International Snow Science Workshops (ISSW) Proceedings of Professional Papers and Poster Talks
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Sample Citations (Refresh page to cycle through samples.)
Statistical Assessment of Regional Avalanche Danger Using Parameters from the Snow Cover Model Snowpack
Author(s): Michael Schirmer, Michael Lehning, Jürg Schweizer
Date: 2008-09-22
Keyword(s): avalanche forecasting, numerical simulation, snow cover model, snow cover stability, nearest neighbor, feature selection, genetic algorithm
Post-Control Avalanches: Definition, History, Causes and the Future
Author(s): Michael Ferrari
Date: 2010
Keyword(s): avalanche control, ski areas, explosives, investigate
Development of a Simple Raster-Based Model for Gravitational Mass Movement Processes Applied to the Regional Assessment of Forest Stands With Direct Protective Functionality
Author(s): Andreas Huber, Frank Perzl, Reinhard Fromm, Jan-Thomas Fischer, Klaus Klebinder, Bernadette Sotier
Date: 2013-10-07
Keyword(s): avalanche, rockfall, protective forests, raster-based modeling