Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains - Montana State University Library

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Blackfeet Indian Tipi Legend - How A Frustrated Hunter Obtained The All Star Tipi

All Star Tipi Design All Star Tipi Design of Ethel and Fred Tail Feathers

A man went hunting every day, but could find no buffalo. One morning he told his wife, "I am going out again and will stay all day. If I find no buffalo, I will sleep out in the hills until I do find them."

He rode all over the hills, but he saw no buffalo that day. So he slept out in the hills. That night he dreamed that a man came to him and said, "My son, you are among all the buffalo but you can't see them. Tomorrow morning you may have all the buffalo meat you want. I came after you because I felt sorry for you. I want you to come to my tipi and to eat with me."

He dreamed that he went home with the man, entered his tipi, sat down and ate with him. Then the man said, "Now my son, this is my tipi, and I want you to have it. All the stars in this tipi represent buffalo dung. You will never have a hard time finding buffalo anymore. If you copy my tipi, you will always be among the buffalo. You will always have plenty of buffalo meat, and you will have good luck."