- Grassland. Viking, n.d.
- Grayling, the not-gray fish with the great big fin
- Grayling: river population of Arctic grayling in the Big Hole River decreasing
- Grazing fees on public lands: a system under siege.
- Grazing the western range: what costs, what benefits?
- The Great American Sapphire.
- The Great Bear Wilderness
- The Great Burn, up from the ashes of 1910.
- Great day in the morning [pleasures of the early morning hunt]
- The Great Divide Trail
- The great divide: Belmont...only better.
- The Great Divide: ski, snowshoe, scramble, slog atop Montana's backbone.
- The great drive of '89: they said it couldn't be done.
- The great elk antler grab
- Great Falls air park.
- Great Falls: heart of the Golden Triangle
- Great Falls: silk jackets & cowboy hats
- The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. 1984.
- The great Glasgow riddle: how to get an old Air Force Base off the ground
- The great Glasgow riddle: how to get the old Air Force base off the ground
- The great gray ghost.
- Great guns [Range Riders Museum in Miles City].
- Great Harvest bread.
- Great horned owl: white throated hooter
- Great Lakes Lumber on the Great Plains: the Laird, Norton Lumber Company in South Dakota. University of Iowa Press, c1992.
- The great Montana
- The great Montana chicken ranch [grouse, pheasants, and partridge].
- The great outdoors: back-packing equipment tips from a pro
- Great Plains Montana towns: settings, spatial pattern and geographic personality
- The great pretenders
- The great railroad celebration, a narrative by Francis Jackson Garrison
- The great rain robbery: is eastern Montana in a drought pattern?
- Greater Yellowstone Coalition: preserving the ecosystem
- The Greater Yellowstone: an introduction to an area and its issues.
- Green cathedral: keeping the last of the Cube Iron country.
- Green is for GO.
- The green meadowlark
- The green musketeers and the fabulous frogs, by Sara St. Antoine. Dell Pub. Group, 1994.
- The green musketeers and the incredible energy escapade, by Sara St. Antoine. Dell Publishing Group, c1994.
- Green teams in California
- Green, J. ed. Zuni: selected writings of Frank Hamilton Cushing. 1979.
- Greene, J. Slim Buttes, 1876: an episode of the great Sioux war. 1981.
- Greenline parks: land conservation for for the eighties and beyond.
- `Greetings from this coalvillage': Finnish immigrants of Red Lodge
- Gregg, J. & Gregg, B. comps. Best loved poems of the American West. 1980.
- Grensten, R. Tracks of the Iron Horse.
- Greyhound
- Greyhound of the air: northern pintail ducks
- Griz facts
- Grizzlies in the Cabinet Mountains: augmentation or decline.
- Grizzly
- Grizzly bear Bonnie
- Grizzly bear Montan's state animal
- Grizzly bear mortality in Yellowstone: implications for conservation.
- Grizzly bear: the animal, the symbol, the enigma
- Grizzly bears and art openings: Montana's DeWeese family
- Grizzly country manners [general rules to avoid confrontations or for what to do when contronted with grizzlies.
- The grizzly daughter I never had.
- Grizzly encounters
- Grizzly facts.
- Grizzly mother and cubs (oil)
- Ground Hog Day: Montana's marmots are certain to see their shadows
- Ground water contamination
- Grouse fandango: a spring ritual
- Grouse of a different color
- Grouse of the High Country
- Grouse of the north shore. 1984.
- A grove of giants called Ross Creek Cedars
- A growing threat to farmland: the geography of soil erosion.
- Growing up on the N-Bar Ranch: an old hand remembers
- Growing up on the N-Bar: an old hand remembers
- Growler.
- Growth expected for Montana's economy.
- The growth of Kayak racing
- Grundy and Gladys Nichols
- Guardian of the old ways: profile of Mary Lodgepole
- Guarding the gates of trout heaven
- A guide to Bob Marshall additions
- A guide to kick and glide
- A guide to Montana's back country Nordic ski centers
- Guide to recommended country inns of the Rocky Mountain region.
- A guide to the Bitterroot Valley
- A guide to the Bob Marshall addition
- A guide to the grand Beaverhead
- A guide to the Smith River Valley
- Guideposts to Spring
- Guides, outfitters and regulation: an historical perspective.
- The guides: inside the life of Reilly.
- Guitar builders [Gibson Guitar Corp.]
- The gulch gap
- The Gulf crisis, international law, and American foreign policy.
- Gulick, B. Chief Joseph country, land of the Nez Perce. 1981.
- Gunnar Mickelsen, king of daytime radio
- Gutfeld, A. Montana's agony, years of war and hysteria, 1917-1921. 1979.
- Guthrie, A. Fair land, fair land
- Guthrie, A. The last valley.
- The Gypsy moth kit.
H [^]
- Habitat for the future
- Habitat Montana: saving the best of the rest
- Habitat: take a deeper look
- Habits of thought: history as overlapping paradigms.
- Habituation in Yellowstone's grizzly bears: a special problem in wildlife management.
- Hague, H. The road to California: the search for a Southern overland route, 1540-1848. 1978.
- Hail Stone, Crow Indian [photograph by F. Jay Haynes, 1883]
- Haley, J. Apaches: a history and culture portrait. 1981.
- Hall of famers [from Montana]
- Hall, W. & Hall, N. The wild palate: a serious wild foods cookbook. 1980.
- Handball's sagebrush champs: the growth of handball in Montana
- Handicapped-access picnic & camp sites
- Handling Cattle 1865-1895 [Reprint from Cowboys in Cattleland]
- 'Hang me if you will': Violence in the last western mining boomtown [Goldfield, Nevada]
- Hanging the sheriff: a biography of Henry Plummer. 1987.
- Hanna, W. Lost harbor: the controversy over Drake's California anchorage. 1979.
- Hanna. L. Montana's many-splendored glacierland.
- Happenings at the Hall:1983 Western Heritage awards
- Happy birthday Smokey Bear
- Happy Holidays from a few of our friends.
- Hard C-O-R-E.
- The hard winter of 1886-1887. Was that winter a century ago really Montana's big one of all time?
- The hard winter of 1886-1887. Was that winter a century ago really Montana's big one of all time?
- A Harlequin romance
- Harlow, N. California conquered: war and peace on the Pacific, 1846-1850. n.d.
- Harmony at Hauser [migrating eagles stop at Hauser to feed on spawning kokanee]
- The harrowing tale of Nez Perce Jones' run for his life
- Harvest of Barren Regrets: the Army Career of Frederick William Benteen, 1834-1898
- A harvest of history: antique power shows & threshing bees
- Harvesting paradise
- Harvey, S. The Montana cookbook.
- Has the perfect rain gear been invented?
- Hatch histeria [fishing pressure caused by salmon fly hatch]Jeremy Bentham, the Pieta an a precious few grayling.
- The hatch [salmon flies]
- Hatchery hatching [state's warmwater fish hatchery at Miles City being renovated].
- Hats off to hunters
- Have computer and fax modem, will travel: NY City analyst becomes Montana Lone Eagle
- Have RV, will travel [Parks Host Volunteer Program]
- Have Secchi disk, will travel [volunteer lake monitoring program]
- Have you exercised your grown-up today? (if not, take him or her ice-fishing)
- Have you seen that '35 Ford?
- Havre: the Hi-Line Hub
- The hawk migration: Montana's mountains form a little known maze of migration routes for birds of prey
- Hawkweeds & whitetails: Weather forecasting, Montana style
- Haying Time [oil, W.H.D. Koerner, 1921] The Oil Game [oil, W.H.D. Koerner, 1917]
- Haying with horses in the Bull Mountains
- The Haynes legacy
- He didn't know it couldn't be done: anecdotes of early sheep ranching
- He wants your blood! Leeches can be used to improve health
- He's come a long way [John Scott & oxen in cigarette advertisement.]
- Head for the hills: Billings, Butte, Helena, & Missoula areas
- Heads, hides & horns: the compleat buffalo book.
- Heads, Hides and Horns.
- Headwaters of the West: the Yellowstone Ecosystem.
- Healing Hot Springs.
- The healing mines of Boulder Valley
- Healing young lives.
- Health care
- Health care and financial services
- Health care in Montana: a growing industry.
- Health care issues among Montanans
- Health care markets
- Health care update
- Health insurance coverage among Montanans, 1995
- Health service industry highlights
- Heart & sole: the annual Rankin Run. [Great Falls, MT]
- Heart Earth. Atheneum, 1993.
- Heart of a Champion
- A heartbeat away: high risk in the life of an outfitter [Roland Cheek].
- The heartbeat of history: Rosebud Battlefield State Monument
- Heartland: putting the West back in Westerns
- Heather Candles [Whitefish, MT]
- Heavenly days: vacationing under the big sky
- Heavenly hikes: the all-time greats. [Travel & sightseeing guide]
- Heavens above Montana: Cassiopeia
- Heavens above: Lyra
- Heavens above: Scorpius constellation
- Heavers, hashers, skinners and dudes
- Hedgpeth, D. Cowboy artist: the Joe Beeler story. l979.
- Hedren, P. First scalp for Custer: the skirmish at Warbonnet Creek, Nebraska, July 17, 1876. 1981.
- Hegstad leaves Howell arrives.
- Hegstad, Aderhold honored
- Helen Hunt Jackson and the Ponca Controversy
- Helen Waller
- Helena the capitol town
- Helena to Ft. Benton: stagecoach
- Helena's Carroll College
- Helena's classy Stovetop not really a deli
- Helena's Sleeping Giant: re-arranged face.
- Helena's social supremacy: political sarcasm and the capital fight.
- Hell came with horses plains women in the equestrian era
- Hell Creek walleye tourney
- Hello to my Montana
- Helloo down there: rock climbing is high adventure!
- Helmville: a celebration of Irish
- Help clean up our beaches [International Coastal Cleanup]
- Help recycle a billion bags
- Help save a ghost town
- Help save a ghost town [Elkhorn, Montana]
- Help solve the case of the missing flowers
- Helping hams [Race to the Sky volunteers].
- Hennessay, A. The frontier in Latin American history. 1978.
- Henry B. Blackwell, woman suffrage's gray-bearded champion comes to Montana, 1889
- Henry B. Blackwell, woman suffrage's gray-bearded champion comes to Montana,1889
- Henry L. Stimson: this Glacier Park explorer was also a Secretary of War
- Henry Seiben: pioneer Montana stockman
- The Henry's Fork
- Her way: Long-time rancher Eleanor Vietor.
- Hercules unchained: remember that gorgeous Steve Reeves?
- Herding sheep in the Judith Basin at the turn of the century.
- The here and now happy hunting ground, Missouri Breaks.
- Here come the munchkins: 'round the world with the Missoula Children's Theatre
- Here's to the sportsman: celebrating 50 years of Pittman-Robertson
- Heritage museum [Libby]
- Heritage Museum,
- Heritage tourism: Montana's hottest travel trend
- Heritage tourism: selling or celebrating our soul?
- Hero or villain?
- Heski, T.
- Heuterman, T. Movable type: biography of Legh R. Freeman. 1979.
- Hi-Line artist reaches new markets
- The hidden face of March: those drab winter ranges mean healthy wildlife
- Hidden lives: Havre beneath the streets
- The high beyond [Excerpt]
- The high cost of farm land
- High country runner abbreviated.
- High noon in Lincoln: violence on the western frontier. 1987.
- High plains & prairie photo portfolio
- High plains heart: auctioneer and balladeer Stan Howe
- High tech industry in Montana.
- High, wide, and speckled
- The high-flying U.S. economy begins to drop: will the landing be hard or soft?
- Higher Ed 100: A University centennial salute [origins, clashes and philosophy of Montana's universities]
- Higher education in Montana, 1950-1993
- Higher education in Montana: public perceptions and preferences
- Highlands ram tops 'em all [found south of Butte]
- Highways to heaven: Going-to-the-Sun Pintler and Beartooth
- Hiking grizzly country
- Hiking the center of the universe, back- packing in Montana's wilderness areas.
- Hill, R. Hanta Yo. 1979.
- Hine, R. Community on the American frontier: separate but not alone. 1980.
- His First Day on the Plains. (oil)
- The historic Brooks hotel
- Historic Club Cigar in Great Falls [and] Intriguing Alley Connection in Kalispell.
- Historic dress of the old West.
- Historic farms & ranches: Kimm Family farm
- Historic farms & ranches: Spear O Ranch
- Historic farms & ranches: the Lazy EL Ranch
- Historic farms & ranches: the Quinn Farm
- Historic farms & ranches: the Rodenberg Honeyland Apiaries
- Historic farms & ranches: the Steinbeisser Farm and Ranch
- Historic farms & ranches: the Young Ranch
- Historic St. Ignatius
- Historical landscapes and the Western identity
- The historical roots of anti-corporate sentiment in Montana
- History by unreliable narrators: Sitting Bull's circus horse [William Zahn & Francis Zahn]
- History from the Highways: Wyoming. Pruett Publishing, 1993.
- A history of disturbance
- A history of expansion and contraction [gambling legislation]
- History of Montana [Reprint]
- History of Swan Valley
- History sewn up [Montana Historic Quilt Project includes oral histories].
- The history team, Kathryn Wright and Myrtle Cooper.
- History, family and legacy on Montana's High Line [MacHale family narrative]
- Hit the road: favorite daytrips for bicyclists
- Hitting the road with Montana's repertory theater.
- The Hmong find a home America's Laotian Allies fight for a new start
- Hobart Hall, sharing is the key [to living the good life.]
- Hobnail Tom [Edwards].
- Hobo heresy, three women on an unconventional tour of the American west in 1922.
- Hofling, C. Custer and the Little Big Horn: a psychobiographical inquiry. 1981.
- Hofsommer, D. ed. Railroads in the West. 1978.
- Hogback cabin: a Rock Creek homestead (cabin rental program)
- Hoig, S. The peace chiefs of the Cheyennes. 1980.
- Holding on
- Holding the line on noxious weeds
- Holidays: stories and photos from our readers
- Holland Lake Lodge: Holland Prairie site of 1908 Game Warden altercation
- Holliday, J. The world rushed in: the California gold rush experience. 1982.
- Hollywood, Pine Creek Methodists and bucket of bolts Schultz: will there ever be peace in the Paradise Valley?
- Holmes, K., ed. Covered wagon woman: diaries & letters from the western trails, 1840-1890. 1983.
- Holton named Fish Pro
- Holy gunsmoke: Dec 25,1888, in Vic Arland's saloon
- Home at last: Tim Cahill, Scotty James: 42 years in newspapers
- Home firearms safety check
- Home for the Bighorns: Mount Silcox Wildlife Management Area represents critical winter and spring habitat for bighorn sheep
- Home gardens & produce: contributions from our readers
- Home made news [Bitterroot News].
- Home of the Half Breed (oil)
- Home of the River Crows [photo by Richard Throssel, ca. 1908]
- Home on the range is Moiese, Montana
- Home on the winter range: mule deer
- Home range
- A home where elk and cattle roam: Mount Haggin WMA serves as model for the compatibility of cattle grazing & wildlife
- A home where the buffalo roam: Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux acquire buffalo herd
- Homegrown success: Wheat Montana Farms & Bakery
- Homestead days..insiders recall.
- Homestead fun
- Homestead. Milkweed Editions, n.d.
- Homesteaders
- The homesteaders: flat broke on the Missouri Breaks
- Homesteading on Canadian prairies: the letters of Barbara Alice Slater, 1909- 1918
- Homesteading the high desert. 1987.
- Hometown practice: Arnie Hove.
- Homing in on the homestead [Little Rockies]
- Honey [Montana Made].
- Honker power.
- Honky-Tonk Town.
- Honor thy fly
- Hoobler, D. & Hoobler, T. Photographing the frontier. 1980.
- Hoofbeats and Society: Studies of Human- Horse Interactions.
- Hoofing it through winter
- Hooked on elderhostels
- Hooked on history
- Hooked on rodeo
- Horizons [photography by George Robbins]
- Hornblower at the helm of a locoed mare
- The horns of dilemma: Montana outfitting
- Horowitz, R. The great impeacher: a political biography of James M. Ashley. 1979.
- The Horse Soldier, 1776-1943. 2 vols. University of Oklahoma Press, 1978 (reprint 1992).
- Horse stories: contributions from our readers
- Horse'n around at the world championship pack horse race
- Horseback songslingers: Sanders County Horseback Christmas Carolers
- Horses in paradise [brought up from underground work in the Bi-Metallic mine in Granite]
- Hot Air: many-splendored balloon adventures.
- Hot as live embers,cold as hail: the restless soul of Butte's Mary MacLane. A Mary MacLane story [excerpt]
- Hot spots for alpine and Nordic skiers
- Hot spots: Montana's warmest places are not necessarily its hottest
- Hot Springs
- The hourglass crisis
- The house that Zac built: Zac Zakovi
- Housing a growing population in the 21st century: where will the raw materials come from?
- How animals survive winter
- How big is a bald eagle's nest?
- How Butte beat Carrie Nation's temperance crusade
- How cold they get: ways to help feed the birds in winter
- How did the bobcat get its name?
- How do animals communicate?
- How do you tell a black bear from a grizzly bear?
- How does a dolphin sleep?
- How does the Venus fly-trap catch the insects it eats?
- How far they fly: over 2 billion birds fly south to winter
- How grows the golden crown?
- How healthy are we? Health care indicators for Montana
- How high are Montana's taxes?
- How long is a lizard's tongue?
- How Louse Creek got its name
- How Montanans are faring in the battle with unemployment
- How Montanans see the economy: consumer confidence up but cautious overall
- How Montanans view their economy
- How much scent does a skunk have?
- How much wilderness can we afford to lose? RARE II: the last stand for wilderness
- How much wilderness is enough? RARE II: the last stand for wilderness
- How old is that bird?
- How regressive is a sales tax?
- How the cutthroats reached Montana.
- How the unions went underground in early-day Butte
- How to attract winged visitors
- How to avoid and how to survive an avalanche
- How to avoid the wet winter wood woes
- How to catch trout in trees
- How to climb mountains within your skills...and live to tell about it
- How to create a profit-building web site
- How to enjoy wine tasting
- How to find the wine you like
- How to get there driving: the Little Rockies,the prairie mountains
- How to get there hiking: Scapegoat, the distant mountain.
- How to make perfume from those lovely scents of nature
- How to photograph wildflowers
- How to plant a garden?
- How to survive in Montana's slow-growth economy.
- How to talk turkey and avoid eating crow
- How to use a map and compass
- How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm?
- How're the deer doin'? [Includes harvest numbers]
- How's the household on Montana?
- Howard, H. American frontier tales.
- Howard, H. American frontier tales. 1981.
- Howling Wolf and the History of Ledger Art. Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1994.
- Huckleberry Finn in Montana, one of Twain's last jokes?
- the Huckleberry hunt: crusade for the elegant Blue Berry
- Hudson, J. A forty-niner in Utah: letters and journal of John Hudson. Ed. by B. Madsen. 1981.
- Huffman, M. Sacajawea.
- Hugo, R. Death and the good life.
- Human experience of wildlands: a review of needs and policy
- Human populations and natural resource demands
- Human settlement in tropical reserves: a look at a recent phenomenon
- Hummingbird lovers: beware of perch- hypothermia
- Humor
- Huns are where you find them
- Hunt elk.
- Hunt, D. Legacy of the West. 1982.
- Hunter laws.
- Hunter lost! [Rattlesnake Wilderness Area, November, 1984].
- Hunter's allergies: does wild game make you wheeze?
- The hunter's guide to Montana. 1985.
- The Hunter's role in conservation
- A hunter's `coat' of ethics.
- Hunters help feed the needy [Montana Chapter of Sportsmen Against Hunger]
- Hunters say thanks in many ways
- Hunters, fishermen - share your sport
- Hunting and Fishing from A to Zern.
- Hunting in Montana: Resolving the conflicts
- Hunting on horseback: romance versus reality
- Hunting season
- Hunting the high country
- Hunting the quiet way
- Hunting with Diana's kid sister
- Hunting with my dad
- Hunting, an opinion
- Hunting: smart money.
- A husband, a hunter, and vice-versa
- Hutchinson, W. The world, the work & the West of W. H. D. Koerner. 1978.
- Hutton, H. Vigilante days: frontier justice along the Niograra. 1978.
- Hydraulicking in the American West: the development and diffusion of a mining technique.
- Hydropower in Norway and the Pacific Northwest: preservation or development?
- Hydropower: the rush is on to dam Montana
- Hydropower: the rush is on to dam Montana. Proposed hydropower projects in Southwestern Mt (District 3)
- Hypothermia: the number one outdoor killer
I [^]
- I am lonely here all alone...[Hugh Samuel Lewis] (2 items)
- I heard the owl call my name [eulogy for Roger Fliger]
- I never give up in dispair: the letters of S. L. McIlhenny, 1878-1885
- 'I really had something like the blues': Letters from Jessie Benton Fremont to Elizabeth Blair Lee, 1847-1883
- I remeber Murphy
- I wanta go baa-aa-ck: Ernie Goss and his Montana sheep wagon [souvenir products].
- `I was a stranger and ye took me in' [wildcat mining investments]
- I'll take the prairie.
- I'm Scarder of Him than I am of the Injuns [gouache on paper, n.d.].
- I.G. Baker & Co. in Calgary, 1875-1884
- Ian Davidson
- Ice age and glaciers
- Ice entrepreneur: a profile of Mike Avon
- Ice harvesting on Lakeside ranch
- Ice skating
- An icy blast: wood, sails and steel to the wind: iceboating on Canyon Ferry
- Identification of Montana's amphibians and reptiles
- Identification of Montana's birds of prey.
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: bobcat
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: coyote
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: fisher
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: least weasel
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: long-tail weasel
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: lynx
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: marten
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: mink
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: muskrat
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: North American badger
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: North American beaver
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: North American river otter
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: raccoon
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: red fox
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: short-tail weasel
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: striped skunk
- Identification of Montana's furbearing mammals: wolverine
- Identification of Montana's most common game and sport fishes
- Identification of Montana's owls
- Identification of Montana's upland game birds: Montana's cosmopolitan game bird [Hungarian partridge]
- If a new ice age cometh: greener pastures and great skiing.
- If golf is your game play the Flathead.
- If you ain't got a hat, you ain't ***
- If you aren't sure of your target - don't shoot
- If you knew country folks know winter
- If you live in Mountain Lion country... [includes map of distribution in Montana]
- If you see a fish kill.
- Ignoble chariots, my Chevy years
- Iguana go to the races: Bear Creek Saloon near Red Lodge, MT offers pig racing
- Illegal aliens [effects of illegal fish transplants].
- Images of the wageworkers' frontier.
- Imagine the elegance: Butte's Clark Mansion for dreaming, marveling and dining
- Imagining a global community
- Immence Mountains to the West: Lewis and Clark breach the Bitterroots
- The impact of below-cost timber sales on community stability
- The importance of fire in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
- The impossible lie
- Improving elk forage: range research along the Sun River.
- In and out of the Tule Lake Segregation Center: Japanese internment in the West, 1942-1945.
- In Browning.
- In commemoration: Merrill G. Burlingame, 1901-1994
- In good company with archaeologists
- In good company with grizzlies
- In good company with horses
- In good company with mountaineers
- In good company with preserving the land
- In good company with teachers
- In good company with traditional music
- In memory of Tony Kovack
- In praise of little streams
- In quest of the golden west: Montana antiques and collectibles
- In retrospect: a history of Mineral County.
- In search of a better balance (between power and fisheries)
- In search of Custer Battlefield
- In search of early elephants: moments in Montana prehistory
- In search of native killifish
- In search of small-town Montana Reedpoint, Broadview, Rapelje.
- In search of the migratory lawn fauna, being a consideration of the evening walk as a vibrant & changing Montana institution
- In search of the perfect haircut, a country boy's sojourn
- In September, it's sharptails
- In the brand tradition
- In the crosshairs of controversy: Montana's hunting heritage and the animal rights movement.
- In the Far Country
- In the footsteps of the mountain men
- In the forefront: golfing in Montana
- In the People's Interest: a Centennial History of Montana State University. Montana State University Foundation, 1992.
- In the shadow of Ben Mor: Montana's highland heart
- In the village of the elephants. by Jeremy Schmidt, photographs by Ted Wood. Walker and Co., 1994.
- In Yellowstone Park, 1886-1889 George Tutherly's reminiscences
- Incident at Big Sky
- Increased federal funds for fisheries?
- Increasing Montana's non-resident hunting fees to benefit general fund
- Incredible hikes in invisible hills
- An incredible journey [called the water cycle]
- Incredible journeys
- Independence!
- Independent farmers and other Hollywood fiction
- Index of Quarterly 1979-1983
- Indian businesswoman succeeds despite roadblocks: Lillian Wipplinger's Rainbow Construction installs culvert pipes & fencing along highways
- The Indian nations of Montana: an overview
- The Indian rights association: the Herbert Welsh years, 1882-1904.
- Indian self-rule: first-hand accounts of Indian-White relations from Roosevelt to Reagan. 1986.
- Indian Water in the New West. Univ. of Arizona, 1993.
- Indian with Deer [oil by Victor Higgins, ca. 1925] Painting on front cover, description on back cover.
- The Indians of Puget Sound: the Notebooks of Myron Eells.
- Indians of Yellowstone Park
- Indians on Green River [oil, undated]
- Indians, superintendents, and councils: Northwestern Indian policy, 1850-1855.
- Indictments result from sting operations
- Industrial eye.
- The industrious pika
- Industry and hydroelectric water rights
- An infantry company in the Sioux campaign, 1876
- The information economy
- The information superhighway: does Montana have an access lane?
- Inherent risks, cracking the birth defect code: Helena's renowned genetics staff.
- The inheritance.
- The initiative & referendum in Montana: a brief history
- Initiatives for economic progress.
- The Inland Empire: unfolding years, 1879-1929.
- The inquisitive pronghorn: rebounding from a history of abuse
- Inset gives addresses for ordering topographical maps
- Inside dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, by Steve Parker, illus. by Ted Dewan. Dell Pub. Group, 1994.
- Intensive gardening bigger returns, fewer backaches
- Interstate 90: gas & coffee all-night places.
- Interstate 90: night shift patrolman Joe Dalbec
- Interstate 90: Off-ramp, viewing sites near I-90
- Interstate 90: ribbon of highway.
- Interstate backpacking:from Glacier Park to the Pacific
- The interstate story after 20 years of controversy, a Butte-to-Boulder hookup.
- Interview with Governor Marc Racicot [gambling concerns in Montana]
- Interview with Sandy Stash of ARCO
- An interview with the Governor [Marc Racicot].
- Into the future
- The intriguing Sophie Morigeau, convent- educated packer and entrepreneur of the Tobacco Valley.
- Introducing Yokoi [literary journal].
- Invasion of the waxwings
- Invasive weeds in the northern Rocky Mountains.
- Inventor Bill Woodcock: Hasselblad comes to him [designs & builds special camera mounts].
- Inventor Gus Mavrakis, fish and boots
- Inventor makes snow tires for feet
- Ira
- Irene: Irene Wilson: hunter, angler and great-grandmother
- Irish-American nationalism in Butte, 1900-1916.
- Irrigation
- Is its number up? [program to increase the whooping crane population]
- Is natural gas to be found under the mountains of the front?
- Is that the phone honking?
- Is there nothing like a dame? Christmas and a touch of South Pacific
- Isaac Gravalle: turn of the century outlaw
- Isaak Walton Inn.
- Isern, T. Custom combining on the Great Plains. 1981.
- Issues in Montana tax reform
- Issues in tourism
- It seems to me...(guest editorial)
- It seems to me...chemical contamination of wild meat
- It seems to me...[protection of the Bob from mineral development]
- The IT sweepstakes: Montana and other western states
- It's all in how you slice it: gem cutter Ron Vander Veen
- It's cider sippin season
- It's courtship time for grouse
- It's my party, let it snow if it wants to [includes recipes for stew and baked apples - fireplace cooking!]
- It's not goodbye [Cowboy Hall withdraws sponsorship of National Finals Rodeo]
- It's springtime in wine country
- It's the final round for Yellowstone grizzlies
- It's the water (Snowy Mountains' Big Spring Water of Lewistown)
J [^]
- J. E. Stimson: Photographer of the West
- J. H. Sharp among the Crow Indians, 1902-1910: personal memories of his life and friendships on the Crow Reservation in Montana.
- J.D.: J.D. Holmes reviews 30 years of legislators, governors, judges, and budgets
- The jackal: coyote's cousin.
- Jacks & jennets: Mule Days in Drummond
- Jackson Hot Springs Lodge: new life for a grand old resort: Peterson family restores resort
- Jackson Sundown, Nez Perce horseman
- Jackson, C. & Galli, M. A history of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and its activities among Indians. 1977.
- Jackson, D. Thomas Jefferson and the Stony Mountains. 1981.
- Jackson, D. ed. Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition with related documents, 1783-1854. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1979.
- Jackson, R. ed. The Mormon role inthe settlement of the West. 1978.
- James Pattie's West: The Dream and the Reality.
- James Welch on FOOLS CROW. From the great-grandson of a Baker Massacre survivor comes a new book, a new perspective.
- James Willard Schultz
- James Willard Schultz: in the crease of time
- The January bird.
- January's children, bless the beasts of winter.
- the jawbone ( poem reprinted from the Rocky Mountain husbandman, 1904)
- Jazz: hot in Montana.
- Jeannette Rankin and American foreign policy: her life work as a pacifist
- Jeannette Rankin and American foreign policy: the origins of her pacifism
- Jeannette Rankin and the Women's Peace Union.
- Jeannette Rankin: I wish to stand by my country,but I cannot vote for war
- Jefferson Canyon
- Jellybeans & bearskin rugs: teaching a child the way of the hunt
- Jenkins wins bird stamp art contest
- Jensen begins Commission term
- Jeremy Bentham, the Pieta and a precious few grayling
- Jesse Bierman: 50 years of medicine--and ahead of her time
- Jessica Royer: youngest dogsled racer to win Montana's 500-mile Race to the Sky
- Jessie Benton Fremont. 1987.
- Jessie Bierman: 50 years of medicine -- and ahead of her time
- Jessie Donaldson Schultz and Blackfeet crafts
- Jewel Basin: teardrops from God
- Jim Flynn: a good job.
- Jim Goetz
- Jim Halverson.
- Jim Posewitz: extraordinary wildlife advocate
- Jobs and wages in Montana's service industry
- Jobs for the class of '78
- Jobs or nursing homes? Different demographics lead to different discussions
- Joe Klabunde honored [western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies' Special Awards]
- John Clymer, who would have thought.
- John Colter: free trapper
- John Deere's Company: a History of Deere and Company and its Times. 1984.
- John H. Fouch: first Post photographer at Fort Keogh
- John Opitz.
- John Reddy (Photographer)
- John Reddy.
- John Ringo, the story of a Western myth
- John Stevens' lost and found Marias Pass
- Johnny Few Clothes [Superior area local character].
- Johnson, D. The bloody Bozeman. 1983. Reprint 1971 ed.
- Johnson, D. When you and I were young, Whitefish. 1982.
- Johnston, T. Fauna of the Rockies.
- Join Team Wildlife
- Joint effort [Victorian dollhouse on display in Columbia Falls].
- Jones, K. Reaching port - a Montana couple sails around the world
- Jordan triceratops
- Jordan, T. Cowgirls, women of the American West, an oral history. 1982.
- Jordan, T. Trails to Texas: Southern roots of Western cattle ranching. 1981.
- Jordan.
- Jordan. 1984.
- Joseph and Miriam Sample
- Joseph Kinsey Howard: his vision of the West
- The journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, August 25, 1804-April 6, 1805. Vol. 3. 1987.
- The journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, August 30, 1803-August 24, 1804. Vol. 2.
- Journey to Wyoming: an exerpt from Ethel Waxham's journals and letters
- Journeys to the land of gold: emigrants on the Bozeman Trail, 1863-1866
- The joy of backpacking.
- The joy of baskets [Montana Made].
- The joy of eating
- Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas!
- Judge Crum free at last.
- Judith River Wildlife Management Area
- The Judiths and Moccasins: Blister mountains
- Juggernaut: The Whitman Massacre Trail, 1850. Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society, 1993.
- Julia Chief (oil)
- Julius Seyler: Impressionist in Blackfeet country
- July 4th, 5th and 6th. [Oil, by F. Martin, 1940.]
- Jumping water.
- Junction of the Yellowstone and the Missouri [watercolor by Karl Bodmer, 1834]
- Juryrigging: makeshift repairs things put to use in ways other than was originally intended: contributions from our readers
- Just do it!
- Just drifting
- Just for the record [Montana's record- setting fish, 1992]
- Just get on and ride: Helmville's Labor Day Rodeo
- Just good grits: country cafes [Hobson & Winnett]
- Just moseying: off-freeway discoveries
- Just passing through [snow goose and Ross' goose]
- Just say no to gold
K [^]
- K. Ross Toole (1920-1981)
- K.Ross Toole: a memorial.
- Kahn, J. Imperial San Francisco: politics and planning in an American city, 1897-1906.
- The Kalispel Indians.
- The Kalispell Indians
- Kalispell's Conrad Mansion
- Kalispell, artistic ambiance at Glacier's gate.
- Kansas City, Here I come [radio-collared elk shows up in Kansas City!]
- Karl Bodmer's America
- Karl Bodmer's America. 1984.
- Kathy Johnson with son, Derek Barbara Russell
- Katzen, M. Moosewood cookbook. 1977.
- Kay Ellerhoff named editor of Falcon magazine
- The Kearney Rapids bridge
- Keating, B. The flamboyant Mr. Colt and his deadly six-shooter. 1978.
- Keep a fishermans log [logs have been a tool in dsetermining managment programs effectiveness]
- Keep the sweep's luck with a clean chimney
- Keep your eye on the new keep, size and lure regulations
- Keeping a warm head
- Keeping Montana consumers happy
- Keeping the faith
- Keeping the lights on: Montanans struggle with electricity costs
- Keeping the woolies in line: herder Jerry Jacobs
- Keeping your camera alive in the cold
- Kehoe's Agate Shop
- Kehoe, A. North American Indians: a comprehensive account. 1981.
- Keller, R. American Protestanism and United States Indian policy, 1869-82. 1983.
- Kelsey, J. Climbing and hiking in the Wind River Range.
- Kemsley, W. Backpacking equipment, a consumer's guide.
- Kemsley, W., ed. The whole hiker's handbook.
- Kendall, central Montana ghost town
- Kennerly gives up mayor post.
- Kenya's forests: going up in smoke?
- A key to the past: Pictograph Cave State Park
- KGVO-TV, coming to you cold
- Kick, glide, and stride: Montana's quiet winter business
- Kid Curry: Montana outlaw
- Kid vids [bighorns & mammals]
- Kid's hunting day: sharing the sunshine
- Kid-Kart: strolling to success: Hanson's Belgrade strollers find market niche
- Kids and hiking: the sooner the better.
- Kids count in Montana: new data about Montana's kids and families help measure state's economic and social performance
- Kids' Day on the Big Hole
- Kilian, C. Go do some great thing: the Black pioneers of British Columbia. 1978.
- Killing Custer: an excerpt: J. Welch at Little Bighorn Battlefield to prepare for scripting the film documentary Last Stand at Little Bighorn
- Killing Custer: The Battle of the Little Bighorn and the Fate of the Plains Indians. Norton, 1994.
- The Kim Williams cookbook and commentary
- Kindred Spirits Greetings [Philipsburg, MT]
- King of birds.
- King of the mountain [wild sheep]
- King of the road, your own coach.
- The king returns with help from biologists, the westslope cutthroat is regaining some of its former range.
- Kingdom in the country.
- Kings (and queens) of the mountain
- Kinsman of another kind: Dakota-White relations in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1650-1862
- Kipling, R. American notes: Rudyard Kipling's West. 198l.
- Kit Carson, a Pattern for Heroes. 1984.
- Klabunde memorial scholarship fund
- Klister time in the Montana Rockies
- Klondikes and Rangy-Tangys: how to talk like a native northwest Montanan
- Knight, O. Life & manners in the frontier army. 1978.
- Know the film facts and the right light.
- Know this! [about avalanches].
- Know what's beyond your target [range of specific cartridges]
- Know when to get medical help
- Knowing salmo trutta [brown trout]
- Knowing the land, leaving the land: Navajos, Hopis, and relocation in the American west.
- Knuckle curve: Todd Moriarty.
- kodak slide films for summer
- Kokanee al a (sic) Flathead
- Kokanee in Lake Koocanusa: silver from the north.
- Konizesk, D. The Montanan's fishing guide. 2 vol.
- Kootenai country
- Kootenai Lodge: call of the luxurious wild. A legacy of the copper days is for sale.
- Kootenai Lodge: wilderness Waldorf for copper magnates
- The Kootenai Trail
- The Kootenai: pave it or save it?
- Kraenzel, C. The social cost of space in Yonland. 1980.
- Krakel, D. Season of the elk.
- The Krug legacy.
- KUYS: Cayuse T.V. Miles City,Montana.
- Kvasnicka, R. & Viola, H. eds. The Commissioners of Indian Affairs, 1824-1977. 1979.
L [^]
- Laccoliths & Catholics: Unique St. Peter's Mission erodes in unique rock formation between the Sun & Missouri rivers
- Ladner, M. O.C. Seltzer, painter of the old West. 1979,
- Lady's Choice: Ethel Waxham's Journals and Letters, 1905-1910. University of New Mexico Press, 1993.
- A lady's trip to Yellowstone, 1883
- LaFountaine, G. Challenge of the trout.
- Lake Elmo: the people's park
- Lake Koocanusca kokanee
- Lake population census: sounding out secrets [nets provide method to gather information on fish populations]
- Lamar, H. ed. The reader's encyclopedia of the American West. 1977.
- Lamb, R. Text by D. Burk. Montana. 1980.
- Land and sea turtle
- Land of plenty...for a while. The homesteaders: a photo special. [Photos with captions]
- Landi, V. The Bantam great outdoors guide to the U.S.A. and Canada the complete travel encyclopedia and wilderness guide.
- Landowners and sportsmen: toward a partnership.
- Lands legacy: conservation easements: a true partnership
- Lands legacy: dust to ducks
- Lands legacy: Fort Owen: spirit of the frontier
- Lands legacy: growing pains in the Bitterroot: Calf Creek and Threemile Wildlife Management Areas
- Lands legacy: Harris conservation easement: mule deer mecca
- Lands legacy: linking prehistory to posterity: Sieben/O'Connell Ranch easements
- Lands legacy: new life for old ways in the booming Bitterroot
- Lands legacy: sacred ground: Uln Pishkun State Park
- Lands legacy: stepping back in time: Gravelly-Blacktail Wildlife Management Area
- Lands legacy: the elk pasture
- Lands legacy: the final destination: Bear Creek Wildlife Management Area
- Landscape of change: Makoshika State Park
- A landscape of grief
- A landscape of statehood: the Montana state capitol.
- Landscape, memory, and the western past. [Fort Rock, Oregon]
- Landscapes of opportunity: phases of railroad promotion of the Pacific Northwest
- Landscaping in Montana...Naturally
- Lang, W. & Myers, R. Montana: our land and people. 1979.
- Lang, W. and R. Myers. Montana: our land and people.
- Langellier, J. Parade ground soldiers. 1978.
- Lasers in the library.
- The Last Best Place [selection from the book ed. by W. Kittredge & A. Smith & illus. by art prints of Russell, Kercher, Hines, Morgan, & Carter.]
- The last best place: are we losing it?
- Last bleat for Montana's sheep industry
- The last book: confessions of a gun editor. 1984.
- Last in the charts, but not least in our hearts
- The last North Dakota joke may be on us
- The Last Parable wins again.
- The Last Parable [30 min. Produced by the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks.]
- Last Refuge: the Environmental Showdown in Yellowstone and the American West. Morrow, 1993.
- The last round-up: Theodore Roosevelt confronts the Nonpartisan League, October 1918
- The last sale at the Pony Cash Store
- Last tango in Melrose
- Late-season hunting [to remove wild animals from haystacks, etc.]
- Latigo & Lace: Augusta's fine arts and gift store
- Laubin, R. & Laubin, G. American Indian archery. 1980.
- Launching skyward: cruise and climb in Glacier
- Laura Ingalls Wilder, prairie days kept alive forever
- Law and Chinese in frontier Montana
- Law, order and reform in the Gallatin, 1893-1918
- Lawson, M. Dammed Indians: the Pick-Sloan Plan and the Missouri River Sioux, 1944-1980. 1982.
- Lawyer: what it's like to be one in Montana
- Layer up: playing and staying warm
- Layers of sediment shuffled like cards. the Rocky mountain front
- Lazuli buntings: singing the blues
- Leaf it alone [Queen Anne's lace, bleeding heart, nightshade, poison ivy and more]
- Learn and serve... serve and learn
- Learning about the outdoors IN the outdoors [Glacier Institute].
- Learning as they go
- Learning wildlife in public schools
- The leather throne
- Leave it to beavers: stream rehab specialists
- Leave young wildlife in the wild
- Leave your watch at home
- Lecompte, J. Pueblo, Hardscrabble, Greenhorn: the upper Arkansas, 1832-1856. 1978.
- Lee Metcalf
- Lee Metcalf (1911-1978).
- The Lee Metcalf wilderness
- The legacy of conquest. 1987.
- A legend nearly lost
- The legend of Hugh Glass and the grizzly
- The legendary era of Forest Service packers
- The legendary longhorn: new interest in an old breed
- The legendary medicine bundle of Red Whip, Gros Ventre warrior
- Legislator Dorothy Bradley.
- Len and Sandy Sargent: Cinnabar Basin ranchers active conservationists
- Lenders, CPA's and business loans
- Leonard Stutsman: the lone man and Loneman Lookout.
- A Leopoldian alliance: Isaac Homestead Wildlife Management Area
- Let them speak for themselves.
- A letter from 'ome [includes recipe for pasties]
- A letter from Jean [why man hunts]
- Letter: Longhair M. Schroeder Author replies
- Letters
- The Letters of Jessie Benton Fremont. Univ. of Illinois Press, 1993.
- Letters to the editor [responses to W. Farr's essay, Troubled Bundles, Troubled Blackfeet, which appeared in the Autumn 1993 issue of MT Mag W Hist
- Letting wild fire loose: the fires of '88.
- Levengood's Motel, big band & hot tubs.
- Lewis & Clark Caverns
- Lewis and Clark among the Indians.
- Lewis and Clark caverns: a showcase of Nature's forces
- The Lewis and Clark Caverns: Politics and the establishment of Montana's first state park
- Lewis and Clark Meeting Indians at Ross' Hole [mural, oil on canvas, 1912]
- Lewis and Clark pageant
- Lewistown's Empire Cafe [and] The Double Front, a Missoula institution that does chicken right.
- Lewistown, Montana's centerpiece
- Lewistown: a community profile
- Lewistown: capitol of central Montana
- Libby Dam
- Libby online: linking with the world
- Libby to Troy road
- Libby: living in splendid isolation
- License fees increase
- License No. and County.
- License to float: the Salmon River permit system.
- Lichens: tiny bioindicators of air pollution.
- Licit amusements of enlisted men in the post-Civil War army
- Lies my guide told me.
- Life among the nuthatches
- The Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1994.
- The life and times of James Willard Schultz (Apikuni).
- The life and times of James Willard Schultz
- The life and times of the silver flash [goldeye]
- The life and western art of E.E. Heikka
- Life in the tropics: migratory birds who winter in the tropics
- Life is the pits
- The life of an idea: the significance of Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier Thesis.
- The life of Grizzly 500
- Life on the edge [human disturbance in the Rocky Mountain Front area may impact mountain goat populations].
- Life on the edge.
- Life on the edge: Montana/North Dakota border towns
- Life on the North Fork of the Flathead
- Life on the reservations 1890: documenting despair
- Lightning: the big strike
- Like them lichens [part fungi, part algae]
- Limbaugh, R. Rocky Mountain carpetbaggers: Idaho's Territorial Governors, 1863-1890. 1982.
- Limiting use in wilderness areas: internal and external controls.
- A limitless sky: the work of Charles M. Russell in the Collection of the Rockwell Museum, Corning, New York. 1986.
- Lincoln's Doc Smith
- Lincoln, wilderness getaway
- Lingeman, R. Small town America: a narrative history, 1620-present. 1981.
- Lingenfelter, R. Steamboats on the Colorado River, 1852-1916. 1978.
- Lingering scars. [Traffic stops for officers Kunkel & Murphy result in death & injury.]
- Listen for the sound of rain
- Listening to the native voice: American Indian schooling in the twentieth century.
- Literary acts: Montana as writers' mecca.
- The Little Bighorn Campaign, March- September 1876. Combined Books, 1993.
- Little critters [birth growth and parental care of antelope, deer and other wild animals]
- Little Crow: spokesman for the Sioux.
- A little diversion: dog shows.
- A little diversion: horse races.
- A little diversion: horse shows.
- A little diversion: performing arts.
- Little Orphan otter
- Little sister: a long winter's journey.
- Little sister: a long winter's journey. [Memory of death in isolated Sheep Creek Basin in 1917].
- Live from Shelby:hectic homey small town radio.
- Liver eating Johnston - Montana's macabre mountain man
- The livery stable in the American West
- Lives & shadows: an Eddies's Club Collection
- Livestock grazing on federal lands: a boon to Montana's economy
- Living by the Lake: Flathead's all-year residents.
- Living history [Mt Haggin area]
- Living history. Management plans.
- Living in the North Fork: no frills.
- Living on the edge [reversible poster folded in center of magazine]
- Living on the land: Farming and ranching today
- Living on the line: our Canadian connection
- Living the past: Montana history re- created [rendezous, pow wows, and re- staged military battles]
- Living the rivers: Norman Maclean, Thomas McGuane and the recovery of grace
- Living water: physical,chemical and biological conditions provide an ecosystem for plants and animals
- Living with bald eagles.
- Living with grizzlies
- Living with hunter orange
- The Livingston Depot Center
- Livingston my way
- Livingston's 1908 champs [baseball]
- Livingston: railroad town on the Yellowstone
- Llamas: at home on the range: Montana ranks fourth in numbers of llama in U.S.
- A lobotomy isn't required to take kids fishing, but it helps. Fishing supplement [32 p.] follows page 114.
- Local area profiles of Montana's forest products industry
- A local framework for ecotourism development.
- The local outlook for 1986: Billings, Great Falls, Helena, and Missoula.
- The local outlook: Billings, Great Falls, Helena, and Missoula
- The Local outlook: introducing the new forecasts for the Missoula, Billings, Great Falls, and Helena areas
- Lofaro, M. The life and adventures of Daniel Boone. 1979.
- Log that!: Tips on how to make a log on things you see & do outside
- Logger sports champs
- The logger
- Lone Mountain Guest Ranch: Big Sky's nordic neighbor.
- Lone Pine State Park: scenery and solitude close to town.
- Lonesome Dove, Thompson Falls logging and gourmet [restaurant]
- Lonesome dove.
- Lonetree stage stop in the shadow of Square Butte
- The long history of fire in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem
- Long Jakes, the Rocky Mountain Man [oil on canvas, 1844]
- Long range weather forecasting and other games of chance
- Long Vistas: Women and Families on Colorado Homesteads. Univ. Press of Colorado, 1993.
- A long winter's nap: what do grizzly bears and earthworms have in common?
- Long, E. The Saints and the Union: Utah Territory during the Civil War. 1981.
- Long-time enforcement Chief Kent retires [from FWP's Enforcement Div.]
- Long-time Lady Norrine, still singin' it country-style.
- A longer, grimmer, but more interesting story.
- A look at gold [definition of and uses for gold]
- A look at leadership
- A look at Montana's Terrible Lizards
- A look back at Yellowstone.
- The look of the elephant: on seeing western history.
- Look sharp! Photo portfolio of Montana wildlife
- Look to the future.
- Looking ahead to summer rambles: six easy hikes on the Continental Divide.
- Looking ahead [Maintaining big game populations with increased recreational demands]
- Looking at Russell. 1987.
- Looking back on the Sun Road. [Building the Going-to-the-Sun Highway through Glacier National Park.]
- Looking down from Bellyache Butte
- Lookout! It's a wildfire: lookout tower surrounded by fires
- Looks like..sounds like
- Loon lady, - Lynn Kelly - she saves wild treasures [includes facts about loons]
- Loon music
- Loon Society formed.
- The looseness of Zion: the lighter side of Mormon history.
- Lords of the Plain
- Loren Kreck: inspiration on ice
- Lorena Hickok to Harry Hopkins, 1933: a woman reporter views prairie hard times
- Los Comanches: the Horse People, 1751- 1845. Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1993.
- Lost and found traditions: Native American art, 1965-1985. 1986.
- Lost and found: stories and photos from our readers
- Lost in the wilderness: Truman Everts agony
- Lou Devon's narrative: a tale of the Mandans' lost years
- Love in every stitch: quilting in Montana
- Love nature...and be a gentleman. [Ernest Dutch Braunlich]
- Love that country western.
- Love that lutefisk
- Love those anglers!
- Low-down on Lyme disease.
- The lowdown on Showdown
- Lowe, D. and Sumner, D. Alpine country of the West.
- Lower Geyser Basin [watercolor, 1873].
- The Lucky Diamond, Montana Ritz.
- Luebke, F. ed. Ethnicity on the Great Plains. 1980.
- The lure of the Kootenai
- Lures & allures: a century of fishing Yellowstone National Park
- Lustre, a Mennonite community
- Luvera, P. How to carve totem poles.
- Lying on the Eastern Slope: James Townsend's Comic Journalism on the Mining Frontier. 1984.
- Lyme disease in Montana.
- Lynch, N. Butte centennial recollections.
- Lynch, N. Montana's legislature through the years.
- Lynn Kelly: a marathon of dedication: protecting loon nests with signs
- Lynx spider
M [^]
- M is for Montana
- M is for Montana. 1988.
- Mabbutt, B. & Mabbutt A. North American wild game cookbook. 1982.
- Mac's Bar and Grill [Wolf Creek]
- Machado, M. ed. The past remembered: an oral history of the Potomac Valley. 1980.
- Madam Mayor: Kathleen Ramey
- Madge Stevenson [daughter of Gildford homesteader Clint Sailor, and Havre resident]
- The Madison and the Yellowstone: tackle fondling in paradise
- The Madison limestone, our local rock of ages.
- Madison midsummer.
- Madison Range hike
- The Madison River's Grizzly Bar & Grill.
- The Madison River.
- Madison trout in the Marias
- Madsen, B. The Lemhi: Sacajawea's people. 1979.
- Madsen, B. The Northern Shoshoni. 1980.
- Madsen, B. & Madsen, B. North to Montana! Bull wackers, and mule skinners on the Montana Trail. 1980.
- The magic cows [rest rotation management]
- Magic Lands: Western Cityscapes and American Culture after 1940. University of California Press, 1992.
- The magic pack, a wolf come-back in the North Fork (of the Flathead River).
- Magnificence and Misery: A Firsthand Account of the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush. 1984.
- Magnificent distances: Montana's historic good roads
- A Magpie named Bert
- Magpie rising.
- Mails, T. Fools Crow. 1979.
- Main Street, Montana.
- Main streets of the Yellowstone valley
- A Maine man in the West: letters of Stephen C. Barron, 1867-1874
- Maintaining memories: Dooley Cemetery Association grooms & decorates graves in ghost town
- Maintaining the tradition
- The majestic bighorn falls to pinkeye
- Major art show in Helena.
- Major medical: regional hospitals, challenged by distance, terrain and sparse population, join forces
- Major Montana road races.
- Make a buck saving sawbuck.
- Make a ski rack
- Make it a down-home weekend [Teton Antique Steam & Gas Threshing Assoc. 5th annual Threshing Bee]
- Make your hedges good enough to eat
- Make your own jerky
- The make-up of ice.
- Makin' tracks
- Makin' tracks: Blacktail Plateau
- Makin' tracks: Cliff Lake
- Makin' tracks: Judith Peak
- Makin' tracks: Lamoose Lake
- Makin' tracks: Line Creek Plateau
- Makin' tracks: Mount Helena Ridgeline Trail
- Makin' tracks: Petroglyph Canyon
- Makin' tracks: Prospect Peak
- Makin' tracks: Round Meadows Ski Area
- Makin' tracks: South Fork Brackett Creek
- Makin' tracks: Willow Creek Gorge Trail
- Making a difference
- Making a difference [kids help-out at a wildlife rescue center]
- Making a difference [kids in Bozeman, MT help restore trails]
- Making a difference [kids in Everett, Washington, develop park]
- Making a difference [Salt Lake City 5th graders recycle brown paper bags].
- Making a difference! Missouri children in the 1940's helped the environment as Nature Knights
- Making a difference: Children for Wildlife Club near Glacier National Park
- Making a difference: from Belize to Bismarck North Dakota kids are making a big difference
- Making a difference: Hooked on Fishing
- Making an elk purse out of a cow's ear
- Making his mark
- The making of a town: Wright, Wyoming.
- The making of Flathead Lake: a freak preserved by accident
- The making of Fort Peck Reservoir: power and flood control, yes, but in 1933, building the first great lake of the Missouri meant jobs
- The making of the Beartooth plateau
- Making regional marketplaces international [NAFTA]
- Making strategic choices: the role of economics in national forest planning.
- Making the world unsafe for democracy: vigilantes, Grangers, and the Walla Walla Outrage of June 1918
- Making tracks: by train through Glacier Park
- Making young fishing fanatics
- Makoshika State Park: photo portfolio
- The Makoshika triceratops
- Makoshika: the best of the badlands
- Malone, M. The battle for Butte: mining and politics on the Northern frontier, 1864-1906. 1981.
- Malone, M. and Roeder, R. Montana, a history of two centuries.
- Malta: cattle country
- Malta: cowtown.
- Malted in Montana.
- Mammals of the Northern Rockies.
- Mammals of the sea
- Man bites dog in Yellowstone: the fire books of 1989.
- The man God sent to tame the wild west
- The man who moved mountains.
- Management plans: Mount Haggin Wildlife and Recreation Area
- Managing fish on the Mighty Mo.
- Managing for moose and timber in the northern Rockies.
- Managing human waste in a river environment: an alternative approach
- Managing Montana's paddlefish: new approaches
- Managing rivers in a regional context: necessary concept or impractical idea?
- Managing the forests in the aftermath of the fires
- Managing the grizzly bear.
- Managing the wild back into wilderness.
- Managment plans: Mount Haggin Wildlife and Recreation Area
- Mandibles [Daphnia provides food for both kokanee and opossum shrimp in Flathead Lake.]
- Manipulating nature's paradise: national park management under Stephen T. Mather, 1916-1929
- Manufacturing in Montana: growth slows as decade ends
- Many Faces: An Anthology of Oregon Autobiography. Oregon State Univ. Press, 1993.
- Many Glacier: still stunning after all these years.
- Mapling in Montana: maple or box elder trees produce sap
- Mapping Montana's history [historical county maps.]
- Mapping the North American Plains: essays in the history of cartography. 1987.
- Mapping wildlife diversity for gap analysis.
- Marcoux wins fly fisher's award. Commission honor Bird. Vincent honors national TU award.
- Marcus Daly and Montana: one man's imprint on the land
- The Mari Sndoz I knew.
- Market shares and regional networks in Montana's hospital industry
- Marketing cows by the carton
- Marking and making history: The Upper Missouri Historical Expedition of 1925
- Marlboro Man Herf Ingersoll
- A marmot by any other name...
- Marmots, Pliny's alpine mice are alive and well in Montana
- Marshall's hotel in the National Park
- Martin, C. Keepers of the game: Indian-animal relationships and the fur trade. 1978.
- Marvelous figures, astonished travelers: The Montana Expedition of Maximilian, Prince of Wied
- Mary Fields, survivor in a rough land
- Mary Graves Welte
- Mary Ground: Grass Woman
- Mary Richardson Walker: the shattered dreams of a missionary woman
- Mass in many tongues: Rev. John Wang
- A massing of elk
- Master of camouflage: flammulated owl
- Master photographer: Mountain Goat Hileman
- Mastering your barometer
- The Matador Ranch: raising woolies the Basque way.
- A matter of priorities: hunt ducks or clean house?
- The mature market.
- Max's big race, (Governors's Cup Marathon)
- Mayfly magic
- Mayor [Missoula]
- McAdams, C. Yellowstone National Park guide and reference book.
- McBride, L. Western cooking.
- McCune, S. Flower talk.
- McDermott, J. Forlorn hope: the battle of White Bird Canyon and the beginning of the Nez Perce war. 1978.
- McDonald Creek's bald eagles: an international resource
- McDonald, L. Fur trade letters of Francis Ermatinger. 1880.
- McDowell, B. The American cowboy in life and legend.
- McGregor, A. Counting sheep: from open range to agribusiness on the Columbia Plateau. 1982.
- McGuane, Thomas. Nothing but blue sky. n.d.
- McLaughlin Research Institute
- McLucas wins MFW award
- McWenneger and Shaws Slough: the best of the West
- Meanderthals: lazy flatwater paddling in Montana
- The meanest horse I ever knew and other stories
- Medicine Lake Wilderness: pelicans, prairie and potholes.
- The Medicine Man
- Medicine Rocks State Park.
- Medicine Rocks State Park: a sand castle curiosity
- Medicine Rocks: In Yan Oka Lo Ka
- The Medicine Wolf returns: traditional Blackfeet concepts of Canis Lupus
- Medicine women: Montana's pioneer doctors
- Meet A. B. Guthrie, Jr.
- Meet anyone face to face and keep the bullet in front.
- Meet me in Montana: Winter activities sure to break your (cabin) fever
- Meet the bighorn
- Meet the Commissioners and the Director
- Meet the new president [UM]
- Meet the rubber boa.
- The Meeteetse Trail
- Meeting the challenge
- Meeting the invasion: integrated weed management.
- Mehmke Steam Museum
- The mellowing of Montana Power short- circuiting the bad-guy image
- Membership in the club: a new look at business power circles
- Memorial Day in Philipsburg.
- Memorial funds honor conservationist Phil Tawney
- Memorial scholarship honors Dr. Brown
- Memorial stone for Rupe Sayer on the Missouri River near Craig
- Memories of Sidney and lower Yellowstone
- Men and mountains [oil on canvas, 1931]
- The men in the mines
- Men of the Open Range [oil, by C.M. Russell, 1923]
- Menus for the field
- Merk, F. History of the Westward movement. 1978.
- Merriam's on the move.
- Merriam's turkeys
- Merriam, H. The arts in Montana.
- Merriam, H., ed. The arts in Montana.
- Merriam,H.G. The long friendship between Frank Bird Linderman and Charles Marion Russell.
- A message from the publisher...
- A message to all concerned for wildlife [hunters and non-hunters]
- Messenger of the new age: station KGIR in Butte
- The Met meets Montana: opera company debuts in Bozeman
- The meteor theory of extinction of dinosaurs
- The Metropolitan Frontier: cities in the Modern American West. Univ. of Arizona Press, 1993.
- Mexican food to bank on: La Toucan Cantina at home in the old Metals and Trust Bank building
- Microbes & monitors
- Microscopic mysteries: Yellowstone's geothermal pools
- Midas of the West: the incredible career of William Rogers Clark
- Middle Fork Judith: backpacking Montana's heartland.
- Mighty mouse - prolific, adaptable, in- corrigible
- Mighty mussels
- Migration into western wilderness counties: causes and consequences
- Migration miracles
- Migratory landbirds in western Mexico: a vanishing habitat.
- Mike.
- Mildenberger family preserves legacy
- Miles City Range Riders Museum.
- The Miles City Star
- The Miles City sturgeon incident
- Miles City: cowboy country
- Miles City: Yellowstone River oasis.
- Milestone on the Bitterroot.
- Milestown Brewing Co.: history on tap
- Militant dreamweaver: Bearhead Swaney
- Milk River wagon train
- The Milk River Wildlife Management Areas
- Mill and Mine: The CF&I in the Twentieth Century. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1992.
- The Mill-Iron cafe.
- Miller named to Boat Safety Council
- Miller, D. & Cohen, S. Military and trading posts of Montana. 1978.
- Miller, D. & Cohen, S. The University of Montana, Missoula, a pictorial hisotry.
- Miller, D. and S. Cohen. Military and trading posts of Montana.
- Milner, C. With good intentions: Quaker work among the Pawnees, Otos and Omahas in the 1870s. 1982.
- The Milwaukee Road corridor
- The mind of the fisherman.
- Miner, H. Wichita: the early years, 1865-1880. 1982.
- Mineralogy on the River.
- Minerva Allen: Educator, linguist, poet [Interview]
- Mining
- Mining America: the industry and the environment, 1800-1980. 1987.
- Mining and energy: no more boom times
- Mining in Butte 40 years ago
- Mining Montana: why not?
- Mining the summit: Colorado's Ten Mile District, 1860-1960
- Mining Town: the Photographic Record of T.N. Barnard and Nellie Stockbridge from the Coeur D'Alenes. 1984.
- Mining, Montana, and the future: a case study of the Montana Tunnels Project.
- Minister, Mother, musician: Kathy Munson-Young
- A minor Montana miracle [House Bill 195 offers solutions to landowner/hunter issues]
- Mint conditions
- The misadventures of a fly fisherman: life with and without Papa.
- Missing in Glacier! The disappearance of the Whitehead brothers in 1924.
- The missing journals of Meriwether Lewis
- The Mission Mountain Wilderness
- Mission Mountain Winery, conquered grapes.
- Mission Mountains East, perfect day trip
- The Mission Mountains tribal wilderness, a Salish-Kootenai gift.
- The Mission Mountains: survivors of Rocky Mountain trench warfare
- Mission Valley: Four Winds Indian Trading Post.
- Missionary Marsh
- The Missoula clydesdale auction.
- Missoula County's trucking industry
- The Missoula Northern Pacific [brewery/ restaurant].
- Missoula's classic roundhouse recalls steam engine days
- Missoula's masterpiece theaters, old- fashioned glamour and oddball glitz.
- Missoula, Montana: greening the Garden City. Cover title: Forests in the City.
- Missoula...University town
- The Missouri and the Milk:displaced rivers
- Missouri River reverie: remote camp in the Missouri Breaks makes memorable hunt
- The Missouri's stately cottonwoods: how we can save them
- Missourians on the Madison.
- Mist on the river: remembrances of Dan Bailey.
- Mister Mom! Animal dads
- Mitigation in the Flathead [repairing environmental damage]
- Mixed signals for Montana's economy: forecasting the state economy, 1987- 1989.
- MO cops a third [in Association for Conservation Information, Inc. competition].
- Mo-Chedda cheese [Missoula, MT].
- A model for the nation: statewide environmental lobbying organization
- A moment in time: the West--September, 1806
- Monarch of all these mighty wonders: Tourists and Yellowstone's Excelsior Geyser, 1881-1890
- Monitoring air pollution: more work for honeybees.
- Monkey Tag. Scholastic, n.d.
- The monkey wrench gang.
- Montan's transmission corridor controversy. Line of fire, part 2
- Montana (Well, sort of...): a review of the television movie MONTANA
- Montana agriculture and the global economy
- Montana agriculture: an overview
- Montana agriculture: volatile prices draw attention to the industry
- Montana and international meat markets: what's the beef?
- Montana and its region
- Montana and the nation: some demographic notes
- Montana and the ultimate energy crisis
- Montana and the West: essays in honor of K. Ross Toole
- The Montana Arts Council
- Montana as writers' haven.
- Montana bighorns
- Montana blizzards can kill
- Montana Business Quarterly index, 1982- 86
- Montana Business Quarterly index, 1983-87
- Montana Business Quarterly Index, 1985- 1989
- Montana Business Quarterly index, 1991- 95
- Montana Business Quarterly Index, 1991-95
- Montana Business Quarterly Index, 1992-96
- Montana Business Quarterly Index, 1993-97
- Montana Business Quarterly Index, 1994-98
- Montana Business Quarterly Index, 1995-99
- Montana Business Quarterly Index, 1996-00
- Montana Business Quarterly Index, 1997-01
- Montana Business Quarterly index: 1981-85
- Montana Business Quarterly index: 1986-90
- Montana Business Quarterly index: 1987-91
- Montana Business Quarterly index: 1988-92
- Montana Business Quarterly index: 1989-93
- Montana Business Quarterly index: 1990-94
- Montana Business Quarterly receives award
- Montana business: an overview
- Montana Centennial, 1889-1989: Montana Victoriana.
- The Montana Central rides again
- The Montana Club 1985 centennial
- The Montana Club
- Montana collageour history through photographs,1880-1910
- The Montana Collection: keeping the best at home
- Montana Community Foundation: giving back to Montana
- Montana consumer confidence down slightly
- Montana Consumer Index drops
- Montana consumers: growing hesitant
- The Montana Cooperative Extension Service: a History, 1893-1974
- Montana cowboys: past and present
- Montana day by day: calendar of events
- Montana dreams: Earl Roberts.
- Montana east of the mountains: a place to explore this summer
- Montana economy still strong despite Asian flu crises
- The Montana economy
- Montana episodes: shipping time
- Montana fights to save wild life [Reprint from Montana Wild Life, 1928]
- Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 1999 annual report
- Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 2000 annual report
- Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 2001 annual report
- Montana for real rodeo
- Montana forest industry report
- Montana gold camps: Following the trail of gold
- The Montana Highway Patrol
- The Montana Historical Society
- Montana Historical Society. F. Jay Haynes, photographer. 1981.
- Montana history's decade
- Montana images: showcase of Montana's finest wildlife, wildlands, and wildfllowers
- Montana in cyberspace
- Montana in retrospect: a centennial tribute
- Montana in sheet music.
- Montana in stamps
- Montana in the majors.
- Montana in the pulp novels
- Montana in the year 2000 a turn-of-the- century State-of-the-State address.
- Montana internet and web methods
- Montana Mike Logan. Buglin' Bull Press, 1995. 34 minutes.
- Montana isn't always cold
- Montana literature and western identity: a review essay
- Montana made [Montana products and entrepeneurs].
- Montana made [Montana products and entrepeneurs]: For love of Norway.
- Montana made [Montana products and entrepeneurs]: Pipe dreams
- Montana made [Montana products and entrepeneurs]: Ruana knife mystique
- Montana made [Montana products and entrepreneurs] Ice is nice.
- Montana MAgazine summer travel special issue
- Montana malted
- Montana meltdown: hot fare for cold days
- Montana memories being a memoir
- Montana memories: a model outing
- Montana memories: cheesecake by the lake.
- Montana memories: Cliffie and the Great Gunpowder Experiment
- Montana memories: creme soda
- Montana memories: dream fishing
- Montana memories: drifter in the drifts
- Montana memories: Fawn Creek: it's grounds for a picnic
- Montana memories: filigrees and skipping stones
- Montana memories: huckleberry country
- Montana memories: nine silver dollars
- Montana memories: raccoon reason
- Montana memories: the Loner
- Montana memories: the memory key
- Montana memories: the ox auction
- Montana memories: those sad, sad-irons
- Montana micro-businesses: new data uncovered
- Montana miracles: restoring our rivers and streams
- Montana mountain goats.
- Montana mountain lions.
- Montana moves mountains for wild trout [at Wade Lake].
- The Montana Natural Areas Act: a thirteen-year revival
- Montana on the run: the great race...a great racer [Peaks to Prairie Marathon]
- Montana on the run:inside a marathon - Ann Danzer sets a Governor's cup record
- Montana or bust! Montana migration patterns
- The Montana outdoor challenge
- Montana Outdoors portrait: yellow-headed blackbird (Xanthocephalos xanthocephalos)
- Montana Outdoors profile: sandhill crane (Grus canadensis)
- Montana Outdoors report
- Montana Outdoors special issue includes photographs of plants, animals, birds, and scenery. The photos are accompanied by poems of Montana school children
- Montana Outdoors special issue includes photos of plants, animals, birds & scenery with literary quotes
- Montana Outdoors special issue includes photos of plants, animals, birds, and scenery with quotes from conservationist Jay N. Ding Darling
- Montana Outdoors special photo issue of Montana scenes accompanied by Montana song lyrics
- Montana Outdoors special photo issue of Montana scenes with quotations from the writing and correspondence of Charlie Russell
- Montana Outdoors special photo issue of Montana's flora and fauna with quotations from A.B. Guthrie's writing
- Montana Outdoors special pictorial issue includes photographs of plants, animals,birds and scenery
- MONTANA OUTDOORS takes second.
- Montana place names
- Montana place names [Absarokee, Blaine County, Box Elder, Grass Range, Libby, Livingston, Winnett, Two Dot, Drummond, Fort Missoula]
- Montana place names [Alta, Anaconda, Baker, Big Horn County, Hysham, Stanford]
- Montana place names [Glasgow, Lewistown, Helmville, Havre, Big Sandy, Big Timber, Thompson Falls]
- Montana place names [Miles City, Dillon, Choteau, Choteau, Culbertson, Cooke City]
- Montana place names [Red Lodge, Superior, Broadus, Shelby, Jordan, Whitehall.
- The Montana Poll, Part 1: Montanans speak out on legislative priorities and other state govermnment issues
- The Montana Poll. Part II. Montanan's economic outlook: improved but not bright
- The Montana Poll.
- The Montana poll: more than just a public opinion poll
- The Montana Power Company perspective: acquiring electric resources through demand-side management & conservation
- Montana Power gives state mitigation money.
- Montana Power: a universe of companies
- The Montana prairie
- Montana preserves of The Nature Conservancy
- Montana property taxes since I-105
- Montana Rail Link.
- Montana rangelands
- Montana river floating
- Montana seniors: going the extra mile
- Montana sketchbook [comic strip].
- Montana skiing
- Montana skiing gets even better!
- Montana spaces.
- Montana spring
- Montana state park system visitor study
- Montana Stockgrowers directory.
- The Montana stockman
- The Montana Study: an experiment in community, 1944-1947
- Montana suckers: aquatic vacuum cleaners.
- Montana summer scene [oil, by Joseph Henry Sharp, ca. 1905] Photograph of Crow Indian camp on back cover, ca. 1905
- Montana Superfund sites: hopeful or hopeless?
- Montana taxation and expenditures: issues, concerns, and observations
- Montana taxation and expenditures: trends and comparisons
- Montana tea, and other signs of spring
- Montana Tech 1893-1984.
- The Montana University system: the first half-century
- A Montana waterfowl portfolio
- Montana waterfowlers at a crossroads: the question of steel shot
- Montana weather: fall
- Montana weather: what causes it, how it is forecast
- Montana Wild
- The Montana Wilderness study act: the environmentalist viewpoint
- The Montana wilderness study act: the forest industries' viewpoint
- Montana wilderness study bill
- Montana wilderness.
- Montana wilderness: discovering the heritage.
- Montana wildlife: sometimes a nuisance
- Montana winters: some memories by the Miles City Star
- Montana Women's Clubs at the turn of the century.
- Montana women: at the top of the list
- Montana's monument to Victorian splendor [Governors mansion]
- Montana's agriculture food, jobs and tax dollars
- Montana's Air National Guard...cream of the crop.
- Montana's ballon warfare scare: 1944
- Montana's balloon warfare scare: 1944
- Montana's big game kill in 1931 [Reprint from Montana Wild Life, February 1932]
- Montana's birdmen of World War I
- Montana's bison: a management dilemma
- Montana's brave new world? Courting and keeping high-tech
- Montana's buffalo trout
- Montana's centennial--a time to smell the flowers.
- Montana's changing health care sector [hospital and long term care].
- Montana's changing scenes: photo comparisons show change of ground cover from early days
- Montana's Christmas tree plantations...This million dollar business is tougher than a Scotch Pine
- Montana's cliff-hanger: the Coeur d'Alene salamander.
- Montana's coal industry. [Rail transportation as a factor in coal marketing.]
- Montana's coal industry: facing an uncertain future
- Montana's cosmoplitan game bird
- Montana's early-day rangers.
- Montana's eclectic collectors: packrat
- Montana's economic outlook
- Montana's economic report card.
- Montana's economic situation: a personal and statewide assessment.
- Montana's economy continues to recover.
- Montana's economy: factors & forecasts
- Montana's economy: general economic indicators. 1989: Montana's state and local area outlook.
- Montana's enterprising
- Montana's enterprising Colonel Broadwater
- Montana's explorers: the pioneer naturalists.
- Montana's fabulous ghost towns [Elkhorn, Marysville, Bannack, Virginia City]
- Montana's first citizen: Governor Thomas Judge
- Montana's first great glove fight.
- Montana's Flathead country.
- Montana's flying toads
- Montana's forest products industry today
- Montana's forest products industry: 1991 and beyond
- Montana's forest products industry: current condition and outlook
- Montana's forest products industry: national market & local timber supply affect industry
- Montana's forest products industry: production declined in late 1998
- Montana's gentle protesters: Coxey's Army, 1894
- Montana's growing market segments
- Montana's handlebar infantry: from Ft Missoula to St. Louis aboarad gunbikes.
- Montana's handlebar infantry: from Ft Missoula to St.Louis aboarad gunbikes
- Montana's handlebar infantry: from Ft. Missoula to St. Louis aboard gunbikes
- Montana's high-tech firms moving into the 21st century: TechLink helps businesses uncover technology
- Montana's huckleberry industry
- Montana's Last Desperado: the Life and Death of Joe Reagin. Don L. Weibert, 1992.
- Montana's log home industry
- Montana's log home industry, 1976-1993
- Montana's log home industry: developments over the last three decades
- Montana's log home legacy in modern trim [thermal performance]
- Montana's magnificent hummers
- Montana's major airports: economic activity profiles
- Montana's major airports: economic and activity profiles
- Montana's major urban areas: trends and forecasts
- Montana's midget mammal: the shrew.
- Montana's monuments: history in the making
- Montana's most brutal climate may be on the ground
- Montana's mountain whitefish: It don't get no respect.
- Montana's mysterious cat. Profile of a houndsman: Bill Dishman
- Montana's native rainbows
- Montana's natural resource industries: recent trends during an improving economy
- Montana's next six years: a period of refinement
- Montana's nonprofit arts sector: an economic seedbed
- Montana's old territorial prison.
- Montana's people and productivity: forecast highlights through 2010
- Montana's political culture: a century of evolution
- Montana's premium talc: from Detroit to diapers
- Montana's publicly held utilities
- Montana's rare ones: Montana has eight animals classified
- Montana's record paddlefish
- Montana's record-setting fish (1990).
- Montana's river roosters
- Montana's secondary wood & paper products sector
- Montana's self confessed elite: The Progressive Men of Montana
- Montana's shifting population: changes in congressional districts.
- Montana's shirt-sleeve winter, 1980-1981
- Montana's silver lady curvaceous heroine of the Columbian Exposition
- Montana's silver mining era: great boom and great bust
- Montana's ski touring centers:out on the tracks
- Montana's state budget crisis & fiscal reform
- Montana's tourism and recreation industry
- Montana's tourism and recreation industry: 6.4 million nonresidents visited in 1992
- Montana's transmission corridor controversy, Part 2
- Montana's transmission corridor controversy: Line of fire, Part 1
- Montana's travel and recreation industry continues decade of growth
- Montana's treasure of historic buildings
- Montana's trophy bonanza.
- Montana's troubled coal industry: a 1986 update
- Montana's venomous
- Montana's walk of stars
- Montana's Watchable Wildlife: a catchy solution to the non-game dilemma
- Montana's water ouzel: the fearless dipper
- Montana's wild turkeys
- Montana's wilderness fishery: should we manage it, or leave it alone?
- Montana's wilderness lands: extensive today, excessive tomorrow?
- Montana's wilderness: the big picture on back country. The status of wild Montana [summary of proposed and designated wilderness areas] The numbers game [public land stats in U.S.]
- Montana's woodpeckers these hard-headed chiselers go full-bore all winter
- The Montana-Japan exchange [interest in log homes and artwork]
- Montana: 99% perfect
- Montana: a pictorial history.
- Montana: Land of Contrast. 1984.
- Montana: last of the big time plunders
- Montana: the polar province
- Montanan's message to the 1983 legislature: listen to us but don't expect us to get involved [The Montana Poll]
- Montanan's non-wage income: recent patterns in retirement, medical, and welfare payments
- Montanans and the most peculiar disease: the influenza epidemic and public health, 1918-1919.
- Montanans and the sales tax: still a toss-up.
- Montanans at work: businesswomen in agricultural communities.
- Montanans at work: camp cooks in Montana.
- Montanans comment on state political leaders.
- Montanans divided on missile issues.
- Montanans favor using and reducing coal severance tax
- Montanans inducted into Hunting Hall of Fame
- Montanans new and old
- Montanans respond on nuclear issues: pro freeze, mixed on MX
- Montanans say yes to wilderness protection but no to adding more wilderness
- Montanans speak out on legislative priorities and other state government issues [the Montana Poll]
- The Montanans' fishing guide. 2 vol, rev 1982.
- Montanans' message to the 1983 legislature: listen to us but don't expect us to get involved
- Monte Dolack: up from the land of starving artists
- Moon, M.E. John Medicinewolf.
- More deadly than war: Pacific Coast logging, 1827-1981.
- More folks behind the badge
- More info needed on breeding birds.
- More magic: summer Shakespeare
- More mergers and acquisitions are expected for 2001: you can bank on it
- More Montana ranchers may be counting sheep
- More on Montana and international beef markets.
- More on the Smith [Reader's Respond section - writer requesting no outfitters on the Smith river].
- More on woodpeckers
- More perspectives on Montana's economy: 1992 gubinatorial candidate Dorothy Bradley's views
- More than a hunt
- Morels: fruit of the fire
- Moreton Frewen's western adventures: it was hard to be a gentleman.
- Morgan, M. Puget's Sound: a narrative of early Tacoma and the Southern Sound. 1979.
- Morley canoes, Swan Valley craftsmanship.
- Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith, Prophet's Wife, Elect Lady, Polygamy's Foe. 1984.
- The Mormon-Carson Emigrant Trail in western history
- Mormonism: the Story of a new Religious Tradition. 1984.
- Morning Star people: the Northern Cheyenne Indians
- The morphing of Montana: Montana's communities in 2010: how will they change?
- The most hot air for your money: rediscover the old wood burner, Part II
- Most Improved: Montana's hunter education program
- The Most Promising Young Officer: A Life of Ranald Slidell Mackenzie. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1993.
- Moth-eatin' grizzlies
- Mother and daughters of Eldorado the Fisk family of Helena, 1867-1902 Freida and Belle Fligelman: frontier city girlhood in the 1890's
- Mother's Letters. Univ. of Arizona Press, 1993.
- Mothers and daughters of Eldorado: the Fisk family of Helena, Montana, 1867-1902
- Motivations of Indian children at Missionary and U.S. Government schools.
- Motives for migration: a study of Montana newcomers
- Mount St. Helens as seen from Montana
- Mountain 'gator [Northern alligator lizard].
- Mountain ash, tree of waxwings and witches.
- Mountain bike management: a tale of three cities.
- Mountain bikes: a new dilemma for wildland recreation managers?
- Mountain bluebird trail
- Mountain Christmas [memories of Jay Simons, 1976]
- The mountain goats of U.S. 2
- Mountain hopper: Jim Kruger
- Mountain Lake Fisheries
- Mountain Lions
- The mountain plover: uncommonly exceptional.
- Mountain sentinel: the whitebark pine
- Mountain time.
- The mountains of Glacier Park
- Mountaintop sanctuaries: Glacier's Granite Park & Sperry chalets
- The mounting threats to Glacier Park and the North Fork of the Flathead
- The mouse that roars.
- Movers and shakers in the 1972 Constitutional Convention: Leo Graybill, Jr., James C. Garlington, Richard B. Roeder
- Moving forward
- Moving on: Wally Schatz, Ross Bollinger, Jim McDaniel
- Mr. Montana revised another look at Granville Stuart.
- Mr. Rodeo: the big bronc years of Leo Cremer
- MSU's farrier's school
- The Mud Lake bear: trapper's nightmare
- Muench, D. and Summer, D. The Rocky Mountains.
- Mule deer are more fun
- The mule deer dilemma
- Mullan Road: early NW transportation route from Fort Benton to Walla Walla
- The multicounty regions. 1989: Montana's state and local area outlook.
- Multiple use in the Yellowstone Ecosystem: oil and gas exploration.
- Murder in Montana: Daly Mansion Murder Mystery evening [fund raiser]
- Murphy, B., comp. The angler's companion.
- Museum artifacts pictured on back cover were common fur trade items
- Museum of the Rockies
- Museum showcases Chatham art.
- Museum-hopping in the Flathead
- Museums along the Yellowstone
- Museums, moguls and Missouri River [Helena & Great Falls area]
- Mush! Sled dog racing returns to Montana
- Mushroom hunting
- Mushroom roulette
- Mushrooms: don't die to try
- Mushrooms: fare fit for the gods
- Musings in a duck blind.
- Musings of a tour guide
- Musket from a kit: an affordable alternative to antique arms
- Muskrat for mascot.
- The muskrat.
- Musselshell Magic.
- Mustang: rough landing on the trail home [C.W. Dolson memories].
- Mustangs or misfits?
- Muzzleloaders: a new look at old firearms
- My favorite years being young in Harlowton [John Leeper]
- My fish!
- My horns, my heads, her house
- My mom's a vet, by Henry Horenstein. Candlewick Press, 1994.
- My Montana [with an introduction by David Petersen.]
- My years as Montana's first woman state senator
- Mygatt, E. and Cheney, R. Hans Kleiber: artist of the Bighorn Mountains.
- Myres, S. Ho for California! Women's Overland diaries from the Huntington Library. 1980.
- Myres, S. Westering women and the frontier experience 1800-1915. 1982.
- Mysterious birds of the far-away North.
- The Mystery of E Troop: Custer's Gray Horse Company at the Little Bighorn. Mountain Press, 1994.
- Mystery rocks
- The Mythic West in twentieth century America.
N [^]
- The N-Bar Ranch: Snowy Mountain country
- Naked women leave Wibaux [backbar sold to museum].
- A name for the game (skeet shooting)
- The naming of Pelican Point.
- the naming of the St. Mary's Lakes
- Nancy Keenan: Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Nannie Alderson's frontiers--and ours. [Discussion of A Bride Goes West, a story of the 1800's based on Helena Smith's life.]
- Narcissa Whitman: the significance of a missionary's life
- A narrow fellow in the grass [prairie rattlesnakes]
- The National Bison Range: an island in time
- National fire management policy: a look at the need for change.
- National forest planning: a timber industry perspective.
- The national parks in idealism and reality.
- National speed skating championships -Butte
- National treasures
- The nations within: the past and future of American Indian sovereignty
- Native American directory.
- Native American literature comes of age.
- Native Americans in the Twentieth Century. 1984.
- Native Americans [A centennial tribute].
- The Native Americans' Yellowstone
- The Native home of hope
- Native on the brink [arctic grayling]
- Native plant society.
- Natural acts.
- Natural Bridge State Monument, Big Timber.
- Natural medicines: will federal regulations help or hinder the natural products industry?
- Natural parenting
- The natural role of humans in wilderness
- Natural wonders
- The Natural: remembering Kirby Hoon.
- Nature bound.
- Nature calls feature creature: American white pelican
- Nature calls feature creature: axolotl
- Nature calls feature creature: beaver
- Nature calls feature creature: bighorn sheep
- Nature calls feature creature: brown trout
- Nature calls feature creature: bull snake
- Nature calls feature creature: cedar waxwing
- Nature calls feature creature: coyote
- Nature calls feature creature: deer
- Nature calls feature creature: eagles
- Nature calls feature creature: elk
- Nature calls feature creature: flying squirrels
- Nature calls feature creature: golden eagle
- Nature calls feature creature: gray wolf
- Nature calls feature creature: great blue heron
- Nature calls feature creature: great horned owl
- Nature calls feature creature: magpie
- Nature calls feature creature: moose
- Nature calls feature creature: mountain lion
- Nature calls feature creature: painted turtle
- Nature calls feature creature: rabbits & hares
- Nature calls feature creature: raccoon
- Nature calls feature creature: rainbow trout
- Nature calls feature creature: red fox
- Nature calls feature creature: red-tailed hawk
- Nature calls feature creature: river otter
- Nature calls feature creature: sandhill crane
- Nature calls feature creature: snapping turtle
- Nature calls feature creature: state animal: grizzly bear
- Nature calls feature creature: striped skunk
- Nature calls feature creature: the black bear
- Nature calls feature creature: the bobcat
- Nature calls feature creature: the robin
- Nature calls feature creature: wild turkey
- Nature calls feature creature: wolverine
- Nature calls- classifications of animals
- Nature news flash [the raven mates for life]
- Nature trail dedicated at Swan River Oxbow in memory of Sally Tollefson
- Nature's bridge
- Nature's garden: photo feature on wildflowers
- Nature's geometrics, featuring the work of Doug Henderson
- Nature's mousetrap
- Nature's plowshare
- Nature's time capsule
- Navajo Indian Horse Thieves Hotly Pursued by Robbed Mexicans [gouache on paper, 1904].
- Navigating avalanche country
- Navigations.
- Needs in the life of a fish: water quality, water quantity and habitat
- Neighbors helping neighbors: threshing in the Judith Basin.
- Nelson A. Miles and the Twilight of the Frontier Army. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1993.
- Nest, another word for home
- Never say summer: spring skiing in Glacier National Park
- A new approach to sustainable development of tropical forests.
- The New compleat angler.
- The new cross-country.
- The New Deal and the West. 1984.
- New direction in river resource management: A look at agency-outfitter partnerships.
- New Elkhorn regulations boost bull elk numbers
- New entrance fees help ailing state parks.
- New federalism and the financial problem's of Montana's local governments
- New forestry, new questions: a new future?
- New forestry: concepts and applications
- New frontiers--skate sailing
- New hope for mosquito control
- New legislation affects sportsmen, recreationists.
- New life [brief listing of new Missoula companies]
- New life, Reeder's Alley in Helena
- A new look at Charles M. Russell
- The new Missouri [from Holter Reservoir to Great Falls].
- The new old hot springsGregson - Fairmont.
- A new perspective on the west? A review of The Legacy of Conquest.
- New perspectives: forestry for a postmodern age.
- A new plan for Montana's trails [statewide trails management plan]
- A new problem in the Old West: grazing on the Charles M. Russell Wildlife refuge
- The new rainbows.
- A new season for the Elkhorns.
- New study shows elk see colors
- New stuff
- New system techniques for ecosystem management and an application to the Yellowstone ecosystem.
- New to the country
- New tools to meet new perspectives.
- New trespass legislation.
- The new utility economics: managing the demand side: conserving energy resources major emphasis for regional power companies
- The new western history goes to town: a review essay of Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the great West, 1991
- The new western history: an assessment.
- New wildland recreation strategies: the Flathead experience.
- The next generation: saying yes to Montana
- The next journey
- Nichols, R. & Haley, P. Stephen Long and American frontier exploration. 1980.
- Nick Kramis--Wildlife's friend.
- Night gliders.
- Night on old Baldy.
- Nighthawks, bug catching machines
- Nina Russell
- Ninemile mules.
- No collector
- No detente in porcupine war
- No fleet angle: Havard recalls his Butte mining experiences at the Saint Lawrence Mine in 1930
- No quiet on the Western Front: the battle for quiet trails and water
- No Sahara here: A.B Guthrie, Dorothy Johnson, Richard Hugo, James Welch their works four interviews
- No Sahara here: A.B Guthrie, Dorothy Johnson, Richard Hugo, James Welchtheir works four interviews
- No saving grace: Helena vs. Anaconda and the state
- No step backward.
- No step backward: women and family on the Rocky Mountain mining frontier, Helena, Montana, 1865-1900. 1987.
- No such thing as an ugly fabric?
- Noel, T. The city and the saloon: Denver 1858-1916, 1982.
- The Nomads [oil by Henry Farny, 1902]
- Nominate your favorite [fish, bird, animal, place, tree, etc.]
- The non-accidental tourist: packaging Montana.
- Non-industrial private forests: timber supply for an uncertain future
- Non-point sources of water pollution: a new law for an old problem: Uncontrolled surface-water runoff
- The non-toxic steel solution.
- Nonconsumptive users: a myth [Excerpt]
- The nonfuel minerals industry in Montana
- Nongame checkoff still tops
- Nongame symposium
- Nongame Symposium [focus on nongame in eastern Montana at Fourth Annual Nongame Symposium]
- Nongame update
- Nordic centers offer vacations on skinny skis
- Nordic Group International [land planners and recreation/tourism developers]
- The Nordic Ski Patrol: first aid in the winter wilderness
- Nordic ski champ
- Noritoshi Mabuchi: some perspectives on Japan's economic strength. [Interview]
- Norman Maclean (1902-1990)
- Norman Maclean and Laird Robinson: a tale of two research partners
- North American Indians [drawing, c.1830] & Buffalo Dance [drawing, c.1830]
- The North Big Hole: portal to the Pintlers.
- The northern border pipeline: the Pied Piper strikes again
- The Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, 1877-1900. Univ. Press of Colorado, 1993.
- The Northern Rockies' most rugged peaks, Montana's Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.
- The northern tier pipeline impacts, part II
- Northwest Montana: boom and bust in paradise
- Northwest region around Missoula
- Not a love story: Bordeaux v. Bordeaux.
- Not as many deer as there used to be...And a good thing too
- The not so perfect Christmas tree
- Not the California hunters for the record, the sad saga of Old Blue
- Not tonight dear, I have hypothermia
- Not without labor and expense: the Villard-Northern Pacific Last Spike Excursion, 1883. The great railroad celebration, narrative by F.J.Garrison.
- Not yet son
- Notable grads: University of Montana Montana State University.
- Notes for mountain people. Part III.
- Notes for outdoor folks: 12/5/79 My-Je '8212/6/55-56 Jl-Ag '82 70 S-O '82 #56/30 Holiday issue '82.
- Notes from a German immigrant: Wilhelm Wehrspaun
- Notes from the checkpoint.
- Notes on new books of interest
- Nothing like it: touching beauty in the Bighorn
- Nova Scotians on the Wyoming frontier
- The November ballot issues
- Nuke the West Yellowstone weather station, economists explain why
- Number 98: eulogy for a red bus
- Number please...[Remembrance of telephone operator in Darby, MT in 1929].
- The numbers game. [U.S.]
- NYX Perfumery
O [^]
- O Caledonia: those Miles City Scots.
- O Lord of the salmonflies.
- O'Malley, R. K. Mile high, mile deep,
- O'Neal, B. Encyclopedia of Western gunfighters. 1979.
- October fever.
- Ode to a Woodstove
- Odyssey (sic) of an elk
- Of bullets, blunders, and Custer buffs
- Of cow poets and mystical cows
- Of ditches and trout
- Of Dynaflow shifts and Ramblers past
- Of grizzlies, garbage & hikers, a review of the Glacier Park maulings
- Of nature and a river.
- Of prairie, bears, and people.
- Of weeds, water and man
- Of winter, windswept landscapes, and rough-legged hawks
- Of wolves and grizzly bears.
- Off road vehicle use
- Oh give me a home one yak's struggle to roam on the fenceless prairie in spite of barbed wire
- Oh, how we loved Lindy.
- Oh, the cowman and the angler should be friends. [Agriculture and fish depend on and compete for the same resource.]
- Oil and gas in wilderness areas: the need for compromise
- The oil and gas industry in Montana
- Oil in the northwest.
- An oil shale fortune in the Snowies?
- Oil: the slippery Montana boom and bust
- Oiling the gate latches: building better landowner/sportsman relationships
- Old and young. [Excerpt from Elk Talk, a book by Don Laubach and Mark Henckel.]
- Old Bugler
- Old fish, new fish, big fish - The changing face of Flathead Lake.
- Old Fort Peck
- Old man winter: Mully Muldown.
- Old one-eye and other lost souls: prairie parables.
- Old pro
- The old ranger [reminiscence of a road construction engineer for the U.S. forest Service in 1919]
- Old Reliable: the steamboat Benton on the Upper Missouri
- The old salts: winter brings out hard core fishing folks
- Old Schmidt
- Old Shep [Fort Benton Monument]
- Old values, new times
- The Old West quiz & fact book
- Old West Trail
- Old-time skills at Heron.
- Olien, R. & Olien, D. Oil Booms: social change in five Texas towns. 1982.
- Olson named F&G Commissioner
- Olympic Committee tags Robert Bell [selected for Resident Athlete Program in Colorado Springs]
- Olympic mailman [Gary Sanders, skydiver]
- The Olympic rush - cashing in.
- Olympic ski training maybe.
- Olympic target team has five Montanans
- On being a fish.
- On cycling
- On digging up Custer Battlefield
- On finding one's ski legs [memories of learning to ski].
- On fishing [Fish and Game Commission's stocking policy].
- On his own at 13, Sig Hegre
- On reading Lewis and Clark: the last twenty years
- On safari for prairie goats.
- On silent feet: following the lynx pathways
- On the airwaves [Miles City area.]
- On the Bighorn: reasonable expectations
- On the care and feeding of boots
- On the farm: stories and photos from our readers
- On the frontier of global marketing: how to succeed in Russia and other untapped markets
- On the Home Front: the Cold War Legacy of the Hanford Nuclear Site. University of Nebraska Press, 1992.
- On the move again, hard rock mining in the West.
- On the other hand, questioning the elk hunting survey
- On the other hand, the hunter access dilemma.
- On the Rio Hondo (oil)
- On the road to Fort Peck Lake
- On the road: Judge Leonard Langen
- On the Smith: new rules
- On the trail with the Governor's Cup 500, Montana's mushing challenge
- On the wing [Excerpt]
- On this day [excerpts from Montana's Golden Anniversary Humorous History Handbook...]
- On Turner's Trail: 100 Years of Writing Western History. Univ. Press of Kansas, 1994.
- On, D. & Sumner, D. Along the trail.
- On, D. and D. Sumner. Along the trail.
- Once more to the creek
- One big party: Hope Project and Eagle Mount make dreams come true for kids with life threatening illnesses
- One more try: Robert Schellinger
- One wild and wooly ride
- One woman's angle: Jennifer Smith teaches the serene joys of flyfishing.
- One, two, three chickadee: the annual Christmas bird count.
- The one-that-didn't-get-away club--1986
- The only good bear is a dead bear: a collection of the West's best bear stories.
- Open Range [oil by M. Dixon, 1942] Painting on fr cover description on back cover.
- Open space: fertile ground for landowners and local government.
- Opening day fever in Yellowstone
- Opening day.
- Opening day: hunting the heart of tradition
- Opening night and other regional diversions.
- Operation Breaks
- Operation trophy kill.
- Opheim: a town set apart
- Orchids of Glacier Park
- Organizing the Lakota: the Political Economy of the New Deal on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations. Univ. of Arizona Press, 1992.
- Origins of the great Sioux War: the Brown-Anderson controversy revisited
- The origins of twenty-first-century Montana
- The Osage [bronze]
- Ostrich: big birds mean big business for some Montanans
- The other side of the Northern Tier Pipeline proposal
- Ought not it be aught-naught?
- Our big sky at night: Orion constellation
- Our man on the ski scene
- Our natural heritages: a new degree for Western Montana College and a challenge for high school seniors
- Our piece of the sky: photo portfolio with homesteader's journal
- Our roadless lands: [photographs]
- Our shifting shower patterns
- Our state parks: celebrating past and future
- Our state parks: historic homes
- Our struggling small-town hospitals.
- Our wet world
- Out of the ashes: Beartooth Wildlife Management Area
- Out of the closets and onto the slopes: cross country skiing
- Out of the darkness
- Out of the woods: Woodnet members use cooperation instead of competition to tap new markets & sell value-added wood products
- Out West.
- Out west: an American journey. 1987.
- An outdoor classroom for everyone [The Glacier Institute].
- Outdoor education - its here
- Outdoor gear: visiting the manufacturers
- Outdoor notes [bindings and rope climbers]
- Outdoor notes [boots, wax, tripod, recipies]
- Outdoor recreation on national forests: the federal role.
- Outdoor recreation participation in Montana: trends and implications.
- Outdoors in Montana: 11982 Montana Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
- An outfitter speaks on the meaning of the Bob Marshall
- Outfitters--do you need one?
- Outfitting in Montana: new rules, new markets.
- Outfitting Montana's kids: Kidfitter program offered by Montana Outfitters & Guides Association
- Outlaw Earl Durand. Misfit and murderer, he out-maneuvered the biggest posse in Montana-Wyoming history.
- The outlook for travel and tourism in Montana
- Outlook: our wild heritage
- Outsiders looking in: watching wildlife takes ethics
- Outstanding! Twenty-five people for twenty-five years
- The over educated fisherman
- Over the hill and what a hill! Bridger Bowl is forty years old
- Over the hill: senior citizens hike in Glacier Park
- Over the hill? Not even close
- Overcoming the paradox in managing wildland fire.
- Overview [changes affecting the outdoor environment]
- Overview [the management role of Montana's aquatic ecosystems has changed and grown]
- Overview: sportmen need cooperation of private landowner
- An owl for all times
- Owls of Montana.
- Owls: nature's perfect mouse traps
- The Oxford History of the American West. Ed. by Clyde A. Milner II, Carol A. O'Connor, & Martha Sandweiss. (New York: Oxford University press, 1994)
P [^]
- P & Q's [for mushing fans].
- P.D. McKinney's when dining in Red Lodge.
- Pablo: unincorporated townsite has boom and bust history
- Paddlefish caviar
- Paddlefish paradise.
- Pages of stone.
- Painter Peter Moore: art and frugality on the North Fork.
- Painting Texas History to 1900. Univ. of Texas Press, 1993.
- Painting the town purple (Huckleberry Capitol of the World - Trout Creek, MT)
- Paladin, V. & Baucus, J. Helena: an illustrated history. 1983.
- Palette of light
- Pallid sturgeon: officially endangered.
- Pane-ful tale of a sage hen [bird flies into window]
- Paper medicine man: John Gregory Bourke and his American West.
- Parades and Festivals
- Paradise among the monuments: John Ford's vision of the American West
- Paradise found: trails surrounding Yellowstone
- Parents' guide [making a rainstick]
- Parents' guide: Summer reads
- Paris Gibson, James J. Hill & the New Minneapolis: The Great Falls Water Power and Townsite company 1882-1908
- Paris, B. as told to W. Douglass. Beltran: Basque sheepman of the American West. 1979.
- A park for all people: Chief Plenty Coups State Park
- A park for all reasons [Woodland Park]
- A park made visible [Spring Meadow Lake State Recreation Area]
- Parker, W. Deadwood: the golden years. 1981.
- Parks caretakers: very important people.
- Part of the natural world [Montana's nongame population contributes to the state's quality of life]
- Parted
- Partners
- Partners with wildlife
- A partnership for the future: Drought and irrigation point up need for habitat management
- Partnerships on the prairie
- Pasqueflower: harbinger of Spring!
- Passing on a wild heritage
- Passing the Cliff - Apsaroke [photo by E.S. Curtis, n.d.] ins front cover Winter-Apsaroke [photo by E.S. Curtis, 1908] back cover.
- Pasta perfect, six ways to dine Italian in Montana.
- Pasttimes- aftershocks: the Hebgen Lake earthquake
- pasttimes- Big Medicine: talisman for all Montanans
- Pasttimes- Chief Charlo: Trail of Tears
- Pasttimes- Chinatown, Montana: our Far Eastern influences
- Pasttimes- Courtland DuRand wrangles the dudes...and the elk...and the bison...and the antelope...and the deer
- Pasttimes- culture under canvas: circuit Chautauquas in Montana
- Pasttimes- Fisher Hat Grinnell and the Blackfeet Indians
- Pasttimes- grandeur in Glacier: Lake McDonald Lodge
- Pasttimes- growing horses in Custer County, 1878-1934
- Pasttimes- happy on the way: Brother Van, 1848-1919
- Pasttimes- homestead maternity: the rythm of life in Next-year Country
- Pasttimes- islands of elegance: Montana's private social clubs
- Pasttimes- Keystone Cops in Big Sky Country: the Harrison State Bank Robbery of 1930
- Pasttimes- Mary Fields: the tough, tender legend of Cascade
- Pasttimes- Montana's era of lake transportation: steamboats galore (Part 1 of 2)
- Pasttimes- Montana's era of lake transportation: steamboats galore (Part 2 of 2)
- Pasttimes- Montana's prairie radicals: 1918-1937
- Pasttimes- patriots gone berserk: the Montana Council of Defense, 1917-1918
- Pasttimes- pitched battles on the diamond, 1925-1926
- Pasttimes- roughing it in rubber
- Pasttimes- royalty under the Big Sky
- Pasttimes- saved from the Butte dump: the Montana WPA records
- Pasttimes- Tertius in the Bob: William A. Clark III's 1931 trip into the South Fork of the Flathead
- Pasttimes- the Ceded Strip: the Blackfeet, Glacier National Park, and the Badger-Two Medicine
- Pasttimes- the great Grey Cliff train robbery
- Pasttimes- the Overland Westerners: an epic ride to obscurity
- Pasttimes- the turbulent beginnings of Montana's State Parks system
- pasttimes- Tom Campbell: wheat king of the world
- Pasttimes- weaving the current: Montana's watershed events of two centuries, part I: 1800-1883
- Pasttimes- weaving the current: Montana's watershed events of two centuries, part II: 1883-1903
- Pasttimes- weaving the current: Montana's watershed events of two centuries, part III: 1903-1921
- Pasttimes- weaving the current: Montana's watershed events of two centuries, part IV: 1921-1947
- Pasttimes- weaving the current: Montana's watershed events of two centuries, part V: 1947-1972
- Pasttimes- weaving the current: Montana's watershed events of two centuries, part VI: 1973-2000
- Pasttimes- white hoods under the Big Sky
- Patagonia on call: Bozeman's new mail- order center
- Patagonia [corporate donations benefit Montana].
- Path to the Mess House [oil, c.1902- 1910]
- The Pathless Way: John Muir & American Wilderness. 1984.
- Paths to the Northwest: a Jesuit History of the Oregon Province.
- Patriots on the rampage: mob action in Lewistown 1917-1918
- Patterns in nature: a photo portfolio
- Paul Hazel: 60 years in the wilderness
- Paul Young: trail rider
- Paying for the baby boom: population growth and the economy
- Paying respect. Fishing supplement [32 p.] follows page 114
- Paying the rent for sleeping bears.
- PCR post consumer recycled fabric from plastic soft-drink containers
- The peace policy at Wind River: the James Irwin years, 1871-1877
- Peaks, parks draw UM students
- Pedaling paradise: celestial circuits [Suggested trips]
- Peking Gardens.
- Pelts, provisions and perceptions: the Hudson's Bay Company Mandan Indian trade, 1795-1812
- Pelts, provisions and perceptions: the Hudson's Bay Company Mandan Indian trade,1795-1812
- Pen sketches of promise: the Western drawings of Merritt Dana Houghton
- Pender, R. A lady's experience in the wild West in 1883. 1978.
- People vs grizzlies: survival of the fittest?
- People who stayed: Wib Dolson.
- People [A centennial tribute].
- Perceived change in a river environment and its effect on visitor use: a case study of Ozark National Scenic Riverways.
- Perch on ice
- Perch-hypothermia gets chilly reception [Readers Respond to article in MO May/ June issue, p.31]
- Peregrines again
- Perilous passage: steamboats on the Kootenai River
- The perils of working in the Butte underground: industrial fatalities in the copper mines, 1880-1920.
- Periodicals to peruse some good buys a new legislative decision
- Permit systems for river use: efficiency versus equity for all.
- Permits on the Smith? Evolution of use on a Montana river.
- Perrin, S. Organic gardening in Montana and the Northwest.
- The Persistence of Ethnicity: Dutch Calvinist Pioneers in Amsterdam, Montana. University of Illinois Press, 1992.
- A persistent vision: art of the reservation days
- The perspective from small business.
- Perspectives on Montana's lagging growth
- Perspectives: a minor Montana miracle
- Perspectives: accentuating the positive
- Perspectives: bad news bears
- Perspectives: furry collections of quirks
- Perspectives: goose camp
- Perspectives: mama and the bird
- Perspectives: Montana Rosie and the three bears
- Perspectives: one that counts
- Perspectives: partners
- Perspectives: soul music
- Perspectives: stages
- Perspectives: the Big Hole River salmonfly hatch and western tanager show
- Perspectives: walking the walk for bull trout
- Pesticide warning-it's gone [upland game birds].
- Pesticides and human health: the complexities of risk.
- Peterson, R. Clear across the Rockies.
- Pethick, D. First approaches to the Northwest Coast. 1976.
- Pethick, D. The Nootka connection: Europa and the Northwest Coast, 1790-1795. 1980.
- Petrified man resurfaces.
- Petulla, J. American environmentalism: values, tactics, priorities. 1981.
- Peyotism in Montana
- Pheasant heaven: Ninepipe Wildlife Management Area
- Pheasant hunting 101
- Pheasants for the future [Bitterroot Pheasant Restoration Project]
- Pheasants Forever seeks new members
- Pheasants Forever sponsors
- Pheasants Forever.
- Pheasants forever: habitat improvement necessary to aid raise and release programs
- Phil and Robin Tawney: environmental advocates
- Phil Sheridan and his army
- Phil Sheridan's pyrrhic victory: the Piegan Massacre, army politics and the transfer debate
- Phil Weinard remembers early Helena, 1880
- Phil Weyerhaeuser: Lumberman.
- Phillips' Wood Ducks win [1992 Montana Waterfowl stamp contest].
- Photo hints: filters
- Photo hints: taking good winter photos
- Photo hints: telephotos
- Photo hints: tripods
- Photo portfolio: a sure sign it's Montana
- Photo portfolio: Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area: an uncommonly diverse place
- Photo portfolio: camouflaged critters
- Photo portfolio: Glacier National Park: season to season in the crown of the continent
- Photo portfolio: go with the flow on the Mighty Mo:the Missouri River in Montana
- Photo portfolio: Historic architecture in Montana
- Photo portfolio: Montana's wildlife
- Photo portfolio: old barns
- Photo portfolio: skiing in Montana: snowy, inviting, & exhilarating
- Photo portfolio: trains, tracks and trestles: images of the railroad in out landscape
- Photo portfolio: waterfalls and falls and falls...
- Photo portfolio: wildflowers: awakening to color
- Photo portfolio: winter freeze-up: the physics of water
- Photo portfolio: Yellowstone National Park
- Photographic allegories and Indian destiny
- Photographic journal: deep winter
- Photographing Montan's winged friends
- Photographing wildflowers
- The photographs of K.D. Swan his early day Forest Service photos are Montana classics
- Photography
- Photography at 20 below zero: Use a different rule book
- Photography by George Wuerthner.
- Picatorial prophecies [Clark Fork River]
- Pick a state park.
- Pictorial prophecies [Clark Fork River]
- Picture it wild. [Christie's experiences photographing wild animals.]
- Picture this [label the marine animals]
- Picture this! Easy-to-follow hints to make your outdoor pictures better
- Pie in the Big Sky: Kalbas Korners [Monida, MT].
- Piecing together Montana's economic puzzle.
- Pike, D. Rendezvous country.
- Pillars in the sky
- Pilot down! A heroic rescue in North Vietnam.
- Pine Butte: Nature conservancy eyes a swampful of marvels
- Pineglen, where the ice fishers are.
- The Pinesdale Mormons.
- Pintler Scenic Route
- The pioneer home companion
- Pioneer Jews: a New Life in the Far West. 1984.
- Pioneers (oil)
- Pioneers - a Chance Meeting (oil)
- The Pipes.
- The pitfalls of elk as a marketing tool
- Place Names of Glacier/Waterton National Parks.
- Place names of Washington.
- The place of jackass rabbits in the astrology of the High Plains
- Plain Jane Plains
- Plains folk: a commonplace of the Great Plains. 1987.
- Plains folk: North Dakota's ethnic history. 1988.
- Plains Indian life & lore on the Blackfeet Reservation.
- Plains Indian sculpture: a traditional art from America's heartland
- The Plains Indians of the twentieth century
- Plan for the planet! [Preamble for kid's group, Earth Force, concerned with clean and safe energy sources]
- The planet savers. [Review of Dreamers and Defenders, American Conservationists by Douglas Strong.]
- Planning your plantings
- Plant and soil science
- Plato, doulbe-breasted fryers and the decline of man
- Play by the rules and enjoy the game
- Plodders [farm horses].
- Plowdown [breaking new ground on marginal soil]
- Plowout on the Great Plains: causes, consequences and prospects for change.
- A Plum
- Plumb happy in Garfield County
- Poachers feel the sting of the law
- Poaching is getting to be big business
- Poaching powder
- The poaching racket, big and dirty business in Montana.
- Pocket of solitude: the Lee Metcalf Refuge.
- Pod squad
- Poet Hank Real Bird.
- Points of interest
- Points of interest open all winter.
- Polebridge
- The police power and Washington statehood: insurrection, agitation, and riots
- Politics & religion [Blackfeet organize the Pikuni Traditionalists to fight oil & gas companies in the Badger-Two Medicine].
- Politics and the Crow Indian land cessions
- The politics of power: an analysis
- Poll, R. & others. Utah's history. 1978.
- Pollen analysis: a trail back through time
- The pollution problem in your living room
- Polson by the bay.
- Polson in the past
- Polson Josephine Gordon, homesteader.
- Polson puppeteer readying show for centennial.
- Pompey's Fillar: signature rock on the Yellowstone
- Pondering eons: Bozeman's Museum of the Rockies.
- Pony Club and dressage can lead to Grand Prix glory
- Pooling resources to preserve the past [maintenance & repair of historic buildings]
- Pop! Goes the weasel that energetic mustelid
- Population dynamics in Montana
- Population increases by county
- Population of some Montana Communities, 1870-1980.
- Population, income and tax trends in Montana's trade center counties
- Populism in the Mountain West.
- Portage of the Great Falls: Lewis and Clark
- A portfolio of F. Jay Haynes railroad photographs
- Portrait of an Indian [oil, by C. M. Russell, 1888].
- Posewitz receives MEIC award.
- Posewtiz wins MWF award [Montana Wildlife Federation's Conservationist of the Year ]
- Positioned for trade: Montana communities set to profit from cross-border trade and transport to Canada
- Positioning Montana to compete in the global economy.
- Post card collecting, deltiology gives us a peek at Montana's past
- A post office for Dreamland
- Post-new forestry tools for tactical forest planning.
- Posters celebrate state parks
- The postmasters, Ledger's legendary mother-daughter duo.
- Pot O' Gold, somewhere over your rainbow?
- The potters [cottage industries in the Bitterroot Valley].
- Powder Face [watercolor, 1903]
- Powder River Schools
- Powell,P. People of the Sacred Mountain: a history of the Northern Cheyenne chiefs and warrior societies, 1830-1879. 2 vol. 1981.
- Power players conversations with some important figures in energy
- Powwow
- Poz: wild life advocacy inside government
- A prairie dog companion
- Prairie falcons
- Prairie flowers
- Prairie hotline: eastern Montana's country correspondents.
- Prairie music: national attention for Scobey.
- Prairie rainbows in the tailrace below Fort Peck Dam
- Prairie rattler
- The prairie surface
- Prairie thunder: imagine the sound of a million buffalo...
- A prairie to explore, Missouri River's UL Bend Wilderness
- Prairie wilderness, and the bitter fight over Bitter Creek
- Prairie wildflowers.
- Prairie women: images in American and Canadian fiction.
- Prairie' cat.
- Pre-ski tune up and cross country calendar
- A precious Christmas past
- Precious metals: 3 Montana sculptors [T. Holmes, F. DeWitt, & L. Pomeroy]
- Prepare your garden for a long winter's nap
- Prescribed burning in Yellowstone National Park: a doubtful proposition
- Prescribed fire and wilderness recreation: guidelines for coordinated management.
- Prescribed fires: Rx for wilderness and wildlife
- Preservation of wildlife
- Preserving a piece of the West
- Preserving a place for the pleasure horse
- PReserving the tradition: Montana's Hunter Education Program reaches new heights
- Pretty Weasel: the legend.
- Preventing Y2K downtime
- A primer on Montana taxes
- A primer on Montana's taxes
- Privatization popular among local governments
- Privy information
- A prize worth the effort
- Pro-drift boats portable, performing hybrids (Made in Montana).
- The problem with elephants
- Proceedings--Symposium and workshop on wilderness fire
- Professional services: an industry profile.
- Professor Maclean and General Custer
- Profile of a houndsman [Bill Dishman[
- Profile of an elk hunter
- A profile of Montana women CPA's.
- Profiles of a snowmobiler: characteristics and preferences
- Profiling Montana's out-of-state visitors.
- Program update (Nongame Program review)
- Prohibition: Montana during the dry spell.
- Project WET
- Project WILD steering committee
- Project WILD takes off
- Promise
- Promise in the West: the letters of Isaac Schultz, 1884-1887
- Promised Land or Armageddon? History, Survivalists, and the Aryan Nations in the Pacific Northwest.
- Pronghorn venison
- The property tax- school finance linkage
- Proprietary rights and wilderness among the Bantu of highland Kenya.
- Propst, N. Forgotten people: a history of the South Platte Trail. 1979.
- The pros and cons of municipal bonds
- Prospecting today: three profiles
- Protecting our heritage: those who vandalize state parks are stealing from future generations
- Protecting the bear and the elk two national groups are Montana born
- Provisional 1988 county population estimates for Montana.
- Prucha, F. Indian policy in the United States: historical essays. 198l.
- Prucha, F. The churches and the Indian schools, 1888-1912. 1979.
- Pryor Mountain mustangs.
- The Pryor Mountains: open mesas, deep canyons, wild horses
- The ptarmigan magic show
- Ptarmigan Tunnel
- Public access on the Smith [Reader's Respond section includes plea for private permit holders to seek outfitters help if needed].
- Public hunting access: an elusive quarry
- Public lands grazing: what benefits at what cost?
- Public Lands, Public Heritage: The National Forest Idea. 1991. Alfred Runte. Roberts Rinehardt Publishers.
- Public lands, state lands - whose lands? State forestry on state lands.
- Public perceptions of Montana's resource industries
- Publisher's message [building, zoning & subdivision legislation must be used to protect open spaces and wilderness].
- Publisher's message [Ronan's Luchau's Warehouse Outlet]
- Publisher's message.
- Publisher's message: Beverly Magley appointed editor and other news
- Publisher's message: publisher of Montana Magazine sold to Lee Enterprises
- Publisher's message: thoughts on our 20th.
- Publishers message
- The pull of Pine Butte.
- Pull up a chair.
- Pumpkin blossom special [blossoms make tasty eating].
- Puppet lady: Blanche Harding
- Puppy love: winter outings by dogsled
- Purple pastries (recipes).
- Purple prosperity
- Pushing forward on the Bitterroot [low stream flow problems].
- Pushing paint: so you like your art fast, realistic and affordable? [Miles City based Starving Northside Artists].
- Put your little foot [availability of dance instruction in Montana]
- Putting a price tag on nature: problems & techniques
- Putting ice by, winter harvest at Whitefish.
- Putting the lid on state spending: Governor's column
Q [^]
- The Quammen factor [David Quammen].
- Quanah Parker, Comanche Chief. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1993.
- Quarriers of stone
- Quarterdeck and Saddlehorn: The story of Edward F. Beale, 1822-1893. 1983
- Quartzville.
- Quequesah
- A question of balance: growing pains in the Flathead
- The question of private game farms [the relationship of private interests vs public interests]
- Questions and answers about the big game drawings
- Quiet influences: profiles of seven Montana women: J. Hudetz N. Pickthorn R. Molloy D. Wollersheim L. Budewitz E. Stockton & C. Ratzburg
- Quiet times: early spring fishing
- Quigg Peak Wild Area: protector of blueribbon Rock Creek.
- Quigley down the Yellowstone
- Quill pig.
- Quilting engineer [John Flynn].
- Quotable quotes about endangered species
R [^]
- Rabbit or hare?
- Race veteran: Circle vet Charlie Noland active in care of endurance race horses
- Race volunteer: veterinary assistants and time/record keepers in demand
- Racicot appoints Graham as FW&P Director
- Ragtime harp, anyone? Montana Made.
- Raid on the Crows: from Red Cloud's autobiography as told to Sam Deon and written down by C.W. Allen
- Railroading on the Great Divide: images of the Milwaukee Road's Western main line
- Railroads and Clearcuts: Legacy of Congress's 1864 Northern Pacific Railroad Land Grant. Keokee Co. Pub., n.d.
- Rain forest disappearing [at the rate of about 100 acres a minute]
- Rain or Shine: a Family Memoir.
- Rainbolt, J. An elephant in every yard.
- Rainbow's end: shining moments with Big Red
- Rainbows on the wing
- The rainstick, a fable. by Sandra Chisholm Robinson, illus. by Peter Grosshauser. Falcon Press, 1994.
- Rainstick: the music of water
- Raise your sights: Bootes, Arcturus located with help of Big Dipper
- Rallying song, Montana Logging & Ballet Company
- Ralph E. DeCamp: artist as photographer.
- Ramblin' time: lace up those boots and take a day hike.
- Ranch journal: autumn
- Ranch journal: deep winter
- Ranch journal: early spring
- Ranch journal: early summer
- Ranch journal: early winter
- Ranch journal: high summer
- Ranch Model 1920 [photo by Laton Huffman, 1920]
- Ranching on the bottom line
- Ranching on the edge of Paradise: Len & Sandy Sargent
- Randolph, E. Beef, leather and grass. 198l.
- Randonnee: oui to this practical ski gear.
- Range management in forested land: introduction to a dilemma.
- Rangeland and sky near Wolf Creek, Montana [photo by J. Smart, 1987].
- Raphael Cristy in Russell's image.
- Raptor rapture.
- Raptor repairman [Ken Wolff]
- Rare music [uni-fon].
- Rare style: the Ralstons. A fine British touch to Montana's jumping scene
- Rationing recreational river use: a question of equality and freedom of choice.
- The Rattlesnake, urban wilderness
- Rattling for bucks
- Ravenous beauties: the little-known carnivores of Glacier
- Ray Banister: Wibaux-area rancher
- Re-creating with the right stuff.
- Reaching consensus
- Read the history of a streambed in its pebbles
- Read this
- Reader points out the error of our ways. [Correction to Western grebe now two species, My-Je, 1986, p. 14]
- reader questions Unkindest bite
- Reading lilacs
- Reading matters: a banquet of fishing books
- Reading matters: angling into Montana
- Reading matters: betting on place
- Reading matters: building characters
- Reading matters: classic Montana
- Reading matters: endangered: cowboys and grizzly bears
- Reading matters: fact and friction
- Reading matters: Gallatin Valley sketches
- Reading matters: homes on the range
- Reading matters: hooked on fauna
- Reading matters: legends and shootouts
- Reading matters: Montana explornographic
- Reading matters: Montana to the extreme
- Reading matters: oblivion or renewal?
- Reading matters: pearls or duds?
- Reading matters: settling Montana
- Reading matters: streams of consciousness
- Reading matters: trail mix
- Reading matters: troubling skies
- Reading matters: western obsessions
- Reading matters: which way west?
- Ready to get out
- The Real American and the Simple Life [photo, n.d.]
- Real food: Butte's old-fashioned eateries Butterfly Herbs of Missoula and Pike's at Plains].
- The real issue in below-cost sales: multiple-use management of public lands.
- Real or Memorex? [FW&P uses wildlife decoys to trap game violaters]
- Rebel for rights: Abigail Scott Duniway. 1983.
- Rebel with a cause: Jeannette Rankin 1941.
- Recalling This House of Sky
- Recent developments in Montana's metal mining industry.
- Recently discovered tales of life among the Indians.
- Recession and its after-effects: the state and local outlook for 1991
- A recipe for butterfly gardening
- Reclaiming the past: Montana's abandoned mines
- Recollections of Charley Russell.
- Reconciling: a mother-and-child reunion.
- A record setting year in review
- Records fall fast in 1994 [Montana's record-setting fish, 1994]
- Recovering Red Cloud's autobiography
- Recreation allocation issues in Alaska: use limits in the last frontier?
- Recreation management on rivers: the consumers' reaction.
- Recreation management: a question of integration.
- Recreation survey results available.
- Recreation survey reveals attitudes
- Recreation use limits: the wildland manager's continuing dilemma
- Recreational specialization: a complex issue for visitor management.
- Recreational use of urban waterways: the Illinois and Michigan canal corridor.
- Recycling the right thing to do
- Red diaspora: The Little Shell Chippewa of Montana
- Red fox running, by Eve Bunting, paintings by Wendell Minor. Clarion Books, 1993.
- Red Hills
- Red Lodge (corrections to article on Red Lodge, September-October, 1985, issue)
- Red Lodge Music Festival.
- Red Lodge, mile-high town of many festivals
- The Red Onion [Chester, MT].
- The Red Schoolhouse: you'll want to stay after.
- Red wolf: gone from the wild in 1980 & reintroduced in 1986
- Red-necked mystery bird.
- Rediscover the old wood burner
- Rediscovering America: John Muir in his time and ours.
- Rediscovering Glacier & Yellowstone
- Rediscovering lost skills
- The reeeeallly big ones.
- Refining
- A reflection of choices: how can one place an economic value on fish and wildlife?
- A reflection on black-footed ferrets
- Reforming the Forest Service. 1988.
- The region's changing economic landscape: urban/rural economic trends during the 1980s
- Regional resource industry dependency
- Regular writers revealed
- The regulatory compact: regulation is imposed as a substitute for competition for power companies
- Rehman named MWF director
- Reid, J. Law for the elephant: property and social behavior on the Overland Trail. 1980.
- The Reids [Judy and Marvin Reid farm near the Montana-Alberta border.]
- Reincarnation [correction]
- Reinventing conservation: Bonneville Power and demand-side management of power resources
- Reloading steel shot.
- Rematch at Little Big Horn
- Remedies for left behind mines
- Remember Dan Bailey: go fishing Aug 14.
- Remember Mully, man of the mountains
- Remembering Arnie Foss.
- Remembering Donald Jackson
- Remembering Jim McLaughlin.
- Remembering Tommy Garrison: Cooke City's cantankerous loner.
- A reminder [tax form checkoff important to nongame funds]
- Remington, F. The collected writings of Frederic Remington. Ed. by P. and H. Samuels. 1979.
- Reminiscences of a Montana mining geologist
- Remote sensing and ecosystem models: new tools for a science of the biosphere.
- Rena's Kitchen [Bigfork, MT].
- A renaissance in tribal education: Blackfeet Head Start Program
- Renegade tribe: the Palouse Indians and the invasion of the inland Pacific Northwest. 1986.
- Renovation & revelation: Montana's Capitol & it's hidden art
- The Renshaw region: central highlands of the Rocky Mountain Front.
- Repaying the debt
- Reply to Wilderness study bill article in summer edition.
- A report to the people
- Reporting the news: Charles Johnson, Dale Burk, Jerry Holloran
- Reps, J. Cities of the American West: a history of frontier urban planning. 1979.
- Requiem for a land shark
- The rescue doctrine: a reinterpretation of the common law
- Rescued: Nearly 100 years ago, a Montana Stage driver wandered for 10 days in -15 weather
- The rescuers: ski patrol of the year [Flathead Valley Nordic Ski Patrol]
- Research takes off
- The Reservation Blackfeet, 1882-1945.
- The Reservation Blackfeet, 1882-1945: a Photographic History of Cultural Survival. 1984.
- Reservation divide: Missoula's back-door back country.
- Reservation self-sufficiency: stock raising vs. farming on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, 1900-1914
- The reshaping of Montana's economy: looking at long-term changes
- Resident Peoples and National Parks. 1991. Patrick West and Steven Brechin (Editors). University of Arizona Press. [book review]
- Resisting silence: William Kittredge's Hole in the Sky
- Resolving the legal drinking age issue
- The resource industries and the outlook for l986.
- Resources in conflict: area history, wildlife, geology, and the future
- Restoring America's wildlife
- Restoring wetlands on private lands
- Restoring wild fish habitat: the Future Fisheries Improvement Program
- The resurrection of Brewery Flats: how local citizens and public agencies joined forces to restore a channelized section of Big Spring Creek
- Retirement community idea progressing. [Montana's Military Retirement Community at the former Glasgow Air Force Base].
- Retirement ratings [several Montana communities ranked in the top 50.]
- Return of a predator: wolf recovery in Montana.
- Return of a ritual [grouse lekking activity on relocated dancing ground]
- Return of the bighorns
- The return of the Mandan chief
- Return of the native
- Return of the trapper
- Return of the wolf: can Montana recapture its special wilderness? A wolf named Snowdrift
- Return to the sky [Peregrine falcon suffering from botulism is treated]
- The return [psychological effect of sounds of the wild].
- Revisiting the Smith [management plan for recreation and conservation].
- A revolution in tree pruning: applying a new tree biology.
- Ribbons of water.
- Richard Hugo (1923-1982)
- Richard Hugo: the triggering town
- Richards, K. Isaac I. Stevens: young man in a hurry. 1979.
- Richwine's Burgerville [Polson].
- The riddle of existence: Audubon bighorn sheep
- The riddle of existence: fishes of special concern [fourteen fishes in Montana with limited numbers]
- The riddle of existence: fishes of special concern
- The riddle of existence: Montana's
- The riddle of existence: Montana's endangered species
- The riddle of existence: our small cohorts: aquatic plants and animals in tributaries of the Kootenai River
- The riddle of existence: the passenger pigeon
- Ride for the high points.
- Ridge runners and swamp rats. 1983.
- Ridin' the rapids
- Riding herd a modern horse drive
- Riding the high country. 1987.
- Riding the Roche Jaune
- Riding the White Horse Home: A Western Family Album. Pantheon Books, 1993.
- Right face: John Baden and MSU's Libertarian think tank
- The right place, the right time
- Righter, R. Crucible for conservation: the creation of Grand Teton National Park. 1982.
- Riley, G. Frontierswomen, the Iowa experience. 1981.
- Rime of a Flathead mariner
- The rims
- The Rinehart photographs: a portfolio [official photographer to the Omaha expedition, 1898]
- The Ringling years, a circus empire in in the Smith River Valley.
- The rise and fall of socialism in a company town, 1902-1905 [Anaconda, MT]
- Risk recreation in wilderness areas: problems and alternatives
- The rites of spring in Eastern Montana The Miles City bucking horse sale
- Rival for California: the Great Northern and the Southern Pacific, 1905-1931.
- A river comes home: the Kissimmee
- A river dream
- The river next door
- A river no more: the Colorado River and the West.
- A river of my own [Swan River]
- River of perpetual hope
- River otters: lords of the river.
- River preservation: anatomy of a movement
- River runners of the Grand Canyon.
- A river runs by it: Kootenai Falls WMA
- A River Runs Through It: a review
- A River Runs Through it: the movie
- A river rushes through it
- Riverfront theater [Missoula, MT].
- Rivers for the soul: floating favorites
- Rivers of empire: water, aridity and the growth of the American West
- Rivers of ice
- Rivers: photo feature on waterways
- Road repairs: contributions from our readers
- The road to Rapelje
- Roading elk habitat (easy access or better hunting).
- Roading the wilderness, are below-cost timber sales worth it?
- Roadside geology of Montana
- Roadside geology of the Northern Rockies
- Roadside geology of the Yellowstone Park County.
- A roadside guide to cows: instant expertise for the Bovine-impaired
- Robbins, W. Lumberjacks and legislators: political economy of the U.S. lumber industry, 1890-1941. 1982.
- Robert Lucke: voice of the Bear Paws
- The robin some facts about a friend we take for granted
- Robinson, M. Water for the West: the Bureau of Reclamation, 1902-1977. 1979.
- Rock climbing, peppermint hints and how to tie your boots.
- The Rock Creek experiment [creek limits, size limits, or seasons]
- Rock Creek resurrected
- Rock Creek: a conservation success story
- Rock creepers at Koocanusa for sport climbers and spectators
- Rock fans
- Rocks, ice and water: the geology of Waterton-Glacier Park
- The Rocky Boy economy
- Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation: heart of the Bearpaws
- Rocky Mountain constitution making, 1850-1912. 1987.
- The Rocky Mountain Front peak to prairie splendor
- The Rocky Mountain Front, one man's religion
- The Rocky Mountain Front: a chronology of exploration.
- Rocky Mountain trade corridor: implications for transportation planning in Montana and the Rocky Mountain West
- The Rocky Mountain West: fragile space, diverse place
- The Rocky Mountain West: region in transition.
- Rodale's encyclopedia of indoor gardening. Ed. by A. Halpin. 1980.
- Rodeo in Montana
- Rodeo! The Wilsall rodeo tradition
- Roger's Pier: a lasting tribute [Lake Elmo memorial]
- The role of forest insects and diseases in the Yellowstone Ecosystem.
- The role of herbicides in weed management.
- The role of the hatchery: then and now
- The role of the nonfuels mineral industry in the Montana economy
- Roll over Tchaikovsky
- Romancing the arts.
- The Ronan State Bank robbery, 1929.
- Room with a view: fire lookout towers
- Room with a view: Wall Creek Wildlife Management Area
- Root Beer Classic [in Polebridge]
- Rosa, J. The West of Wild Bill Hickok. 1982.
- Rosario's: Italian surprise in steak & potato country [Townsend].
- Rosebud Battlefield State Park
- Rosebud revisited.
- Rossberg wins 1999 Migratory Bird Stamp contest
- Rosy cheeks and fulls moons
- Rough ride on the Smith
- Roughing it easy: Elk Canyon cuisine.
- Roughing it up the Yellowstone to Wonderland: an account of a trip through the Yellowstone Valley in 1878
- Rounding up canners for the Corned Beef and Cabbage [Chappel Brothers Corporation, eastern Montana]
- Roundup
- Roundup Wools: spinning a Montana yarn
- Royal, imperial and monarch stately and impressive, elk deserve their noble names
- The royalty of Red Rocks
- The royalty of the Red Rocks
- Ruby red eyes
- Ruby, R. & Brown, J. Indians of the Pacific Northwest: a history. 1981.
- Rufus Woods, Grand Coulee promoter
- The rugged, yet delicate, bitterroot
- Rules, Rules
- Run for the sky
- A run on downhill
- Runaway: Mary Clearman Blew and the cowboy way
- Running the bulls, Montana style or how to make Grand Sire Reginald III, Duc de Alfalfa, Baron of Balogna move
- Running under the big sky
- Runte, A. National parks: the American experience. 1979.
- Rural radicalism on the northern plains, 1912-1950
- Rural roller coaster: economic gains are uneven in farm country
- Rural schoolhouses in Montana.
- Rural tourism development: balancing benefits and costs.
- Rural tourism: new focus on a traditional industry
- Russell in the 90's:
- Russell in the 90's: How the buffalo lost his crown
- Russell in the 90's: When Lowry took Russell and me to eat
- The Russian connection [Great Falls base processed aircraft for transfer to Russia]
- Rustic furniture: bringing the wild inside
- Rx for recovery: river restoration program.
S [^]
- S-393 Montana's private wilderness review
- Sacred Encounters: Father De Smet and the Indians of the Rocky Mountain West. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1993.
- Sacred encounters: Montana rock art
- Saddle up: it's time to ride the Bison Range.
- Safari Club donates dollars [for bear traps and capture gun.]
- Safe stove installation you're playing with fire in your home
- The saga of George Drouillard
- The saga of old #134: growth record of one brown trout trapped and tagged over a 10 year period
- Sage grouse
- Sage grouse: they used to darken the sky
- The Sagebrush Rebellion in Montana
- The Sagebrush Rebellion: who owns the West?
- Sail on Silver Girl catching, reaching & jibbing on Montana's big waters
- Sailing
- Salad for all seasons a lettuce lexicon
- The sales tax revisited.
- The salmon fly hatch, annual fishing event on the Big Hole
- sampler
- Sampling bugs speedily: new technique measures stream health...
- Samuels, P. & Samuels, H. Frederic Remington: a biography. 1982.
- Samuelson's mallards win '88 stamp contest
- The sandhill crane
- Sap on tap
- The Sapphire Gallery: a Philipsburg gem
- The Sapphire mountains: they used to be in Idaho
- The Sapphires: precious gems.
- Saskatchewan tries Land Banking
- Satellite imagery: space-age technology rides the range
- Satterfield, A. U Muench, D. Lewis and Clark country.
- Saturday afternoon fever.
- Sauger sagas and trout tales [Montana's record setting fish, 1993]
- Saving souls on the frontier: a chaplain's labor [U.S. Army Chaplain Theophilus Steward in Montana]
- Saving the pallid sturgeon: new hope for an old fish
- Saving the Yellowstone
- Savior of stained glass: Father Hillen [Helena].
- Savor the summer visit a park [Black Sandy State Recreation area]
- Sawdust in her blood: Mable Ringling Anderson
- Scales, J. & Goble, D. Oklahoma politics: a history. 1983.
- Scarlet West: the oldest profession in the Trans-Missippi West
- Scenes from a hatchery year
- Schneider, B. The hiker's guide to Montana. 1979.
- Schneider, B. Where the grizzly walks.
- School house holiday (Semi-annual craft festival at the Ippisch home in Huson)
- Schreier, N. Highgrade: the mining story of National, Nevada. 1981.
- Schullery, P. Old Yellowstone days. 1979.
- Schultz, J. Floating on the Missouri. Ed. by E. Silliman. 1979.
- Schultz, J. Floating on the Missouri. Ed. by L. Silliman.
- Schultz, J. Many strange characters. Ed. by E. Silliman. 1982.
- Schuss! An abbreviated history of alpine skiing in Montana [Includes list of downhill ski runs]
- Schwantes, C. Radical heritage: labor, socialism, and reform in Washington and British Columbia, 1885-1917. 1979.
- Schwartz, C. Wildlife drawings. 1980.
- The Schwatka-Haynes Winter Expedition in Yellowstone, 1887
- Science high: a Sunburst tradition
- Scientists and sojourners: Lake Baringo and the search for solutions to East Africa's land problems
- Scobey: pioneer country
- Scotty James: 42 years in newspaper
- Scourge from the skies
- A scout's perceptions of Indians at the Battle of Beecher Island: an essay on ethnocentrism and the reminiscences of Sigmund Shlesinger
- Scratching for answers: swimmer's itch
- Scriver, B. No more buffalo.
- Scriver, B. No more buffalo. 1982.
- Sea monsters
- Sea serpents of the Pacific Northwest
- The search and rescue is always ready to HELP!
- The search for Moby Pike [Montana Summer Science Camp.]
- Search for Sauger
- Search for wolves
- Searching for the Enemy [oil, n.d.]
- Second genesis for trout [Broadwater County on the upper Missouri]
- Second-chance bears [FWP's Wild Animal Shelter teaches motherless cubs to hibernate]
- See first.
- See how they grow [elk antlers]
- See you in Bannack.
- Seeds of disaster: Montana's noxious weeds
- Seeing spots
- Seeing the forest for the trees: lessons from Montana's 1984 wildfires.
- Seeker of solace.
- Seekers of snags: wild animals' dependence on tree snags
- Seeking peace on Montana's rivers
- Seeley Lake: from logging camp to thriving community
- Seeley-Swan in the winter
- Selected stats [retail and service sectors]
- Selected stats: covered wages & salaries for Montana's construction sector, 1992-93
- Selected stats: heart disease: the nation's leading cause of death
- Selected stats: new data, new trends
- Selected stats: selected ratios for Montana service sector firms with payroll subject to federal income tax, 1992
- Selected stats: surrendered out-of-state /country licenses, 1994-1998
- Selected stats: surrendered out-of-state/country licenses, January-September, 1994
- Selecting a tree care specialist: don't get clipped
- Selling land on the Montana plains, 1905-1915: Northern Pacific Railway's land-grant sales policies
- Senator James E. Murray a voice of the people in foreign affairs
- Senator James E. Murray and the limits of post-war liberalism.
- A Sender of Words: Essays in Memory of John G. Neihardt.
- Sentinels of the prairie
- Sentries in the clouds
- September 11, 2001: what happens now?
- Servant of Power: a Political Biography of Senator William M. Stewart
- The serviceable serviceberry
- Serving the Montana business community via television: UM's innovative Billings MBA program
- Setting sail, a boat-building couple at Coram prepares for a saltwater saga.
- Setting the season: a new process called Adaptive Harvest Management promises to resolve long-stinding conflicts over duck hunting regulations
- A settlement on the plains: Paris Gibson and the building of Great Falls
- Settlers [A centennial tribute].
- Settlers [Sheep and wool statistics, 1900-1910].
- Sevem steps you can take to prevent cancer
- Seven new fish records for 2000
- Seven principles of low-impact wilderness recreation
- Seventy years of relocating wildlife
- Shadow on the Tetons: David E. Jackson and the Claiming of the American West. Mountain Press, 1993.
- Shakespeare in the parks
- Share with care
- The shared memory of Montana pioneers
- Shared symbols, contested meanings: Gros Ventre culture and history, 1778-1984. 1987
- Sharing o' the greens: cooperative garden projects
- Sharks at work
- Sharp, P. Whoop-up country: the Canadian-American West.
- Shaw, R. and D. On. Plants of Waterton-Glacier National Parks.
- Shear energy [Sheep Shearers' Merchandise manufactures and markets shearing equipment].
- Sheep Mountain: hiking the state line.
- Sheep ticks and army worms
- The Sheepherder
- Sheet iron elegance: mail order architecture in Montana.
- Shelter from the storm
- Shelter from the storm: Dome Mountain Wildlife Management Area
- The shifting place of trade in Montana: patterns in the growth and location of retail and services trade
- Shikar-Safari honors two wardens [Gary Benson & Jim Kropp].
- Shirley, G. Temple Houston: lawyer with a gun. 1980.
- Shooting for fall color
- Shooting high: Stu Jennings
- Shooting Montana close-up: macro or close-up photography
- Shootout at Stoneville
- Shore bird actor: killdeer
- Shorebird of the prairie
- Shoreline & timberline: five dayhikes from Lake McDonald Lodge
- A short course in health care for your outdoor-loving dog
- Short Face's buckskin shirt
- The Shoshoni frontier and the Bear River Massacre
- The Shoshoni-Crow Sun Dance, 1984
- A shot for waterfowl: shooting steel shot.
- Shots in the dark: television and the western myth.
- Should property rights extend to water? [Reader's Respond section]
- Should we hunt the goat?
- Should we hunt the grizzly? Eight expert opinions
- Showcase of wildflowers
- Showdown at the Hollywood Corral: Wyatt Earp and the movies
- Shrimp and salmon in Flathead lake: time will tell
- Siberia's Treasure State: an investors' guide to Tyumen
- Sidney: boom town
- A sight worth seeing.
- Silas S. Soule : partizan of the frontier.
- Silk flowers and taxidermy: Pok Oke
- Silliman, L. We seized our rifles.
- Silliman, L. We seized our rifles. 1981.
- The Silver Bow Club: millionaires, mining magnates, and merchant princes
- The silver-tipped sweater [Sen. Wheeler mistaken for a grizzly]
- Silvicultural correctness: the politicalization of forest science.
- Silviculture: achieving new objectives through stand and landscape management.
- The Sim Roberts riddle: was the gentlemen a crook? [Montana cowman suspected of scores of stock thefts.]
- Simon Pepin, a quiet capitalist.
- Simply Christmas: Montana's country churches
- Since 1919 [history of Cream of the West cereal]
- Sing out Montana
- Singers and their songs
- Single Tree. Walker, n.d.
- A singular bird
- Sioux Indian religion: tradition and innovation. 1987.
- Sir Scott's Oasis: not just another pretty steak [Manhattan]
- Six Mile estate
- The sixth grandfather: Black Elk's teachings given to John G. Neihardt.
- Skate the sky [skate-sailing].
- Skating international: Butte's U.S. High Altitude Sports Center
- A sketch from old Montana
- Ski Blacktail: brand-new and used
- Ski celebration: a guide to Montana slopes doownhill
- Ski celebration: a guide to Montana trails: touring guide
- Ski for light: winter fun for the visually impaired
- Skiing directory (guide to downhill skiing in 85-86)
- Skiing Mt. Haggin: unbeatable cross- country.
- Skiing surprises
- Skiing the sky: the Bergoust brothers.
- The skin you're in
- Skipper's inspection list [and] Skipper's quiz
- Skirmish at Goose Creek Edmund R.P. Shurley's Bozeman trail reminiscence
- Skirmish at Goose Creek: Edmond R. Shurley's Bozeman Trail reminiscence
- Sky walk: the continental divide trail
- Sky wars: life-and-death drama at the back yard feeder.
- Skydive [sport jumping in the fire off- season leads to the Olympics].
- Sleeping Buffalo, prairie spa.
- Sleeping Giant: wake up to one of Montana's best known landmarks.
- Sleeping Wolf (oil)
- Sleepy House: cookies and tea.
- Slicing the wilderness pie: a look at the Baucus-Burns bill.
- Sliding through winter
- Sloooooow sloooooooth
- Slough Creek meanders
- Slow bake: rock baked by burning coal in Eastern Montana
- Sluice Boxes State Park
- Small business
- Small business beware!
- Small business: panacea or pipedream?
- Small lakes--big opportunities [Lake Mary Ronan, Whitefish Lake, Thompson Lakes, & Bitterroot Lake].
- Small operations with minimum impact. Business Supplement [32p.] follows page 100
- Small town Montana: Carter - Loma.
- Smallest mammal.
- Smallmouth bass waters in Montana.
- Smart Gear
- Smith River getaway.
- Smith River Historical Society, Comp. The Smith River journal, a history from Lewis and Clark to 1979.
- Smith River news: increased launches & competition for campsites brings regulation
- The Smith River Valley: past and future
- Smith, G. Langer of North Dakota: a study in isolationism, 1940-1959. 1979.
- Smith, G. Windsinger.
- Smith, G. & ed. by Wood, W. The explorations of the La Verendryes in the Northern Plains, 1738-1743. 1980.
- Smithwicke, N. The evolution of a state, or recollections of old Texas days. Comp. by N. Donaldson. 1983.
- The smokejumpers.
- Smokejumping rookies.
- Smyser, C. Nature's design: a practical guide to natural landscaping. 1982.
- Snags: are they firewood or wildlife habitat?
- Snake pit
- Snakes
- Snap, croak and rattle: watch for cold- blooded critters on warm spring days
- A snapshot of internet connectivity in Montana
- Snipe hunt- really!
- Snow business: an economic review of Montana's ski industry
- Snow queen, explore the fairy tale beauty and sub-zero reality of winter in the park.
- Snow runners: the 1981 Nordic racing scene
- The snowbirds: Montana's sun seekers
- Snowbound
- The Snowcrests: heavily hunted yet blessedly obscure.
- Snowmobile capital of the world [West Yellowstone].
- The snowmobile gas tax
- Snowmobile roast.
- Snowmobile to glory.
- Snowmobiling in Montana: an economic study
- Snowmobiling in Montana: an update
- Snowplay-Iceplay: winter fun in Montana
- Snowshoe school
- Snowshoeing, slogging, and postholing: snow survey in the Bob Marshall Wilderness
- Snowshoes best for tight spots
- Snuggle up to Three Dog Down [Highway 93 near the Polson bridge].
- So long, Harry- rest in peace
- Soar! The 1994 Soaring Championships
- Soaring squirrels
- Soccer is a kick and they're kicking all over the state
- Social arrangements by peck & peck
- Social conflict on the Madison
- Social myth and social reality [The image of the West is in conflict with the reality]
- Sodbusting in Montana: a 1980's Dust Bowl?
- Sojourn to the sky: the Beartooth Highway
- The Solace of Open Spaces.
- Soldiers west: biographies from the military frontier. 1987.
- Solid, safe, and secure: country banks in Montana.
- Sollid wants to see you: George Sollid, homestead locator
- Solo: wilderness as therapy [for chemical dependency]
- Solving Custer photo puzzles: some new dates and identifications
- Solving the puzzle of Fort Peck's young paddlefish
- Some announcements concerning the Autumn 1987 Quarterly [Wilderness]
- Some like it cold [cross country skiing/ skating].
- Some like it hot [chili cook-offs].
- Some nuggets panned from Boone and Crockett [big game records]
- Some perspectives on Montana's economy. Interview with Marc Racicot.
- Some simple and inexpensive ideas for...Protection and comfort outdoors
- Some that didn't get away, and one that did: Montana fishing records
- Some tricks for the summer
- Something for the kids [Excerpt]
- Something to be proud of ...
- Something to sing about [songbird range expanding].
- Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn. 1984.
- Songbird summer
- Sonnichsen, C. From Hopalong to Hud: thoughts on Western fiction. 1978.
- Sounds.
- South Wall Builders: A green success story [Missoula firm]
- Southwest region around Butte
- Spanish exploration in the western borderlands
- The Spanish Frontier in North America. Yale University Press, 1992.
- Special effects for outdoors
- Special issue includes photographs of plants, animals, birds, and scenery. The photos are accompanied by poems of Montana school children
- Special issue includes photos of plants, animals, birds & scenery with literary quotes
- Special issue includes photos of plants, animals, birds, and scenery with quotes from conservationist Jay N. Ding Darling
- Special Olympics - Winter Games
- Special photo issue of Montana scenes accompanied by Montana song lyrics
- Special photo issue of Montana scenes with quotations from the writing and correspondence of Charlie Russell
- Special photo issue of Montana's flora and fauna with quotations from A.B. Gurthrie's writing
- Special photo issue of plants, animals, birds, & scenery with environmental remarks from MT territorial & state governors
- The special role of old growth forests
- Speed limit laws: does speed influence accidents and fatalities?
- Spence, C. Montana: a bicentennial history. 1978.
- Spence, C. Territorial politics and government in Montana.
- Spence, C. The rainmakers: American pluviculture to World War II. 1980.
- The sphinx, older than the hills (Beaverhead conglomerate).
- Spirit of the Front: Ear Mountain Wildlife Management Area
- Spit fire
- Spoils of statehood: Montana communities in conflict, 1888-1894
- Spooky Niarada, where things go `bump' in the night.
- Sportsmen plant 10,000 birds [Reprint from Montana Wild Life, January 1929]
- Spring creeks - precious secrets.
- Spring creeks: Montana's fragile fishery [Poindexter Fishing Access site]
- Spring Mountain.
- Spring skiing on Beartooth Pass
- Spring skiing.
- Spring stroll: a visit to Lubrecht Forest
- Spring weather: what causes it, blizzards and floods
- Springs on the border of Yellowstone Lake (watercolor)
- Springtime blues.
- Spritzer, D. Waters of wealth: the story of the Kootenai River and Libby Dam. 1979.
- Square Butte, a bubble on the plains
- Ssssh! Over there! Don't move! Photo close-up on Montana wildlife
- St. Ignatius Mission
- St. Labre: shining light for the Northern Cheyenne Indians
- St. Mary's Catholic Church: homespun
- Stacks o' facts: bees
- Stacks o' facts: birds
- Stacks o' facts: holidays
- Stacks o' facts: Montana plants
- Stacks o' facts: snow in Montana
- Stacks o' facts: Water in Montana
- Stacks o' facts: wild cats
- Stacks o' facts: Yellowstone National Park
- Stage on the High Line: Culbertson-Plentywood Stage Line
- Stairsteps to Heaven
- Stakeholders and water rights in Montana: an introduction
- Stalking the Mountain Ghost
- Stallard, P. Glittery misery: dependents of the Indian fighting army. 1978.
- Standing room only! [Planet population exceeds 5,000,000,000]
- Stanley Huntley interviews Sitting Bull: event, pseudo-event or fabrication?
- Star light, star bright
- Star of the sea
- The Starkey Project: new technologies chase old questions about deer and elk management.
- The start of a silence [historical sightings and habitat]
- Start the boating season right [checking gear]
- Start ups: a new-business sampler.
- Start your tomatoes early make miniature hot houses
- State and county population, Montana, 1990 and 1995
- State and private forestry programs: a partnership etched in the land.
- The state budget dilemma: no clear answers.
- State compensation insurance fund: a vital piece of the puzzle
- State of the economy
- The State outlook for 1987.
- State parks are for families [3rd annual State Parks Poster Contest for fifth grade students]
- State parks make memories [poster contest for fifth graders]
- State parks photo portfolio: window into another world
- State parks preserve history
- State parks: a home for plants and animals
- State purchases Robb Creek site.
- State regulation of private forest practices: what accomplishments at what costs?
- The state sales tax: voted down in 1971.
- Statehood centennials: what shall we celebrate?
- The status of wild MOntana.
- Stauffer, H. Mari Sandoz: story catcher of the plains. 1982.
- Staying dry in the worst weather
- Staying found: tips for knowing where you are & what to do if you get lost
- Staying sane.
- Steamboats on the Yellowstone
- Steffen, J. Comparative frontiers: a proposal for studying the American West. 1980.
- Steffen, R. The horse soldier 1776-1943: the United States cavalryman: his uniforms, arms, accoutrements, and equipments, Vol. IV, World War I, the peacetime army, World War II, 1917=1943. 1979.
- Steffen, R. The horse soldier, 1776-1943: the last of the Indian wars, The Spanish-American War, the brink of the great war, 1881-1996. 1978.
- Step and fetchit
- Stevensville Historical Society. Montana genesis.
- Stewart, H. Looking at Indian art of the Northwest coast. 1979.
- Still a good idea: Blackfoot-Clearwater Wildlife Management Area.
- The Stillwater complex, a platinum-rich oddity near Big Timber
- Stirring the muddy waters along the Missouri Breaks
- Stocking Wonderland: Yellowstone National Park's river fishery
- Stopping by Volborg: meet the Stanleys.
- Stopping by woods, an autumn idyll.
- Stopping saline seep: researchers Hayden Ferguson, Paul Brown, Marvin Miller
- Stories: a narrative history of the West
- A story about snakes in the grass
- A story from the Cree: Why earth worm has no eyes
- A story irrigated by a flood of skunks
- Stover, J. Iron road to the West: American railroads in the 1850s. 1978.
- Strange beasts in our backyard
- Strange bedfellows: prostitution, politicians, and moral reform in Helena, 1885-1887
- Strange bedfellows: Superfund clean-up teams Jack Nicklaus & ARCO
- Strategic planning and the mission statement: long-term planning critical for Montana companies
- Stratton, J. Pioneer women: voices from the Kansas frontier. 1981.
- Strawberry makes Butcher Knife Creek A better place
- Streambed basics: how water works.
- Street smarts: bicycle basics
- Strike and retreat: intertribal warfare and the Powder River War, 1865-1868
- Strike gold at Montana's state parks
- Strike up the bandwidth
- Strikes His Enemy Pretty [oil, c1906].
- Strung, N. Fishing the headwaters of the Missouri.
- Strung, N. Fishing the headwaters of the Missouri. 1980.
- Subcutaneous laminar shear failure and hydraulic stress: some advice on blisters.
- Subdivisions nine ways to improve subdivision controls
- The subject was mule deer
- Subsidies changing, but here to stay
- Such Men as Billy the Kid: The Lincoln County War Reconsidered. Univ. of Nebraska Press, c1994.
- A sucker called blue.
- Suddenly its summer
- Suit yourself: make it with a kit
- Sulfur Cinquefoil: a new threat to biological diversity.
- Summer begins in wine country
- Summer fires: businesses still struggling to recover
- Summer games: Whitefish
- Summer in wine country
- Summer of '43: an Ozarks boy out West.
- Summer rains brought floaters to Smith River in 1993 [3,688 for record high]
- Summer theater
- Summer Travel Special Issue (Montana Magazine)
- Summers at Lambshead
- Sun Mountain Sports: when golf pro meets sewing machine.
- The Sun River Mountain Lion Study
- Sundae drivers: Montana's ice cream parlors
- Sundaes and heydays: Bungalow Drug
- Sunday at the Little Big Horn with George [Artist Eric von Schmidt paints Here Fell Custer]
- Sunday on the Mo
- Sunelco, Inc.: solar is coming of age in the Bitterroot Valley
- Surf's up, grab your pig and come on in.
- A surgeon at the Little Big Horn: letters of H. Paulding between April 21 & July 15 1876, detail movements of Gibbon's command
- Surgery or not? It depends on where you live
- Surrendered out-of-state/country licenses
- Surrounded by elk
- Surrounded by sky: a high traverse of the Tobacco Roots
- Surveying in Yellowstone National Park, 1882.
- Surveyor's wagon in the rockies [oil, by A. Bierstadt, c.1859]
- Survival basics
- Survival tips: cold weather
- Survivor
- Sustainability: civilizing our Call of the Wild
- Sutton, M. and Sutton, A. Yellowstone.
- The Swan face: western guardian of the Bob.
- Swan River Pete: Pete Rovero
- Swan Valley shootout, 1908 a tragic white-Indian clash long after the wars were over.
- The Swan Valley: 90 miles of classic mountain scenery.
- Swartout, R., ed. Montana vistas: selected historical essays. 1981.
- Sweat lodge: heat and harmony
- Sweet Grass County
- Sweet October.
- Sweet purple.
- Sweet rescue
- Sweetgrass, border town.
- Swinging for the fences
- Sword Bearer and the Crow Outbreak, 1887.
- Sykes Grocery, the meet 'n' greet place.
- Symphony at Red Rocks.
- A synopsis of Montana agriculture east of the Rocky Mountains
- The system: use a grim winter day to organize those slides and prints
T [^]
- T. Rex rises again
- Tahoe: an Environmental History. 1984.
- Tailwater trout
- Take a close look
- Take a hike [21 hikes suggested throughout Montana]
- Take a hike.
- Take a peek inside: Montana 1986-1988 Fishing Regulations
- Take a ride on the wild side
- Take a Telemark vacation: top trails, fine meals in two winter wonderlands - Glacier country, Gallatin Valley
- Take in a winter fair [in Bozeman and Missoula].
- Take the Great Bob Trek.
- Take the Gun Strong (watercolor and pastel) 13.1.42 Wolf Tail (watercolor and passtel) 13.1.cover
- Taking a cotton to cottonwoods
- Taking a fling at ling
- Taking the bull by the horns: law by initiative
- Taking the cure: Montana's health mine pilgrims
- Taking the plunge [Hodge's Marine Construction, Inc.]
- Taking the theater to the kids
- Taking the train, a peak-to-prairie ride on Amtrak
- Talkin' turkey: a 1920's Thanksgiving tale
- Talking 'bout my generation
- Tall tales and big grins (from Giggles from Glacier guides, Kalispell: O'Neil Printers, 1935)
- Taming the dreaded knapweed.
- Tannenbaum, Oh Tannenbaum: a view from the growing fields
- Tanner, M. A fragment: the autobiography of Mary Jane Mount Tanner. Ed. by M. Ward. 1980.
- Tarkio Tuades
- The tarnished dream: the turbulent world of the forest products industry in the Northwest
- A taste of history: sourdough in Montana
- The taste of rabbit pie: Deirdre McNamer and the real life on the Hi-Line
- A taste of spring.
- Tax planning for woodland owners.
- Tax shelter farming
- Taylor Gordon, Smith River tenor on Broadway
- The Taylor Grazing Act: a 50-year perspective
- Taylor, G. The New Deal and American tribalism: the administrtion of the Indian Reorganization Act, 1934-1945. 1980.
- Taylor, L. & Maar, I. The American cowboy. 1983.
- Teacher's first day
- Teaching kids to hunt
- Teaching school on the western frontier: acceptable occupation for nineteenth century women
- Team Fish
- Teamwork
- Technical assistance programs for non- industrial private forest landowners
- Tee time in Montana: the golf-crazy Flathead Valley.
- Teeth provide age, other info.
- The tempestuous life of Will James
- The ten commandments of river etiquette.
- Ten days on Damnation Creek: a guided hunt in the Bob Marshall
- Ten days on the plains.
- Ten elements of a good business plan.
- Ten years in the trenches: the Environmental Information Center does battle from the grass roots up
- Tents today.
- Tents, select your home away from home as carefully as your home
- Terminus town: founding Dillon
- Territoriality: how competition for space keeps the species strong
- Terry
- Terry Badlands [being considered as wilderness area].
- Terry Hill receives Shikar-Safari Award.
- The test of time
- Testicle festivals: come and have a ball
- The Tetons: interpretations of a mountain landscape.
- Thanks, Art Whitney [leads the way to stopping planting of hatchery fish in rivers.]
- Thanks, Art Whitney.
- Thanksgiving blizzard [Big Timber].
- That is my road: the life and times of a Crow berdache.
- That's Dorothy: the story of storyteller Dorothy Johnson
- The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1965
- 'The Pilgrimage of a Funny Man': Bob Burdette's Northwest tour of 1888
- The preachings of an old hunter
- The-Man-Who-Talks-Not: John Louis Clarke
- Theodore Roosevelt: the Making of a Conservationist.
- There
- There are 10 candles on our birthday cake
- There I stood: every respectable hunting story should have these words
- There is something wrong down here: the Smith Mine disaster, Bearcreek, Montana, 1943.
- There would be no charge
- There's a system to keeping your hands warm
- There's no taste like home
- There's nothing like it the Grizzly-Bobcat series
- There's something wild on your tax form [nongame check-off]
- These trails were walked before.
- They're all ladies out here
- They're driving the last spike again
- They're moving to Montana
- They've come a l-o-o-o-ong way
- Thickets and thorns
- Things to know before you go [ to Yellowstone Park]
- Things to know before you go [to Yellowstone Park]
- Think safety!
- Think tank [freshwater research at Yellow Bay].
- Thinsulate: synthetic insulation goes on a diet
- Third annual guide to 34 summertime things to do in Montana
- Thirty days hath September
- The thirty-one-year ram
- This buck's for oyu, Son.
- This frozen north: wildlife in winter
- This is not just another fish story.
- This sea mammal is the fastest of its kind [an orca]
- This well-wooded land: Americans and their forests from colonial times to the present.
- This wild chicken was really a bad egg
- Thomas Francis Meagher's bar bill.
- Thomas Greenough's amazing, traveling mansion
- Thomas H. Carter, spokesman for western development.
- Thompson Chain of Lakes: a link to natural values.
- Thornbrugh notches sixth waterfowl stamp win
- Thornbrugh Three-Peats as Waterfowl Stamp winner
- Thornbrugh wins 1997 waterfowl stamp contest
- Thornbrugh wins it again [1990 waterfowl stamp competition]
- Thornbrugh's Canadas wins stamp contest
- Those beloved bookmobiles: Are Montana's rolling libraries about to be shelved?
- Those bloomin' algae.
- Those grand and golden grizzlies, reflections on a 50th reunion
- Those hot summer days.
- Those long winter nights.
- Those magnificent flying machines
- Those Powerful Years: The South Coast and Los Angeles, 1887-1917. Historical Society of Southern California, 1992.
- Those scandalous Ladies of the Night.
- Those Sheridan samaritans save birds.
- A thousand winters ago [Lost Terrace on the Missouri River]
- Thrapp, D. ed. Dateline Fort Bowie: Charles Fletcher Lummis reports on an Apache war. 1979.
- Thrashing in Montana at the turn of the century.
- The Three Chiefs--Piegan [photograph by Edward Curtis, 1900]
- 'three cool, determined men': the Sioux War heroism of privates Evans, Stewart and Bell.
- Three from the Centennial [red-tailed, ferruginous & Swainson's hawks in the Red Rock Lakes Wildlife Refuge area].
- Three Montana periodicals [Montana Outdoors,Montan Magazine, Montana the Magazine of Western History]
- Three Montanans receive TU awards: Gary Decker Rick Swanson & Chris Clancy
- Three new commissioners, one new director
- Threshers holiday in Eastern Montana
- Thumper!
- Tick study at Hamilton's Research Lab
- Tick talk [habits and safety measures]
- Tied the the past: historic Bull River Ranger Station
- Tikhmenev, P. A history of the Russian-American Company. 1978.
- Tiller, V. The Jicarilla Apache tribe: a history, 1846-1970. 1983.
- Timber and the Forest Service. 1986.
- Timber and wood products: no clearcut answers for this troubled Montana industry
- Timber management costs: a comparison among major landowners in Idaho and Montana
- Timber management meets the public: new ways to resolve conflict.
- Time to toughen up on subdivisions?
- Tings Steak House and Stage Stop
- TIP-MONT helps put the crunch on poachers.
- TIP-MONT spells success.
- TIP-MONT: make the call
- Tipi rings
- Tipi rings: circles of stone, moments in Montana prehistory.
- Tips for outdoor types: rain rules and rugged gear.
- Tips for wood gatherers
- Tips on cold climate seed selection
- TLC for boots.
- To arouse interest in the outdoors: the literary career of Enos Mills
- To catch a glacier: diary & photographs from Dowler's 1920 Kintla Mountain trip
- To Chipper with love.
- To feed or not to feed
- To live is to mush: the sled-dog racing lifestyle [Laurie Palmer & Jack Beckstrom].
- To make a hunter
- To market, to market
- To save the family farm: Montana Land Reliance: conservation easements donated by land owners
- To ski or not to ski: one community's look at regional planning
- To the dear ones at home: Elizabeth Fisk's Missoouri River trip, 1867
- To the keepers of the flame: people and wildlife are closely intertwined
- To the mallard
- To the Sun by the moon
- Toe-tappin' time: ever try sitting still for old-time fiddle music?
- Tom Miner Basin
- Tomaskie & Montskaia: a championship team.
- Tomato talk
- Tomorrow's tradition
- Tongue River country
- Too good to lose
- Too many elk in Yellowstone? [Wildlife in Transition: Man and Nature on Yellowstone's Northern Range. 1986. Don Despain and others]
- Toole, K. R. Montana: an uncommmon land.
- Toole, K. R. Twentieth century Montana: a state of extremes.
- Toopompey and I [Edwin Kellner].
- Top brass: Fort Benton's military might.
- Tornado: adding another twist to Montana's summer weather
- Tough Taft boom town
- Tough trip home: Ken Ralston
- Tough trip through the Pryor mountains
- A tour of Montana's famous fly shops
- Touring Montana by mouse
- Touring Montana's hot springs
- Touring the Tobacco Roots
- Tourism
- Tourism '89: the big picture.
- Tourism development: a new industry comes of age.
- Tourism employment in Montana: quality versus quantity?
- Tourism in the northern Rockies: preserving the product, protecting the future
- Tourism. Business Supplement [32p.] follows page 100
- Tourism: a big impact
- Tourism: Montana's new kid on the economic block
- Tourist towns singin' the blues. Business Supplement [32p.] follows page 100
- The tourist: travel in twentieth-century North America
- Tourists and tourism in Montana: the basics of a viable industry
- Tourists in action: contributions from out readers
- The Towe Ford collection
- Towering over infernos: Glacier's fire lookouts
- Town and gown: the economic partnership between the University of Montana and Missoula
- The town of Hot Springs.
- Townsend
- Traces of Tatanka
- Track trivia.
- Tracking C. M. Russell in Canada, 1888- 1889
- Tracking Con Murphy
- Tracking the travelers
- Traders to trappers: Andrew Henry and the Rocky Mountain fur trade [Part 1 of 2]
- Traders to trappers: Andrew Henry and the Rocky Mountain fur trade [Part 2]
- A tradition of service: Montana's first ambulance celebrates 150 years of service [St. Ignatius].
- Traditional social dances
- Traditions and change on the Northwest Coast: the Makah, Nuu-chah-nulth, southern Kwakiutl and Nuxalk.
- Traffic and tourism in the Bitterroot: tourism promotion, development and management
- Trafzer, C. The Kit Carson campaign: the last great Navajo war. 1981.
- Tragedy and beyond: Norman Maclean's Young Men and Fire [essay of book on Mann Gulch fire]
- Trail boss (oil)
- Trail to Milk River.
- Trailblazing Westward with Tin Lizzie
- Trails of a wilderness wanderer.
- The trails of Glacier National Park
- Trained to relax
- Trains of Discovery. 1984.
- Trains: stories and photos from our readers
- Tranquility resort, Swan Valley luxury.
- Tranquillity.
- The Trans-Mississippi Exposition and the Flathead delegation
- Transboundary water issues in the Canadian-American west
- Transitions: a Montana retrospective, 1970-1995
- Transportation [A centennial tribute].
- Trapper Education program to begin
- A trapper's story: trapping mice and rodents
- Trash treasures
- Travel and recreation outlook 2000: focusing on demographics
- Travel and recreation outlook 2001
- Travel and tourism
- Travel and tourism in western Montana
- Travel in time: four state parks and 4,000 years
- Travel on, but leave a name behind. [Describes some events for which landmarks in the Bob Marshall and the Great Bear Wilderness are named.]
- Travel tip: head east in May and June to see the whole bloomin' prairie
- Travelers' Tales: A Woman's World. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., n.d.
- Travelin' fish.
- Traveling Montana trails: modes of transportation impact how we cross Montana distances
- Travels in a subjective west: the letters of Edwin James and Major Stephen Long's scientific expedition of 1819- 1820
- The Travois [photograph by Richard Throssel, ca. 1906]
- A treasured collection: another Bair gift to Montana
- Treasures for tomorrow.
- Treatment and recovery
- Trends in the wood and paper products industry and their impact on the economy in the Pacific Northwest
- Trends in wilderness recreational use: causes and implications.
- Trennert, R. Indian traders on the middle border. 1981.
- Trespass fees for hunting and access to public land: the over-commercialization of Montana's wildlife resources
- Trevanian Hale: massacre murderer or founding father?
- Trial by fire- aftermath:the fires of '88
- A tribute to Arnold Olsen: remembering a statesman.
- Tribute to Carl Nebil
- A tribute to Cascade
- tribute to Joe Halterman
- A tribute to Joseph J.Klabunde.
- Tribute to Mel Smith [Manager, Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park, 1949-1973]
- Tribute to P. D. Skarr
- Tribute to Wallace Stegner [festschrift]
- A tribute to William L. Lang [editor of MT Mag W Hist, 1978-1990].
- Trick tank [New Mexico water project for elk]
- Trimotor and Trail.
- A trip through western time and western space: a review essay
- Tripping on wheels
- Triumphal narratives and the northern west
- A Trooper with Custer: Augustus DeVoto's account of the Little Big Horn
- Trophy elk management.
- Tropical rain forests: stronghold of biological diversity
- Trouble in trout paradise [whirling disease]
- The trouble with sheep ranching
- Troubled bundles, troubled Blackfeet: the travail of cultural and religious renewal: Scriver's 1989 sale of artifacts to Provencial Museum of Alberta
- Troubled waters: user conflicts on the Snake River of Hells Canyon.
- Troubleshooting with Montana's avalanche teams
- The troubling question of public access
- The trout and the stream
- Trout Foundation seeks proposals.
- Trout that fly
- Trout Unlimited in Montana
- Trunks full of treasure [environmental education: skeletons, puppets, books, etc.]
- The truth about witching wells
- Truth, lies and otherwise.
- Truzzolino, since 1896.
- Tuchscherer, M. with Forssen, J. Petticoat & stethoscope: a Montana legend. 1978.
- Tune in and tune up.
- Turkey hunters should heed safety tips
- Turkey hunting can be hazardous to your health
- A turkey opera in four acts
- Turkey trot
- Turkey vultures: nature's sailplanes
- Turnaround at Fort Peck Reservoir.
- Turner & Fonda: the view from the Flying D.
- Turner, G. Indians of North America. 1979.
- Turning batting averages into business.
- TV looks at Indians and American history: a review essay.
- Twenty years of western women's history
- Twin Bridges
- Twin scams
- Twistin' hairs: the art of hitching horsehair
- Twixt fall and winter.
- Two blacktail fawns [photograph by Chris Schlecten, ca. 1940]
- Two by two: get thee to the wilderness ...wheelchair and all.
- Two faces of wildlife
- Two for Trout
- The two frontiers of Mary Ronan.
- Two treasures of Treasure County: Harold Miller & Norris Cole
- Two views on wilderness: the 15th round
- Two ways with jerky.
- Two wheels across Montana [Tour of the Swan River Valley]
- Two worlds of the whitetail.
- Tykes on ice: ice fishing for family fun
- Tyler, R., ed. Alfred Jacob Miller: artist of the Oregon Trail. 1982.
U [^]
- U.S. Coast Guard minimum equipment requirements for motorboats.
- U.S. economic expansion longest on record: can the
- The U.S. Forest Service and the evolution of the environmental movement.
- U.S. Forest Service grazing and grasslands: a history.
- The U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: implications for Montana
- Ubelaker, D. & Viola, H., eds. Plains Indian studies: a collection of essays in honor of John C. Ewers and Waldo R. Wedel. 1982.
- The ultimate equine. Kalispell's Glacier International Show combines fantasy, fashion and fierce competition.
- Ultimate vacations: a look at the resort industry
- UM 6: Montana's six-sided university system
- Unabridged Blumberg.
- Uncle Jeff, mysterious character of the North Fork
- The uncommon caribou
- Under ice
- Under the moon by Vivian French, illus. by Chris Fisher. Candlewick Press, 1993.
- Under the same sky: Inner Mongolia's climate is similar to southwestern and eastern Montana's
- Underground creatures to be studied (in Flathead River).
- The Underground Reservation: Osage Oil.
- Understanding Butte
- Understanding the export trade dilemma
- Understory: tales beneath the surface
- The underwater biologist
- Underwater census: the waterproof biologist [counting fish underwater]
- Underwater flier.
- Unfolding history.
- A unique want ad of 1866
- The University of Montana and Missoula: economic interdependence
- University of Nevada Oral History Program
- The university system assisting the state's business community
- The unkindest bite of all [rabies]
- Unorthodox Rod McNeil: life's a scientific blast
- Unrau, W., ed. Tending the talking wire: a buck soldier's view of Indian Country, 1863-1866, 1979.
- unraveling mule deer mysteries
- Unruh, J. The Plains across: the Ovcrland emigrants and the Trans-Mississippi West, 1840-1860. 1979.
- Untamed landscapes
- Unusual livestock: goats, sheep, cattle, pot-bellied pigs, ostriches & horses
- Unusual trophy [when antlers don't indicate sex].
- Up and over the hill [meeting a grizzly while hiking].
- Up from the hard times [childhood memories in Eastern Montana].
- Up on the river, 1985
- Up the creek and over the mountain.
- Up the creek on the Mighty Mo: six miles in six days
- Up this great river: David Weston's Missouri steamboat diary
- Up, up, and away--Montana's soaring eagles.
- Update on Le Conte's sparrows ... and Harlequin ducks.
- Update: the Graves Hotel and a new look in Harlo
- The Upland Game Bird Habitat Enhancement Program: something for everyone.
- Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument
- The Uptown Cafe [Butte, MT].
- Uptown cuisine in old downtown Billings
- Urana Clarke: Livingston woman's life anchored by music, nature & knowledge
- Urban expansion and antelope
- Urban expansion and antelope [changes in distribution]
- Urban forestry: a look at the worth of trees.
- Urban renewal in Alder Gulch
- The urban West and the twenty-first century
- Urgent message [editorial].
- Use of macroinvertebrates to monitor forest management activities.
- Uses of oil and oil derivatives
- The Utah-Montana trail
V [^]
- Vacation home swapping.
- Vacation promotion as good business: the Montana experience.
- The value of a Dickey Bird.
- The value of blaze orange: Survival basics
- The value of shade in Kalispell, Montana.
- The value of wild [Bob Marshall, conservation pioneer].
- Van Cleve, S. Forty years' gatherin's.
- Vance, J. Upland bird hunting. 1981.
- Vandals strike Gjersing memorial.
- Varieties of Hope: An Anthology of Oregon Prose. Oregon State Univ. Press, 1993.
- Various Titles (Montana Magazine Book Reviews)
- Veiled trails to outdoor grails [Napa Point, Doris Lakes, Werner Peak, & Peterson-Wolf Creeks]
- Veiled vale of the Medicine Line: Glacier's Belly River country
- Venture capital in Montana and the Capital Company Act: a progress report.
- Venture capital, Montana style: overview of the industry & systems currently available to Montana entrepreneurs
- Verle Rademacher
- A very fine trout
- Vest-pocket preserves [natural areas are selected for scientific merit, not their scenic or recreational value]
- Vi Beyer: Zortman pioneer & educator
- Video visits [Rhode Island/Montana communities exchange videos in sister- city relationship].
- Vietor, R. Environmental politics and the coal coalition. 1980.
- The view from Maverick Mountain.
- A view from the bottom up: The work force of the American Fur Co. on the Upper Missouri in the 1830's
- The view from the stack
- View from the twenty-first floor.
- The view from Wisdom: region and identity in the minds of four westerners
- Views from the Gulf [Montana reserve forces]
- Views from Yellowstone National Park
- Views of the Crazies
- Views of the green: presentations from New Directions for the Conservation of Parks: an international working conference
- Vigilante parade
- Vigorous attempts to prosecute: Pinkerton men on Montana's range, 1914
- Virginia City
- Virginia City romance: the dark drama of Jack and Maria Slade
- A vision for today [Review of A Wilderness Original by J. Glover].
- Visitor tips for the land of the Apsaalooke
- Visitors respond: selections from 'The West as America' comment books
- Visits with Charles M. Russell.
- The voice of the curlew.
- Volksmarch, Great Falls.
- Voluntary reservations on the Smith.
- Volunteers make it work: Montana's hunter education program
W [^]
- W.A. Clark and the Las Vegas connection
- W.H.D. Koerner and Emerson Hough a western collaboration
- W.T. Cheney: photographs of Lima and the Oregon Short Line
- The Wagon Box Fight: its meaning and place in history
- Waiting for El Contratista (watercolor)
- Waiting for the flames: a ranger's story.
- Waking the robin, Montana's trillium announces spring.
- Waldron, E. & Wilson, R. Atlas of Montana elections, 1889-1976. 1978.
- Walker, A. An account of a voyage to the North West coast of America in 1785 & 1786. Ed. by R. Fisher & J. Bumsted. 1982.
- Walker, D. Clio's cowboys: studies in the historiography of the cattle trade. 1981.
- Walkin' Jim: songs of the trail
- Walks of the Rockies.
- Wall climb.
- Walla Walla: gateway to the Pacific Northwest interior
- Wallace L. Crawford: A friend of the river [memorial creates Fishing Access Site on the Bitterroot River]
- Wallace, E. The howling of the coyotes: reconstruction efforts to divide Texas. 1979.
- Walleye workers [helping walleyes spawn]
- Wallmo, O., comp. & ed. Mule and black-tailed deer of North America. 1981.
- Wally McRae
- Walter Hook
- Wamback heads Western Association [Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. the issue is the role of states as custodians of resident fish and wildlife]
- Wanderers on the wind
- Wanderings of an Environmental Journalist in Alaska and the American West. University of New Mexico Press, 1993.
- Wanderings through Wonderland: day hikes in Yellowstone
- Wanderlust: other trips to take this summer.
- Wanna be a cowboy?
- Wanted alive: black-footed ferrets and their locations in Montana.
- Wanted: a few good waterfowlers
- Wanted: the masked stranger
- Wapiti wampum
- War houses in the Sioux country
- War of the winds
- The war on whirling disease: dispatches from the front
- Warbling voyagers of the west.
- The warden and the poacher.
- The warden's corner: after the hunting is over
- The warden's corner: decoys promote safe hunting and fair chase
- The Warden's corner: sharing The Last Best Place with wildlife
- The warden's corner: the wardens of Fergus County
- The Warden's corner: two cubs for the price of one
- Wardwell, A. Objects of bright pride: Northwest Coast Indian art from the American Museum of Natural History. 1978,
- Warm water fisheries: the Walleye of Ft. Peck Reservoir
- Warm water fisheries:praire gold mine
- Warm, weighty, & wonderful [warm water fishing]. Fishing supplement [32 p.] follows page 114.
- Warm-weather backpacker, summer gear.
- Was there arsenic in the air? Anaconda versus the farmers of Deer Lodge valley
- Washington & wilderness: debate continues on the Montana wilderness bill
- Waste high in pollutants: thumbnail sketches of eight federal Superfund sites in Montana
- Watch for waterspouts
- Watch out for New Year's Eve: a nostalgic hayride goes haywire
- Watchable wildlife: a gathering of grebes
- Watchable wildlife: a halcyon dream
- Watchable wildlife: devil bear
- Watchable wildlife: flying tigers
- Watchable wildlife: forest sentinels
- Watchable wildlife: living in the crown
- Watchable wildlife: rock rabbit
- Watchable wildlife: tracking down an avian trickster
- Watchable wildlife: watchful butcher
- Watchable wildlife: winter visitors
- Watching the river floe
- Watching the sport of rodeo.
- Water and agriculture (Water, the blood of Montana, Part one.)
- Water for all water users
- Water for the future
- Water law and the American West
- Water rights/fights in the agricultural community
- Water safety: it all depends on you
- Water sounds.
- Water trails West. 1978
- Water wealth [includes annual discharge from major Montana rivers]
- Water wolf of the weed beds
- Water! Water! The Overland Astorians (oil)
- Water, the blood of Montana, part one
- Water, the blood of Montana, part two
- Water, water everywhere,but...[Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Dept. efforts to provide and maintain fishing access sites]
- Water, water everywhere...
- Water: the lifeblood of Montana, part 3
- Waterfowl decoys of Michigan and the Lake St. Clair region. 1983.
- Waterfowl skies over Freezout
- `We all intermingled': the childhood memories of South Slavic immigrants in Red Lodge and Bearcreek, Montana, 1904- 1943
- We are proud to announce.
- `We are Women Irish': gender, class, religious, and ethnic identity in Anaconda, Montana
- We care about eagles: National Wildlife Week - March 14-20, 1982.
- We done the chores and set by the fire: cold winter in the Bitterroot
- We Montanans: the Billings Hispanic community.
- We need wilderness and timber
- We're not isolated now! Anna Boe Dahl and the REA.
- We've hit chocolate: striking it rich in Helena's Parrot Confectionary
- The Wealth of Nature: Environmental History and the Ecological Imagination. Oxford Univ. Press, 1993.
- The Wealth of Nature: New Economic Realities in the Yellowstone Region. 1992. Ray Rasker et al. The Wilderness Society. [book review]
- Weather extremes: photos & stories from our readers
- Weather Pioneers: The Signal Corps Station at Pikes Peak. Swallow Press/ Ohio Univ. Press, 1993.
- Weathering the storm: will Montana's sage grouse hunting season be the next casualty in the endangered species wars?
- Wee Montanana: gnome home
- Weeds in wilderness: a threat to biodiversity
- Weekend in Wibaux a centennial celebration
- Weekender: Anaconda: where Main Street meets the mountains
- Weekender: Big Sky: where tourists become locals
- Weekender: Butte: the Mining City
- Weekender: Capitol, Continental Divide, & cross-country skiing [in the Helena area]
- Weekender: festivals, ferry, & far-flung farms [in the Fort Peck/ Glendive area]
- Weekender: foliage, farms & forests [in the Lewistown/Billings area]
- Weekender: Fort Benton: birthplace of Montana
- Weekender: frontier, floats, & footpaths [in the Three Forks/ Virginia City area]
- Weekender: Great Falls: the Electric City
- Weekender: Helena: Queen City of the Rockies
- Weekender: history, horizons, and Hi-Line [in the Great Falls area]
- Weekender: horses, highways, and history [in the Miles City area]
- Weekender: Kalispell: heart of the Flathead
- Weekender: lakes, links, and lollygagging [in the Missoula/ Flathead area]
- Weekender: Lewistown: gem in the heart of Montana
- Weekender: Miles City: cow capital of the world
- Weekender: mines, menus & mountains [in the Butte area]
- Weekender: Northwest, Nordicfest & nature [in the Libby area]
- Weekender: paradise , planetarium, & presents [in the Bozeman/ White Sulphur Springs area]
- Weekender: paradise, predators, and play in the Park [in the Livingston/ Yellowstone area]
- Weekender: Park to paradise [in the Yellowstone area]
- Weekender: Philipsburg: a town for all seasons
- Weekender: pictographs, prairies, and peaks [in the Billings area]
- Weekender: Red Lodge: gateway to the Beartooths
- Weekender: Seeley Lake: land of mountains, trees, and snow
- Weekender: Seeley-Swan, shorelines, & silly celebrations [in the Seely-Swan area]
- Weekender: ski, sip, sup and soak [in the Bozeman/ Yellowstone area]
- Weekender: ski, snow, and soak [in the Missoula/ Dillon area]
- Weekender: slopes, sights & serenity [in the Red Lodge/ Billings area]
- Weekender: springtime, spirit, & scenery [in the Great Falls/ White Sulpher Springs area]
- Weekender: surprises, skiing & scenery [in the Thompson Falls/ Eureka area]
- Weekender: trails, trains, & tours [in the Glacier area]
- Weekender: treks, towns, & towering terrain [in the Anaconda/ Butte area]
- Weekender: trout, trails & tours [in the Anaconda area]
- Weekender: vast, vigorous & varied [in the Glendive/ Wolf Point area]
- Weekender: water, wind & wheat [in the Fort Peck area]
- Weekender: West Yellowstone: hub of Yellowstone County
- Weekender: wildlife, water & the west [in the Bannack/ Bozeman/ West Yellowstone area]
- Wehren,L. The sweet talkin' man.
- Weist, T. A history of the Cheyenne people. 1977.
- Welch: listening to prisoners four days a month.
- Welcome Creek, remarkable water country.
- Welcome home Montana
- Well and strong and fearless : Etta Anderson in Washington Territory, 1853-l856
- Well-healed cutthroat [Yellowstone river hatchery overcomes bacterial kidney disease in its stock]
- Wells Fargo stagecoaching in Montana: into a new territory. Pt. 1 of 4
- Wells Fargo stagecoaching in Montana: final months [Pt. 4 of 4]
- Wells Fargo stagecoaching in Montana: final months. Pt. 4 of 4
- Wells Fargo stagecoaching in Montana: into a new territory. Pt. 1 of 4
- Wells Fargo stagecoaching in Montana: the overland mail contract for 1868. Pt 3 of 4.
- Wells Fargo stagecoaching in Montana: trials and triumphs. Pt. 2 of 4
- Wells, M. Anti-Mormonism in Idaho, 1872-92. 1978.
- The West and the military-industrial complex.
- The West as utopia and myth
- West Bench, Dillon irrigation project
- West Big Hole Mountains
- West from the Tetons [photograph by F. Jay Haynes, 1896]
- The west in exploration, empire, and art: a review essay
- The West in the 1980's: what the future holds for economic growth and the potential for financing
- The west of the imagination. 1986.
- West of Wichita: settling the high plains of Kansas, 1865-1890.
- West Yellowstone IS winter.
- West Yellowstone those good, bad old time winters
- West, E. The saloon on the Rocky Mountain mining frontier. 1979,
- West-East roundup [news & events from around the state]
- Westering man.
- Westering Man: the Life of Joseph Walker. 1983.
- Western art and architecture
- Western art museums: a question of style or content.
- Western Association [of Fish and Wildlife agencies] selects Newby
- Western author Caroline Lockhart and her perspectives on Wyoming.
- Western Federation of Miners in two copper camps the impact of MIchigan's strike on Butte's Local No. 1
- Western grebe now two species.
- Western history: why the past may be changing.[Includes commentary by P. Limerick M. Malone G. Thompson and E. West.]
- Western images, Western landscapes. Thomas R. Vale and Geraldine R. Vale. University of Arizona Press.
- The western intellectual Josiah Royce
- Western Montana rock art: images of forgotten dreams.
- Western portrait
- Western rock.
- Western saddlemakers, 1865-1920
- Western women's history--a look at some of the issues
- Western women: begining to come into focus. Hell came with horses: Plains Indian women in the equestrian era
- Western women: beginning to come into focus. Well and strong and fearless: Etta Anderson in Washington Territory, 1853-1856
- The Western Writers of America. Women who made theh West. 1980.
- The wet world of Montana's water birds
- Wetlands: diverse abundance
- Weygant, N. Rimrock land: our homestead site.
- Whale facts
- Whale tale [Noxon, MT, students make a life-size model of a blue whale]
- What a hoot [Denver Holt of Missoula, Montana, researches owls]
- What bears take for granted.
- What do people think? [Department's financial problems and proposed license fee increases]
- What I did with my summer vacation: Emma Cowan in Yellowstone National Park, 1877
- What is an economy? Its relationship to Montana
- What is oil?
- What is the only vegetarian among sea animals?
- What on earth is the new Western History
- What the 1980s have meant for Montana's forest products industry.
- What will methane cost?
- What's bugging that fish?
- What's in a name? Anthropologists use language to identify groups of people while common usage names often remain a mystery
- What's in a name? [Some common and scientific names of birds found in Montana.]
- What's red, white & blue - and flies?
- What's threatening the family farm?
- What's with that weird weather? [Cold, stormy weather]
- What's your water address?
- Whatever it takes.
- Wheat for the Soviet masses : M.L. Wilson and the Montana connection
- Whee! cheap gas! but not for long: a report from the oil fields.
- Wheelchair marathoner.
- Wheeler, S. The Black Rock Desert. 1978.
- Wheelman in Yellowstone, 1905
- When a man loves a woman can hard shell and cold feet be far behind?
- When a split jet stream is a Montana's best friend
- When Indians became cowboys
- When its cold, pile it on--in layers
- When Santa comes to Butte
- When the system breaks down [sterotyping hunters]
- When the trout stream calls Winston rods answer [Montana Made products].
- When the wind blows: Montana from a sailboard.
- Where and how to discover the joy of touring
- Where are they now?: results of a survey of recent Montana State University business graduates
- Where can you visit an herbarium?
- Where did the Nez Perces go in Yellowstone in 1877?
- Where do polar bears go in summer?
- Where elk come from [includes chart with elk population of top ten states]
- Where is the American west? Report on a survey.
- Where nature reigns supreme.
- Where the action is...
- Where there's smoke...
- Where to find snipe
- While you're at the auction meet King Kuka
- While you're in the area drive to Freezeout for prime bird watching
- Whiskey Jack.
- Whiskey Peddler: Johnny Healy, North Frontier Trader. Mountain Press, 1993.
- White nightmare: an avalanche survivor's story.
- White, R. Land use, environment, and social change: the shaping of Island County, Washington. 1980.
- White-tailed homesteaders
- Whitefish schuss, paddle, pedal, putt.
- Whitefish Winter Carnival
- Whitefish: Stump Town comes of age
- Whitetail autumn
- Whitetail: end of the line
- Whitetails alert, adaptable, and everywhere
- Whitewater wonder: harlequin ducks
- Whittecar State Recreation Area: popular spot.
- Who goes there?
- Who influences state govenment: the 10 most influential
- Who influences state government: the 10 most influential
- Who murdered Tom Manning? In a company town, company justice
- Who was Billy the Kid?
- Who was Larson? Few Montanans know their own Peter Larson, pioneer lumberman and railroad baron
- Who's new? [The fun, the first and the farsighted among new Montana businesses]
- Who's the greatest recycler? Dead bodies are cleaned up by many animals
- Who-o-o are you? owl habits & behavior
- The whole famdamily [Lewistown, MT].
- Whole lotta shakin' goin' on: Helena earthquake, 1935
- Whole wheat: breaking new ground in the organic grain field
- Whole wheat: where to find it fresh.
- The Whoop-up trail
- The Whoop-up Trail: from Fort Benton, Montana, to Fort McLeod, Alberta
- Whose shrine is it? The ideological struggle for Custer Battlefield
- Why are flowers different colors?
- Why are saline seeps still seeping?
- Why are the things on their heads called horns for bighorn sheep, but antlers for elk?
- Why bother with furbish louseworts?
- Why did dinosaurs die out?
- Why do animals yawn?
- Why do antlers have blood on them?
- Why do ducks fly in a V-shape?
- Why do fireflies glow?
- Why do leaves change color?
- Why do people get seasick or carsick?
- Why do some birds like to dance?
- Why do spiders spin webs?
- Why does a rabbit wiggle its nose?
- Why does a snake shed its skin?
- Why does man hunt?
- Why men hunt
- Why not do it all? An elegant Billings Auction, too
- Why the hunt? Profiles of three Montana hunters
- Why we hunt [women prefer quality of the meat to antlers]
- Why would a lizard break off part of its tail?
- Wickens, J. Colorado in the great depression. 1979.
- Wild & woolly in Bozeman: the Gallatin County Summer Fair
- Wild about winter
- Wild and growing [Project Wild]
- Wild country- Anaconda Hill: Great Divide country for all seasons
- Wild country- atop the front: winter day trips
- Wild country- atop the front: winter day trips (part II)
- Wild country- Bitter Creek: Land of the Long Look
- Wild country- Bridge Coulee: pine-clad breaks and benches
- Wild country- Bullwhacker Coulee: wild heart of the Missouri Breaks
- Wild country- Deadhorse Badlands: badlands, bad water, and solitude
- Wild country- Humbug Spires: a land for all seasons
- Wild country- Petty Mountain: steep, with sheep
- Wild country- Sand Arroyo Badlands: land of the long look
- Wild country- Seven Blackfoot: deep in the Missouri Breaks
- Wild country- Square Butte: massive montane mesa in an ocean of grass
- Wild country- Stony Mountain: wild sapphire in a string of pearls
- Wild country- Sweet Grass Hills: Hi-Line to the Medicine Lake
- Wild country- Ten Lakes: a wild remnant
- Wild country- the Crazies: largest and wildest of Montana's montane islands
- Wild country- the Highwoods: forested land on the high plains
- Wild country- the Judith Mountains: Lewistown's northern doorstep
- Wild country- the Tobacco Roots: peaks packed tight with room to roam
- Wild country- Wales Creek: hot springs and moose in a remnant wild forest
- Wild country- Ward-Eagle: tiniest gem in a string of pearls
- Wild country: Allan Mountain: a wild link for wildlife
- Wild country: Black and Jericho Mountains, Helena's backyard wildlands
- Wild country: Italian peaks, Montana's hidden corner
- Wild country: Terry Badlands, prairie wilderness of the lower yellowstone
- Wild country: the Big Snowies, wild heartland
- Wild country: the Lionhead
- Wild flower look alikes
- The wild Gallatins: rugged terrain & political storms.
- Wild goose chase
- Wild grace: the trumpeter's call
- Wild Horse gets three [wild horse transplants]
- Wild Horse Island
- Wild Horse Island: a great place to see wild...sheep
- Wild Horse Island: a natural experience
- Wild Horse Island: where horse and mule roam free
- Wild Irish Butte
- A WILD kind of education [Project WILD]
- The wild Missouri
- Wild River: the forks of the Flathead
- Wild romance
- Wild Sheep Country. NorthWord Press, 1993.
- A wild sheep's year
- Wild to the heart.
- Wild trout management: commitment to excellence.
- Wild West bartender's bible.
- Wild-ly popular activities
- The Wilderness Act of 1964: testimony to resiliance
- Wilderness aesthetics and metro-wildernist Trump Rights in American wildlands policy.
- Wilderness allocations and wildernist advocacy in American wildlands policy.
- Wilderness elk hunting: the Bob Marshall Complex
- Wilderness fire management in Canada: some new approaches to natural areas.
- Wilderness group sponsors walks
- Wilderness group sponsors walks [support for threatened roadless areas]
- Wilderness in Montana: putting things into perspective
- Wilderness in white: a winter in Yellowstone
- Wilderness management: the new profession
- Wilderness mineral leases: Geology suggests mining districts insignificant
- Wilderness myths: Some falsehoods are put to rest
- A wilderness original: the life of Bob Marshall.
- The wilderness reality. [Review of Wilderness in America: Personal perspectives, ed. by Daniel L. Dustin.]
- The wilderness scoreboard. RARE II: the last stand for wilderness [list of nine designated wilderness areas and one primitive area]
- Wilderness trek: Scapegoat Wilderness
- Wilderness trips
- Wilderness use and user characteristics: ending some misconceptions.
- Wilderness walks
- The wilderness wars of the northern Rockies: time for a truce?
- Wilderness Watch: keeping what we have.
- Wilderness with a small w: Snowmobiles and wilderness, two viewpoints
- Wildfires: not always disasters
- Wildflowers: a photographic showcase
- Wildhorse Island
- Wildland activism in Montana
- Wildlife and energy development: Montana's future options
- Wildlife Doc [Beth Sorensen]
- Wildlife film festival set for spring
- Wildlife for the watching: tips on where & how to watch wild birds and animals
- Wildlife habitat in managed forests: what to think about while chopping.
- Wildlife in transition.
- Wildlife in transition: man and nature on Yellowstone's northern range
- Wildlife law enforcement--the early years
- Wildlife management and the maintenance of biological diversity.
- A wildlife management tool: game check stations
- Wildlife professionals receive awards [Richard Mackie & Jim Cross]
- Wildlife programs: We're all in this together [The Wildlife Diversity Funding Initiative allows many to share costs of wildlife conservation]
- Wildlife property rights
- Wildlife Society awards [Tom Mussehl] Missoula warden named Officer of the Year
- The Wildlife Society honors Faye Couey.
- The Wildlife Society honors Mitchell
- Wildlife Society honors Posewitz
- Wildlife Society honors Weigand.
- A wildlife viewing tour guide: Madison and Gallatin Rivers
- A wildlife viewing tour guide: Rocky Mountain Front
- A wildlife viewing tour guide: the Big Hole
- Wildlife. the Madison-Gallatin Alliance speaks out on the Lee Metcalf Wilderness.
- Wildlife: the Madison-Gallatin Alliance speaks on the Lee Metcalf Wilderness
- Will James: the life and work of a lone cowboy. 1987.
- Will James: the life and works of a lone cowboy.
- Will Montana be malled?
- Will Rogers: a biography. Knopf, 1993.
- Willard Stone,follow the grain.
- Willert, J. Little Big Horn diary.
- William Henry Hunt: the Montana years
- William Hornaday's bitter mission: the mysterious journey of the last wild bison
- William Kittredge
- Williams, K. Eating wild plants.
- Wilson will have tree with candles [re- print from Great Falls Daily Leader, December 17, 1917]
- Wilson, O. The Denver and Rio Grande Project, 1870-1901 a history of the first thirty years of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. 1981.
- Wilson, S. Castle on the prairie.
- The wind chill index tells how fast you freeze
- Wind related [Hamilton, MT business makes windsocks]
- The Wind Won't Know Me. Knopf, 1992.
- Wine sales in the private sector: two years after I-81
- Wines in Montana
- Winging through winter: Christmas Bird Count, Montana-style
- Wingshooter's Guide to Montana. Wilderness Adventures Press, 1995.
- Winnebagos, funeral homes, and cruise ships: the graying of Baby Boomers in the new millenium
- A winning team [Helena teenagers, M. Aagenes & J. Lindgren, compete in bicycle races]
- Winning the war.
- Winter at Cut Bank Ranger Station
- Winter birding on the Yellowstone
- Winter camping for the beginner
- Winter dangers for ruminants. No people should be on winter ranges from December 1 to June 1
- Winter eagle: Migrating eagles stop off in Montana to eat and rest
- Winter events & festivals
- Winter games
- Winter games '88
- Winter gear put to the test. Part VI
- Winter gear.
- Winter Hawk comes to the Flathead
- A winter home for elk [Five Southwestern Montana wildlife management areas]
- A winter home for elk
- Winter in Cooke City
- Winter in Garnet
- Winter in the mountains
- Winter in the shiny mountains
- Winter keeper of Yellowstone National Park
- Winter notes for mountain people
- Winter notes for mountain people. Part II.
- Winter notes from wine country
- The winter of 1886-1887
- Winter of the Holy Iron, a Novel. Red Crane Books, 1994.
- Winter of the magic seeds.
- Winter ranges for elk and deer: victims of uncontrolled subdivisions?
- Winter traverse of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area (February 19 - March 2, 1993)
- Winter typically atypical
- Winter warriors: the Olympic biathlon tryout in Montana
- A winter's day
- Wintering in in Billings [shopping, dining out, & entertainment]
- Wintering in in Great Falls [shopping, dining out, entertainment]
- Wintering in in Missoula [shopping, dining out, entertainment]
- Wintering out with snowmobiles
- Winterkill. [Winter's effect on elk, 1989.]
- Wisconsin wapiti [a gift of elk from Michigan]
- Wishart, D. The fur trade of the American West, 1807-1840 a geographical synthesis. 1979.
- With pen and plant in hand [Meriwether Lewis' describes Montana plant life in 1805-1806]
- With pen and plant in hand: Lewis describes plant life in Montana, 1805-1806
- With the sky on their backs
- Without fanfare
- Without parallel: 25 years with the Montana Constitution
- Wobbly war: the Centralia story. 1987.
- The wolf at my door.
- Wolf Creek wild game feed
- The wolf is at the door in Yellowstone Park
- Wolf Point old west, new west, and a bridge between
- Wolf wars (eradication efforts in Montana).
- Wolf watcher: Diane Boyd.
- Wolf, J. Guide to the Continental Divide Trail. Vol. 1: Northern Montana.
- Wolters, R. The Labrador Retriever: the history...the people.. 1981.
- Wolverines
- Wolves and their prey in the northern Rocky Mountains
- Wolves and wolf recovery efforts in the northwestern United States.
- Wolves, elk, and people
- A woman at home
- Woman in white [follow-up of the Ronan State Bank robbery crime spree in 1929].
- A woman tenderfoot.
- The woman who fought Custer
- A woman's life in the Teton Country: Geraldine L. Lucas
- Women and Indians on the Frontier, 1825- 1915. 1984.
- Women in Waiting in the Westward Movement: Life on the Home Frontier. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1994.
- Women in waiting in the westward movement: Pamelia Dillin Fergus and Emma Stratton Christie
- 'Women's matters': birth control, pre- natal care, and childbirth in rural Montana, 1910-1940
- Women's role in Montana agriculture.
- The women's west. 1987.
- The wonder minnow [asexual vertebrate, the hybrid dace, found in Montana]
- Wonder underground: Lewis and Clark Caverns and the CCC
- A wonderful bird is the pelican
- Wonderful snowstorms.
- The wood duck: iridescent beauty
- Wood for fiber products and fuel: a diminishing supply?
- Wood furnaces and boilers the return of solid fuel to central heating
- Wood products
- Wood, J. Railroads through the Coeur D'Alenes. 1983.
- Woodland plant or woodland animal?
- Woody's song
- Worcester, D. The Apaches: eagles of the Southwest. 1979.
- Worcester, D. The Chisholm Trail: high road of the cattle kingdom. 1980.
- Word vendors: publishing under the big sky
- Words to drive by.
- Workin' on the Dam, Fort Peck's old crew remembers.
- Working dogs in Montana today
- Working in Yellowstone: then and now.
- Working on the Range: Essays on the History of Western Land Management and the Environment
- The world according to Peggy, international cuisine in your home.
- The World Begins Here: An Anthology of Oregon Short Fiction. Oregon State Univ. Press, 1993.
- A world class ski area gets better
- The world of the Crow Indian.
- The world of the Crow Indians as driftwood lodges. 1987.
- World's biggest and best: Miles City Bucking Horse Sale
- The world's greatest flood: the draining of Glacial Lake Missoula
- A world-class Rainbow for Stan Ross: Montana's record-setting fish (1991)
- The worth of fishing
- The worth of hunting [economic value considered for resource management]
- Worthy of extra special concern: Montana's stream dwelling grayling
- Wounded Knee: the meaning and significance of the second incident
- Wow! What a magazine [Educational Press Association award].
- Wrap it right
- Wright, K. Billings: the magic city and how it grew.
- Writing ONE SWEET QUARREL: telling the accurate lie
- Wunder, J. Inferior courts, superior justice: a history of the Justices of the Peace on the Northwest frontier, 1853-1889. 1979.
- Wyan, M. Hard rock epic: Western miners and the Industrial Revolution, 1860-1910. 1979.
- Wyant, W. Westward in Eden, the public lands and the conservation movement. 1982.
- Wyoming university: the first 100 years 1886-1986.
X Y Z [^]
- Y2K: is Montana ready?
- The Yaak River Road
- The Yaak shuttle
- Yaak: The land that Congress forgot
- Yaeger, B. The hanging of Billy Calder.
- Yak's last rites [follow up on loose yak in Montana]
- Yankees in Paradise: The Pacific Basin Frontier. Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1993.
- The year of the big dry.
- The year of the worm
- Yearly traditions: Gallatin and Gardiner late season hunts
- The years and the wind and the rain.
- Yellow-bellied and otherwise.
- Yellowstone Alpen guides [snowcoach tour services]
- Yellowstone by dogsled
- Yellowstone by ski
- Yellowstone country from the Park to the prairie
- The Yellowstone Institute: America's nearly perfect wildlands laboratory
- Yellowstone is ...
- Yellowstone Kelly: from New York to paradise.
- Yellowstone landscapes: Chatham lithographs decorate Old Faithful Inn
- Yellowstone now [one year after the fires].
- Yellowstone Park seminars.
- Yellowstone Park.
- Yellowstone Pioneers.
- Yellowstone rendezvous [Seven Sisters]
- Yellowstone River region around Billings
- A Yellowstone savage.
- The Yellowstone volcano.
- Yellowstone wildlife: populations in process
- The Yellowstone will run free
- Yellowstone, a wilderness besieged
- Yellowstone: a history
- Yiu're invited ...on a Montana Wilderness Association Wilderness Walk.
- York [oil by C.M. Russell, 1908].
- Yosemite: The embattled wilderness. 1990. Alfred Runte. University of Nebraska Press.
- You can't not go home again.
- You get a line, I'll get a pole [Yellowstone River access sites].
- You have to go on: Sweetgrass County
- You too: summer suggestions for wanna-be skydivers.
- You're invited ... to a Montana Wilderness Association Wilderness Walk.
- You're invited..
- Young blood on the Business Committee: profile of Paul Russette, Jr.
- Young boat operators need safety certificate
- Young hunters
- Young, F. comp. Man meets grizzly: encounters in the wild from Lewis and Clark to modern times. Ed. by C. Beyers. 1980.
- Young, P. Back trail of an old cowboy. Ed. by N. Yost. 1983.
- Your lawn will tell you when it's sick
- Your Montana Magazine to be issued more often publishers message
- Youth Conservation Corps what is this thing called work.
- Ziiiing go the strings
- ZooMontana: natural environment 70-acre zoo is an educational & scientific venture 8 miles from downtown Billings
- Zumbo, J. Hunting America's mule deer. 1981.
Other [^]
- $$ for wildlife: hunters pay the bills
- The
- ...And four more More-Than-A-Day-Trips.
- ...ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee...Job 12:7
- ...I feel that I am improving right along: continuity and change in Charles M. Russell's art
- 100 Years in Culbertson, 1887-1987.
- 100 years of Eunice
- The 10th Mountain Division
- The 12,000 feet club
- 13,000 miles among the trees: the U.S. Forest Service trail system
- 180 (degree) turn
- 1885 and after: native society in transition
- A 1978 mauling victim returns to Yellowstone Park
- The 1979 diesel shortage: omen or oddity? Energy series
- 1980 fishing records summary.
- 1980 Montana Outdoors index
- The 1980's farm crisis
- 1981 fishing records summary.
- The 1981-82 Nordic ski racing schedule.
- 1983 Montana Outdoors index
- 1984 fishing records summary.
- 1984: the year in review.
- 1985 and beyond: the Montana outlook.
- 1985 and beyond: the U.S. outlook
- The 1985 drought
- The 1985 economy: the local outlook
- 1985 Fishing records summary.
- The 1985 Food Security Act: a conservation boon
- The 1985 legislature: they deliberated, but some Montanans didn't notice
- 1985 Montana Outdoors index
- 1986 Montana Outdoors index
- 1987 Montana Outdoors index
- The 1988 consumer outlook: more upbeat.
- 1988 Montana Outdoors index
- 1988 Western Rendezvous of Art.
- 1988--A record elk harvest.
- The 1989 Montana consumer outlook: increased optimism.
- 1989 Montana Outdoors index
- The 1990 Montana consumer outlook.
- 1990 Montana Outdoors index
- 1990s: In the current [fly fishing shops]
- 1992 Montana Outdoors Index
- 1993 Montana Outdoors Index
- 1994 Montana Outdoors index
- 1995 Montana Outdoors index
- 1996 annual report
- 1996 Index
- 1997 annual report
- 1997 Montana Outdoors index
- 1997 Outlook and trends for tourism and recreation
- 1998 annual report
- 1998 fish records: Eastern Montana leads the way
- 1998 Montana Outdoors index
- 1998 Outlook and trends for travel and recreation
- 1999 Montana fish records: bass bonanza
- 1999 Montana Outdoors index
- 2000 Montana Outdoors Index
- 2000...and 30
- 2001 Montana Outdoors Index
- 25 years & going strong
- 25 years in the Montana news
- 3-D International.
- The 32 pound snapper of Redwater River
- 3rd Annual Montana Photography Contest
- 4-H now: timeless values, timely projects appeal to today's youth.
- The 46th legislature and the environment
- 478...479... [fishing biologist counts cutthroat's feeding take].
- The 47th Legislature in review
- 50 golden years on the Big Mountain
- 50 years in Glacier's back country: the legendary Joe Cosley
- 70 below zero
- 80 million years of Montana history at Bozeman's Museum of the Rockies
- © Copyright 2025 Montana State University (MSU) Library