Dancers - Crow Indian Sundance
Object Identifier: 1126.169
Title: Dancers - Crow Indian Sundance
Collection: MSU-Bozeman
Date: 1941
Location: Pryor
Format: photograph
Description: There was no Sundance from 1892 until 1941. In 1941, the Shoshone and Crow joined to make this Sundance. Participants left to right: 1. Shoshone: Joe Leyho 2. Phil Artao 3. Simpson Sings Good 4. Eddie Round Face 5. Campbell Big Hail 6. Louis Walks 7. Shoshone 8. Shoshone 9. Bannack 10. Braids/Frank Coby 11. Tilton West 12. Henry Big Day 13. John Treho (Trejero) 14. William Big Day 15. Caleb Bull Shows 16. Charlie Big Ox 17. George Goes Ahead 18. Alan Old Horn 19. Thomas Hill 20. Walter Chief 21. Joe Rock Above 22. Bill Russell 23. Shoshone
Artist/Photographer: Roahen, Kenneth F.
Native Peoples Names: Alan Old Horn Bill Russell Caleb Bull Shows Campbell Big Hall Charlie Big Ox Eddie Round Face Frank Coby George Goes Ahead Henry Big Day Joe Leyho Joe Rock Above John Trejero Louis Walks Phil Artao Simpson Sings Good Thomas Hill Tilton West Walter Chief William Big Day
Tribes: Crow - Absorkee - Apsaalooka