




Item Titles


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Samples (refresh page to cycle through samples)

The Pavilion at Columbia Gardens by Night, Butte, MT Postcard

The Pavilion at Columbia Gardens by Night, Butte, MT Postcard

Creator:  C.T. American Art

Date Created:  1879-1959

Keywords:  postcards, butte, columbia gardens


It's the Night before Christmas, Christmas Card from the 320 Ranch

Creator:  320 ranch

Date Created:  1879-1959

Keywords:  goodrich, 320 ranch, christmas cards, dude ranches, gallatin canyon, harriette cushman, poems

A List of Books of the Old West, Philip

A List of Books of the Old West, Philip's Book Store Brochure

Creator:  Phillips' Book Store

Date Created:  1879-1959

Keywords:  montana, indians, james willard schultz


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