Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains - Montana State University Library

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Blackfeet Indian Tipi Legend - How A Boy Dreamed The Eagle Tipi And Eagle Trapping Rite

Eagle Tipi Design Eagle Tipi Of Irene And Henry Little Dog

One day two boys who were chums, decided, "Let's go into the hills to see if we can dream of something that will make us brave warriors." They went to the hills and stayed there until each had a dream.

One boy dreamed of the Eagle Tipi, and the other of the spear. The one who dreamed of the tipi told his partner how a man came and spoke to him and said, "Come to my tipi." He followed the man and when they entered the tipi the man said, "I invited you to my tipi so you can see the drawings on it and how the tipi is made. Look well so you can draw these on your tipi, for I give this tipi to you."

"I am the leader of all the eagles. When you go home, go onto a high hill and dig a hole in the ground deep enough for you to get into. Then lay sticks across the top of this hole. Kill a buffalo calf or a rabbit and tie it down so the eagle will not fly away with this bait. Get into the hole and wait until one of my children lights, then catch him by the legs. Kill the eagle and dress him. Mount his head. Make him took like a real eagle. Place him in your bundle and hang him at the back of your tipi."

Then this man taught the boy all the songs of this tipi.

After the boy told his partner all about his dream, his partner told film of his dream of the spear. They found that the songs of the Eagle Tipi and those of the sacred spear were the same.