MSU Research Publications
The MSU Research Publications online database holds a set of publications from authors affiliated with Montana State University, as harvested by the MSU Library
- The indirect paths to cascading effects of extinctions in mutualistic networks Pires, Mathias M. , James L. O’Donnell, Laura A. Burkle, Cecilia Diazâ€Castelazo, David H. Hembry, Justin D. Yeakel, Erica A. Newman, Lucas P. Medeiros, Marcus A.M. de Aguiar, and Paulo R. Guimaraes Jr.
- On the difference in the net ecosystem exchange of CO 2 between deciduous and evergreen forests in the southeastern United States Novick, Kimberly A., A. Christopher Oishi, Eric J. Ward, Mario B. S. Siqueira, Jehn-Yih Juang, and Paul C. Stoy
- Registration of 'ND Victory' green field pea Bandillo, Nonoy, Hannah Worral, Shana M. Forster, Thomas Stefaniak, Lisa Piche, Andrew Ross, Shalu Jain, Julie S. Pasche, Audrey Kalil, Michael Wunsch, Malaika Ebert, Jiajia Rao, Michael H. Ostlie, Blaine G. Schatz, John R. Rickertsen, Cameron Wahlstrom, Meridith Miller, Justin Jacobs, Bryan K. Hanson, Glenn B. Martin, William Franck, Chengci Chen, and Kevin McPhee
- Efficient extraction of atomization processes from high-fidelity simulations Christensen, Brendan, and Mark Owkes