The Ivan Doig Archive - Digital Collection
What is it?
The Ivan Doig Archive
consists of manuscripts, proofs and galleys, typed and handwritten writing fragments, pocket notebooks, note cards, diaries, journals, photographs, audio/visual material, and memorabilia. The material has been sorted into twelve series based on subject and/or document type, and there is some overlap between these divisions. The first series consists of Doig's diaries and biographical information. The second series is the largest and consists of the various manuscript drafts and revisions, along with associated research and some publisher and promotion correspondence, all relating to sixteen books by Doig published between 1978 and 2015. The series of correspondence includes letters to and from other writers, publishers, and friends. Series four consists of essays, letters, and other materials by Doig on the process of writing and are not necessarily related to any given book title. His practice of taking notes on small pocket spiral notebooks, and also typing research findings or other writing ideas on note cards, are represented in two separate series. The note cards, in particular, relate back to the composition of Doig's books and some boxes bear the titles of those works. Other series include photographs, slides, audio and video recordings used for research purposes as well as readings and interviews with Ivan about his work. A series of material titled "Medical Journey" documents Doig's struggle with his final illness and includes both his own thoughts on the process as well as actual medical records. There is a small selection of Doig's favorite research books that were taken from his office library. Last, there is Carol Doig's personal papers, which document both her career as a writer and teacher, the development of their relationship, and their life together.
For more details on the collection, see the full finding aid.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], Ivan Doig Archive - Digital Collection, Montana State University (MSU) Library, Bozeman, MT, [Item permalink or DOI]
Copyright Notice
Copyright to the unpublished materials created by Ivan or Carol Doig and contained in the Ivan Doig papers was transferred to MSU Library in 2015. These materials may be used for personal use, research, teaching (including distribution to classes), or any "fair use" as defined by U.S. copyright laws.
Written permission is required for reproduction of protected items beyond what is allowed by fair use or other exemptions. Permissions and fees may be required from the individual copyright holder for items created by additional authors or for published items/versions of published items.
For more information please contact Archives and Special Collections at the Montana State University Library or Leila Sterman, Scholarly Communication Librarian.
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