Datus C. Proper Papers Item Identifiers
Alphabetical List of Item Identifiers
- 2502-01-01 - 1951
- 2502-01-02 - 1967-1978
- 2502-01-03 - 1978-1980
- 2502-01-04 - 1980-1981
- 2502-01-05 - 1981-1983
- 2502-01-06 - 1983-1984
- 2502-01-07 - 1984-1985
- 2502-02-01 - 1985-1988
- 2502-02-02 - 1988-1989
- 2502-02-03 - 1990-1992
- 2502-02-04 - 1992-1994
- 2502-02-05 - 1994-1995
- 2502-02-06 - 1995-1998
- 2502-02-07 - 1998-2002
- 2502-02-08 - 2002-2003
- 2502-02-09 - Various dates
- 2502-03-01 - A
- 2502-03-02 - Alberda, Rudi van
- 2502-03-03 - B
- 2502-03-04 - Bachman, Robert A.
- 2502-03-05 - Behnke, Robert J.
- 2502-03-06 - Bramley, Alan
- 2502-03-07 - Brandabur, Jack
- 2502-03-08 - Burger, Knox
- 2502-03-09 - C
- 2502-03-10 - Club Francais des Pecheurs a la Mouche
- 2502-03-11 - D
- 2502-03-12 - E
- 2502-03-13 - F
- 2502-03-14 - Field & Stream editors, etc.
- 2502-03-15 - G
- 2502-03-16 - Gaertner, Susanna
- 2502-03-17 - H
- 2502-03-18 - Heddon, Jack
- 2502-03-19 - I, J, K
- 2502-03-20 - Kelly, William H.
- 2502-03-21 - L
- 2502-03-22 - Lyons, Nick
- 2502-03-23 - M
- 2502-03-24 - Maguire, Nan
- 2502-03-25 - Marinaro, Vince
- 2502-03-26 - Martin, Darrel
- 2502-03-27 - Montana, State of
- 2502-03-28 - N, O
- 2502-03-29 - Outdoor Writers Association
- 2502-03-30 - P
- 2502-03-31 - Parks, Richard
- 2502-03-32 - Parry, Joseph
- 2502-03-33 - Pequegnot, J. P.
- 2502-03-34 - Pereira, Carlos
- 2502-03-35 - Pride, Ralph
- 2502-03-36 - Q, R
- 2502-03-37 - S
- 2502-03-38 - Schullery, Paul
- 2502-03-39 - T
- 2502-03-40 - Tapply, William G.
- 2502-03-41 - Umpqua Feather Merchants
- 2502-03-42 - W
- 2502-03-43 - Wellington, Herb
- 2502-03-44 - Zinn, David
- 2502-04-01 - Autobiographical information
- 2502-04-02 - "Babyhood Days" record book
- 2502-04-03 - Term grade reports, 1948-1952
- 2502-04-04 - Report cards, 1948-1952
- 2502-04-05 - Miscellaneous elementary and high school papers
- 2502-04-06 - Exeter Academy printed ephemera
- 2502-04-07 - Family letters, 1946-1987
- 2502-04-08 - State Department performance evaluations and correspondence
- 2502-04-09 - State Department-Vietnam protest, 1970
- 2502-04-10 - Student essays
- 2502-04-11 - Genealogy charts
- 2502-04-12 - Genealogy notes
- 2502-04-13 - Datus Edwin Proper
- 2502-04-14 - Ida Segwick Proper
- 2502-04-15 - Datus DeWitt Proper-diary, 1864-1865
- 2502-04-16 - Datus DeWitt Proper-letters, 1864-1865
- 2502-04-17 - Datus DeWitt Proper-"Pioneer and Missionary Experiences"
- 2502-05-01 - Airguns
- 2502-05-02 - Beepers
- 2502-05-03 - Blue Grouse
- 2502-05-04 - Brook Trout
- 2502-05-05 - Brown Trout
- 2502-05-06 - Cooking/Pheasants
- 2502-05-07 - CRPs
- 2502-05-08 - Dog Ideas
- 2502-05-09 - Doves
- 2502-05-10 - Early Stories
- 2502-05-11 - Field & Stream Surveys
- 2502-05-12 - Fishing Questionaire
- 2502-05-13 - Flops
- 2502-05-14 - Fly Design Presentation
- 2502-05-15 - Fly Tying and Flies
- 2502-05-16 - Gambel's Quail
- 2502-05-17 - Game Guns
- 2502-05-18 - Grouse
- 2502-05-19 - Hooks
- 2502-05-20 - Huck
- 2502-05-21 - Hunting Philosophy
- 2502-05-22 - Inter-Fluve, Inc.
- 2502-05-23 - Marinaro
- 2502-06-01 - Miscellaneous Hunting and Dogs
- 2502-06-02 - Mearns Quail
- 2502-06-03 - Ortega Foreword
- 2502-06-04 - Pheasants
- 2502-06-05 - Pheasants
- 2502-06-06 - Quail in Arizona
- 2502-06-07 - Read My Nose
- 2502-06-08 - Right Brain
- 2502-06-09 - Robertson/Venison Choke Cherries
- 2502-06-10 - Rock Creek
- 2502-06-11 - Scotty's Story
- 2502-06-12 - Sharptails
- 2502-06-13 - Shorts
- 2502-06-14 - Shunning Books
- 2502-06-15 - Snipe
- 2502-06-16 - Spanish Fly
- 2502-06-17 - Splash/Stoneflies
- 2502-06-18 - Wendy Schweizer
- 2502-06-19 - Adriano and the Rattlesnakes
- 2502-06-20 - Angloholism
- 2502-06-21 - Another Time and Place
- 2502-06-22 - Artist With a Fly Rod
- 2502-06-23 - Bailey's Secrets
- 2502-06-24 - Beavers
- 2502-06-25 - The Best of It
- 2502-06-26 - Big John
- 2502-06-27 - Big Sky Carvers
- 2502-06-28 - Brown Partridges and Blue Winged Olives
- 2502-06-29 - Catch and Release
- 2502-06-30 - Change Levels
- 2502-07-01 - Dai-Riki Tippet Material
- 2502-07-02 - Dark Hollow
- 2502-07-03 - Deer and Pheasants in Montana
- 2502-07-04 - The Dry Fly in Portugal
- 2502-07-05 - Escaping Gravity
- 2502-07-06 - Faith in a Fly
- 2502-07-07 - Farming
- 2502-07-08 - Feeding Frenzy
- 2502-07-09 - Fishing the Geology
- 2502-07-10 - Fishing Thompson's Spring Creek
- 2502-07-11 - Fishing With The Ouzels
- 2502-07-12 - Floating Down The River
- 2502-07-13 - Happy Birthday Nymph
- 2502-07-14 - How I Trained Patch
- 2502-07-15 - Inside the Hidden Hatch
- 2502-07-16 - Introduction-Dry Fly Code
- 2502-07-17 - Leave a Kid Home Today
- 2502-07-18 - The Long Hunt
- 2502-07-19 - Lunch by the Stream
- 2502-07-20 - Managing Eden
- 2502-07-21 - The Mayfly Murders
- 2502-07-22 - Nature Shock
- 2502-07-23 - The Nature of Life
- 2502-07-24 - The News From Mount Olympus
- 2502-07-25 - Nobody Tells You To Sit Still
- 2502-07-26 - A Place of Our Own
- 2502-07-27 - The Rattlesnake Hole
- 2502-07-28 - Respect
- 2502-07-29 - Run Free, Yellowstone
- 2502-07-30 - Scoring
- 2502-07-31 - Something Old, Something New
- 2502-07-32 - Tender Venison
- 2502-07-33 - Tools for the Outdoors
- 2502-07-34 - Trout Management in the United States
- 2502-07-35 - Two Kinds of Trout Fishing
- 2502-07-36 - Up the Mountain and Into the Woods
- 2502-07-37 - Water and the West
- 2502-07-38 - Wet and Dry
- 2502-07-39 - Yellowstone Cutthroats
- 2502-07-40 - The First Time
- 2502-08-01 - Articles "A"
- 2502-08-02 - Articles "B"
- 2502-08-03 - Articles "C"
- 2502-08-04 - Articles "D-E"
- 2502-08-05 - Articles "F"
- 2502-08-06 - Articles "G-K"
- 2502-08-07 - Articles "L-M"
- 2502-08-08 - Articles "N-P"
- 2502-08-09 - Articles "Q-R"
- 2502-08-10 - Articles "S-U"
- 2502-08-11 - Articles "T-Y"
- 2502-08-12 - Articles about Datus C. Proper
- 2502-09-01 - What the Trout Said - reviews, first edition
- 2502-09-02 - What the Trout Said - reviews, second edition
- 2502-09-03 - What the Trout Said - reviews, second edition revsions
- 2502-09-04 - What the Trout Said - reviews, leftovers
- 2502-09-05 - What the Trout Said - contracts, misc.
- 2502-09-06 - Pheasants of the Mind - reviews
- 2502-09-07 - Pheasants of the Mind - contracts, misc.
- 2502-09-08 - The Last Old Place - reviews and letters
- 2502-09-09 - The Last Old Place - contracts, etc.
- 2502-09-10 - The Last Old Place - excerpts
- 2502-09-11 - The Last Old Place - illustrations
- 2502-10-01 - Running Waters - title and introduction
- 2502-10-02 - Running Waters - Part 1
- 2502-10-03 - Running Waters - Part 2
- 2502-10-04 - Running Waters - Part 3
- 2502-10-05 - Running Waters - Part 4
- 2502-10-06 - Running Waters - contract, misc.
- 2502-10-07 - Introductory
- 2502-10-08 - January
- 2502-10-09 - January
- 2502-10-10 - February
- 2502-10-11 - March
- 2502-10-12 - March
- 2502-10-13 - March - Dogs
- 2502-10-14 - March - Streambed Repair
- 2502-10-15 - April
- 2502-10-16 - April
- 2502-11-01 - May
- 2502-11-02 - May/June - Utopia
- 2502-11-03 - May/June - Church and State
- 2502-11-04 - June
- 2502-11-05 - June - Romanticism
- 2502-11-06 - July
- 2502-11-07 - July
- 2502-11-08 - August
- 2502-11-09 - September
- 2502-11-10 - September
- 2502-11-11 - September - Prairies
- 2502-11-12 - October
- 2502-11-13 - October
- 2502-11-14 - November
- 2502-11-15 - November - Pheasants at Home
- 2502-11-16 - December
- 2502-11-17 - December
- 2502-12-01 - Dogs: Field Trials, Collars
- 2502-12-02 - Dogs: Scent, Confirmation and Coat, Origin and History
- 2502-12-03 - Dogs: Temperment, Breeds, Care
- 2502-12-04 - Dogs: Testing, Puppies
- 2502-12-05 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Alders, Craneflies, Black Gnats, Moths
- 2502-12-06 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Damselflies, Dragonflies
- 2502-12-07 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Insect Habitat and Behavior
- 2502-12-08 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Mayflies - Natural and Imitation
- 2502-12-09 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Midges
- 2502-12-10 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Miscellaneous Species - Sinking
- 2502-12-11 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Miscellaneous Species - Wet
- 2502-12-12 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Montana Hatches
- 2502-12-13 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Sedges
- 2502-12-14 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Stoneflies
- 2502-12-15 - Flies-Natural and Artificial and Other Trout Foods: Terrestrials - Ants, Beetles, etc.
- 2502-12-16 - Fly Fishing Methods: Dry Flies
- 2502-12-17 - Fly Fishing Methods: Fly Casting
- 2502-12-18 - Fly Fishing Methods: Nymph Methods
- 2502-12-19 - Fly Fishing Methods: Vince Marinaro
- 2502-12-20 - Fly Fishing Methods: Wet Flies
- 2502-12-21 - Fly Tackle: Fly Rods
- 2502-12-22 - Fly Tackle: Fly Rods - Care and Construction
- 2502-12-23 - Fly Tackle: Fly Rods - Technical
- 2502-12-24 - Fly Tackle: Pezon et Michel
- 2502-12-25 - Fly Tackle: William Mills and Son, Inc.
- 2502-12-26 - Fly Tackle: Hooks - Design, Strength, etc.
- 2502-13-01 - Fly Tackle: Leaders
- 2502-13-02 - Fly Tackle: Lines
- 2502-13-03 - Fly Tackle: Reels
- 2502-13-04 - Fly Tying: Dubbing
- 2502-13-05 - Fly Tying: Fly Behavior and Designs
- 2502-13-06 - Fly Tying: Notes
- 2502-13-07 - Fly Tying: Hackles
- 2502-13-08 - Fly Tying: Origin of Old Fly Designs
- 2502-13-09 - Fly Tying: Salmon Fly Tying
- 2502-13-10 - Fly Tying: Streamers, Fly Rod Lures
- 2502-13-11 - Fly Tying: Trout Fly Tying - Technical
- 2502-13-12 - Guns
- 2502-13-13 - Guns and Shooting: American
- 2502-13-14 - Guns and Shooting: English
- 2502-13-15 - Guns and Shooting: Purchases
- 2502-13-16 - Guns and Shooting: Shotguns
- 2502-13-17 - Hunting: Big Game - American
- 2502-13-18 - Hunting: Big Game - Foreign
- 2502-13-19 - Hunting: Bird Habitat and Cover - Articles
- 2502-13-20 - Hunting: Bird Habitat and Cover - Letters and Notes
- 2502-13-21 - Hunting: Grouse
- 2502-14-01 - Hunting: History, Reasons, etc.
- 2502-14-02 - Hunting: Non-Game Species
- 2502-14-03 - Hunting: Partridges
- 2502-14-04 - Hunting: Pheasants
- 2502-14-05 - Hunting: Quail
- 2502-14-06 - Hunting: Snipe, Woodcock, Rails, Doves
- 2502-14-07 - Hunting: Upland Game Management
- 2502-14-08 - Hunting: Virginia Hunting Maps
- 2502-14-09 - Hunting: Waterfowl and Other Birds
- 2502-14-10 - Other Fish and Fishing: Angling Humor
- 2502-14-11 - Other Fish and Fishing: Bait and Lures
- 2502-14-12 - Other Fish and Fishing: Bass
- 2502-14-13 - Other Fish and Fishing: Ethics
- 2502-14-14 - Other Fish and Fishing: Fishing
- 2502-14-15 - Other Fish and Fishing: History
- 2502-14-16 - Other Fish and Fishing: Miscellaneous
- 2502-14-17 - Other Fish and Fishing: Philosophy
- 2502-14-18 - Other Fish and Fishing: Rapidan Trout Unlimited Project
- 2502-14-19 - Other Fish and Fishing: Yellowstone Area Fishing
- 2502-14-20 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Boating, Float Tubes
- 2502-14-21 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Books
- 2502-14-22 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Books - Collection
- 2502-14-23 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Books - Laid in Materials
- 2502-14-24 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Books - Laid in Material (2)
- 2502-15-01 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Camping and Gear
- 2502-15-02 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Flyfisher's Classic Library
- 2502-15-03 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Honey Dun Press
- 2502-15-04 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Knives, Axes, etc.
- 2502-15-05 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Nature Misc. - Weather
- 2502-15-06 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Optics, Photography
- 2502-15-07 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Outdoor Clothing and Boots
- 2502-15-08 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Stream Access
- 2502-15-09 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Waders, Vests, Floatants, Nets, etc.
- 2502-15-10 - Outdoor and Miscellaneous: Writing
- 2502-15-11 - Places: Africa, Asia, Pacific
- 2502-15-12 - Places: Canada
- 2502-15-13 - Places: Europe
- 2502-15-14 - Places: Midwest
- 2502-15-15 - Places: Montana - Hunting and Fishing
- 2502-15-16 - Places: Northeastern U.S.
- 2502-15-17 - Places: Portugal
- 2502-15-18 - Places: South America and Carribean
- 2502-15-19 - Places: Southern U.S.
- 2502-15-20 - Places: Washington D.C. Area
- 2502-15-21 - Resource - Streams and Lakes: Fishery Management
- 2502-15-22 - Resource - Streams and Lakes: Lakes
- 2502-15-23 - Resource - Streams and Lakes: Stream Chemistry
- 2502-15-24 - Resource - Streams and Lakes: Stream Ecology
- 2502-15-25 - Resource - Streams and Lakes: Stream Plants
- 2502-15-26 - Resource - Streams and Lakes: Streams and Lakes
- 2502-15-27 - Resource - Streams and Lakes: Trees and Plants
- 2502-15-28 - Trout and Other Salmonids: Color
- 2502-15-29 - Trout and Other Salmonids: Fish Vision
- 2502-16-01 - Trout and Other Salmonids: Grayling, Whitefish, etc.
- 2502-16-02 - Trout and Other Salmonids: Rise Forms
- 2502-16-03 - Trout and Other Salmonids: Trout Behavior, Selectivity, etc.
- 2502-16-04 - Trout and Other Salmonids: Trout Species
- 2502-16-05 - Trout and Other Salmonids: Salmon, Steelhead, Sea Trout
- 2502-16-06 - Obituaries and Funeral Programs
- 2502-16-07 - Letters of Condolence
- 2502-16-08 - Slides 1
- 2502-16-09 - Slides 2
- 2502-16-10 - Unlabeled Slides
- 2502-16-11 - Unlabeled Slides (2)
- 2502-16-12 - Photos 1-11
- 2502-16-13 - Photos 12-22
- 2502-16-14 - Photos 23-31
- 2502-16-15 - Numbered Negatives
- 2502-16-16 - Unnumbered Negatives
- 2502-16-17 - Published Images
- © Copyright 2025 Montana State University (MSU) Library