Montana Architectural Drawings Project Titles
Alphabetical List of Project Titles
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z | Other
A [^]
- A-Frame, One-Room School Building for Baker Creek School District
- A. C. Hollenbeck Automobile Garage
- A. C. Roecher Property
- A. F. McCune, Esq., dwelling
- A. J. Gibson Residence Remodeling
- A. J. McGowan Store Front
- A. L. Babcock Hardware Store
- A. L. Smith House
- A. M. C. Building for W. J. Sullivan
- A. M. Holter, Hardware Co. Storefront
- A. P. Curtin's Building
- A. W. Miles, Garage Building -- addition
- A. W. Wilcox Residence
- Adams Stone Barn -- stabilizing & restoring
- Adams, H. Dr.
- Addition for First Methodist Church
- Addition the R.G. Soper Residence
- Addition to hotel building for James E. Murray
- Additions to the Residence of Mr. and Mrs. John N. DeHaas, J
- Administration Building, Billings Municipal Airport (2 items)
- Administrative Hospital
- Adminstration Building, Butte Municipal Airport
- AF and AM Grand Lodge of Montana Executive Office and Library
- African M. E. Church
- Agricultual & Manual Training Building for School District
- Airplane Hangar
- Alberton School
- Alderson Building
- Algeria Temple AAONMS -- Helena Civic Center
- All Saints Church
- Allard Clinic, alterations
- Allen J. Olson Double Residence
- Allen J. Olson Residence
- Alpha Gamma Delta House
- Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority House
- Alpha Omicron Pi, addition -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Alpha Omicron Pi, residence -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Alta Club Building for Messers Jenkins & Chambers, addition
- American Inns
- American Legion Building, Silver Bow Post 1
- American Legion Club - Remodeling of Old Commercial Building
- American Legion Club Post 27 -- KGVO/KMSO Radio and TV
- American Legion Hall
- American Legion Hall, Sweet Grass Post Number 19
- American Lutheran Church
- American National Bank
- American National Bank, alterations
- American Rental Schematics
- Anderson, Dr. -- Apartment Building
- Andrew Jacobson Store Building -- Northwest Distributors, Rock
- Andy Holt Garage
- Animal Industries Building -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Anna Nordquist Residence (2 items)
- Anthony Johnson Business Block
- Antique Block, Facade Restoration and Structural Renovation
- Apartment
- Apartment Building
- Apartment Building for Dr. P.M. Feda
- Apartment Building for Dr. V. W. Foster
- Apartment Building for M. L. Woodman
- Apartment Building for Messrs. N. Ebert & Son
- Apartment Building for Mr. H. C. Barth
- Apartment Building for Mr. Knut Germo
- Apartment Building for Mr. Richard Graham
- Apartment Complex
- Apartment House
- Apartment House for Bozeman Investment Co. -- Blackmore Apartments
- Apartment House for H. J. Hamill
- Apartment House for J. J. McHatton
- Apartment House for John A. Bucher
- Apartment House for Louis Johnson
- Apartment House for Mr. E. Broox Martin
- Apartment House for Mr. Willard E. Fraser
- Apartment House for Mrs. G. D. Martin -- Martinsdale Apartments
- Apartments and Store for Hennessy Bros.
- Arcade Buildling -- Montgomery Ward Unit
- Archie Cochrane Ford
- Archie Cochrane Ford -- miscellaneous
- Archie Cochrane Ford -- prior submittals & as builds, mechanic
- Archie Cochrane Ford -- structural shop drawings
- Archie Cochrane Ford -- structural, windows, electric, paving
- Archie Cochrane Ford -- tracing & preliminaries
- Arizona Hotel
- Arlee Grade School Addition
- Arlee High School
- Arlee Mercantile
- Arlee School Building Addition (2 items)
- Arlee School Original
- Arlee Vo-Ag Building
- Armory Building (2 items)
- Art Malone Hotel
- Assumption Abbey
- Assumption Abbey Dormitory
- Assumption Abbey Dormitory & Cafeteria
- Athletic Field Bleachers for Eastern Montana College of Education
- Athletic Park
- Athletic Swimming Pool
- Attix Residence
- Auditorium Classroom Building
- Automobile dealer
- Automobile Show Room & Shop Building
- Avenue E
B [^]
- B.P.O.E. -- Elks building, old
- B.P.O.E. -- Glasgow Elks Lodge
- Babcock Building
- Babcock Theatre Building - additions
- Babcock-Selvidge Buildings
- Baker High School - addition
- Bakke Bros.
- Band Stand for Bolgert (sic) (Bogert) Grove
- Bank
- Bank & Store Building
- Bank & Office Building, Whitney Estate
- Bank and Church Buildings
- Bank at Hall, Montana
- Bank Building (2 items)
- Bank Building, Blair & Co. Bankers
- Bank Fixtures for Western Montana National Bank
- Bank of Commerce
- Bannack town site with ownership plotted
- Baptist Church
- Bar and Restaurant for Bowman Corner
- Barney's Fashion Shop Second Story Addition
- Barns for Mr. J. M. Sawyer
- Barrett Memorial Hospital -- Trauma addition & remodel
- Barth, A. H. -- Store
- Basin Gas Company Building
- Bass Residence
- Bath House
- Bath House for South Park Pool
- Baxter Center (2 items)
- Baxter Hotel - Kitchen remodel
- Beach Grade School
- Beal Pipe & Tank Co. Industrial Building
- Beartooth Realty Company
- Beef Cattle Barn -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Beggs, A. D. (2 items)
- Behrendt's Machine Shop
- Belgrade Co.
- Belgrade Co. Limited
- Belgrade High School
- Belgrade Journal Building, alterations and additions
- Belgrade Jr. High School
- Belgrade Public School
- Belgrade Schools, School District No. 44
- Belgrade Veterinary Hospital
- Bellingham, W. H.
- Bello, M.
- Belton-Kalispell highway bridge
- Ben Franklin Store Front
- Bennett Place
- Benton County Court House
- Berg Office
- Berryman Brothers Building
- Bethlen Hungarian Presbyterian Church - proposed remodeling
- Beveridge Block for Conrad Kohrs, alteration of area at rear
- Beveridge, C. D.
- Bickerstaff, D. B. - addition
- Big Butte Elementary School, School District 1
- Big Horn Co. Grey Bull High School Building
- Big Horn County Court House
- Big Sky Elementary School
- Big Sky Elementary School - mylars M4-E6 & CD-1
- Big Sky of Montana -- Meadow Village Protective Covenants
- Bigelow, C. H.
- Bill Schamanoff Building
- Billings Armory
- Billings Bench School, School District 2
- Billings Brewing Co.
- Billings Catholic Church Regina Cleari Retirement Home
- Billings City Hall
- Billings Deaconess Hospital (2 items)
- Billings Deaconess Hospital -- Nurses' Home
- Billings Deaconess Hospital -- Revised Plans of First Unit
- Billings Eastern Montana College Institute
- Billings Elderly Hospital
- Billings Elderly Housing
- Billings Gas Co.
- Billings Gospel Tabernacle
- Billings Hardware Company -- Iron details
- Billings Hardware Company -- warehouse
- Billings Heights School, District 2
- Billings High School (2 items)
- Billings Housing Authority
- Billings Library
- Billings Mausoleum, for Montana Mausoleum Co.
- Billings Municipal Airport -- Air Traffic Control Tower
- Billings Municipal Airport Hangar
- Billings Parish Church and School
- Billings Polytechnic Institute
- Billings Polytechnic Institute -- various buildings
- Billings Polytechnic Institute -- W. Graham Tyler Memorial
- Billings Swimming Pools (2 items)
- Bills, J. E.
- Biology Building - Lewis Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Bishop, G.
- Bitteroot Elementary School, School District 2
- Bitterroot Elementary School
- Bitterroot Stock Farm Business Block (Marcus Daly Block)
- Blackmore Apartments
- Blaine County Armory - remodel
- Blaine County Courthouse
- Blaine County Courthouse - Mech. Room Addition
- Blaine County Courthouse phase II
- Blaine County Courthouse remodel
- Blaine County Equipment Building
- Blaine Elementary School
- Blair, A.
- Blomberg, R. D.
- Blue Stone House - Historic Restoration
- Boarder Patrol Sector Headquarters
- Bogart Park Pavilion
- Boiler House and Fuel Building -- Montana State University
- Boiler House in Jail Yard for Lewis and Clark County
- Bonanza Sirloin Pit
- Bonanza Steak House
- Borden (Modern) Hotel - Alterations, Proposed Addition and A
- Boulder Projects - dorm. reroof, demolition & landscaping, c
- Boulder River School & Hospital Dorms
- Boulder River School & Hospital Laundry
- Boulet, K.
- Bowling Alley for T. P. Mulvihill
- Bowling Alleys for S. J. Halland
- Boys Cottage for the State of Montana at Montana State
- Boys' Dormitory No. 2, Feeble Minded Institute
- Bozeman Auto Co. Building -- Alterations and Additions
- Bozeman Canning Company
- Bozeman City Hall and Opera House
- Bozeman Co-operative Creamery Co.
- Bozeman Creamery Storage
- Bozeman Daily Chronicle
- Bozeman Deaconess Hospital (3 items)
- Bozeman Deaconess Hospital (3 folders)
- Bozeman Deaconess Hospital -- Cobalt Unit
- Bozeman Deaconess Hospital -- Intensive Care Unit
- Bozeman Deaconess Hospital -- Proposed addition -- Surgical Floor
- Bozeman Deaconess Hospital -- Surgery Remodeling phase 1
- Bozeman Granite Works - Roy Ayres, Owner
- Bozeman Hotel - Alterations & Additions
- Bozeman Lodge 463, B.P.O.E.
- Bozeman Senior High School
- Bozeman Senior High/Junior High complex, addition phase I, S
- Bozeman United Methodist Church
- Bozeman Wholesale Grocery Company Warehouse
- Branch Store Building for Sawyer Stores, Inc.
- Bray, W.
- Brick Breeden Fieldhouse -- Additions -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Brick Breeden Fieldhouse -- Mechanical Drawings -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Brick Breeden Fieldhouse -- Montana State University-Bozeman (2 items)
- Brick Warehouse for the Bozeman Milling Co.
- Brick-Veneered Store & Residence Building for Mr. L. F. Hare
- Bridge at Station 25+90.9
- Bridge over Flathead River near Columbia Falls - Columbia Falls
- Bridge over Northern Pacific Railroad
- Bridger Bowl - Think Big Developement
- Bridger Bowl Chalet
- Bridger Pine condominiums 1 & Lower Lift Terminal House
- Briggs, F. (2 items)
- Broadwater School Buildings, alterations and additions
- Brockton High School (2 items)
- Brockway Grade School, District Number 84
- Brookman, C. Hotel
- Brotherton-Kirk Seed House, addition to
- Brown Oil Company Service Station
- Brown, C.
- Brown, E. A.
- Brown, K. - fireplace
- Brown, M. Duplex
- Brown, W. P.
- Browning Bank
- Browning School
- Browning Store Building
- Browning, B. F.
- Brundage Funeral Home
- Bryant School
- Building (Henderson Building), alterations
- Building 2, for Nelson Story
- Building at 122 N. 25th St. for Mr. F. C. Cline, alter
- Building for A. M. Holter
- Building for Billings Meat Co.
- Building for Board of Health
- Building for C. E. Coggshall, alterations and additions
- Building for Chappell & Woodburn
- Building for Charles Lundwall, Esq.
- Building for Chas. Eyebel
- Building for Chas.F. Kelly
- Building for Citizens National Bank
- Building for Cowan & Boles
- Building for Deaf & Blind School
- Building for E. C. Babcock
- Building for E.J. Berry
- Building for Electric Light Plant and Laundry, State Orphans
- Building for Empire Heating & Cooling Co., addition to
- Building for F. A. Buttrey, addition to
- Building for Feeble Minded Children
- Building for First National Bank
- Building for Frank Chestnut
- Building for G. O. Gruwell
- Building for Geo F. Bennighoff
- Building for Geo M. Miles
- Building for Goodkind Bros.
- Building for H. B. Palmer
- Building for H. R. Marcyes
- Building for Jos. Kalkbrenner
- Building for Judith Lodges No. 30 Inc [IOOF/KP]
- Building for K. of P. (Knights of Pythias)
- Building for Kremer Sanders & Kremer
- Building for Lodge No. 1431, Benevolent and Protective Order
- Building for M.W. Milligan
- Building for Manhattan Merc.
- Building for Mr. A. W. Warr & Mr. J. E. Lane
- Building for Mr. C. E. Brown
- Building for Mr. Carl Greenhood
- Building for Mr. Frank Hoey, Owner, Bozeman Sheet Metal Work
- Building for Mr. J. W. Kennedy
- Building for Mr. James A. Metcalf
- Building for Mr. James E. Murray, alterations
- Building for Mr. Joe North
- Building for Mr. Louis Johnson
- Building for Mr. Paul McCormick
- Building for Mr. Phillip Laux & Mr. Charles Haupt
- Building for Mr. Pierre Wibaux
- Building for Mr. T. B. Story
- Building for N. P. Story, Esquire
- Building for P. J. MacIntyre
- Building for Power Mercantile Co. , additions
- Building for Riedesel Contruction Co.
- Building for Rundle Land & Abstract Co.
- Building for T. C. Power Co.
- Building for T. M. Swindlehurst
- Building for the Feeble Minded
- Building for the First National Bank
- Building for the Montana Meat Co.
- Building for the Paris Realty Co.
- Building for The Sheridan Press
- Building Remodeling for Miles & Ulmer Co.
- Building Remodeling for Miles & Umber Co.
- Building Services Inc. - Warehouse remodel
- Buildings and Grounds, State Hospital
- Buildings for C. S. Hefferlin
- Builidng for T.C. Power
- Bulter, J. R.
- Bungalow Drug - Remodeling
- Bungalow for Dr. W. H. Buskirk
- Bungalow for Messers Hoy, Gross, Hill, Samuell, Schafer
- Bungalow for Mr. H. Hansen
- Bungalow for Mr. Holt
- Bungalow for Mrs. C. H. Isbell
- Buraco, M.
- Burke Hotel Bldg - proposed alterations
- Burns, F. J.
- Business Block (3 items)
- Business Block for A. W. Miles
- Business Block for L. C. Jensen
- Business Block for R. S. Hale
- Business Block for the Big Horn Creamery Co.
- Business Block Rebuilding for Mrs. W.T. Perham
- Business Block Remodeling for Mr. & Mrs. R. E. McNally
- Business Block Remodeling for Mr. George W. O'Connor
- Business Block Remodeling for Mr. T. P. Mulvihill
- Business Building for Mr. M. L. Woodman
- Butte Country Club - Clubhouse & Entrance Gate
- Butte Electric & Power Co.
- Butte Elks Club B.P.O.E. Lodge 240
- Butte High School (2 items)
- Butte High School - grounds & stadium, additions & alterations
- Butte Junior High School
- Butte Mercantile Company Warehouse
- Butte Miner Bldg.
C [^]
- C. A. Smithey Residence 1
- C. A. Smithey Residence 2
- C. H. McLeod Farmhouse
- C. L. Malloch Residence
- C. M. Crutchfield Building (never built)
- C. McGowan Plan of Arrangement in Store
- C. S. Kenyon Residence, alterations
- Cabin and Boat House for E. F. Link
- Cabin for J. W. Corwin
- Cabin for John W. Currie
- Cabin for Mr. H.T. Hedden
- Cabin remodel for Alva Flower
- Cabinet Drawings
- Calvery Baptist Church
- Camas Prairie School (2 room)
- Camp Bethel, Boy's Dormitory: Section 4 Twp. 55N R88w
- Campbell County High School
- Campbell, H. S.
- Campus Map -- Montana State University-Bozeman (2 items)
- Canyon Village Senrion Citizen Housing
- Capital Cigar Store
- Capital Music Hall
- Capitol - rotunda and court areas
- Carbon Co. School, District 37
- Carbon County Court House - proposed
- Carbon County High School
- Carbon County Hospital Bldg. preliminary sketches
- Carnegie Library (6 items)
- Carnegie Public Library
- Carnegie Public Library -- Art Museum of Missoula, Addition
- Carnegie Public Library Busch Memorial Addition
- Carter County Court House
- Carter County High School
- Carter County High School Vocational Building
- Cartersville School for School District 9, Rosebud County
- Casper High School
- Casper National Bank
- Catholic Church (4 items)
- Catholic Church - proposed (2 items)
- Catholic Church, Holy Savior Parish
- Cell House, Montana State Penitentiary
- Cental Animal Lab. Facility (Montana State University-Boze
- Center for the Aged (3 items)
- Central Convent Bldg
- Central Heating Plant for Mr. E. Broox Martin, Addition to M
- Central High, school district no. 2 - proposed library renov
- Central Park Hotel Annex
- Central School Building
- Chapel at Rock Haven
- Chappel, Dr. N. - proposed duplex
- Charbonneau, J. A. -- building remodel
- Charles A. Martinson Residence (2 house plans)
- Charles Henderson Residence
- Charles Johnson Flat Building (University Apartments)
- Charles M. Owens Residence
- Charles R. Poor Garage
- Charles W. Bishop Residence
- Charlo Grade & High School
- Charlo High School
- Chemical Laboratory -- Traphagen Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Chemistry Building (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- CHHT&D Office Comlex
- Chief Plenty Coups Memorial State Monument
- Chief Service Station for Sam, Francis, & Walter Chadwick
- Childrens Clinic - Drs. Nelson & Whittinghill
- Chiver Memorial Building
- Chrisite, G. L.
- Christian Brothers High School Building
- Christian Church
- Christian Reformed Church
- Chrysler 93 Office & Shop Addition (3 items)
- Church (4 items)
- Church and School Building for Holy Rosary Parish
- Church Building for the First Baptist Church
- Church Building for the Methodist Episcopal Church
- Church for St. Mary's Parish
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- Church of the Air
- Church of the Sacred Heart
- Church, addition to
- Circle High School - old & new plans
- Circle Post Office
- Citizen State Bank Addition
- Citizen State Bank Original
- Citizen's State Bank
- Citizens National Bank (2 items)
- Citizens State Bank Builiding
- City County Hospital, Daniels County
- City Hall Building for Belgrade
- City Halls
- City of Bozeman, Storage Shed (A) & Steel Building (B)
- City Plan, Bozeman Montana - master street plan
- City Shops
- City Swimming Pool
- Civic Auditorium
- Civic Center (4 items)
- Civic Center & Armory Building
- Civic Center Building
- Clampitt, J. W.
- Clancy School House
- Clark, B. E. (2 items)
- Clark, V. D.
- Classroom Building - Reid Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Clearfield Second Ward Chapel - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- Clinic
- Clinic Building
- Clinic Building for Dr. H. E. Coulson
- Clinic Building for Dr. J. Cedric Jones
- Clinic Building for Dr. James Morrison
- Clinic Building for Dr. R. Bridenbaugh
- Clinic for Dr. R. Means
- Clinton Grade School
- Clow, B.
- Cobalt Unit for Bozeman Deaconess Hospital
- Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Warehouse
- Coca-Cola Bottling Company Garage Addition
- The Cody High School
- Coeur d'Alene Hardware & Foundry
- Coeur d'Alene Hardware & Foundry Addition to Warehouse
- Coeur d'Alene Hardware & Foundry Auto Display & Service Building
- Cohagen Dorm School dist no. 27
- Coin-Op Laundry
- Coke Plant (not built)
- College of Great Falls
- Colorado State Capital Bldg
- Columbia Falls High School and Gym Building
- Columbia Gardens
- Columbus High School Building
- Columbus, Mayor D. W. - remodel
- Colwell Bldg. - Restoration and Addition
- Combination Plant, Linde Company, addition to
- Comet Mine, Tunnel, Co.
- Commercial Building for Culligan Soft Water Service
- Commercial Building for Dale C. Olson (Olson Barber Shop)
- Commercial Building for Mr. L. L. Callison - Gardner [sic] M
- Commercial Building for Robert Taylor
- Commercial National Bank
- Commerical Building & Store Front, Thompson Brothers Floor
- Community Club House
- Community Hotel (Baxter Hotel)
- Community Memorial Hospital
- Communtiy Memorial Hospital
- Competitive sketch for Anaconda City Hall, etc.
- Computer Center Modifications -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Concrete-Steel Silo (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Congregational Church
- Congregational Church & Community House
- Congretational Church Building
- Conrad Mecantile Co.
- Conrad Residence
- Conservative Baptist Church - 1st floor addition to existing
- Consolidated Freightways Terminal
- Consolidated School Building/ Domestic Arts Equipment/ Band
- Construction of New Toilet Rooms in Junior High Building for
- Contageon Hospital
- Convent for St. Pius X Parish, Rev. A. J. Zarek, Pastor
- Convent, Gymnasium and Dormitory for St. Mary's Parish
- Cook House for Mr. William MacKay at the Lazy El Ranch
- Cooke, P. S.
- Cooney
- Cooper Park Comfort Station for City of Bozeman
- Coram and Martin City Grade School
- Cormier, P. C. & A. M.
- Cornwell
- Cornwell - prelim
- Corvallis Grade & High School
- Corvallis Vo-Ag Building
- Cosmopolitan Hotel
- Cottage and Granary to be Erected on Fergus County Sub Station
- Cotton Building Alteration
- Country Bungalow for Mr. E. Myron Ferris, addition to
- Country Club Tower Apartments
- County Court House (2 items)
- County Court House & Jail
- County Court House - proposed
- County Courthouse
- County High School
- County High School, addition to
- County Jail
- Courier Building for John Bader (3218), Bader Building for
- Court House (5 items)
- Court House for Lake County - additions & renovations
- Court House for Roosevelt County
- Court House for Sheridan County
- Covallis Grade School
- Cowell & Dixon Building
- Cowell Apartments -- SAE Fraternity
- Craig Hall, State University
- Crane & Ordway Company Warehouse
- Creamery Building, Farmers Creamery
- Creative Arts Complex -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Crow Agency Hospital - addition
- Crow Agency School, District No. 17-H, Bighorn County, addition
- Crow Ceremonial Center Proposal VIII
- Crow Housing Project
- Crow Housing Project 14-7 & 14-8
- Crow Housing Projects
- Crown Cigar Store for Mr. Joseph M. Lyden, alterations
- Crum, F.
- Cruse Bank Building
- Cruse, Thomas -- Mausoleum
- Curtis & Lynch Building
- Custer Battlefield Highway-Bridge over Yellowstone River
- Custer County Court House
- Custer County High School
- Custer County High School -- renovations
- Custer County Jail
- Custer Market (Cline, G. R.), alterations and additions
D [^]
- D & D Asylum
- D. C. Smith Drugstore Alterations
- D. Edwards Addition to Building
- Dacken, Victor, residence
- Dahl Memorial Hospital, addition to
- Daily Bank and Trust
- Daily Chronicle
- Dairy Barn, Central Heating Plan, Boiler House, Montana State
- Dairy Building, Montana State Industrial School for Boys
- Dale Moore Residence Basement and Remodeling
- Dalley, M. Jr.
- Daly Addition School Building -- Franklin School
- Daly Bank & Trust Co., (Sealiar) Window
- Daly Motor Garage Building (Grizzly Motors Mercury, Olney's)
- Damjan
- Dan J. Heyfron Residence
- Dan Longpre Ranch House
- Dan's Oil Inc. Service Station
- Dance Hall and Lodge Building for Messrs. Erwin (or Irvin?)
- Dancing Pavilion, Broadwater Sight
- Daniels Co. High School, School District 1/PWA Montana 149
- Daniels County Memorial Hospital
- Daniels Memorial Hospital
- Danley & Mason, garage building
- Darby School Addition
- Darby School Building
- Darby State Bank
- Dave Andrews Flat Building (Andrews Apartments)
- Dave Edwards Building
- David J. Andrews Residence
- Davies, M. & K.
- Davis (John Pawes) Residence
- Davis, R.
- Dawson County Courthouse (3 items)
- Dawson County Courthouse & County Jail
- Dawson County Courthouse - vestibule addition
- Dawson County High School (2 items)
- Dawson, D. - proposed remodel
- Day Lodge building for Discovery Basin
- Deaf & Blind School Building
- Deaver School Building Contruction, Deaver Public Schools
- Deaver School Gymnasium, Addition & Remodeling
- Decosse Residence
- Deer Lodge County Hospital
- Deer Lodge Elementary School, Powell County
- Deer Lodge Junior High School
- Deer Lodge Museum
- Deer Lodge Public School Addition
- Delta Delta Delta Sorority
- Delta Delta Delta Sorority House Recreation Room
- Demolition & Landscape - Boulder River School & Hospital
- Dempsey-Gibbons Boxing Arena
- Denton School - addition
- Department of Fish & Game/State of Montana Museum: Chief Ple
- Derrick
- Design for Bath House
- Design for the Development of a Civic Center
- Detail elevation for pantry
- Detail of Store-front for A.C. Johnson, Esq.
- Details for Vault, Gold Block
- Details of Metal Storefronts for Mr. Chas. Garnier
- Details of Mill Work and Stall Work, American National Bank
- Diagrams of large letters (Noel)
- Dial Exchange Building - Addition and Remodeling
- Dickinson Golf & Country Club
- Dillon Elementary School
- Dillon Furniture Store Co.
- Dineen, Rev. D. J. -- Rectory
- Dingman, G. J.
- Dining Hall on Capitol Grounds
- Dion Building for Shell Oil Company, alterations
- Dion Locker Plant Building
- Disbrow Store Alterations
- Distribution System, Montana State University Campus, addition
- District No. 26 School
- Dixon Gymnasium
- Dixon School
- Doctor's Clinic
- Dokken-Nelson Funeral Home
- Don Hoon Residence (Dr. Rudy Wirth Residence)
- Don Paddock Residence Alterations
- Donavan-McCormick Co. Building
- Door and window details
- Dormitory (Unit B) for State Normal College -- Western Montana
- Dormitory - South Hedges -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Dormitory 3, Feeble Minded Institute
- Dormitory for Feeble Minded Institute
- Dormitory for Hamilton Stores, Old Faithful, YNP
- Dormitory, State Normal College (Western Montana College)
- Dormitory, Wesleyan College
- Dorms Boulder State Training School
- Double House for Mr. H. B. Palmer
- Downtown Mall
- Dr. A.L. Vaheim Residence
- Dr. and Mrs. Crisman Residence
- Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Docekal Residence
- Dr. C. V. Gougher Residence Addition
- Dr. George D. Keller
- Dr. George McGrath Store & Office Building (McGrath Block, B
- Dr. Harley Riley Residence
- Dr. J. R. Burgess Dental Clinic
- Dr. John L. Mulder Residence
- Dr. M. B. Hesdorffer Residence
- Dr. Oscar Craig Residence -- UM President's Residence, Music Dept. (2 items)
- Dr. Robert J. Hill Clinic
- Dr. W. P. Mills Cow Barn
- Dr. W. P. Mills Flat Building (3 flats)
- Dr. W. P. Mills Flat Building (duplex)
- Dr. William P. Smith Clinic Building
- Drawings of a Residence for Mr. William M. Cobleigh
- Dresback Riggs Inc. , garage building
- Drinking Fountain for State Fair Grounds
- Drummond Gymnasium
- Drummond School
- Dry Goods Store for Vaughn & Ragsdale Co.
- Dudley C. Bass Residence
- Duke, R. L.
- Dun, W. N. residence & garage apt.
- Duplex Residence (Yellowstone Lumber Co.)
- Dupu, C.
- Duvals Store Interior
- Dwelling for Prof. J. A. Thaler
E [^]
- E. H. LeRoy, garage building
- E. L. Sanderson Residence (V. C. Hollingsworth Residence)
- E.A. Blenker Office Building
- Eagles Lodge Building Alterations
- Eagles Lodge Remodeling
- Eagles Nest Subdivision
- East Side Elementary School, School District 10 Deer Lodge
- Eastern Montana College (State Normal School), Science Building
- Eastern Montana College (State Normal School), Various Drawings
- Eastern Montana College -- Married Student Housing
- Eastern Montana College -- McMullen Hall - windows & roof replacement
- Eastern Montana College -- McMullen Hall 3rd Floor Corridor
- Eastern Montana College -- McMullen Hall stair tower & comp. room
- Eastern Montana College -- State Normal School, Administration
- Eastern Montana College, Teacher's Lab
- Eastern Penitentiary
- Eastside Grade School Building for School District 6, Washa
- Eastwood Apartments
- Economy Foods, Inc. Store and Apartment Building
- Eddy Bakery Addition
- Edgar Grade School
- Edmund Burke Residence
- Educational Building and Fellowship Hall for First Methodist
- Edward Smith Bath House
- Eggelbrecht, E. H. Cine 3
- Eggelbrecht, E. H. Motel
- Eggelbrecht, E. H. Trailer Court extension
- Ekalaka Hospital Building
- Elder Grove School
- Electrical Service & Sales Bldg. - proposal
- Electronic Work Shop, U.S Forest Service
- Elementary School (2 items)
- Elementary School - addition
- Elementary School Addition, Boulder School
- Elementary School Building, School District 37, Yellowstone
- Elementary School for Prairie County, School District 5
- Elementary School, High School - addition
- Elevation (house) - 3 stories
- Elevation of a bldg
- Elevations and Plans for a Garage for Mr. Louis Accola
- Elevator Shaft, Gallatin Hardware Co. Building
- Elks Bldg.
- Elks Club alterations
- Elks Club Building
- Elks Home (B.P.O.E.) Lodge No. 520
- Elks Lodge Building, 1620 BPOE
- Elks Lodge No. 1554
- Elks Temple
- Elks Temple 1st Floor Alterations and Bowling Alley
- Elks Temple, 1651 BPOE
- Elks Temple, 383 BPOE Alterations
- Ellinghouse & Laing Service Station
- Ellis L. Hale Building
- Ellis L. Hale Garage
- Ellsworth G. Smith Garage Building
- Emanuel Church
- Emerson School
- Emil Johnson and Peter J. Lundin Hotel (Norden Hotel, The De
- Emma Dickenson Grade School Addition
- Empire Tire Co., addition to
- Employee Housing, State Hospital Warm Springs
- Employees' Housing, State Training School
- Engineer's Cottage, State Normal College -- Western Montana College
- Engineer's Office
- Engineering Building -- Roberts Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Engineering Shop Unit & Ryon Laboratories addition -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Ennis School -- alterations and additions
- Ennis School -- Madison School District 52
- Erb, O. J. Dr.
- Evans, W. B.
- Exchange State Bank Building - Dion Brothers, alterations an
- Exhibit Building, Northern Montana Fair
- Existing Boulder High School
- Extension & Remodel - Lincoln School, District 1
- Extension & Remodeling of the Sidney High School
- Extension & Remodeling for Broadview Gymnasium
- Extension and Remodeling - Park County High School, District
- Extension and Remodeling, Billings Deaconess Hospital
- Extension and Remodeling, Garfield School, School District (2 items)
- Extension and Remodeling, U.S. Post Office
- Extension for Shepherd High School
- Extension to Manual Arts Shop, School District 7, and Remodel
F [^]
- F. Kennett Remodeling Porch
- F. L. Darbee Sheep Shed
- F.A. Davy's Store
- F.O.E. Aerie No. 326 - Alterations
- F.O.E. Aerie No. 326 - Bar remodel
- F.O.E./Parkins Building, alterations
- Fallon County Courthouse
- Fallon County Hospital
- Fallon Memorial Hospital
- Fallon Memorial Hospital-addition
- Fallon School Building for School District 30, Prairie Count
- Farm Buildings for G. F. Hull, Esq., Barn for Mr. G. F. Hull
- Farm Group
- Farm House for Mr. and Mrs. Grant Greiman
- Farm House, Walsh Estate Ranch, & Addition of Bathroom & Porch
- Farm Residence for Hayes Bryan
- Farmers & Merchants State Bank Building
- Farmers and Merchants State Bank Building (State Bank and Po
- Farmers' & Traders' Bank
- Fechter Building
- Feddersohn Building Piping Plans
- Federal Office Bldg. & Courthouse (2 items)
- Federated (Presbyterian) Church
- Fenske Building
- Fergus County Bank
- Fergus County High School (2 items)
- Fergus County Sub-Station - Additions to Farm Foreman's Cottage
- Fergus High School (4 items)
- Fergus Hish School
- Ferguson, A. Old Bluestone House - restoration & remodel
- Filling Station at Grand and Main for Story Motor Supply Co.
- Filling Station for Albert Hetzel
- Filling Station for Central Garage, and Alteration to Filling
- Filling Station for Story Motor Supply Co., and Alteration
- Fire Dept. Maintenance Bdlg.
- Fire Hall and Lockup
- Fire Station & Jail Building
- Fire Training Facility
- Fireman's Club & Engine House
- Fireproof Vault for Municipal Water Office
- Firestone Building (Story Motor Company)
- First Assembly of God
- First Assembly of God - chapel & Sunday school addition
- First Baptist Church
- First Baptist Church (Immanuel or Emmanuel Baptist Church)
- First Baptist Church Addition
- First Christian Church
- First Christian Church Addition and Alterations
- First Lutheran Church
- First Lutheran Church - reroof
- First Methodist Church (M.E.) -- auditorium plans
- First Methodist Church
- First Methodist Church - additions & alterations (2 items)
- First Methodist Church - Methodist Parsonage (2 items)
- First Methodist Church, addition to
- First Methodist Church, additions and alterations
- First National Bank (3 items)
- First National Bank Building -- Basement Remodeling
- First National Bank of Powell - remodel
- First Norwest Bank Drive-up
- First Presbyterian
- First Presbyterian Church (3 items)
- First Presbyterian Church - Kitchen remodel
- First Presbyterian Church - Miscellaneous
- First Presybterian Church - Fred F. Willson Memorial
- Fischer, Jacob -- Residence
- Fisher Ranch Fruit Storage
- Fishing Bridge Tourist Camp
- Five compartment Shaft with four hoisting compartments and o
- Five-Room School Building, District No. 16
- Flat Building for George E. Dailey
- Flathead Lake Biological Station Building -- University of Montana
- Flint Creek Valley Bank
- Floor plan
- Floor plan sketch
- Florence Hotel (3 items)
- Florence-Carlton Boiler Room and Heating Plant
- Florence-Carlton Grade and High School Addition
- Florence-Carlton Gymnasium Building
- Florence-Carlton Multipurpose
- Floyd J. Hardenburgh Residence
- Flynn Farmhouse
- Folder containing Programs: reroofing of Burlington Ave. Elementery
- Food Service Building-Addenda -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Forsyth City Hall
- Fort Benton Old Fire Engine House restoration
- Fort Ellis Ranch House -- Montana State University-Bozeman (2 items)
- Fort Peck Housing - Brockton Playground 9-6
- Fort Peck Housing 9-15 (3 items)
- Fort Peck Housing 9-16 (2 items)
- Fort Peck Housing 9-20, 9-21
- Fort Peck Housing 9-20b, 9-22
- Fort Peck Housing 9-9 & 9-10
- Fort Peck Housing Project 9-11 & 9-12
- Fort Peck Housing Project 9-15 A-12 & 9-20 C-1 - additions
- Fort Peck Housing Project 9-9, 9-10 (2 items)
- Fort Peck Housing Project 9-K
- Forty Unit Low Rent Housing Complex for The Elderly Citizens
- Foster & Bruning -- Store & Office Bldg.
- Foster Home/ Co-op Housing, and Cowley Residence
- Foster Honey Ranch - remodeling
- Foster Honey Ranch Office & Retail Sales Bldg.
- Foster, D. R. - remodel & addition
- Four Houses to be erected for Mr. Jerome Locke
- Four Mill for Eugene Graf (Bon Ton Flour Mill)
- Four Plex: Apartment Court
- Four room addition to Grade School
- Four-Flat Buildings
- Fourth Ave. Condominiums - schematic
- Fox Subdivision residence (2 items)
- Fox Theatre Building - proposed
- Frame Residence for Mr. G. A. Boyton
- Frame Residence for Mr. J. N. Brown
- Frame School Building for School District 24, addition to
- Frame Store Building for Mr. George F. Weeks
- Framed and Lighted Box for Officer's Photographs - BPOE 463
- Frank Borg Residence
- Frank Land Memorial Center
- Frank log cabin
- Frank M. McHaffie Store Front (McHaffie Block Oxford Bar)
- Frank Roberts Remodel, Residence
- Frank Shoemaker Residence
- Franklin Grade School Addition (2 items)
- Fraser Residence
- Fratt Memorial Building
- Fratt Memorial School addition
- Fratt School
- Fred T. Sterling Residence (Worden Apartment House)
- Freightways Terminal Co. Bldg.
- Frenchtown School
- Frenchtown School Gymnasium
- Fromberg High School
- Front elevation of a bldg.
- Front Elevation of Post Office
- Front for J. R. Goss
- Ft. Harrison National Guard Armory
- Full Gospel Revival Tabernacle
- Full Gospel Revival Tabernacle - remodeling & addition (2 items)
- Full Gospel Revival Tabernacle - remodeling & addition (revised)
- Fulton, F. F. Hotel
- Fulton, F. F. Loghouse
- Funeral home for Jerry Cloyd
- Furniture Details
G [^]
- G. E. Whiteman Residence
- G. F. Peterson Store Building
- Gallatin Block
- Gallatin Co. Rest Home
- Gallatin Co. Rest Home - addition
- Gallatin Co. Rest Home - additions (4 items)
- Gallatin Co. Rest Home - copy 5
- Gallatin Co. Rest Home - copy 6
- Gallatin Co. Rest Home - copy 6 additions (2 items)
- Gallatin County Courthouse
- Gallatin County Courthouse - addition
- Gallatin County Fairgrounds Site proposed Master Plan
- Gallatin County Free High School
- Gallatin County High School - Addition
- Gallatin County Repair Shop
- Gallatin Gateway Station for Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R
- Gallatin State Bank remodel, 1st floor
- Gallatin Theatre Co. (Ellen Theater)
- Garage and Boiler House, Wesleyan College
- Garage Building
- Garage Roof Design
- Garden City Bakery Heating Plant
- Garden City Commercial College (Missoula Business College, R (2 items)
- Garden City Liquor and Bottling Building
- Garden Wall for Mr. T. G. Blakeman
- Garfield County Court House
- Garfield County High School
- Garfield County Hospital and Addition
- Garfield County Jail
- Garfield School Addition, School District No. 2, Yellowstone
- Garfield School Improvements
- Garfield School, alterations and additions
- Garland Theatre
- Garnier Cigar Warehouse
- Gas Station for Chas. Colbert
- Gay, T. E. Store
- Geis - proposal
- General Electric Supply Co.
- General Masonry Plan
- General Plans, R. C. Church
- Geometric sketches
- George Brooks Horse Barn
- George Dildine Building
- George Dildine Residence
- George Duvall Residence
- George F. Brooks Residence
- George Grocery Shop Building
- George Harper Residence
- George May Residence
- George McCracken -- Store front
- Gerbase, C. J. (2 items)
- Gerke, H.
- German Lutheran Church (First German Evangelical Church)
- Gibson Building -- Gibson Block, The Fair, Scandinavian American
- Gidroy, R. G.
- Girl's Central High School
- Girls' Central High School (2 items)
- Girls' Dormitory, Eastern Montana College -- State Normal School (4 items)
- Glasgow Exhibition Bldg
- Glasgow Jr. High - prelim
- Glasgow Public Schools
- Glen Nolle Estates Cafe & Restaurant
- Glendive Community Hospital
- Gold Block details for vault
- Gold Block, alterations
- Gold Medal Dairies Building
- Golden Fleece Lodge - Remodeling for 66 A.F. & A.M.
- Good Samaritan Hospital, addition to
- Gordon Buffet, additions
- Gordon, R. (2 items)
- Governors Mansion (2 items)
- Goyer, J. E.
- Grace Episcopal Church
- Grade & High School
- Grade & High School Building
- Grade & Jr. High School, School District 1, Campbell County
- Grade School
- Grade School & High School
- Grade School Addition, District 5, Richland County
- Grade School and Gymnasium, School Districts 4 and 47
- Grade School Building (6 items)
- Grade School Building (Whittier, Willard, Paxon)
- Grade School Building at St. Xavier
- Grade School Building for School District 6, Washakie County
- Grade School Building, addition to
- Grade School Building, School District 2, Ravalli County
- Grade School, District 2, Yellowstone County (Orchard School)
- Grand Ave. Christian Church - Additions & Alterations
- Grand Avenue Elementary School Addition, School District 2
- Grand Avenue Elementary School, District 2
- Grand Hotel
- Grand Hotel (1921), Alterations and Additions to Grand Hotel
- Grand Stand for Beaverhead County Fair Grounds
- Grand Union Hotel
- Grandon Hotel
- Grandon Hotel, cross section of
- Grandstand
- Granger Second Ward Chapel - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- Granite Alaska Building
- Granite County Court House
- Granite County High School
- Granite County Hospital and Granite Memorial Clinic
- Gray, W. E.
- Great Falls Air Force Base: Airmen's Club, Ordnance Storage,
- Great Falls Diocese
- Great Falls Zinc Plan, Beams, Bracing & Erection Plan of Cha
- Great Northern Tool & Supply Co., alterations and additions
- Green Mountain New Hoist
- Greenhood Hotel
- Greenhouse, addition -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Greenhouses & Conservatory -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Greenhouses and Library, remodel -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Gregory Apartments - Three Projects
- Gregory, Helen L. -- business building
- Gregson Hot Springs - Natatorium & hotel
- Grey, E. J. Dr.
- Ground Squirrel Hoist
- Guest Cabins & Central Cabin, Diamond J Ranch
- Gullard & Gerbase
- Gusick's Restaurant (2 items)
- Gustave F. Peterson Residence (Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, Gib
- Gym & Community Hall - Sweet Grass County
- Gymansium Building & Gymnasium Plunge Building, State Normal
- Gymnasium & Auditorium, Rapelje High School District
- Gymnasium & High School Building
- Gymnasium & Community Building for School District 7 at Shepherd
- Gymnasium Addition - storage room
- Gymnasium Alterations
- Gymnasium and Central Heating Plant, School District No. 1
- Gymnasium and School Remodeling
- Gymnasium and Two-Classroom Addition, School District No. 27
- Gymnasium Building for Fairview High School Dist. - Richland
- Gymnasium Building for Granite County High School
- Gymnasium Building, Anaconda High School, School District 1
- Gymnasium Building, State University of Montana
- Gymnasium for School District 34
- Gymnasium for School District 33
- Gymnasium for School District 5, Stillwater County
- Gymnasium Recreation - revision
H [^]
- H. A. Carlisle Store Building
- H. B. McCay Hardware Co. -- Basement alterations
- H. D. Fisher Business Block
- H. Hayward Residence
- H. I. Hougen, Alterations to Residence
- H. Therrioult Residence
- Hagenstow Bldg.
- Hagstrom, R. S. Dr.
- Hall, W. A. Store Bldg.
- Hamilton City Hall
- Hamilton High School
- Hamilton Town Hall (City Hall)
- Hammond Building 2nd Floor Remodel
- Hammond Building Entrance Remodel
- Hansen, R. H.
- Hanson, D. I.
- Hansord Residence
- Hardin County Courthouse - Big Horn County
- Harlowtown High School
- Harnois Theater -- Missoula Theater, Liberty Theater, Liberty
- Harrison State Bank
- Harry Gilbertson Residence
- Harry L. Shapard Store Building
- Hart Albin Building
- Hasty, W. - alteration
- Haugan School Building (1 schoolroom)
- Havre Boarder Patrol
- Havre Central High School
- Hawthorne Grade School, original and addition
- Hawthorne School
- Hawthorne School, School District 50, alterations and additions
- Hayden Residence
- Haythorn School Building, dist. 8
- Headquarters Building, Big Horn Rural Electric Co., Inc.
- Headquarters Building, Goldenwest Electric Co-Op
- Headquarters Building, Lower Yellowstone Rural Electic Assoc
- Headquarters Building, Project Telephone Company
- Headquarters Fire Station (2 items)
- Headquarters Fire Station & Communications Center
- Heath Veterinary Hospital
- Heath Veterinary Hospital - remodeling & addition
- Heath, J. W.
- Heating Addition for Absarokee Lodge 30
- Heating Plant -- Montana State University-Bozeman (5 items)
- Heating Plant Alterations for High School Building at Forsyth
- Heating Plant, Montana State Vocational School For Girls
- Hedges Food Service Building -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Heinemann, R. D.
- Helena Hall, Montana Wesleyan University
- Helena High School
- Helena High School - Music Dept. - remodel
- Hendershott, V. E.
- Hennessy Store & Office Bldg
- Henry C. Stiff Residence (1)
- Henry C. Stiff Residence (2)
- Henry Greenhood Porch Remodel
- Henry Greenhood Residence
- Herman Kohn Building & Addition
- Herman Kohn Piping Plans, Atlantic Hotel
- Herold Reid Residence, Thompson Yards, Inc.
- Heron School Building
- Hibbs, R.
- High School (3 items)
- High School (Park High School)
- High School (Willson School)
- High School - addition
- High School - School Dist. 2, Carbon County, addition to
- High School - School District 55 - Musselshell County School
- High School and Gymnasium Buildings
- High School Building (2 items)
- High School Building & Gymnasium, School District No. 6
- High School Building & Proposed Gymnasium, alterations
- High School Building (Livingston High School), additions an
- High School Building Addition
- High School Building at Richey, Montana
- High School Building for School Building 24
- High School Building for School District 17
- High School Building for School District 37, Yellowstone
- High School Building for School District 7, Richland County
- High School Building for Thermopolis
- High School Building for Wibaux County High School
- High School Building, additions
- High School Building, District 5, Richland County
- High School Building, Wibaux County, addition to
- High School for District 17, Roosevelt County
- High School Gymnasium
- High School Gymnasium - proposed
- High School Gymnasium - Sweet Grass County
- High School Gymnasium, addition to
- High School Shop Building
- High School, Butte, addition to
- High School, School District 30 - Carbon County, addition
- Highlands Golf Club - proposal
- Hilde, G.
- Hillcrest Nursing Home Facility
- Hoefel, R. C. - balcony addition
- Hog Barn -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Hogan Building and Alterations
- Hogarty, M.
- Hogue, V.
- Holbrook Congregational Church
- Holter, A. M. - Plat of Property
- Holy Family Church
- Holy Name Parish
- Holy Rosary
- Holy Rosary Church (2 items)
- Holy Rosary Church, alterations
- Holy Rosary Hospital
- Holy Rosary Hospital ICU-CCU
- Holy Rosary Parish Church and School
- Holy Spirit Parish Rectory
- Home for the Aged (2 items)
- Homemade Scale
- Honaker Garage - alterations
- Horse Barn, Fort Ellis Experiment Station -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Horse Stable, School for Deaf & Blind
- Hospital
- Hospital - addition
- Hospital - preliminary sketches
- Hospital Building
- Hospital Building at Boulder Hot Springs
- Hospital Building for McCone County, addition to
- Hospital Building, School for Deaf & Blind
- Hospital Building, School for Deaf & Blind
- Hospital for Great Falls Air Force Base (76 Bed)
- Hospital for Rosebud County
- Hospitals
- Hot Springs County Court House
- Hot Springs High School (2 items)
- Hotel (2 items)
- Hotel & Store Building for Mr. R. S. Dawes
- Hotel (Johnson Harvard Hotel?)
- Hotel and Store of H. C. Willits Esq., addition to
- Hotel Building (4 items)
- Hotel Building at Electric Hot Springs
- Hotel Building for Henry Meyer
- Hotel Building for William J. Hart
- Hotel for Dr. Scott
- Hotel for J. D. Kipe
- Hotel for McNamara & Marlow
- Hotel for Sidney, Montana (Lalonde Hotel)
- Hotel for Three Forks Land Co. (Sacagawea Inn)
- Hotel for Wm. J. Hart
- Hotel plans
- House (2 items)
- House for J. W. Bridge
- House for Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kirwin
- House for Sherman G. Phillips (1906), House for Mr. and Mrs.
- House for W. R. Totten
- House plans (3 items)
- House plans for Bruce Mecklenburg, Proposed Residence for Bruce
- House remodel
- House Remodeling for Father Hannah
- House, Mrs. C. D. Howe, alterations
- Housing for the Elderly
- Housing Project for Montana State College -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Howarth, L. - remodeling and addition
- Hoyt & Peterson Store Building
- Hub Summers Residence
- Huidekoper -- residence
- Humanities Building, University of Montana
- Huntley Project Elementary School, School District 24
- Huntley Yellowstone Valley Electric Co-op
I [^]
- I.O.O.F. Building
- I.O.O.F. Hall Heating Plan
- I.O.O.F. Home, additions
- I.R.S. Space Alterations, Federal Building, Post Office, Cou
- Ice House
- Immaculate Conception Church
- Immaculate Conception Church - Gutter Installation
- Immaculate Conception Parish - School & Gym
- Improvements and Additions for Water Supply System
- Industrial School, District No. 6
- Infirmary Building, Montana State Training School
- Ingomar Gymnasium
- Inland Realty Company Store Building
- Installation of Store Fronts for Frank Hazelbaker
- Intensive Care Unit, Bozeman Deaconess Hospital
- Interior restoration of the Montana State Governor's Old Mansion
- International Harvester Company -- Branch House
- International Harvester Company -- Branch house & storage building
- International Harvester Company -- Sales and Service Agencies
- International Harvester Company -- Sales and Service Building for
- International Harvester Company?
- Irvin L. Kohn Residence
- Irving, Hawthorne, and Longfellow Schools
- Istvanfy, D. G.
J [^]
- J. A. Lovelace Building, Alterations and Fire Doors
- J. B. Collins Residence
- J. F. Sunneson Residence
- J. G. Link Residence
- J. H. Featherstone's Building
- J. H. McJunkin Flats (Bowland Flats or Apartments)
- J. H. Montgomery Store Building Remodel
- J. H. Sherburne Store Building
- J. Herbert Store Front
- J. J. Newberry Company - alterations
- J. W. Greenough Building
- J.C. Penney Stores (prototype plans)
- J.K. Wells Hotel
- Jackson County Court House
- Jacobs, M. A. store & hall bldg
- Jacoby's Store for Men
- Jail Building for Gallatin County -- Gallatin County Pioneer
- James A. Walker Residence
- James A. Wayne Residence
- James McGrawth Frame Barn
- Jarret, L. R.
- Jas. Caras Residence
- Jefferson County Courthouse
- Jefferson County Courthouse - restoration
- Jefferson School Addition
- Jefferson-Madison Memorial Hospital
- Jesse S. Harker Residence
- Joe Wagner Store Building
- John C. White Residence
- John Ford Store, Office and Apartment Building
- John J. Burnett Residence
- John M. Keith Building -- Keith-Ross Block, Morris Schlossberg
- John M. Keith Garage Building
- John M. Lucy & Sons Balcony Plans
- John M. Lucy & Sons Building --Lucy's Furniture, J.M. Lucy &
- John R. Daly Residence
- John R. Toole Residence (Kappa Kappa Gama)
- John S. Mendenhall home
- John W. Dowling Mortuary Addition
- Johnbeth Apts.
- Johnson & Olson Piping Plans (Western Hotel)
- Johnson, B. F.
- Johnson, D.
- Jones, R. A.
- Jordan Swimming Facility
- Joseph Bowden
- Joseph M. Dixon Residence Addition (Knights of Columbus, Cha
- Joseph Redle Residence
- Journalism Building at State University (2 items)
- Judge Hiram Knowles Building -- The Batchelor, Knowles Building
- Julius Grill Residence
- Junior High & Grade School Extension, School District 1, Ca
- Junior High School
- Junior High School Building
- Junior High School Building, District 17H, Big Horn County
- Junior High School, School District 1
K [^]
- Kane, D.
- Kasper
- Keefe Auto Supply Co. Store & Warehouse Building
- Keene Motor Car Company
- Kehoe's Men Store
- Keith and Ross Store Building
- Keith and T. H. Thibodeau Business Block
- Kelleher, C. J.
- Kelly's Saloon
- Kenco Refinery
- Kenco Refinery Communcation Center
- Kennedy, E. B. - Alterations to Store, Theatre, Kennedy Hotel
- Kenneth F. Ross Residence
- KGVO Radio Emergency Fallout Shelter
- KGVO Radio Station New Front
- Kilbourne, Z.
- King Clothing - proposed renovation
- Kirklin Contruction Co.
- Kirklin, G.
- Kitchen Building, State Orphans Home
- Klamm property
- Klein, R. G. - extension
- Klemme
- Kline, J. -- Hotel Building
- Knights of Columbus Club
- Knoll, W. H.
- KOA Picnic Pavillion
- KOA Playground Structures
- Koch, W. F.
- Kohrs Block, alterations and additions
- Koko Bar and Lounge for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Engle; and
- Kovacs, J. L. & M. M. - Man and His World American Indian Museum
- Kruidenier, P.
- KXLO Building for Mr. George Bennitt, alterations
- Kyd, C. R.
L [^]
- L & N Builders (2 items)
- L. M. McCarthy Residence
- Laboratory Building
- Laboratory Building for the State of Montana
- Lair Ice Cream Palor
- Lake County Court House
- Lake County Courthouse Addition
- Lake County Infirmary
- Lalonde Hotel
- Lamb Apts.
- Laundry and Boiler House for St. John's Hospital
- Laundry Building, Montana State School for the Deaf and Blind
- Laurel Public Safety Complex (4 items)
- Laurel Public School
- Law Office Building
- Law Office Building for Mr. Roland Colgrove
- Lawrence Company Apartment House
- Lawrence Knapp, garage building
- Layout of Buildings for Montana State College -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Lazy Grizzly Lodge & Restaurant
- Leader Store
- Leas, V.
- Lebsack, J.
- Lee Garage
- Lee, D.
- Leffler, J. I.
- Lefor High School
- Lefor School
- Legion Town & Country Club
- Lehfeldt Hotel
- Lehrkind Brewery Building
- Lehrkind Building for Mr. Ray Holloway, alterations
- Leininger, T.
- Levi Store Building, Miles & Ulmer Co.
- Lewis & Clark Court House, alterations
- Lewis & Clark Elementary
- Lewis & Clark Grade School Addition
- Lewis & Clark Hospital
- Lewis and Clark County Hospital
- Lewis and Clark Dining Hall -- Johnstone Center -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Lewis Hall, remodeling -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Lewistown Auto Co., garage building (2 items)
- Lewistown Depot, Montana Railroad Company
- Liberty Theater Bowling Alley
- Liberty Theater Lobby Remodel
- Liberty Theater Remodeling
- Library
- Library -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Library and Dining Hall, The Phillips Exeter Academy
- Library Building, Montana State University
- Library for the State Normal College -- Western Montana College
- Library Stack Room (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Lighting Layouts for Huntley Project Schools
- Lincoln School (2 items)
- Lincoln School - addition
- Lincoln School (Lincoln School Baptist Church)
- Lindsay & Company Warehouse -- Lindsay Fruit Commission Company
- Linfield Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Link, E.
- Link, J. G.
- Link, J. G. - original & additions
- Livery & Sales Stable for Fischer and Murray
- Livery Stable for Helena Cab and Transfer Co.
- Livingston Memorial Hospital addition
- Locker room, remodeling -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Lockrigdge, McIntyre & Whale, Drs. clinic
- Lockwood Jr. High
- Lodge Grass School
- Log Cabins
- Log House for Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Foster, addition to
- Logan, F. R.
- Lolo Creek Schoolhouse (Woodman School)
- Longfellow School, School District 1, additions
- Loran, N.
- Loring Apartments
- Louis Spain Residence and Garage, alterations
- Louise Cafe for Mr. S. M. Du Pay
- Lowell School Addition (2 items)
- Loyal Order of the Moose, Office Building
- Lubrecht Wash Room
- Lumb, W. E.
- Lumber Purchase Order
- Lunch Room Addition, School District 6
M [^]
- M. E. Church
- M. L. Bohrer Apartment Building (8 unit)
- M. M. Joyce Residence
- M. R. Rutherford Residence
- Machinery and Implement Building -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Madison County Courthouse remodel
- Madison Valley Hospital
- Madison Valley Hospital -- Coronary Care Unit and Nurses Station
- Madison Valley Hospital -- Proposed Coronary Care Room & Nurses Station
- Main Building -- Montana Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Main Building for State Normal College
- Main Hall, State Normal School -- Western Montana College, al
- Main Ranch House, Cook's Cabin and Guest House for Miss Marg
- Main Street Store Building for Gen L. S. Willson, and Store
- Malmborg Octagonal School
- Malta National Bank
- Malta School Reroof
- Malta Swimming Pool
- Mammoth Elementary School
- Mammoth Hot Spring-Norris Junction Road
- Manhattan Christian School
- Manhattan Christian School (Additions)
- Manhattan Elementary School
- Manhattan Schools
- Manhattan State Bank-alterations
- Map of Fort Missoula and Timber Reserve
- Mapes & Mapes Storefront
- Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital (2 items)
- Marcus Daly Motel-Hotel remodeling
- Mares, Frank -- duplex residence
- Marsh & Powell Mortuary Building
- Martin Barrett Hospital
- Martin Block/Hathorn Building for Mr. J. A. Lovelace, alterations
- Martin, A. G.
- Mary Moore Shop
- Mason L. Bohrer Residence
- Masonic Grand Lodge Library, Museum & Offices - A.F. & A.M.
- Masonic Lodge Building
- Masonic Temple (8 items)
- Masonic Temple - Lodge No. 84
- Masonic Temple Building for Saints John Lodge No. 92 A. F. &
- Masonic Temple Building, Unity Lodge 71, A.F. & A.M.
- Masonic Temple Buildings
- Masonic Temple for Absarokee Lodge 30
- Masonic Temple, Huntley Project Lodge 144 A.F. & A.M.
- Masonic Temple, Lodge No. 101, A.F. & A.M.
- Masonic Temple?
- Material Supply - addition
- Mathematics - Physics Building -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Mausoleum
- Mayhew, J.
- Mcalphin, G. T.
- McAulan, H.
- McCarthy, D.
- McCone County Court House
- McCone County Hospital
- McCormick, P.
- McCormick, W. A. (2 items)
- McCormick, W. H. -- Store building
- McCune Oil Company Service Station
- McGlone Heights Elementary School
- McGregor Memorial, Wayne State University (Project 1 Education)
- McKay Apartments
- McKay Art Company
- McKinley School
- McVicker Residence for Mrs. McVicker, alterations
- Meagher County Court House (2 items)
- Meagher County new Court House
- Measured Drawing of Existing Main Floor Offices, Ryan Grocery
- Medical Arts Building
- Medical Arts Center
- Medical Clinic Building for Dr. Richard R. Sigler
- Medical Clinic for Dr. R. G. Keeton
- Medical-Dental Building
- Medical-Dental Center
- Medical-Dental Clinic Building for Dr. T. J. Malee, M.D., an
- Medicine Lake School
- Melcher
- Melstone High School
- Melstone School - signed copy
- Memorial Civic Center
- Memorial Hall for V.F.W. & American Legion
- Memorial Recreation Center
- Men and Women Employees' Dormitory - Montana State Tuberculosis
- Men's Residence Hall (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Men's Residence Hall "Hedges South" (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Men's Residence Hall (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Men's Residence Hall, State University (2 items)
- Mens' Residence Hall
- Metal Bike Rack
- Metals Bank and Trust Co.
- Metals Bank Rehabilitation Project - 7th Floor- Restaurant
- Meteetse School
- Methodist Church (4 items)
- Methodist Church, addition to
- Methodist Church, alterations
- Methodist Church-Educational Unit
- Methodist Episcopal Church (3 items)
- Methodist Parsonage
- Methodist Parsonage, First Methodist Church
- Meyers, W. F. -- bank building
- Micellaneous Sheets
- Michotte
- Mickelson, R. A. professional Bldg.
- Middleton, T. B.
- Midland Bank and Information Booth
- Midland Empire Fairgrounds -- 4-H Club Bldg., grandstand, ho
- Midland Hotel
- Midland National Bank
- Milam Greenhouses
- Milano, A. S.
- Miles City Club
- Miles City Opera House
- Miles City School House
- Miles City Town & Country Club
- Miller Apts.
- Miller, O. (3 items)
- Milwaukee Railroad Passenger Station
- Mine Assays
- Mine Hoist
- Mineral County Hospital
- Miscellaneous display drawings
- Miscellaneous Drawings, School District 1
- Miscellaneous mining equipment
- Miscellaneous Remodeling - Helena Senior High School and C.
- Miscellaneous Residential Drawings for: Riley, English, Will
- Miscellaneous School Plans
- Miscellaneous Single Sheets: Baseball Backstop, Sidewalk Repair
- Mish-Mac Office & Warehouse Builidng
- Mission Field-Airport Administration Building
- Missoula Brewing Company and Bottling House
- Missoula Brick & Tile Works Office Building
- Missoula Cemetery Barn
- Missoula Country Club Additions and Alterations
- Missoula County Court House
- Missoula County Courthouse
- Missoula County Courthouse renovations
- Missoula County Fair Grandstand
- Missoula County High School Addition
- Missoula County High School Gym and Mechanical Building
- Missoula County High School Mechanical Room
- Missoula County Poor House (Poor Farm, Pineview Hospital Addition)
- Missoula County Poor House Alterations
- Missoula Creamery Building, Original Plans
- Missoula Electric Co-op Headquarter Facilities
- Missoula Electric Co-op Remodel
- Missoula Hotel Apartments
- Missoula Laundry Addition (2 items)
- Missoula Light & Water Barn
- Missoula Mercantile Company Toliet Rooms
- Missoula Mercantile Parking House
- Missoula Mercantile Warehouse and Office Building
- Missoula Passenger Depot
- Missoula Schools Temporary Classrooms
- Missoula Trust & Savings Bank, alterations and additions
- Missoulian Building
- Missouri Building for Snidow & Woods
- Model for K. Hendrix
- Modern Body & Fender Works Addition and Alterations
- Moiese School (Two Room School)
- Molvihill, T. P. -ranch; Thomas, N. - remodel; Home on the
- Monroe J. Wallace Residence
- Montana Agricultural College, Preliminary General Plan (Montana
- Montana Agricultural Experiment Station--Office Building & B
- Montana Building
- Montana Children's Home
- Montana Children's Home Building
- Montana Correctional Facilities
- Montana Deaconess Hospital Spencer Memorial
- Montana Experiement Station Buildings -- Taylor Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Montana Highway Shop Complex
- Montana IOOF Home
- Montana Life Insurance Co.
- Montana Mausoleum Company
- Montana Mercantile Elevator and Warehouse
- Montana National Bank
- Montana National Bank - alterations
- Montana National Bank; 1st National Bank
- Montana Power Bldg. - remodeling
- Montana Power Co. - tracings
- Montana Power Company building
- Montana Power Company Building -- addition
- Montana School for Deaf & Blind Laundry Building
- Montana Silver Black Fox Farm Rendering Plant (George M. Ree
- Montana State Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition
- Montana State Capitol
- Montana State Hospital New Men's Dormitory Bldgs. & suggestions
- Montana State Industrial School (2 items)
- Montana State Industrial School - Dorm
- Montana State Industrial School - Pine Hills School for Boys
- Montana State Industrial School - proposed
- Montana State Orphans' Home--Hospital Building, Cottages, Me
- Montana State Penitentiary
- Montana State Prison (2 items)
- Montana State Prison - Kitchen expansion
- Montana State Prison Map - proposed improvement area
- Montana State Prison-Men's Dormitory
- Montana State Reform School Buildings
- Montana State School of Mines - Gymasium
- Montana State Tuberculosis Sanitarium
- Montana State Tuberculosis Sanitarium -- receiving hospital
- Montana Trust & Savings Bank
- Montana Unemployment - addition
- Montana Unemployment Office
- Montana Veterans & Pioneers Memorial Building (Historical Library)
- Montana, University Classroom Office Bldg (using old gymnasium
- Montana, University Forestry Bldg.
- Montana, University Library
- Montana, University Natural Science Bldg - addition (2 items)
- Montana, University S.A.T.C. Quarters
- Montana, University Sewer layout
- Monte Cristo house plan
- Montgomery Ward Building
- Moon Room Alterations - Baxter Hotel
- Moose Lodge
- Moose Lodge Heating System, alterations and additions
- Morken, A. J.
- Morris Schlossberg Building
- Morris Schlossberg Residence
- Mosby Water Tank, Fairviews Addition
- Moses, C. F. (2 items)
- Moses, C. F. - addition (2 items)
- Motel
- Motel for Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Culp (Rambler Motel)
- Motor Bank (Project 4, Educational Program)
- Mountain Machinery Company
- Mountain View Methodist Church - proposed
- Moving Picture Theatre for Mr. Ralph Wells
- Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Maynard
- Mr. and Mrs Louis W. Link Residence
- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mosby Residence
- Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Seader Theater Building
- Mr. and Mrs. John M. Evans Residence
- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ormseth Residence
- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morissette Residence
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Flachsenhar
- Mr. E. A. Blenkner Office Building
- Mr. Fred R. Griffey, Garage Building
- Mr. J. K. Gauen, garage building
- Mr. John Kuilman, Garage Building
- Mrs. Crouch Residence
- Mrs. Margaret Daly Residence (Riverside, The Daly Mansion)
- Mrs. Martha Hollenback Residence
- Mrs. Sarah Gearson Residence
- Mrs. William Gibson Residence
- Mt. Ellis Academy
- MT. State Prison, expansion (6 items)
- MT. State Prison, Mech. & Elec. bid 1
- MT. Unemployment Office (2 items)
- Mueller, Arthur -- apartment building
- Mulvaney Building, addition to
- Municipal Building (No title given on drawings)
- Municipal Building for the City of Dillon
- Municipal Swimming Pool (4 items)
- Municipal Swimming Pool & Change House - Bogert Park
- Murray, J. A. lodge & stable
- Museum Building for Yellowstone Museum Building Commission
- Museum of the Rockies
- Musselshell County Court House
- Mystic Lake School
N [^]
- National Bank of Montana (2 items)
- National Bank of Montana -- Basement alterations
- National Bank of Montana and Offices-Vault specifications
- National Bank of Montana Annex
- National Bank of Montana, alterations
- National Park Bank
- Navasota Medical Clinic design contest
- Nelson
- Nelson, G. K.
- Nelson, G. K. Real Estate Mart Inc, Colton & Kober Place
- Nevitt Building - Storefront alterations
- New Boys Lodge & Cottage
- New Boys Lodge (Pine Hills School) (5 items)
- New Boys Lodge - Intensive Treatment Facility
- New Elementary School
- New Front Doors to Vestibule, Security Bank
- New Front for the New York Store
- New Porch for Herman J. Clavadetscher
- New School
- New Store Front for Ulmer & Orschel
- New Storefront, Gold Block--T. C. Power, Owner
- New Veranda for Residence of Dr. Head
- Newman School, School District 2, Yellowstone County, addition
- Newton, A. J. Jr.
- Nine Mile School Building
- Nine Types of Log Joints
- Nolte, G. Atlantic Refining Co. Office Bldg.
- Nolte, G. Automatic laundry
- Nolte, G. Geological Survey Office
- Nolte, G. Office Bldg.
- Nolte, G. Soil Conservation & Farmers Home Administration
- Nolte, J. L.
- Nolte, J. W. Office
- Nolte, J. W. Store
- Nordbye, E.
- Norem, D.
- Normal School
- North Junior High School
- North Mausoleum
- North Park Recreation Center
- North Side School House (2 items)
- North-West Addition to Grand Central Hotel
- Northern Hotel
- Northern Pacific Railroad Passenger Station
- Northern Pacific RR - Billings Station
- Northern Pacific RR - Missoula Station
- Northern Pacific Transport Co., Garage Building , alteration
- Northern Rockies Cancer Center
- Northland Greyhound Lines, Inc. Union Bus Terminal & Garage
- Northwestern Auto Supply Company
- Norwalk State Hospital
- Norwegian Lutheran Church
- Noxon Gymnasium
- Nunns, F. F.
- Nurses Home for the State of Montana Tuberculosis Sanitarium
- Nurses' Home - Billings Deaconess Hospital
- Nurses' Residence Hall - St. Peter's Hospital
- Nursing Home
O [^]
- O'Carroll, Rev. J. J. - Rectory
- O'Donnell Fire Service
- O'Donnell, D.
- O'Donnell, D. - remodel
- O'Laughlin, H.
- O'Sullivan, R. W.
- O. J. Mueller Residence, Stone-e-broke Farm
- Odd Fellows Building
- Office Addition - remodeling
- Office and Shop Building for Rocky Mountain Gas Co.
- Office and Storage Building
- Office and Warehouse for the State of Montana State Highway
- Office Bldg.
- Office Bldg. addition (Assoc. P&C Engineers, Inc.)
- Office Building (2 items)
- Office Building at Rivertown Wyo. for Lee Simonsen
- Office Building for Dr. William Treacy
- Office Building for E.H. Walrath and Sons
- Office Building for Jefferson County
- Office Building for Ohio Oil Co.
- Office for Mrs. J. P. Ritchey
- Oil Equipment & Service Co.
- Oil Leases
- Okragly, G. M.
- Old & Shapard Hotel Alterations
- Old Electric Power Building
- Old Faithful Tavern, YNP, Upper Basin
- Old Governors Mansion preliminary drawings
- Old High School - Altered for Manual Training and Domestic
- Old Roundup Pool Structure
- Old Science Hall, Montana University
- Ole Anderson Residence (2 items)
- Olive Hotel Heating & Renovation
- Oliver Juneau Residence
- One Story Building - Valley Hardware Co.
- One-Story Brick Store for Mr. Dee Tate
- One-Story Building for Trafton-Dorr Co.
- Ontwerp v/d R. C. Parachiekerk, Van O.L.V. v/d H. Rozenkrans
- Opera House
- Orchard School Addition
- Orchard School Extension and Remodeling, School District 2
- Orehouse
- Oscar Hemgreen Residence
- Oscar Hemgreen Store Building
- Oscar Hemgren Residence
- Otto Quast Barn
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church, alterations and
- Owenhouse Building
P [^]
- P. J. Hagen Manor-Elderly Housing
- Paasch, R.
- Pablo and Moiese Multipurpose School Building
- Pacific Hide & Fur Depot Warehouse & Office
- Padanyi-Gulyas, E.
- Palace Hotel - alterations
- Palace Hotel Addition
- Park Avenue Apartments
- Park City High School Gymnasium & Classroom Building
- Park County Court House
- Park County High School
- Park County High School - Extension & Remodeling
- Park Forest Apts.
- Park Hotel Annex for A. W. Miles
- Park St. & Excelsior St. House
- Parmelee & Wooster Residence
- Parmly Billings Library - orginal & addition
- Parochial Residence for Holy Rosary Parish
- Parochial School Building
- Parochial School Building for Holy Rosary Parish
- Parochial School Building for Sacred Heart Parish, Proposed
- Partial floor plan
- Passenger Station
- Passenger Station - alterations
- Passenger Station at Billings, Montana
- Pat O'Connell Residence
- Paul Greenough Barn
- Paul Greenough Residence (3 items)
- Pauwelyn, Cyrill -- residence
- Pavilion for Agricultural College, Montana State Fair
- Pelowitz, J.
- Pennington County Court House
- Perham, W. T.
- Perjessy, G.
- Perry Trask Company Warehouse
- Pest House
- Peteler, C. R.
- Peter Christensen Residence
- Peter Feddersohn Flats
- Peter H. Smith Building
- Peters, J. W.
- Peterson, G. E.
- Petrie, R. W.
- Petroleum Building, Montana State School of Mines
- Pharmacy-Chemistry Building, State University
- Phi Delta Theta House
- Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity House
- Philipburg Gym
- Phoenix Co. Building
- Pi Beta Phi Sorority House
- Picture Shops for Haynes, Inc.
- Pierce, F. J. Residence
- Pigue, W.
- Pine Hills Prevocationsl & Maintence (Pine Hills School)
- Pine Hills School for Boys
- Pink Poodle Restaurant and A & B Men's Store, Clothing
- Pioneer School, School District 41
- Plains School Addition (2 items)
- Plains School Addition and Alterations
- Plains Swimming Facility
- Plains Swimming Pool
- Plan for Louis Accola residence
- Plan of Capital Cigar Store
- Plans for a Business Block for the Lovell Building Co.
- Plans for a Priest's Residence (Rev. S. J. Sullivan)
- Plans for a Residence for Mr. F. H. Sewell
- Plans for a Store and Apartment Building for the McCauley-Sp
- Plans for A. B. Taylor
- Plans for Alteration of Stage in Auditorium
- Plans for an Apartment House for Mr. Louis Scharrer
- Plans for Church & Rectory
- Plans for Dining Room, Recre Hall, Western Montana College
- Plans for Leo Hoffert (Office and residence)
- Plans for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorham Jr.
- Plans for Rebuilding Crematory Building
- Plans for Rectification Plant of Rocky Mt. Brands Inc.
- Plans for Remodeling & Additions to McKinley School
- Plans for Remodeling a Building for Messrs. Keith & Ross
- Plans for Remodeling St. James A. M. E. Church
- Plans for Science Building, State University
- Plans of Main Building, State Orphans Home
- Plat of Lake Camp for Fire Department
- Playground Building for the City of Bozeman to be Erected
- Plumbing for St. Joseph's Orphan's Home
- Plunge Building, Bozeman Hot Springs
- Plymouth Congregational Church, additions and remodeling
- Pointer & Williamette Bldg.
- Police and Fire Station
- Police Training Facility
- Polk, Dr R. W.
- Polson Grade School
- Polson Gym and Classrooms
- Polson High School Addition
- Polson Post Office
- Pompey's Pillar School dist. no. 24
- Poor Farm, Lewis & Clark Co.
- Poplar High School
- Poplar High School - modifications
- Poplar Middle School (3 items)
- Porch for Governor Norris
- Porch for Mrs. Floweree
- Porch Remodeling for Dr. William A. Walters
- Porte House Mortor Hotel
- Post Office (2 items)
- Post Office Block for A. W. Miles
- Post Office Building
- Poultry Building (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Poultry House, Western Montana Fair Grounds
- Powder River County Courthouse
- Powder River Medical
- Powell County High School Gymnasium
- Powell County Memorial Hospital
- Powell County Memorial Hospital Laundry Addition
- Powell Homes Project, Powell Investment Co.
- Power Block Annex/ Plan of Turkish Baths
- Power House & Laundry for St. Joseph's Orphan's Home
- Power House and Laundry, State School for Deaf & Blind
- Power House, State School for Deaf & Blind
- Power Mercantile Building
- Prairie County Court House
- Preliminary Addition to Andrew D. Eggenberger Building
- Preliminary Drawing of a Store Building for Mr. Thomas M. Mc
- Preliminary Drawings for Store and Office Building for David
- Preliminary Drawings of a Store and Office Building for Mr.
- Preliminary Layout for Billings Gospel Mission
- Preliminary Plan, Preliminary Perspective, State University
- Preliminary Study, Schemes 1 and 2, School Gymnasium for
- Presbyterain Church
- Presbyterian Chaple & Recreation planning
- Presbyterian Church (2 items)
- Presbyterian Church Addition
- Presbyterian Church, version 1 (2 items)
- Presbyterian Church, Version 2 (2 items)
- Presbyterian Youth Camp new sanitary bldg & lavatories cabin
- Prescott School, New Addition
- Prescott School, Teachers' Restrooms
- Presentation for Zales Ecton house
- Primary School Building, School District 10
- Primary School Classroom - proposed addition
- Print room table and paper storage unit
- Private Garage for Mr. C. B. Power
- Professional Building
- Project Montana 24035 National Housing Agency - Federal Public
- Proposed "modern grocery"
- Proposed Addition to School Building, Simms, District 39
- Proposed Addition to Sweetgrass Community Clinic
- Proposed Addition to Volunteer Fire Station
- Proposed Additional Loading Pens, Bozeman Livestock Auction
- Proposed Additions and Alterations, Beaver Dam School
- Proposed Additions to Car Barns
- Proposed Additons & Alterations to Grade School Building
- Proposed alteration for William K. Shemanoff
- Proposed Alterations and Additions for F.O.E. - AERIE 176
- Proposed Alterations of Building 2915, 1st Ave. North for B.
- Proposed American Legion Club Building
- Proposed Blaise Meat Shop
- Proposed Building for Moose Lodge
- Proposed Building for Sid Cohen to be used by Ground Observer
- Proposed Catholic Church
- Proposed Chapter House, Delta Phi Fraternity
- Proposed Chemistry Building Addition (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Proposed Church for St. Mary's Parish
- Proposed Civic Center
- Proposed Clinic Building for Dr. R. D. Benson
- Proposed Clinic for Dr. E. King (two versions)
- Proposed Columbus High School
- Proposed Commercial Building for Winchell & Winchell
- Proposed Convent for St. Elizabeth Parish
- Proposed Convent for St. Patrick's Parish
- Proposed design for display of the old fire bell at Bozeman
- Proposed Doctors Residence, State Hospital
- Proposed Dormitory, Normal School
- Proposed Elementary School
- Proposed Elementary School and High School Shop For School Dist.
- Proposed Filling Station for Mr. L. P. Kenyon
- Proposed First Lutheran Church
- Proposed Funeral Home
- Proposed Garage Building for Gallatin County
- Proposed Garage for Mr. H.G. Syster
- Proposed Grade School for Mt. Ellis
- Proposed Gymasium
- Proposed Gymnasium (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Proposed Hotel
- Proposed House Remodelling for Mr. & Mrs. Bill Johnson
- Proposed Housing Development for Senior Citizens to the Anac
- Proposed Intermountain Lines Bus Depot Renovations
- Proposed Junior High School
- Proposed Lodge Hall
- Proposed Long Range plan for Tribal Recreation Building
- Proposed Main Hall - Montana State Agricultural College
- Proposed Masonic Temple
- Proposed Medical Building for Mr. Willard E. Fraser
- Proposed Model House for Butte Development Co.
- Proposed Mortuary for George Company
- Proposed Mortuary for Messers Michelotti & Sawyers
- Proposed Motel for Clarence J. Trentman
- Proposed Natural Science Building, State University
- Proposed New High School Building
- Proposed new Ravalli County Courthouse
- Proposed Office Building for Carter Oil Co.
- Proposed parking garage
- Proposed Parking Lot for Mr. Tom Kalaris
- Proposed plan for "KBMN"
- Proposed Plan for First Presbyterian Church
- Proposed Powell Hotel
- Proposed Rectory and Church Alterations for St. John's Parish
- Proposed Remodel for Gallatin Lumber Co.
- Proposed Remodel of A&W for Olliver Ellison
- Proposed Remodeling for R & W Plymouth Center
- Proposed Remodeling for Simpkins-Hallin Inc.
- Proposed Remodeling for Whittier School
- Proposed Remodeling of Phillips 66 station for Wirak Bros.
- Proposed remodeling of the R.G. Duntsch home
- Proposed Remodeling-Univ. of Colorado (Pulminary ICU)
- Proposed Residence for A. I. Ellison
- Proposed Residence for Dr. and Mrs. James D. Morrison
- Proposed Residence for Marion T. Losee
- Proposed Residence for Mr. & Mrs. H. Gower
- Proposed Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Davis
- Proposed Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams
- Proposed Residence for Mr. and Mrs. George Urbanec
- Proposed Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams
- Proposed Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Divers
- Proposed Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ayres
- Proposed Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Tony Healow
- Proposed Residence for Mrs. Mildred Stanchfield
- Proposed Residence, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis
- Proposed Rosebud Cabin
- Proposed Rosebud Cabin, Rosebud Lake, for J.B. Connelly
- Proposed Round Shaft (2 items)
- Proposed SAE Addition and remodel
- Proposed School Building for Paradise Valley Consolidation
- Proposed School Building, and Proposed Gymnasium for District
- Proposed Shop for A. C. Durand (Durand's Jewelry)
- Propsed Addition to VFW Building, Billings Post No. 1634
- Public Hall Building
- Public Library
- Public School Athletic Field and Stadium
- Public School Building
- Public School Building for District 30
- Purcell, J. L. - remodel
Q [^]
- Quail Hollow Condominiums
- Quail Hollow Condominiums - blueprints
- Quail Hollow Condominiums - mylars
- Quail Hollow Condominiums - schematic survey & blueprints
- Quast-Jacot Dairy & Cow Barn
- Quiet Room, and Dormitory for Student Nurses, Montana State
- Quonset 40 Drug Store for L. L. Callison
- Quonset Huts for Military Science Dept. -- Montana State University-Bozeman
R [^]
- R. J. Quigley Ranch - bunk house, chicken house, sheep shed
- Radio Broadcast Station for the Miles City Star
- Railway Club Building
- Ramada Inn
- Ranch Barn for Mr. Donald Mackay
- Ranch Building for B. S. Adams
- Ranch House for 7-C Inc.
- Ranch House for Mr. & Mrs. Arne Shanholtzer
- Ranch House for Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mattox, alterations
- Ranch House for Mr. Ernest Monforton
- Ranch House for Mr. J.M. Sawyer
- Ranch House for Mr. Patrick Tewey
- Ranch House for Mrs. C. R. Vose, addition to
- Ranch House for Mrs. MJ Gjerde
- Ranch House for the Beartooth Livestock Company
- Randak, E. F. Dr.
- Rapelje High School
- Ravalli County Court House
- Ravalli County Courthouse (Ravalli County Historical Museum)
- Ravalli County Fair Grandstand
- Ray Hotel
- Ray, G. store - proposed
- Real Estate Mart Inc. Office bldg (2 items)
- Rebuilding of the Lazy El Ranch House for Mr. and Mrs. William
- Recital Hall Stage & Organ Chamber, School of Music, Montana
- Rectory for Holy Name Parish
- Rectory for St. Elizabeth Parish
- Red Door Lounge
- Reed's Fort Post Office
- Refectory on Capitol Grounds
- Reformed Dutch Church
- Remdeling of Residence for Clayton Worst
- Remodel of house for Mr. & Mrs. O. Wirak
- Remodel of Old Livingston Jail
- Remodeled Business Block for Dr. D. H. McCauley
- Remodeled Store Front for Mr. John Walsh
- Remodeling and Extension of High School Building, School District
- Remodeling Cell house 2, Montana State Penitentiary
- Remodeling Eagles Lodge Building Drawn for F. A. Ripley Co.
- Remodeling for Effie Chauner
- Remodeling for Mr. & Mrs. D.A.. Nash
- Remodeling for R.M. Lockwood
- Remodeling Graf and Pecina Building (Bon Ton Bakery)
- Remodeling of "The Castle" Apartment House for E.F. Link
- Remodeling of an Entrance for Rock Creek State Bank
- Remodeling of Atlantic Hall
- Remodeling of Babcock Theatre
- Remodeling of Building for "KCAP"
- Remodeling of Eagles Lodge Building, Miles City Aerie 885
- Remodeling of East Part of Business Block, Belgrade Co.
- Remodeling of Farnham's Arro Service
- Remodeling of Garage Building for O. E. Keyes & Son
- Remodeling of Grade School Building
- Remodeling of Holy Savior Rectory for Father Kaprich
- Remodeling of Home Block
- Remodeling of IOOF Lodge
- Remodeling of Oliver Building for Mr. Harold Wester
- Remodeling of Paul W. Jennings Residence
- Remodeling of Rathskellar, Montana Club
- Remodeling of School Building for School District 18
- Remodeling of Stairways - High School Building, School District
- Remodeling of Store Building for Singer Sewing Machine Co.
- Remodeling of Store Building for Vaughn and Ragsdale
- Remodeling of the Central School for School District 26, Yellowstone
- Remodeling of the Robert C. Graham Residence
- Remodeling Plan for Mr. F. B. Linfield
- Remodeling, Barracks B, State University of Montana
- Remodeling, Citizen's Bank & Trust Co.
- Remodelling Building for Richland County
- Rendering of the Sunset Chapel
- Renne Library (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Renne Library (Montana State University-Bozeman) (8 items)
- Renne Library (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Renne Library, Architectural Barriers Removal (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Renne Library, Carpet Replacement (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Renne Library, remodel (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Renne Library, remodeling (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Renne Library--2nd and 4th Floors Remodel, Equipment Layout
- Renne Library? (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Renovation of Boiler Room, Rear of 35 W. Main, for Winifred
- Renovations (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Renovations and Alterations of Industrial Equipment Co. Building
- Renovations to Masonic Temple Building
- Renovations to the Ryon Engineering Laboratory -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Repairs and Remodeling for Lincoln Building, District 1
- Residence (12 items)
- Residence (Project 2, Educational Program)
- Residence - Kitchen & Living Room Perspective Drawings
- Residence - Lovelace Motor Supply, alterations
- Residence - Section "A-A"
- Residence Addition for F. L. Dye
- Residence Alteration for Mr. George B. Kerper Jr.
- Residence at 509 W. Cleveland
- Residence at 603 S. Willson
- Residence for A. P. Curtin
- Residence for A. R. Garrigus
- Residence for Anna P. Sherrick
- Residence for B. Frank Chestnut Esq.
- Residence for Betty & "Lit" DuPont
- Residence for C. A. Haynes
- Residence for C. G. Anderson
- Residence for C. H. Bray, Esq., alteration
- Residence for C. S. Haire
- Residence for Cecil L. Sievert
- Residence for D. L. Auer
- Residence for Dale Wixson
- Residence for Dr. & Mrs. J.W. Safford
- Residence for Dr. A. S. Chichester
- Residence for Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Evers
- Residence for Dr. and Mrs. A.L. Vadheim, Jr.
- Residence for Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Coulson
- Residence for Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Garberson
- Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Jack Rhodes
- Residence for Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hynes
- Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Eneboe
- Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Roy V. Morledge
- Residence for Dr. C. L. Allard
- Residence for Dr. Earl B. Keller
- Residence for Dr. J. F. Blair (2 items)
- Residence for Dr. J. M. Spellman
- Residence for Dr. L. J. Aikens
- Residence for Dr. Ray Lowe
- Residence for Dr. Richard C. Purdum
- Residence for E. E. DeCosse
- Residence for E. J. Bowman, Owner
- Residence for Eugene F. Bunker
- Residence for F. Z. Clark, F. Z.
- Residence for F.F. Weirick
- Residence for Frank C. Sutphen
- Residence for Frank J. Trunk, Jr.
- Residence for Fred Browning
- Residence for Frederick H. C. Schultz
- Residence for Frederick H.C. Schultz
- Residence for G. E. Anderson
- Residence for G. Kenneth Allen
- Residence for George R. Callaway, Residence 2 for George R.
- Residence for George T. Davis
- Residence for Glenn Restvedt
- Residence for H. Altenbrand
- Residence for H. Anisgard
- Residence for H. Bernie
- Residence for H. D. Bath
- Residence for Harriette Cushman
- Residence for Hawkworth & Lamb
- Residence for Henry Sieben
- Residence for Hon. William Lindsay
- Residence for J. D. Street
- Residence for J. R. Chambers
- Residence for J. S. Campbell?
- Residence for J.N. DeHaas, Sr.
- Residence for Jessie Senska and Francis Wilbur
- Residence for John Fabrick
- Residence for Judge William R. C. Stewart
- Residence for L. R. Austen
- Residence for Lloyd R. Hood
- Residence for Miss Katherine Fisher
- Residence for Mr. F. W. Tunnell
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs Jerry Scheel
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Alva Flower
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Dean Travis
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Weaver, Jr.
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. E. E. DeCosse
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. E.A. Seifert (Ranch)
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chauner
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gorham
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Fred Skoog
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Fogelson
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scanlan, alterations
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scully
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehy
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Leon H. Johnson
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Mayfield
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Lockwood
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Weaver
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Norman Penwell
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Marlow
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. T.B. Holker
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ulmer
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. William Cook
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. William Merrick
- Residence for Mr. & Mrs. William Walter
- Residence for Mr. A. L. Goodkind
- Residence for Mr. A. N. Veit
- Residence for Mr. Alfred Atkinson
- Residence for Mr. amd Mrs. Warren F. Mead
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Madson
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Alva Flower
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Anton Gerharz, Jr.
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Art Gregory
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Steck
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mecklenberg
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stafford
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Vogel
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Rison
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hammer
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Anderson
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seiss
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Saunders
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Clark
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Cline Oliver
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Cyril E. Coulston
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Shaver
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Downer
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Lovelace, alterations
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hauseman
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Barnard
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Royer and Janet and Rober
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Lucas, Jr.
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Seifert
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwell
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rademacher
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenneth Allen
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. G. Preston Trask
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. George Hesse, alterations
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. George LaTellier
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Nielson
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Baker
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hansen
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirchhoff
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert White
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Street, alterations
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamilton
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Jones, and Proposed Bre
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. John Cravath
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pickens
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bentzen (2 items)
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Berg
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Good
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Kolstad
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Mitrofan Afanasiev
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Trask
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Svanberg (2 items)
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Osborne
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keyes, Jr.
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Fitzgerald
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Dodson
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cooley
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Farnsworth
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hudson
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bamberg
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Thompson
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Robins
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Williamson
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Allen
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Batchelor
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Sam White, Jr.
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Story
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mulvihill
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Til Sedgewick
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gee
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Savage
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Barkemeyer
- Residence for Mr. and Mrs. William Jacques
- Residence for Mr. C. F. Morris
- Residence for Mr. C. J. Kelly, Jr.
- Residence for Mr. Charles R. Lowery (2 items)
- Residence for Mr. D. R. Fisher, alterations
- Residence for Mr. Dan Miles
- Residence for Mr. E. B. Milburn
- Residence for Mr. E. L. Rose
- Residence for Mr. Earl M. Murray
- Residence for Mr. Edmund J. Gallaway
- Residence for Mr. Edward Deschamps
- Residence for Mr. Enos Erb, addition to
- Residence for Mr. Fred Hussman (2 items)
- Residence for Mr. G. D. DePue
- Residence for Mr. G. Foster
- Residence for Mr. G.C. Simpkins
- Residence for Mr. Geo. R. Brown
- Residence for Mr. H. W.Wilcutt, Jr.
- Residence for Mr. Harvey A. Miner
- Residence for Mr. Howard F. Bell
- Residence for Mr. Ike E. O. Pace
- Residence for Mr. J. M Keith
- Residence for Mr. Jack Bartlett (1939-40), and Alterations to
- Residence for Mr. L. L. Callaway
- Residence for Mr. Lewis Penwell
- Residence for Mr. M. D. Barney
- Residence for Mr. M.J. Horton
- Residence for Mr. P. Clifton Waite
- Residence for Mr. R. E. Richardson
- Residence for Mr. R. J. Dansie
- Residence for Mr. Roe Emery
- Residence for Mr. W. D. Story
- Residence for Mr. Will Huffine
- Residence for Mr. Wm Greig
- Residence for Mrs. E. L. Bonner
- Residence for Mrs. E. L. Saul
- Residence for Mrs. Elizabeth Kuntze
- Residence for Mrs. Irene Judd
- Residence for Mrs. Margaret J. Weaver
- Residence for Mrs. R. H. Kleinschmidt
- Residence for Mrs. Remi (Domitille) Monforton
- Residence for Prof. H.E. Riggs
- Residence for Prof. John R. Allen
- Residence for R. A. Becker
- Residence for R. W. Messenger
- Residence for Rev. and Mrs. George Harper and Family
- Residence for S. A. Mendenhall
- Residence for S. B. Sanders
- Residence for T. A. Marlow
- Residence for T.C. Power
- Residence for W. H. Wyman, Jr.
- Residence for W. S. Green
- Residence for Walsh, T. J. Esq.
- Residence for Walter Mecklenberg
- Residence for William F. Word, Esq.
- Residence for Wyman Ellis Esq.
- Residence for [no name]
- Residence Halls and Alterations for Montana State Normal College
- Residence of E. L. Jones
- Residence of D. M. Halligan
- Residence of F. G. Huntington
- Residence of Jack White/ Jack White Apartments
- Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Don Langohr, Jr.
- Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trunk - Alterations
- Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Botterud, alterations and additions
- Residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Pence
- Residence of Mr. John Walsh
- Residence of Mr. Rowley, H. W.
- Residence of Mrs. Dorothy B. Ragsdale
- Residence of Mrs. Geo. B. Hopkins
- Residence of Mrs. W. J. Bickett
- Residence of O. W. McConnell, alterations
- Residence Remodeling for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ulmer
- Residence, Alvin A. Ellis, addition to
- Residence, Fred Naegele Esq.
- Residence, O. W. McConnell
- Residences D&E for Mr. A.J. Dean
- Restoration drawings for School and Masonic Temple
- Restoration of Hearst Free Library
- Restoration of the Pierre Wibaux House and assorted site plans
- Reviewing Stand for Potentate
- Revision of Old Bank Building for North Brothers
- Revision of Catholic Church
- Rex Hotel
- Reynolds Drug Store
- Rialto Corporation Theater Building
- Rialto Theatre Building - second Floor
- Richard Lockey's Building
- Richard R. Jones Residence
- Richards, S. C.
- Richland County Court House
- Richmond A. Mead Barn
- Rimrock Inn - remodel & addition
- Rimrock Inn - remodeling and additions
- Rimrock Inn Remodel
- Rimrock Lodge - Addition
- Rimrock Lodge Motor Hotel - North Wing Addition
- Rimrock Motor Hotel
- Rimrock Motor Hotel - Northeast addition
- Rimrock School School District No 27, additions
- Rimrock Shopping Center (2 items)
- Rimrock Shopping Center apartment
- Rimview Terrace Coffee shop
- Riva Ridge Ranch
- Rivera, C. - addition
- Riverside Jr. High School, School District 2
- Robinson, J. M.
- Rock-a-Babe - A Mechanical Powered Rocking Bed by Herbert H.
- Rocker Underpass
- Rocky Boy Housing
- Rocky Boy Housing Project
- Rocky Boy Housing Project (Chippewa Cree)
- Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co. Building, addition to
- Rocky Mountain College W. Graham Tyler Hall
- Rocky Mountain College--Campus and Library Building
- Rocky Mountain Freezer Co. Drive-In
- Roman Catholic Church - proposed (3 items)
- Roman Catholic Church/St. Mary's Parish
- Ronan Grade and High School
- Ronan Grade School
- Ronan High School
- Roof for Reservoir
- Roof Repair, University Journalism Building
- Roof Slab Design for V. C. Johnston Lumber Co.
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt School (2 items)
- Roosevelt School for Carbon County School District 1, alterations
- Rosebud County Hospital
- Rosebud County Nursing Home
- Rosebud High School
- Rosebud School
- Round Grain Bin for Joe Greaves
- Roundup Elderly Housing
- Roundup Hospital
- Roundup Memorial Hospital
- Roundup School - remodel
- Roundup School Pool - reroof
- Roundup School Pool - reroof & remodel
- Row of Flats
- Rowley, F. B.
- Ruby Theater remodel
- Ryegate School - addition
- Ryegate School Expansion (3 items)
- Ryegate School Gym Wall
S [^]
- S. Central Mental Health Center Rainbow House - mylars
- S. E. Schoonover Apartment Building
- S. L. Myre and W. S. Kotas Medical Clinic
- Sacred Heart Parish Parochial School Building
- Safeway - addition
- Safeway Bldg
- Safeway Store and Alterations (Graf Building)
- Safeway Store Bldg (3 items)
- Safeway Store building (4 items)
- Safeway Store building -- alterations & additions
- Safeway Stores Inc. Bldgs
- Saints John Lodge, 92 A.F. & A. M.
- Sales & Service Building for Mr. Ed Hammer
- Saltese Elementary School
- Saltese School Building (2 classrooms, multipurpose room)
- Samuel H. Williams Residence (David J. and Frances Maclay Residence)
- San Carlos Hospital fo BIA
- Sanatorium for Mrs. F. S. Johnston
- Sandahl Cigar Co. Storefront - Remodeling
- Sandell, Moses & Cavan Attorneys at law
- Sanders County Court House
- Sanders County Hospital (2 items)
- Sanford and Evans Building
- Sanitarium for Dr. N.E. Vredenburgh
- Sarah A. Crouch Residence
- Sayers, Joe -- apartment building
- Schanz, J. M.
- Schedule for Linoleum for Engineering Building (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Schnell's Miles City Livestock Auction Market
- School (2 items)
- School Building, Granite County School District No. 1, addition
- School for the Deer Lodge Valley Farms Co.
- School --- addition
- School Addition, School District 7, Weston Co.
- School Building (6 items)
- School Building & Gymnasium
- School Building -- addition
- School Building 4, Billings Boulevard South, School District
- School Building for Board of Education, District 23
- School Building for Board of Education, School District 23
- School Building for District 3
- School Building for District 7
- School Building for District 17H
- School Building for District 23
- School Building for District No. 10
- School Building for District No. 41, Anderson District (Anderson
- School Building for Fort Ellis, School District No. 7
- School Building for Heeb District No. 30
- School Building for Logan, Montana (Various Proposals)
- School Building for Maudlow, District No. 21
- School Building for Middle Creek, Gallatin County School District
- School Building for Sacred Heart Parish
- School Building Remodeling, District 2
- School Building, 19, alteration
- School Building, additions and alterations
- School Building, District 38
- School Building, District 30, alteration
- School Building, District No. 16
- School Building, District No. 2
- School Building, District No. 33 -- Auditiorium & Gymnasium
- School Building, District No. 38
- School Building, District no. 40
- School Building, Gallatin School District 69 and Alterations
- School Buildings (2 items)
- School Dist. 86 Gymnasium
- School District 1, additions and alterations
- School District No. 2 - misc. projects
- School District No. 2 - reroofing project
- School District No. 2 - site plan sketches, various schools
- School Floor Plan
- School Gymnaisum -- addition
- School House (5 items)
- School House - Nelson District No. 19
- School House at Josephine Montana - School District No. 34
- School House for District No. 27 at Middle Creek, addition to
- School House, School District 14
- School Remodeling for School District 18
- School, addition to
- Schools -- Elementary and High School
- Scott, G. G.
- Sears Roebuck Store
- Second Floor Addition to Building for Frank Chestnut
- Securities Bldg. - remodeling
- Securities Building
- Security Bank/ Daily Bank
- Security Bldg. & Loan Assoc.
- Security State Bank
- Seed Pea Warehouse for Gallatin Valley Seed Co.
- Seed Pea Warehouse for N. B. Keeney & Son--Additions & Remodel
- Seeley School
- Seeman, J. W.
- Seibel, R. A.
- Senior Citizen Village
- Senior Citizen Village for Canyon Village Inc.
- Senior High - Junior High complex, phase II
- Senior Thesis- Lodge Hall
- Senska-Wilbur Pottery Studio
- Septic Tanlk and Sewer Manholes, State University
- Service Building, Sunset Hills Cemetery
- Service Shop -- Plew Physical Plant -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Service Station -- Mr. John L. Ketterer
- Service Station for Gallatin Farmers Company
- Service Turntable - Flush Type
- Severance, L. K
- Sewage Treatment Plant - U.S. Army Winter Training camp (2 items)
- Shapard Hotel (Greenhood Building, Priess Hotel)
- Shea, G. - remodeled store front
- Sheep Barn (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Sheep Shed - Fort Ellis Experiment Station -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Shelter House for the City of Bozeman
- Shepard, J. B. Stable
- Shepherd High School Additions
- Shepherd School Additions
- Sheridan Brewing Company -- Stock House
- Sheridan County Court House
- Sheridan County Courthouse - proposal
- Sheridan Elementary School
- Sheridan High School Gymnasium
- Sheridan Law Enforcement Center (2 items)
- Sheridan Memorial Hospital
- Sheridan Physical Ed. Complex
- Sheridan Physical Education Complex
- Sherman Motor Inn - reroof
- Sherman School Multi-Purpose Room, School District 1
- Sherman Vacuum Equipment Co. Supersonic Carwash
- Shiloh School, District 25, Yellowstone County
- Shop & Warehouse for the City of Bozeman
- Shop Building (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Shop Building for J. H. Abbot
- Shop Building for Lovelace Realty Co.
- Shop Building for Lovelace Realty, Inc.
- Shop Building, Carbon County High School School District 3
- Shop Complex
- Shop Complex, Coal Strip Mines
- Shoshone Rod and Gun Club Fish Hatchery
- Shower Rooms for Hawthorne School
- Sicks Missoula Brewing Company, Addition to Bottling House
- Sid J. Coffee Residence
- Sigma Alpha Epsilon House
- Sigma Nu Fraternity House Alterations
- Sigrest, G.
- Silver Bow Club building
- Silver Bow County Court House - proposed
- Silver Bow County Hospital (2 items)
- Silver Bow County Jail
- Silver Bow Homes - low rent housing project
- Sire, K. J.
- Sisters of Charity Hospital
- Sixth Avenue Building Co.
- Sketch for a Garage and Repair Shop for Mr. Wm. DeGarmo
- Sketch for Daily InterLake Inc. Building
- Sketch for Main Building, Montana Children's Home Society
- Sketch of Store Building for E. H. Moorman
- Sketch Study of a Log Cabin for Mr. James J. O'Brien
- Skyline Village
- Sloulin, A.
- Smelser Memorial Library
- Smith & Co. Office Building
- Smithers Storefront
- Snowcrest Resident, Closs Ranch
- Social and Rehabilative Services Building
- Solar Home in a hillside
- Soldier's Chapel at Lone Mountain
- Soldiers' Home
- Soldiers' Home Building
- Solis, R. L. Mexicali Bar
- Sorlie, G. - Patio and entry addition
- Soukup, P. J.
- South Park & Rose Park Swimming Pools
- South Side School House (2 items)
- Southside National Bank
- Specifications for House
- Spillway
- Spitzer, R. F. (2 items)
- Sport, Convention Transportation Center
- Spring Creek Addition Entrance Gateway
- St Patrick Hospital (Sister's Hospital)
- St. Agnes Parish Parochial School
- St. Alphonsus Church
- St. Ann's Church
- St. Ann's Parochial School, additions and alterations
- St. Anthony Parish - church & bldg
- St. Anthony's Catholic Church
- St. Anthony's Church & School Addition (2 items)
- St. Anthony's Parish & Rectory
- St. Anthony's Parish Rectory
- St. Boniface Parish Church and Rectory
- St. Charles College (Carroll College) Gymnasium
- St. Charles Convent - Mount St. Charles College - (Carroll
- St. Elijah Orthodox Church Ikonostas & Cupola - additions
- St. Ignatius High School
- St. Ignatius School Addition and Alterations, Original
- St. James Epicopal Church and Parish House
- St. James Hospital - additions
- St. Joachim's Church
- St. Joachim's Church (St. Patrick's Church)
- St. John's Hospital
- St. Johns Hospital, and New Attic, St. John's Hospital, addition
- St. Joseph Hospital Nurses Home & Hospital - addition & remodel
- St. Joseph's Church
- St. Joseph's Orphan's Home (2 items)
- St. Joseph's Orphan's Home, addition to
- St. Joseph's Parish - proposed Rectory
- St. Joseph's Parish Parochial Residence
- St. Joseph's School
- St. Jude's Parochial School
- St. Lawrence School - school & community hall
- St. Leo's Catholic Church
- St. Leo's Parish
- St. Luke Hospital Building
- St. Mary's Academy
- St. Mary's Catholic School
- St. Mary's Church Reroof
- St. Michael's Church
- St. Partick's Church and Rectory, alterations and additions
- St. Particks Retirement Home
- St. Patrick Nurses Training School
- St. Patrick's Church
- St. Patrick's Church alterations
- St. Patrick's Grade School and Convent
- St. Patrick's Parish Rectory & Parochial residence (2 items)
- St. Paul Lutheran Church
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Fort Benton's Historical Restoration
- St. Paul's M.E. Church, alterations and additions
- St. Peter & Paul Hospital Gym (2 items)
- St. Peter's Hospital - Approach and Parking Area
- St. Peter's Mission--Plans for Boiler House, Plan of Roof
- St. Peter's Parish, Sisters' Convent
- St. Philomena Parish Parochial School, Convent, Proposed Church
- St. Pius Catholic Church & school
- St. Pius X Parish Holy Rosary Mission Church & School
- St. Regis Grade and High School
- St. Stevens Church
- St. Theresa School Building for the Little Flower Parish for
- St. Thomas Catholic Church (2 items)
- St. Vincent's Hospital (3 items)
- St. Vincent's Hospital propsed addition sketch plan
- St. Wenceslas School and Church
- St. Wenceslaus Parish Church, School & Rectory
- St. Xavier's Rectory - Father Laurence B. Palladino Residence
- Stable for P. H. Goan, Esq.
- Stable for State Orphans Home
- Stapleton Block
- Stapleton Building
- Star Theatre
- Starlite Terrace courtyard & swimming pool
- State Armory Building, alterations and repairs
- State Bank (2 items)
- State H.Q. Building
- State Hospital at Warm Springs (2 items)
- State Mental Institution
- State Normal College Heating Plant & Steam Distributing
- State Normal School
- State Normal School (Western Montana College)
- State of Montana Home for the Aged
- State Orphans Home (2 items)
- State Publishing Bldg - restoration & remodeling
- State School for Deaf & Blind
- State Training School - infirmary addition
- State Training School - proposals and/or changes to
- State Training School Employee Housing
- State Training School Girls Dorms. miscel. drawings
- State Training School Laundry Facility
- State Tuberculosis Hospital (4 items)
- State University Library
- State University of Montana, Layout of Sewers
- Steel Trusses for Midwest Welding Co.
- Steel Work, Montana State Penitentiary
- Steele Memorial Hospital
- Steele, C. studio bldg
- Steer Barn (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Stevens Building, Ryan Oldmobile & Dave A. Wigodsky
- Stevensville High School Addition
- Stevensville Mercantile (Riverside, MT)
- Stevensville School Building Upper Burnt Fork District
- Stevensville Town Hall and Fire Station
- Stillwater Cabin for Mr and Mrs. Paul Wold, alterations and
- Stock & Salesroom, Proposed Alterations for Montana Power Co.
- Stone House
- Store & Apartment Building for Mr. John Bucher
- Store & Apartment for Alexander and Dixon
- Store & Warehouse Building for the Anderson-Spencer Co.
- Store Alterations, Dodson Building
- Store and Office Building for Mr. F.L. Tilton, Jr.
- Store and Office Building for Two Valleys Realty, Inc. (Behn
- Store Building (2 items)
- Store Building & Shop for Mr. Howard Hemphill
- Store Building for B. H. Mahan
- Store Building for Chapple and Reifenrath
- Store Building for Eliel Brothers
- Store Building for Guy F. Saunders
- Store Building for H. W. Rowley
- Store Building for Hon. B. F. White (2 items)
- Store Building for J. E. O'Neill, alterations and additions
- Store Building for J. H. Empson, alterations
- Store Building for Judith Basin Merc. Co.
- Store Building for McNamara & Marlow, addition to
- Store Building for Mr. A. K. Prescott
- Store Building for Mr. C.W. Samsel
- Store Building for Mr. Dan Miles
- Store Building for Mr. George R. Chambers
- Store Building for Mr. Jesse I. Phelps
- Store Building for N. E. Gourley
- Store Building for the Misses E. and M. Smyth
- Store Building for the Power-Morgan Co.
- Store Building for the Tracy-Babcock Improvement Co. and Ga
- Store Building of F. A. Buttrey, alterations
- Store Building of Messrs McNamare & Marlow , additions
- Store Building, the Thompson Company, alterations and additions
- Store Extension and Remodeling
- Store for ? A. Fisher
- Store for F. A. Buttrey Esq.
- Store for Frank Boucher
- Store for McNamara & Marlow
- Store for Trafton-Dorr Co.
- Store for Wah Chong Lung
- Store front for A. H. Kleinschmidt and A. A. Braten
- Store Front for H. B. McNair
- Store Front for Harold White
- Store Front for Keyes Brothers
- Store Front for Power Mercantile
- Store Front in Power Block
- Store Front Remodeling for Mullin-Huntsberger Company
- Store Front, Beley Drug Co.
- Store Front, McGinnis Realty Co. Building, alterations
- Store Fronts for John W. Tilton
- Store Group for Shopping Center
- Store-Lodge-Hall Building
- Storefront--Remodeling of Old Garage for Mr. George Urbanec
- Story & Vandenhook Building - Alterations
- Story Apartments - Nelson Story III
- Story Building
- Story Motor Supply
- Structural Design for Commercial Building for Mr. E. H. Torg
- Student Portfolio
- Student Residence Hall-MSC --Quads -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Student Union & Auditorium -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Student Union Building -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Student Union for the University of Montana
- Studi - Built Homes, Inc.
- Suggestions for a Clinic Building
- Summer House for C. B. Power
- Summerdale Ranch Apple Warehouse
- Sun Lodge Motel
- Sun Porch Addition to Old Peoples Home at Holy Rosary Hospital
- Sunset Hills Cemetery - Catholic Division (2 items)
- Superior High School (2 items)
- Supplementary Drawings of Superintendent's Residence, Agriculture
- Swanson, D. A.
- Swedish Church
- Sweet Grass County Court House, addition to
- Sweet, Channing -- store
- Sweetgrass County Hospital, and Addition to Sweet Grass County
- Swendeman Auto Filling Station
- Swimming Pool, Fence and Porch and a Carport Addition for
- Swimming Pools for Rose Park, Athletic Park, South Park
- Sylvan Lounge, alterations
- Symes Hotel Addition
T [^]
- T. B. Story, garage building
- T. C. Power Motor Co. Garage
- T. H. Rea & Co. Store
- T. T. McLeod Residence
- Taft School, addition to
- Taylor Tennis Court
- Temple Emanuel Synagogue
- Temple Lodge No. 101 A.F. & A.M.
- Tennis & Swimming club
- Terminal Annex (Halcyon) Building. - Remodeling for Temporary
- Terminal Building for Freightways Terminal Co. (2 items)
- Terminal Milling Co.
- Terry City Hall & Fire Station
- Terry High School
- Theater Building for Mr. Harry Bert Lee
- Theatre -- A. W. Miles Building (4 items)
- Theatre and Office Building (Sheridan Theatre)
- Theatre Building for C. J. Wulff
- Theatre Building for Messrs H. E. Erwin and H. B. Myers
- Theatre Building for W. J. Hartwig, Esq.
- Theatre Building for Washoe Amusement Company
- Theatre for W. J. Hartwig Esq.
- Thermopolis Hotel
- Thermopolis Independent Record
- Thirty-two Unit Apt. Bldg
- Thomas Lavell Esq., garage building
- Thomas, A. Eagle Hotel - improvements & corrections
- Thompson Falls Boys' Dormitory
- Thompson Falls High School 2nd Story Addition
- Thompson Falls High School Balcony Addition to Gymnasium
- Thompson Falls High School Boys Dormitory
- Thompson Falls High School Music Conservatory
- Thompson Falls High School Vocational School
- Thompson Falls School
- Thompson, A. J.
- Thornton Hospital Building
- Thornton Hotel Annex
- Thorquist, Chakos, Wiesmann, Allen Guest House, Haughey Cabin
- Thorson, A.
- Three compartment Shaft
- Three Forks High School & addition
- Three Forks High School -- additions
- Throssel, V.
- Tile Plan for Great Northern Hotel
- Tillamook County Court House
- Tingle Office Bldg.
- Toilet Rooms - Public School Buildings, alterations
- Tom O. Collins Ranch House
- Tomcheck Motors, Garage Building
- Toole County Court House
- Toole County Court House & renovation
- Toole County Hospital
- Toole County Library
- Tourist Cabins and Cafe for John Kuilman
- Tourist Park Buildings (2 items)
- Tower for the Wireless Station -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Town Site map - Pony, Montana
- Townsite of Anceney - Section 21-T2S-R3E
- Tracy House
- Trailer Park at Lewis and Clark Cavern
- Train Station, Northern Pacific Railroad
- Translier, B. office addition L&N Builders & Decorators
- Treasure County High School -- Gymnasium & Community Hall
- Treasurer's Vault, Montana State Capitol
- Tremper's Shopping Center
- Trenka Drive-In Theatre outdoor screen tower, concession stand
- Trinity High School (2 items)
- Trinity High School Convent (2 items)
- Trinity Hospital
- Trinity Lutheran Church (2 items)
- Trinity Methodist Church Educational Unit
- Trottner, J.
- Truss for J.A. Peck
- Turmell's Garage (Charles Marsh Garage)
- Turn-key Project 1-3, Billings Housing Authority
- Turner Bar & Dance Hall
- Turnkey Housing Project
- Turnkey III - Crow Housing Project
- Tuttle Bldg for A.C.M. Co., additions
- Twin Bridges Elementary School, School District 7
- Two Design Schemes for a Small Auto. Dealership
- Two Story Building for M.C. Morris
- Two Valley Realty (bad condition)
U [^]
- U.S. Assay Office
- U.S. Disciplinary Barracks Remodel, Building T48
- U.S. Post Office - extension & remodeling
- Ulman Lumber Co. Building
- Unemployment Compensation Office Bldg
- Unidentified Building
- Union Congregational Parsonage Bitter Root Inn, Montana
- Union Hall
- Unitarian Church
- Universal Enterprises Inc.- various Memorial Parks
- University Congregational Church
- University Congressional Church Community House
- University of California Library
- University of Montana
- University of Montana (Greater University) State Fair Booth
- University of Montana, Craig Hall Renovations
- University of Montana, Forestry Building (2 items)
- University of Montana, Heating Plant
- University of Montana, Liberal Arts Building Computer Center
- University of Montana, Liberal Arts Building Renovation
- University of Montana, Library (Law School, Psychology Build
- University of Montana, Montana State University, Heating Plant
- University of Montana, Remodel Jobs
- University of Montana, Women's Hall (Craig Hall, Physical Plant)
- Unnamed Hoist Bldg
- Unnamed Residence -- formerly designated as Osness Farm Building
- Untiltled (Unfinished)
- Untitled (Skyscrapers)
- Ursuline Academy, alterations
- Ursuline Convent (2 items)
V [^]
- V.F.W. Building - addition
- V.F.W. Building, Post No. 1634, Veterans of Foreign Wars, addition
- Valley Center School, Gallatin County, District 77
- Valley County Courthouse (2 items)
- Valley County Museum
- Valley County Nursing Home
- Valley Mercantile Store Front
- Valley View Golf Club Building Plans
- Van Horn, A. C.
- Vandal, H. J.
- Vapor Baths for Broadwater Hotel
- Various Buildings and Alterations for Three Forks Land Co.,
- Various drawings, Luckock Park
- Various Remodels
- Vaughn Ragsdale Buffalo Trading Post
- Ventilation in Blue Lodge Room, Masonic Temple
- Verandah for B. D. Phillips. Esq.
- Vestibule Details, St. Helena's Catherdral
- Vet. Research Isolation Bdlg.
- Veterans Administration
- Veterans Temporary Housing
- Veterans' Building - Mur-Chatham Post No. 1849, Veterans of
- Veterinary Hospital (Montana State University-Bozeman)
- Veterinary Research Isolation Building -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Victor Mercantile
- Victor School Gymnasium Building
- Vo-Ag Bldg for Fergus High School
- Vogel Ranch Barn for Spanish Creek Ranch
- Vonhess, M. H.
- Voss Inn remodel
W [^]
- W. A. Disbrow Store Addition
- W. E. Toy Theater, Store and Office Building
- W. Fraser Bldg. - addition
- W. H. Bullard's Building
- W. H. Housten, Store Remodel
- W. H. Smead Bungalow
- W. P. Fuller Store Building (Bob's Sew-Vac)
- W. P. Fuller Warehouse
- W. T. Marsh Garage Building (Mueller Tire Shop, Turmell's)
- Wade, L.
- Walk, J. Apartments
- Wall for T. C. Power
- Wallace Meat Co. Hotel and Store Building
- Wallace Meat Company Two-Family House
- Wallace P. Smith Store Building, Remodel
- War Housing Drawn for Lohof Brothers
- War Trailer Project (3 items)
- Ward Motors
- Ward, R. F.
- Warehouse at Harlowtown, [sic] Mont.
- Warehouse Building for Mr. R.J. Williams
- Warehouse for Christie Transfer and Storage, and Addition
- Warehouse for Dillon Warehouse Co.
- Warehouse for F. A. Buttrey
- Warehouse for L. H. Schaeffer
- Warehouse for Mr. William Boston
- Warehouse for Nelson Story III
- Warehouse for Owenhouse Hardware Co.
- Warehouse for Power Mercantile Co.
- Warehouse for State Nursery Co.
- Warehouse for the Western Wholesale Grocery Co.
- Warehouse for Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.
- Warehouse for Wiggenhorn Bros.
- Warehouse Office Building, Whiteline Transfer & Storage Co.
- Warm Springs State Hospital Buildings - Modernizations
- Warm Springs Water System
- Washakie County High School, addition to
- Washington School
- Washington School Addition
- Washington, Jefferson, Prescott Schools
- Washoe Brewery
- Water Supply System, Montana State Training School
- Water Treatment Plant for City of Plentywood
- Water Works Improvement
- Waters, R. M.
- Watne, A. L. - remodeling & addition
- Waxahachie High School
- Webber, Rev. Father M. J. Parochial Residence
- Webster-Garfield Elementary School
- Webster-Garfield Grade School (2 items)
- Weinstein & Co. Building
- Welsh, F. B.
- Werner, S.
- West Side Elementary School
- West Side Elementary School, School District 10, Deer Lodge
- West Side School Building
- West, J. Collins - remodeling
- West, J. Collins, cottage
- Western and Sterner Apartment Building
- Western Construction Equipment Co., Addition and Remodeling
- Western Equipment - remodel
- Western Equipment Co.
- Western Montana Bank Addition, Drive-In Bank/Remodel
- Western Montana Clinic Additions
- Western Montana Clinic Alterations and Addition
- Western Montana College
- Western Montana College Faculty Office & Classroom Building
- Western Montana College Library
- Western Montana Fair Agricultural Building
- Western Montana National Bank Remodeling
- Weston-Sterner Apartment Building
- Wheatland Hospital
- Whitney Sheridan County Memorial Auditorium
- Whittier Elementary School, School District 1
- Wiama School - addition & renovation
- Wibaux County Courthouse
- Widenhouse, T. M. - remodeling & addition
- Wilkins, G.
- Willging, Rev. J. C. -- alterations
- The William C. Child Ranch, the Octagonal House
- William Prichard, Business Block
- Willson Company Store - Alterations
- Wilma Theater
- Wilsall High School Gymnasium & Shower Room Addition
- Windham Public School, School District 22
- Winter-Haven Manor Apartments
- Wiseman, H. G.
- Wolf Point Apts. - proposal
- Woman's Residence Hall -- Hannon Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Womans Residence Hall for the State University of Montana
- Women's Building (Montana State University-Bozeman) (3 items)
- Women's Building -- Herrick Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Women's Dormitory -- Hamilton Hall -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- Women's Dormitory, Montana State University (University of Montana)
- Women's Dormitory, State Hospital, Warm Springs
- Women's Residence Hall, State University
- Wool Warehouse
- Woolworth Beams
- Worstell, F. W.
- Wyoming Trust Company Building (2 items)
X Y Z [^]
- Y.M.C.A.
- Y.M.C.A. Bldg - proposed alterations
- Yegen, Peter, residence
- Yellowstone Bank Remodeling
- Yellowstone County Hospital
- Yellowstone County Humane Society animal shelter
- Yellowstone County Jail (2 items)
- Yellowstone County Nursing Home
- Yellowstone Lumber Co.
- Yellowstone Multi-Purpose Bldg.
- Yellowstone Pioneer Home for the Aged
- Young Men's Christian Association
- Young, C. T.
- Young, M. E.
- Z. Courtville Store Building
- Zion Lutheran Church
- Zip Auto Service Garage
Other [^]
- 10th Floor Plan
- 12-Room Addition to Building for the Training School at Dillon
- 170 Unit Married Student Housing Project -- Montana State University-Bozeman
- 1973 Barretts Plant Expansion, Raymond Mill 3, for Pfizer I
- 1st Baptist Church
- 1st National Bank
- 1st National Bank of Glendive
- 1st State Bank
- 1st State Bank of Thermopolis
- 1st Wyoming Bank -- renovations & additions
- 2100 Bloomington
- 2nd Floor, Story Building, alterations
- 3-Car Garage for Nelson Story, III
- 3025 1st Avenue North, for C. M. Bair Estate, alterations an
- 50 Trailer Units - Project Montana 24033 National Housing Ag
- 8 sheets of prespective charts -- Shiloh Village written on
- 8-Room School House
- 8-room School House, School District No. 7 -- Longfellow School
- © Copyright 2025 Montana State University (MSU) Library